123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741 |
- /**
- * jqPlot
- * Pure JavaScript plotting plugin using jQuery
- *
- * Version: 1.0.8
- * Revision: 1250
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Chris Leonello
- * jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects
- * under both the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) and GPL
- * version 2.0 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) licenses. This means that you can
- * choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly.
- *
- * Although not required, the author would appreciate an email letting him
- * know of any substantial use of jqPlot. You can reach the author at:
- * chris at jqplot dot com or see http://www.jqplot.com/info.php .
- *
- * If you are feeling kind and generous, consider supporting the project by
- * making a donation at: http://www.jqplot.com/donate.php .
- *
- * sprintf functions contained in jqplot.sprintf.js by Ash Searle:
- *
- * version 2007.04.27
- * author Ash Searle
- * http://hexmen.com/blog/2007/03/printf-sprintf/
- * http://hexmen.com/js/sprintf.js
- * The author (Ash Searle) has placed this code in the public domain:
- * "This code is unrestricted: you are free to use it however you like."
- *
- */
- (function($) {
- /**
- * Class: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer
- * A plugin for a jqPlot to render an axis as a series of date values.
- * This renderer has no options beyond those supplied by the <Axis> class.
- * It supplies its own tick formatter, so the tickOptions.formatter option
- * should not be overridden.
- *
- * Thanks to Ken Synder for his enhanced Date instance methods which are
- * included with this code <http://kendsnyder.com/sandbox/date/>.
- *
- * To use this renderer, include the plugin in your source
- * > <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="plugins/jqplot.dateAxisRenderer.js"></script>
- *
- * and supply the appropriate options to your plot
- *
- * > {axes:{xaxis:{renderer:$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer}}}
- *
- * Dates can be passed into the axis in almost any recognizable value and
- * will be parsed. They will be rendered on the axis in the format
- * specified by tickOptions.formatString. e.g. tickOptions.formatString = '%Y-%m-%d'.
- *
- * Accecptable format codes
- * are:
- *
- * > Code Result Description
- * > == Years ==
- * > %Y 2008 Four-digit year
- * > %y 08 Two-digit year
- * > == Months ==
- * > %m 09 Two-digit month
- * > %#m 9 One or two-digit month
- * > %B September Full month name
- * > %b Sep Abbreviated month name
- * > == Days ==
- * > %d 05 Two-digit day of month
- * > %#d 5 One or two-digit day of month
- * > %e 5 One or two-digit day of month
- * > %A Sunday Full name of the day of the week
- * > %a Sun Abbreviated name of the day of the week
- * > %w 0 Number of the day of the week (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday)
- * > %o th The ordinal suffix string following the day of the month
- * > == Hours ==
- * > %H 23 Hours in 24-hour format (two digits)
- * > %#H 3 Hours in 24-hour integer format (one or two digits)
- * > %I 11 Hours in 12-hour format (two digits)
- * > %#I 3 Hours in 12-hour integer format (one or two digits)
- * > %p PM AM or PM
- * > == Minutes ==
- * > %M 09 Minutes (two digits)
- * > %#M 9 Minutes (one or two digits)
- * > == Seconds ==
- * > %S 02 Seconds (two digits)
- * > %#S 2 Seconds (one or two digits)
- * > %s 1206567625723 Unix timestamp (Seconds past 1970-01-01 00:00:00)
- * > == Milliseconds ==
- * > %N 008 Milliseconds (three digits)
- * > %#N 8 Milliseconds (one to three digits)
- * > == Timezone ==
- * > %O 360 difference in minutes between local time and GMT
- * > %Z Mountain Standard Time Name of timezone as reported by browser
- * > %G -06:00 Hours and minutes between GMT
- * > == Shortcuts ==
- * > %F 2008-03-26 %Y-%m-%d
- * > %T 05:06:30 %H:%M:%S
- * > %X 05:06:30 %H:%M:%S
- * > %x 03/26/08 %m/%d/%y
- * > %D 03/26/08 %m/%d/%y
- * > %#c Wed Mar 26 15:31:00 2008 %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y
- * > %v 3-Sep-2008 %e-%b-%Y
- * > %R 15:31 %H:%M
- * > %r 3:31:00 PM %I:%M:%S %p
- * > == Characters ==
- * > %n \n Newline
- * > %t \t Tab
- * > %% % Percent Symbol
- */
- $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer = function() {
- $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer.call(this);
- this.date = new $.jsDate();
- };
- var second = 1000;
- var minute = 60 * second;
- var hour = 60 * minute;
- var day = 24 * hour;
- var week = 7 * day;
- // these are less definitive
- var month = 30.4368499 * day;
- var year = 365.242199 * day;
- var daysInMonths = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,30,31,30,31,30];
- // array of consistent nice intervals. Longer intervals
- // will depend on days in month, days in year, etc.
