123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573 |
- import sys
- import json
- import csv
- import shapely.wkb
- import shapely.geometry
- import shapely.ops
- import codecs
- import os
- import inspect
- import copy
- from osgeo import ogr
- from osgeo import osr
- from booleano.parser import Grammar, EvaluableParseManager, SymbolTable, Bind
- from booleano.operations import Variable
- class Map:
- def __init__(self, name, language):
- self.paths = {}
- self.name = name
- self.language = language
- self.width = 0
- self.height = 0
- self.bbox = []
- def addPath(self, path, code, name):
- self.paths[code] = {"path": path, "name": name}
- def getJSCode(self):
- map = {"paths": self.paths, "width": self.width, "height": self.height, "insets": self.insets, "projection": self.projection}
- return "jQuery.fn.vectorMap('addMap', '"+self.name+"_"+self.projection['type']+"',"+json.dumps(map)+');'
- class Converter:
- def __init__(self, config):
- args = {
- 'buffer_distance': -0.4,
- 'simplify_tolerance': 0.2,
- 'longitude0': 0,
- 'projection': 'mill',
- 'name': 'world',
- 'width': 900,
- 'left': 0,
- 'top': 0,
- 'language': 'en',
- 'precision': 2,
- 'insets': []
- }
- args.update(config)
- self.config = args
- self.map = Map(args['name'], args.get('language'))
- if args.get('sources'):
- self.sources = args['sources']
- else:
- self.sources = [{
- 'input_file': args.get('input_file'),
- 'where': args.get('where'),
- 'name_field': args.get('name_field'),
- 'code_field': args.get('code_field'),
- 'input_file_encoding': args.get('input_file_encoding')
- }]
- default_source = {
- 'where': '',
- 'name_field': 0,
- 'code_field': 1,
- 'input_file_encoding': 'iso-8859-1'
- }
- for index in range(len(self.sources)):
- for key in default_source:
- if self.sources[index].get(key) is None:
- self.sources[index][key] = default_source[key]
- self.features = {}
- self.width = args.get('width')
- self.left = args.get('left')
- self.top = args.get('top')
- self.minimal_area = args.get('minimal_area')
- self.longitude0 = float(args.get('longitude0'))
- self.projection = args.get('projection')
- self.precision = args.get('precision')
- self.buffer_distance = args.get('buffer_distance')
- self.simplify_tolerance = args.get('simplify_tolerance')
- self.for_each = args.get('for_each')
- self.emulate_longitude0 = args.get('emulate_longitude0')
- if args.get('emulate_longitude0') is None and (self.projection == 'merc' or self.projection =='mill') and self.longitude0 != 0:
- self.emulate_longitude0 = True
- if args.get('viewport'):
- self.viewport = map(lambda s: float(s), args.get('viewport').split(' '))
- else:
- self.viewport = False
- # spatial reference to convert to
- self.spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
- projString = '+proj='+str(self.projection)+' +a=6381372 +b=6381372 +lat_0=0'
- if not self.emulate_longitude0:
- projString += ' +lon_0='+str(self.longitude0)
- self.spatialRef.ImportFromProj4(projString)
- # handle map insets
- if args.get('insets'):
- self.insets = args.get('insets')
- else:
- self.insets = []
- def convert(self, data_source, output_file):
- codes = map(lambda g: g.properties[self.config['code_field']], data_source.geometries)
- main_codes = copy.copy(codes)
- self.map.insets = []
- envelope = []
- for inset in self.insets:
- insetBbox = self.renderMapInset(data_source, inset['codes'], inset['left'], inset['top'], inset['width'])
- insetHeight = (insetBbox[3] - insetBbox[1]) * (inset['width'] / (insetBbox[2] - insetBbox[0]))
- self.map.insets.append({
- "bbox": [{"x": insetBbox[0], "y": -insetBbox[3]}, {"x": insetBbox[2], "y": -insetBbox[1]}],
- "left": inset['left'],
- "top": inset['top'],
- "width": inset['width'],
- "height": insetHeight
- })
