123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286 |
- ( function( factory ) {
- if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
- define( [
- "jquery",
- "../escape-selector",
- "../form-reset-mixin",
- "../labels",
- "../widget"
- ], factory );
- } else {
- factory( jQuery );
- }
- }( function( $ ) {
- $.widget( "ui.checkboxradio", [ $.ui.formResetMixin, {
- version: "1.12.1",
- options: {
- disabled: null,
- label: null,
- icon: true,
- classes: {
- "ui-checkboxradio-label": "ui-corner-all",
- "ui-checkboxradio-icon": "ui-corner-all"
- }
- },
- _getCreateOptions: function() {
- var disabled, labels;
- var that = this;
- var options = this._super() || {};
- this._readType();
- labels = this.element.labels();
- this.label = $( labels[ labels.length - 1 ] );
- if ( !this.label.length ) {
- $.error( "No label found for checkboxradio widget" );
- }
- this.originalLabel = "";
- this.label.contents().not( this.element[ 0 ] ).each( function() {
- that.originalLabel += this.nodeType === 3 ? $( this ).text() : this.outerHTML;
- } );
- if ( this.originalLabel ) {
- options.label = this.originalLabel;
- }
- disabled = this.element[ 0 ].disabled;
- if ( disabled != null ) {
- options.disabled = disabled;
- }
- return options;
- },
- _create: function() {
- var checked = this.element[ 0 ].checked;
- this._bindFormResetHandler();
- if ( this.options.disabled == null ) {
- this.options.disabled = this.element[ 0 ].disabled;
- }
- this._setOption( "disabled", this.options.disabled );
- this._addClass( "ui-checkboxradio", "ui-helper-hidden-accessible" );
- this._addClass( this.label, "ui-checkboxradio-label", "ui-button ui-widget" );
- if ( this.type === "radio" ) {
- this._addClass( this.label, "ui-checkboxradio-radio-label" );
- }
- if ( this.options.label && this.options.label !== this.originalLabel ) {
- this._updateLabel();
- } else if ( this.originalLabel ) {
- this.options.label = this.originalLabel;
- }
- this._enhance();
- if ( checked ) {
- this._addClass( this.label, "ui-checkboxradio-checked", "ui-state-active" );
- if ( this.icon ) {
- this._addClass( this.icon, null, "ui-state-hover" );
- }
- }
- this._on( {
- change: "_toggleClasses",
- focus: function() {
- this._addClass( this.label, null, "ui-state-focus ui-visual-focus" );
- },
- blur: function() {
- this._removeClass( this.label, null, "ui-state-focus ui-visual-focus" );
- }
- } );
- },
- _readType: function() {
- var nodeName = this.element[ 0 ].nodeName.toLowerCase();
- this.type = this.element[ 0 ].type;
- if ( nodeName !== "input" || !/radio|checkbox/.test( this.type ) ) {
- $.error( "Can't create checkboxradio on element.nodeName=" + nodeName +
- " and element.type=" + this.type );
- }
- },
- _enhance: function() {
- this._updateIcon( this.element[ 0 ].checked );
- },
- widget: function() {
- return this.label;
- },
- _getRadioGroup: function() {
- var group;
- var name = this.element[ 0 ].name;
- var nameSelector = "input[name='" + $.ui.escapeSelector( name ) + "']";
- if ( !name ) {
- return $( [] );
- }
- if ( this.form.length ) {
- group = $( this.form[ 0 ].elements ).filter( nameSelector );
- } else {
- group = $( nameSelector ).filter( function() {
- return $( this ).form().length === 0;
- } );
- }
- return group.not( this.element );
- },
- _toggleClasses: function() {
- var checked = this.element[ 0 ].checked;
- this._toggleClass( this.label, "ui-checkboxradio-checked", "ui-state-active", checked );
- if ( this.options.icon && this.type === "checkbox" ) {
- this._toggleClass( this.icon, null, "ui-icon-check ui-state-checked", checked )
- ._toggleClass( this.icon, null, "ui-icon-blank", !checked );
- }
- if ( this.type === "radio" ) {
- this._getRadioGroup()
- .each( function() {
- var instance = $( this ).checkboxradio( "instance" );
- if ( instance ) {
- instance._removeClass( instance.label,
- "ui-checkboxradio-checked", "ui-state-active" );
- }
- } );
- }
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- this._unbindFormResetHandler();
- if ( this.icon ) {
- this.icon.remove();
- this.iconSpace.remove();
- }
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- if ( key === "label" && !value ) {
- return;
- }
- this._super( key, value );
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- this._toggleClass( this.label, null, "ui-state-disabled", value );
- this.element[ 0 ].disabled = value;
- return;
- }
- this.refresh();
- },
- _updateIcon: function( checked ) {
- var toAdd = "ui-icon ui-icon-background ";
- if ( this.options.icon ) {
- if ( !this.icon ) {
- this.icon = $( "<span>" );
- this.iconSpace = $( "<span> </span>" );
- this._addClass( this.iconSpace, "ui-checkboxradio-icon-space" );
- }
- if ( this.type === "checkbox" ) {
- toAdd += checked ? "ui-icon-check ui-state-checked" : "ui-icon-blank";
- this._removeClass( this.icon, null, checked ? "ui-icon-blank" : "ui-icon-check" );
- } else {
- toAdd += "ui-icon-blank";
- }
- this._addClass( this.icon, "ui-checkboxradio-icon", toAdd );
- if ( !checked ) {
- this._removeClass( this.icon, null, "ui-icon-check ui-state-checked" );
- }
- this.icon.prependTo( this.label ).after( this.iconSpace );
- } else if ( this.icon !== undefined ) {
- this.icon.remove();
- this.iconSpace.remove();
- delete this.icon;
- }
- },
- _updateLabel: function() {
- var contents = this.label.contents().not( this.element[ 0 ] );
- if ( this.icon ) {
- contents = contents.not( this.icon[ 0 ] );
- }
- if ( this.iconSpace ) {
- contents = contents.not( this.iconSpace[ 0 ] );
- }
- contents.remove();
- this.label.append( this.options.label );
- },
- refresh: function() {
- var checked = this.element[ 0 ].checked,
- isDisabled = this.element[ 0 ].disabled;
- this._updateIcon( checked );
- this._toggleClass( this.label, "ui-checkboxradio-checked", "ui-state-active", checked );
- if ( this.options.label !== null ) {
- this._updateLabel();
- }
- if ( isDisabled !== this.options.disabled ) {
- this._setOptions( { "disabled": isDisabled } );
- }
- }
- } ] );
- return $.ui.checkboxradio;
- } ) );