- var niceFormatStrings = ['%M:%S.%#N', '%M:%S.%#N', '%M:%S.%#N', '%M:%S', '%M:%S', '%M:%S', '%M:%S', '%H:%M:%S', '%H:%M:%S', '%H:%M', '%H:%M', '%H:%M', '%H:%M', '%H:%M', '%H:%M', '%a %H:%M', '%a %H:%M', '%b %e %H:%M', '%b %e %H:%M', '%b %e %H:%M', '%b %e %H:%M', '%v', '%v', '%v', '%v', '%v', '%v', '%v'];
- var niceIntervals = [0.1*second, 0.2*second, 0.5*second, second, 2*second, 5*second, 10*second, 15*second, 30*second, minute, 2*minute, 5*minute, 10*minute, 15*minute, 30*minute, hour, 2*hour, 4*hour, 6*hour, 8*hour, 12*hour, day, 2*day, 3*day, 4*day, 5*day, week, 2*week];
- var niceMonthlyIntervals = [];
- function bestDateInterval(min, max, titarget) {
- // iterate through niceIntervals to find one closest to titarget
- var badness = Number.MAX_VALUE;
- var temp, bestTi, bestfmt;
- for (var i=0, l=niceIntervals.length; i < l; i++) {
- temp = Math.abs(titarget - niceIntervals[i]);
- if (temp < badness) {
- badness = temp;
- bestTi = niceIntervals[i];
- bestfmt = niceFormatStrings[i];
- }
- }
- return [bestTi, bestfmt];
- }
- $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer.prototype = new $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer();
- $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer;
- $.jqplot.DateTickFormatter = function(format, val) {
- if (!format) {
- format = '%Y/%m/%d';
- }
- return $.jsDate.strftime(val, format);
- };
- $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer.prototype.init = function(options){
- // prop: tickRenderer
- // A class of a rendering engine for creating the ticks labels displayed on the plot,
- // See <$.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer>.
- // this.tickRenderer = $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer;
- // this.labelRenderer = $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer;
- this.tickOptions.formatter = $.jqplot.DateTickFormatter;
- // prop: tickInset
- // Controls the amount to inset the first and last ticks from
- // the edges of the grid, in multiples of the tick interval.
- // 0 is no inset, 0.5 is one half a tick interval, 1 is a full
- // tick interval, etc.
- this.tickInset = 0;
- // prop: drawBaseline
- // True to draw the axis baseline.
- this.drawBaseline = true;
- // prop: baselineWidth
- // width of the baseline in pixels.
- this.baselineWidth = null;
- // prop: baselineColor
- // CSS color spec for the baseline.
- this.baselineColor = null;
- this.daTickInterval = null;
- this._daTickInterval = null;
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- var db = this._dataBounds,
- stats,
- sum,
- s,
- d,
- pd,
- sd,
- intv;
- // Go through all the series attached to this axis and find
- // the min/max bounds for this axis.