- envelope.append(
- shapely.geometry.box(
- inset['left'], inset['top'], inset['left'] + inset['width'], inset['top'] + insetHeight
- )
- )
- for code in inset['codes']:
- main_codes.remove(code)
- insetBbox = self.renderMapInset(data_source, main_codes, self.left, self.top, self.width)
- insetHeight = (insetBbox[3] - insetBbox[1]) * (self.width / (insetBbox[2] - insetBbox[0]))
- envelope.append( shapely.geometry.box( self.left, self.top, self.left + self.width, self.top + insetHeight ) )
- mapBbox = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon( envelope ).bounds
- self.map.width = mapBbox[2] + mapBbox[0]
- self.map.height = mapBbox[3] + mapBbox[1]
- self.map.insets.append({
- "bbox": [{"x": insetBbox[0], "y": -insetBbox[3]}, {"x": insetBbox[2], "y": -insetBbox[1]}],
- "left": self.left,
- "top": self.top,
- "width": self.width,
- "height": insetHeight
- })
- self.map.projection = {"type": self.projection, "centralMeridian": float(self.longitude0)}
- open(output_file, 'w').write( self.map.getJSCode() )
- if self.for_each is not None:
- for code in codes:
- childConfig = copy.deepcopy(self.for_each)
- for param in ('input_file', 'output_file', 'where', 'name'):
- childConfig[param] = childConfig[param].replace('{{code}}', code.lower())
- converter = Converter(childConfig)
- converter.convert(childConfig['output_file'])
- def renderMapInset(self, data_source, codes, left, top, width):
- envelope = []
- geometries = filter(lambda g: g.properties[self.config['code_field']] in codes, data_source.geometries)
- for geometry in geometries:
- envelope.append( geometry.geom.envelope )
- bbox = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon( envelope ).bounds
- scale = (bbox[2]-bbox[0]) / width
- # generate SVG paths
- for geometry in geometries:
- geom = geometry.geom
- if self.buffer_distance:
- geom = geom.buffer(self.buffer_distance*scale, 1)
- if geom.is_empty:
- continue
- if self.simplify_tolerance:
- geom = geom.simplify(self.simplify_tolerance*scale, preserve_topology=True)
- if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon):
- polygons = geom.geoms
- else:
- polygons = [geom]
- path = ''
- for polygon in polygons:
- rings = []
- rings.append(polygon.exterior)
- rings.extend(polygon.interiors)
- for ring in rings:
- for pointIndex in range( len(ring.coords) ):
- point = ring.coords[pointIndex]
- if pointIndex == 0:
- path += 'M'+str( round( (point[0]-bbox[0]) / scale + left, self.precision) )
- path += ','+str( round( (bbox[3] - point[1]) / scale + top, self.precision) )
- else:
- path += 'l' + str( round(point[0]/scale - ring.coords[pointIndex-1][0]/scale, self.precision) )
- path += ',' + str( round(ring.coords[pointIndex-1][1]/scale - point[1]/scale, self.precision) )
- path += 'Z'
- self.map.addPath(path, geometry.properties[self.config['code_field']], geometry.properties[self.config['name_field']])
- return bbox
- class Geometry:
- def __init__(self, geometry, properties):
- self.geom = geometry
- self.properties = properties
- class GeometryProperty(Variable):
- operations = set(["equality", "membership"])
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- def equals(self, value, context):
- return context[self.name] == value
- def belongs_to(self, value, context):
- return value in context[self.name]
- def is_subset(self, value, context):
- return set(value).issubset(set(context[self.name]))
- def to_python(self, value):
- return unicode(value[self.name])
- class DataSource:
- def __init__(self, config):
- default_config = {
- "projection": "merc",
- "longitude0": 0
- }
- default_config.update(config)
- self.config = default_config
- self.spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
