Abdullah Almsaeed f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
examples f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
plugins f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
MIT-LICENSE.txt f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
README.txt f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
changes.txt f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
copyright.txt f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
excanvas.js f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
excanvas.min.js f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
gpl-2.0.txt f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
jqPlotCssStyling.txt f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
jqPlotOptions.txt f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
jquery.jqplot.css f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
jquery.jqplot.js f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
jquery.jqplot.min.css f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
jquery.jqplot.min.js f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
jquery.js f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
jquery.min.js f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
optionsTutorial.txt f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前
usage.txt f5e01e2d15 Uploaded 11 年之前


Title: jqPlot Readme

Pure JavaScript plotting plugin for jQuery.

To learn how to use jqPlot, start with the Basic Usage Instructions below. Then read the
usage.txt and jqPlotOptions.txt files included with the distribution.

The jqPlot home page is at .

Downloads can be found at .

The mailing list is at .

Examples and unit tests are at .

Documentation is at .

The project page and source code are at .

Bugs, issues, feature requests: .

Basic Usage Instructions:

jqPlot requires jQuery (1.4+ required for certain features). jQuery 1.9.1 is included in
the distribution. To use jqPlot include jQuery, the jqPlot jQuery plugin, the jqPlot css file and
optionally the excanvas script to support IE version prior to IE 9 in your web page:


For usage instructions, see in usage.txt. For available options, see
in jqPlotOptions.txt.

Building from source:

If you've cloned the repository, you can build a distribution from source.
You need to have ant installed. You can simply
type "ant" from the jqplot directory to build the default "all" target.
There are 6 pertinent targets: clean, dist, min, docs, compress and all. Use:

> ant -p

to get a description of the various build targets.

Legal Notices:

Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Chris Leonello
jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects
under both the MIT and GPL version 2.0 licenses. This means that you can
choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly.

Although not required, the author would appreciate an email letting him
know of any substantial use of jqPlot. You can reach the author at:
chris at jqplot or see http://www.jqplot.com/info.php .

If you are feeling kind and generous, consider supporting the project by
making a donation at: http://www.jqplot.com/donate.php .

jqPlot includes date instance methods and printf/sprintf functions by other authors:

Date instance methods:

author Ken Snyder (ken d snyder at gmail dot com)
date 2008-09-10
version 2.0.2 (http://kendsnyder.com/sandbox/date/)
license Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)

JavaScript printf/sprintf functions.

version 2007.04.27
author Ash Searle
The author (Ash Searle) has placed this code in the public domain:
"This code is unrestricted: you are free to use it however you like."