- for (var i=0; i<this._series.length; i++) {
- stats = {intervals:[], frequencies:{}, sortedIntervals:[], min:null, max:null, mean:null};
- sum = 0;
- s = this._series[i];
- d = s.data;
- pd = s._plotData;
- sd = s._stackData;
- intv = 0;
- for (var j=0; j<d.length; j++) {
- if (this.name == 'xaxis' || this.name == 'x2axis') {
- d[j][0] = new $.jsDate(d[j][0]).getTime();
- pd[j][0] = new $.jsDate(d[j][0]).getTime();
- sd[j][0] = new $.jsDate(d[j][0]).getTime();
- if ((d[j][0] != null && d[j][0] < db.min) || db.min == null) {
- db.min = d[j][0];
- }
- if ((d[j][0] != null && d[j][0] > db.max) || db.max == null) {
- db.max = d[j][0];
- }
- if (j>0) {
- intv = Math.abs(d[j][0] - d[j-1][0]);
- stats.intervals.push(intv);
- if (stats.frequencies.hasOwnProperty(intv)) {
- stats.frequencies[intv] += 1;
- }
- else {
- stats.frequencies[intv] = 1;
- }
- }
- sum += intv;
- }
- else {
- d[j][1] = new $.jsDate(d[j][1]).getTime();
- pd[j][1] = new $.jsDate(d[j][1]).getTime();
- sd[j][1] = new $.jsDate(d[j][1]).getTime();
- if ((d[j][1] != null && d[j][1] < db.min) || db.min == null) {
- db.min = d[j][1];
- }
- if ((d[j][1] != null && d[j][1] > db.max) || db.max == null) {
- db.max = d[j][1];
- }
- if (j>0) {
- intv = Math.abs(d[j][1] - d[j-1][1]);
- stats.intervals.push(intv);
- if (stats.frequencies.hasOwnProperty(intv)) {
- stats.frequencies[intv] += 1;
- }
- else {
- stats.frequencies[intv] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- sum += intv;
- }
- if (s.renderer.bands) {
- if (s.renderer.bands.hiData.length) {
- var bd = s.renderer.bands.hiData;
- for (var j=0, l=bd.length; j < l; j++) {
- if (this.name === 'xaxis' || this.name === 'x2axis') {
- bd[j][0] = new $.jsDate(bd[j][0]).getTime();
- if ((bd[j][0] != null && bd[j][0] > db.max) || db.max == null) {
- db.max = bd[j][0];
- }
- }
- else {
- bd[j][1] = new $.jsDate(bd[j][1]).getTime();
- if ((bd[j][1] != null && bd[j][1] > db.max) || db.max == null) {
- db.max = bd[j][1];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (s.renderer.bands.lowData.length) {
- var bd = s.renderer.bands.lowData;
- for (var j=0, l=bd.length; j < l; j++) {
- if (this.name === 'xaxis' || this.name === 'x2axis') {
- bd[j][0] = new $.jsDate(bd[j][0]).getTime();
- if ((bd[j][0] != null && bd[j][0] < db.min) || db.min == null) {
- db.min = bd[j][0];
- }
- }
- else {
- bd[j][1] = new $.jsDate(bd[j][1]).getTime();
- if ((bd[j][1] != null && bd[j][1] < db.min) || db.min == null) {
- db.min = bd[j][1];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var tempf = 0,
- tempn=0;
- for (var n in stats.frequencies) {
- stats.sortedIntervals.push({interval:n, frequency:stats.frequencies[n]});
- }
- stats.sortedIntervals.sort(function(a, b){
- return b.frequency - a.frequency;
- });
- stats.min = $.jqplot.arrayMin(stats.intervals);
- stats.max = $.jqplot.arrayMax(stats.intervals);
- stats.mean = sum/d.length;
- this._intervalStats.push(stats);
- stats = sum = s = d = pd = sd = null;
- }
- db = null;
- };
- // called with scope of an axis
- $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer.prototype.reset = function() {
- this.min = this._options.min;
- this.max = this._options.max;
- this.tickInterval = this._options.tickInterval;
- this.numberTicks = this._options.numberTicks;
- this._autoFormatString = '';
- if (this._overrideFormatString && this.tickOptions && this.tickOptions.formatString) {
- this.tickOptions.formatString = '';
- }
- this.daTickInterval = this._daTickInterval;
- // this._ticks = this.__ticks;
- };
- $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer.prototype.createTicks = function(plot) {
- // we're are operating on an axis here
- var ticks = this._ticks;
- var userTicks = this.ticks;
- var name = this.name;
- // databounds were set on axis initialization.