- projString = '+proj='+str(self.config['projection'])+' +a=6381372 +b=6381372 +lat_0=0'
- #if 'emulate_longitude0' in self.config and not self.config['emulate_longitude0']:
- projString += ' +lon_0='+str(self.config['longitude0'])
- self.spatialRef.ImportFromProj4(projString)
- def load_data(self):
- self.source = ogr.Open( self.config['file_name'], update = 0 )
- self.layer = self.source.GetLayer(0)
- if 'filter' in self.config and self.config['filter'] is not None:
- self.layer.SetAttributeFilter( self.config['filter'].encode('ascii') )
- self.layer_dfn = self.layer.GetLayerDefn()
- self.fields = []
- field_count = self.layer_dfn.GetFieldCount()
- for field_index in range(field_count):
- field = self.layer_dfn.GetFieldDefn( field_index )
- self.fields.append({
- 'name': field.GetName(),
- 'type': field.GetType(),
- 'width': field.GetWidth(),
- 'precision': field.GetPrecision()
- })
- self.geometries = []
- for feature in self.layer:
- geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
- geometry.TransformTo( self.spatialRef )
- geometry = shapely.wkb.loads( geometry.ExportToWkb() )
- if not geometry.is_valid:
- geometry = geometry.buffer(0)
- properties = {}
- for field in self.fields:
- properties[field['name']] = feature.GetFieldAsString(field['name']).decode('utf-8')
- self.geometries.append( Geometry(geometry, properties) )
- self.layer.ResetReading()
- self.create_grammar()
- def create_grammar(self):
- root_table = SymbolTable("root",
- map( lambda f: Bind(f['name'], GeometryProperty(f['name'])), self.fields )
- )
- tokens = {
- 'not': 'not',
- 'eq': '==',
- 'ne': '!=',
- 'belongs_to': 'in',
- 'is_subset': 'are included in',
- 'or': "or",
- 'and': 'and'
- }
- grammar = Grammar(**tokens)
- self.parse_manager = EvaluableParseManager(root_table, grammar)
- def output(self, output):
- if output.get('format') == 'jvectormap':
- self.output_jvm(output)
- else:
- self.output_ogr(output)
- def output_ogr(self, output):
- driver = ogr.GetDriverByName( 'ESRI Shapefile' )
- if os.path.exists( output['file_name'] ):
- driver.DeleteDataSource( output['file_name'] )
- source = driver.CreateDataSource( output['file_name'] )
- layer = source.CreateLayer( self.layer_dfn.GetName(),
- geom_type = self.layer_dfn.GetGeomType(),
- srs = self.layer.GetSpatialRef() )
- for field in self.fields:
- fd = ogr.FieldDefn( str(field['name']), field['type'] )
- fd.SetWidth( field['width'] )
- if 'precision' in field:
- fd.SetPrecision( field['precision'] )
- layer.CreateField( fd )
- for geometry in self.geometries:
- if geometry.geom is not None:
- feature = ogr.Feature( feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn() )
- for index, field in enumerate(self.fields):
- if field['name'] in geometry.properties:
- feature.SetField( index, geometry.properties[field['name']].encode('utf-8') )
- else:
- feature.SetField( index, '' )
- feature.SetGeometryDirectly(
- ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(
- shapely.wkb.dumps(
- geometry.geom
- )
- )
- )
- layer.CreateFeature( feature )
- feature.Destroy()
- source.Destroy()
- def output_jvm(self, output):
- params = copy.deepcopy(output['params'])
- params.update({
- "projection": self.config["projection"],
- "longitude0": self.config["longitude0"]
- })
- converter = Converter(params)
- converter.convert(self, output['file_name'])
- class PolygonSimplifier:
- def __init__(self, geometries):
- self.format = '%.8f %.8f'
- self.tolerance = 0.05
- self.geometries = geometries
- connections = {}
- counter = 0
- for geom in geometries:
- counter += 1
- polygons = []
- if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon):
- polygons.append(geom)
- else:
- for polygon in geom:
- polygons.append(polygon)
- for polygon in polygons:
- if polygon.area > 0:
- lines = []