- var db = this._dataBounds;
- var iv = this._intervalStats;
- var dim = (this.name.charAt(0) === 'x') ? this._plotDimensions.width : this._plotDimensions.height;
- var interval;
- var min, max;
- var pos1, pos2;
- var tt, i;
- var threshold = 30;
- var insetMult = 1;
- var daTickInterval = null;
- // if user specified a tick interval, convert to usable.
- if (this.tickInterval != null)
- {
- // if interval is a number or can be converted to one, use it.
- // Assume it is in SECONDS!!!
- if (Number(this.tickInterval)) {
- daTickInterval = [Number(this.tickInterval), 'seconds'];
- }
- // else, parse out something we can build from.
- else if (typeof this.tickInterval == "string") {
- var parts = this.tickInterval.split(' ');
- if (parts.length == 1) {
- daTickInterval = [1, parts[0]];
- }
- else if (parts.length == 2) {
- daTickInterval = [parts[0], parts[1]];
- }
- }
- }
- var tickInterval = this.tickInterval;
- // if we already have ticks, use them.
- // ticks must be in order of increasing value.
- min = new $.jsDate((this.min != null) ? this.min : db.min).getTime();
- max = new $.jsDate((this.max != null) ? this.max : db.max).getTime();
- // see if we're zooming. if we are, don't use the min and max we're given,
- // but compute some nice ones. They will be reset later.
- var cursor = plot.plugins.cursor;
- if (cursor && cursor._zoom && cursor._zoom.zooming) {
- this.min = null;
- this.max = null;
- }
- var range = max - min;
- if (this.tickOptions == null || !this.tickOptions.formatString) {
- this._overrideFormatString = true;
- }
- if (userTicks.length) {
- // ticks could be 1D or 2D array of [val, val, ,,,] or [[val, label], [val, label], ...] or mixed
- for (i=0; i<userTicks.length; i++){
- var ut = userTicks[i];
- var t = new this.tickRenderer(this.tickOptions);
- if (ut.constructor == Array) {
- t.value = new $.jsDate(ut[0]).getTime();
- t.label = ut[1];
- if (!this.showTicks) {
- t.showLabel = false;
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- else if (!this.showTickMarks) {
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- t.setTick(t.value, this.name);
- this._ticks.push(t);
- }
- else {
- t.value = new $.jsDate(ut).getTime();
- if (!this.showTicks) {
- t.showLabel = false;
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- else if (!this.showTickMarks) {
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- t.setTick(t.value, this.name);
- this._ticks.push(t);
- }
- }
- this.numberTicks = userTicks.length;
- this.min = this._ticks[0].value;
- this.max = this._ticks[this.numberTicks-1].value;
- this.daTickInterval = [(this.max - this.min) / (this.numberTicks - 1)/1000, 'seconds'];
- }
- ////////
- // We don't have any ticks yet, let's make some!
- ////////
- // special case when there is only one point, make three tick marks to center the point
- else if (this.min == null && this.max == null && db.min == db.max)
- {
- var onePointOpts = $.extend(true, {}, this.tickOptions, {name: this.name, value: null});
- var delta = 300000;
- this.min = db.min - delta;
- this.max = db.max + delta;
- this.numberTicks = 3;
- for(var i=this.min;i<=this.max;i+= delta)
- {
- onePointOpts.value = i;
- var t = new this.tickRenderer(onePointOpts);
- if (this._overrideFormatString && this._autoFormatString != '') {
- t.formatString = this._autoFormatString;
- }
- t.showLabel = false;
- t.showMark = false;
- this._ticks.push(t);
- }
- if(this.showTicks) {
- this._ticks[1].showLabel = true;
- }
- if(this.showTickMarks) {
- this._ticks[1].showTickMarks = true;
- }
- }
- // if user specified min and max are null, we set those to make best ticks.
- else if (this.min == null && this.max == null) {
- var opts = $.extend(true, {}, this.tickOptions, {name: this.name, value: null});
- // want to find a nice interval
- var nttarget,
- titarget;
- // if no tickInterval or numberTicks options specified, make a good guess.
- if (!this.tickInterval && !this.numberTicks) {
- var tdim = Math.max(dim, threshold+1);
- // how many ticks to put on the axis?
- // date labels tend to be long. If ticks not rotated,
- // don't use too many and have a high spacing factor.
- // If we are rotating ticks, use a lower factor.
- var spacingFactor = 115;
- if (this.tickRenderer === $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer && this.tickOptions.angle) {
- spacingFactor = 115 - 40 * Math.abs(Math.sin(this.tickOptions.angle/180*Math.PI));
- }
- nttarget = Math.ceil((tdim-threshold)/spacingFactor + 1);
- titarget = (max - min) / (nttarget - 1);
- }
- // If tickInterval is specified, we'll try to honor it.
- // Not guaranteed to get this interval, but we'll get as close as
- // we can.
- // tickInterval will be used before numberTicks, that is if
- // both are specified, numberTicks will be ignored.
- else if (this.tickInterval) {
- titarget = new $.jsDate(0).add(daTickInterval[0], daTickInterval[1]).getTime();
- }
- // if numberTicks specified, try to honor it.
- // Not guaranteed, but will try to get close.
- else if (this.numberTicks) {
- nttarget = this.numberTicks;
- titarget = (max - min) / (nttarget - 1);
- }
- // If we can use an interval of 2 weeks or less, pick best one
- if (titarget <= 19*day) {
- var ret = bestDateInterval(min, max, titarget);
- var tempti = ret[0];
- this._autoFormatString = ret[1];
- min = new $.jsDate(min);
- min = Math.floor((min.getTime() - min.getUtcOffset())/tempti) * tempti + min.getUtcOffset();
- nttarget = Math.ceil((max - min) / tempti) + 1;
- this.min = min;
- this.max = min + (nttarget - 1) * tempti;
- // if max is less than max, add an interval
- if (this.max < max) {
- this.max += tempti;
- nttarget += 1;
- }
- this.tickInterval = tempti;
- this.numberTicks = nttarget;
- for (var i=0; i<nttarget; i++) {
- opts.value = this.min + i * tempti;
- t = new this.tickRenderer(opts);
- if (this._overrideFormatString && this._autoFormatString != '') {
- t.formatString = this._autoFormatString;
- }
- if (!this.showTicks) {
- t.showLabel = false;
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- else if (!this.showTickMarks) {
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- this._ticks.push(t);
- }
- insetMult = this.tickInterval;
- }
- // should we use a monthly interval?
- else if (titarget <= 9 * month) {
- this._autoFormatString = '%v';
- // how many months in an interval?
- var intv = Math.round(titarget/month);
- if (intv < 1) {
- intv = 1;
- }
- else if (intv > 6) {
- intv = 6;
- }
- // figure out the starting month and ending month.
- var mstart = new $.jsDate(min).setDate(1).setHours(0,0,0,0);
- // See if max ends exactly on a month
- var tempmend = new $.jsDate(max);
- var mend = new $.jsDate(max).setDate(1).setHours(0,0,0,0);
- if (tempmend.getTime() !== mend.getTime()) {
- mend = mend.add(1, 'month');
- }
- var nmonths = mend.diff(mstart, 'month');
- nttarget = Math.ceil(nmonths/intv) + 1;
- this.min = mstart.getTime();
- this.max = mstart.clone().add((nttarget - 1) * intv, 'month').getTime();
- this.numberTicks = nttarget;
- for (var i=0; i<nttarget; i++) {
- if (i === 0) {
- opts.value = mstart.getTime();
- }
- else {
- opts.value = mstart.add(intv, 'month').getTime();
- }
- t = new this.tickRenderer(opts);
- if (this._overrideFormatString && this._autoFormatString != '') {
- t.formatString = this._autoFormatString;
- }
- if (!this.showTicks) {
- t.showLabel = false;
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- else if (!this.showTickMarks) {
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- this._ticks.push(t);
- }
- insetMult = intv * month;
- }
- // use yearly intervals
- else {
- this._autoFormatString = '%v';
- // how many years in an interval?