- lines.append(polygon.exterior)
- for line in polygon.interiors:
- lines.append(line)
- for line in lines:
- for i in range(len(line.coords)-1):
- indexFrom = i
- indexTo = i+1
- pointFrom = self.format % line.coords[indexFrom]
- pointTo = self.format % line.coords[indexTo]
- if pointFrom == pointTo:
- continue
- if not (pointFrom in connections):
- connections[pointFrom] = {}
- connections[pointFrom][pointTo] = 1
- if not (pointTo in connections):
- connections[pointTo] = {}
- connections[pointTo][pointFrom] = 1
- self.connections = connections
- self.simplifiedLines = {}
- self.pivotPoints = {}
- def simplifyRing(self, ring):
- coords = list(ring.coords)[0:-1]
- simpleCoords = []
- isPivot = False
- pointIndex = 0
- while not isPivot and pointIndex < len(coords):
- pointStr = self.format % coords[pointIndex]
- pointIndex += 1
- isPivot = ((len(self.connections[pointStr]) > 2) or (pointStr in self.pivotPoints))
- pointIndex = pointIndex - 1
- if not isPivot:
- simpleRing = shapely.geometry.LineString(coords).simplify(self.tolerance)
- if len(simpleRing.coords) <= 2:
- return None
- else:
- self.pivotPoints[self.format % coords[0]] = True
- self.pivotPoints[self.format % coords[-1]] = True
- simpleLineKey = self.format % coords[0]+':'+self.format % coords[1]+':'+self.format % coords[-1]
- self.simplifiedLines[simpleLineKey] = simpleRing.coords
- return simpleRing
- else:
- points = coords[pointIndex:len(coords)]
- points.extend(coords[0:pointIndex+1])
- iFrom = 0
- for i in range(1, len(points)):
- pointStr = self.format % points[i]
- if ((len(self.connections[pointStr]) > 2) or (pointStr in self.pivotPoints)):
- line = points[iFrom:i+1]
- lineKey = self.format % line[-1]+':'+self.format % line[-2]+':'+self.format % line[0]
- if lineKey in self.simplifiedLines:
- simpleLine = self.simplifiedLines[lineKey]
- simpleLine = list(reversed(simpleLine))
- else:
- simpleLine = shapely.geometry.LineString(line).simplify(self.tolerance).coords
- lineKey = self.format % line[0]+':'+self.format % line[1]+':'+self.format % line[-1]
- self.simplifiedLines[lineKey] = simpleLine
- simpleCoords.extend( simpleLine[0:-1] )
- iFrom = i
- if len(simpleCoords) <= 2:
- return None
- else:
- return shapely.geometry.LineString(simpleCoords)
- def simplifyPolygon(self, polygon):
- simpleExtRing = self.simplifyRing(polygon.exterior)
- if simpleExtRing is None:
- return None
- simpleIntRings = []
- for ring in polygon.interiors:
- simpleIntRing = self.simplifyRing(ring)
- if simpleIntRing is not None:
- simpleIntRings.append(simpleIntRing)
- return shapely.geometry.Polygon(simpleExtRing, simpleIntRings)
- def simplify(self):
- results = []
- for geom in self.geometries:
- polygons = []
- simplePolygons = []
- if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon):
- polygons.append(geom)
- else:
- for polygon in geom:
- polygons.append(polygon)
- for polygon in polygons:
- simplePolygon = self.simplifyPolygon(polygon)
- if not (simplePolygon is None or simplePolygon._geom is None):
- simplePolygons.append(simplePolygon)
- if len(simplePolygons) > 0:
- results.append(shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(simplePolygons))
- else:
- results.append(None)
- return results
- class Processor:
- def __init__(self, config):
- self.config = config
- def process(self):
- self.data_sources = {}
- for action in self.config:
- getattr(self, action['name'])( action, self.data_sources.get(".") )
- def read_data(self, config, data_source):
- self.data_sources["."] = DataSource( config )
- self.data_sources["."].load_data()
- def write_data(self, config, data_source):
- data_source.output( config )
- def union(self, config, data_source):
- groups = {}
- geometries = []
- for geometry in data_source.geometries:
- if geometry.properties[config['by']] in groups:
- groups[geometry.properties[config['by']]]['geoms'].append(geometry.geom)
- else:
- groups[geometry.properties[config['by']]] = {
- 'geoms': [geometry.geom],
- 'properties': geometry.properties
- }
- for key in groups:
- geometries.append( Geometry(shapely.ops.cascaded_union( groups[key]['geoms'] ), groups[key]['properties']) )
- data_source.geometries = geometries
- def merge(self, config, data_source):
- new_geometries = []
- for rule in config['rules']:
- expression = data_source.parse_manager.parse( rule['where'] )
- geometries = filter(lambda g: expression(g.properties), data_source.geometries)
- geometries = map(lambda g: g.geom, geometries)
- new_geometries.append( Geometry(shapely.ops.cascaded_union( geometries ), rule['fields']) )
- data_source.fields = config['fields']
- data_source.geometries = new_geometries
- def join_data(self, config, data_source):
- field_names = [f['name'] for f in config['fields']]
- if 'data' in config:
- data_col = config['data']
- else:
- data_file = open(config['file_name'], 'rb')
- data_col = csv.reader(data_file, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"')
- data = {}
- for row in data_col:
- row_dict = dict(zip(field_names, row))
- data[row_dict.pop(config['on'])] = row_dict
- for geometry in data_source.geometries:
- if geometry.properties[config['on']] in data:
- geometry.properties.update( data[geometry.properties[config['on']]] )
- field_names = map(lambda f: f['name'], data_source.fields)
- data_source.fields = data_source.fields + filter(lambda f: f['name'] not in field_names, config['fields'])
- def remove(self, config, data_source):
- expression = data_source.parse_manager.parse( config['where'] )
- data_source.geometries = filter(lambda g: not expression(g.properties), data_source.geometries)
- def remove_fields(self, config, data_source):
- data_source.fields = filter(lambda f: f.name not in config['fields'], data_source.fields)
- def remove_other_fields(self, config, data_source):
- data_source.fields = filter(lambda f: f['name'] in config['fields'], data_source.fields)
- def buffer(self, config, data_source):
- for geometry in data_source.geometries:
- geometry.geom = geometry.geom.buffer(config['distance'], config['resolution'])
- def simplify_adjancent_polygons(self, config, data_source):
- simple_geometries = PolygonSimplifier( map( lambda g: g.geom, data_source.geometries ) ).simplify()
- for i in range(len(data_source.geometries)):
- data_source.geometries[i].geom = simple_geometries[i]
- def intersect_rect(self, config, data_source):
- transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation( data_source.layer.GetSpatialRef(), data_source.spatialRef )
- point1 = transform.TransformPoint(config['rect'][0], config['rect'][1])
- point2 = transform.TransformPoint(config['rect'][2], config['rect'][3])
- rect = shapely.geometry.box(point1[0], point1[1], point2[0], point2[1])
- for geometry in data_source.geometries:
- geometry.geom = geometry.geom.intersection(rect)
- def remove_small_polygons(self, config, data_source):
- for geometry in data_source.geometries:
- if isinstance(geometry.geom, shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon):
- polygons = geometry.geom.geoms
- else:
- polygons = [geometry.geom]
- polygons = filter(lambda p: p.area > config['minimal_area'], polygons)
- if len(polygons) > 0:
- geometry.geom = shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon(polygons)
- args = {}
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- paramsJson = open(sys.argv[1], 'r').read()
- else:
- paramsJson = sys.stdin.read()
- paramsJson = json.loads(paramsJson)
- processor = Processor(paramsJson)
- processor.process()