- var intv = Math.round(titarget/year);
- if (intv < 1) {
- intv = 1;
- }
- // figure out the starting and ending years.
- var mstart = new $.jsDate(min).setMonth(0, 1).setHours(0,0,0,0);
- var mend = new $.jsDate(max).add(1, 'year').setMonth(0, 1).setHours(0,0,0,0);
- var nyears = mend.diff(mstart, 'year');
- nttarget = Math.ceil(nyears/intv) + 1;
- this.min = mstart.getTime();
- this.max = mstart.clone().add((nttarget - 1) * intv, 'year').getTime();
- this.numberTicks = nttarget;
- for (var i=0; i<nttarget; i++) {
- if (i === 0) {
- opts.value = mstart.getTime();
- }
- else {
- opts.value = mstart.add(intv, 'year').getTime();
- }
- t = new this.tickRenderer(opts);
- if (this._overrideFormatString && this._autoFormatString != '') {
- t.formatString = this._autoFormatString;
- }
- if (!this.showTicks) {
- t.showLabel = false;
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- else if (!this.showTickMarks) {
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- this._ticks.push(t);
- }
- insetMult = intv * year;
- }
- }
- ////////
- // Some option(s) specified, work around that.
- ////////
- else {
- if (name == 'xaxis' || name == 'x2axis') {
- dim = this._plotDimensions.width;
- }
- else {
- dim = this._plotDimensions.height;
- }
- // if min, max and number of ticks specified, user can't specify interval.
- if (this.min != null && this.max != null && this.numberTicks != null) {
- this.tickInterval = null;
- }
- if (this.tickInterval != null && daTickInterval != null) {
- this.daTickInterval = daTickInterval;
- }
- // if min and max are same, space them out a bit
- if (min == max) {
- var adj = 24*60*60*500; // 1/2 day
- min -= adj;
- max += adj;
- }
- range = max - min;
- var optNumTicks = 2 + parseInt(Math.max(0, dim-100)/100, 10);
- var rmin, rmax;
- rmin = (this.min != null) ? new $.jsDate(this.min).getTime() : min - range/2*(this.padMin - 1);
- rmax = (this.max != null) ? new $.jsDate(this.max).getTime() : max + range/2*(this.padMax - 1);
- this.min = rmin;
- this.max = rmax;
- range = this.max - this.min;
- if (this.numberTicks == null){
- // if tickInterval is specified by user, we will ignore computed maximum.
- // max will be equal or greater to fit even # of ticks.
- if (this.daTickInterval != null) {
- var nc = new $.jsDate(this.max).diff(this.min, this.daTickInterval[1], true);
- this.numberTicks = Math.ceil(nc/this.daTickInterval[0]) +1;
- // this.max = new $.jsDate(this.min).add(this.numberTicks-1, this.daTickInterval[1]).getTime();
- this.max = new $.jsDate(this.min).add((this.numberTicks-1) * this.daTickInterval[0], this.daTickInterval[1]).getTime();
- }
- else if (dim > 200) {
- this.numberTicks = parseInt(3+(dim-200)/100, 10);
- }
- else {
- this.numberTicks = 2;
- }
- }
- insetMult = range / (this.numberTicks-1)/1000;
- if (this.daTickInterval == null) {
- this.daTickInterval = [insetMult, 'seconds'];
- }
- for (var i=0; i<this.numberTicks; i++){
- var min = new $.jsDate(this.min);
- tt = min.add(i*this.daTickInterval[0], this.daTickInterval[1]).getTime();
- var t = new this.tickRenderer(this.tickOptions);
- // var t = new $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer(this.tickOptions);
- if (!this.showTicks) {
- t.showLabel = false;
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- else if (!this.showTickMarks) {
- t.showMark = false;
- }
- t.setTick(tt, this.name);
- this._ticks.push(t);
- }
- }
- if (this.tickInset) {
- this.min = this.min - this.tickInset * insetMult;
- this.max = this.max + this.tickInset * insetMult;
- }
- if (this._daTickInterval == null) {
- this._daTickInterval = this.daTickInterval;
- }
- ticks = null;
- };
- })(jQuery);