layout: page
The starter page is a good place to start building your app if you'd like to start from scratch. {: .quote-info .mt-0}
The layout consists of four major parts:
. A div that wraps the whole site..main-header
. Contains the logo and navbar..sidebar-wrapper
. Contains the user panel and sidebar menu..content-wrapper
. Contains the page header and content.{: .mt-4}
You cannot use both layout-boxed and layout-navbar-fixed or layout-footer-fixed at the same time. Anything else can be mixed together. {: .quote-danger}
AdminLTE 3.0 provides a set of options to apply to your main layout. Each one of these classes can be added to the body tag to get the desired goal.
to get a fixed sidebar..layout-navbar-fixed
to get a fixed navbar..layout-footer-fixed
to get a fixed footer..sidebar-collapse
to have a collapsed sidebar upon loading..layout-boxed
to get a boxed layout that stretches only to 1250px..layout-top-nav
to remove the sidebar and have your links at the top navbar.You can also use the following classes for responsive changes with placing
to get a fixed navbar..layout-*-navbar-not-fixed
to get a not fixed navbar..layout-*-footer-fixed
to get a fixed footer..layout-*-footer-not-fixed
to get a not fixed footer.Tip!
If you want to use anchors with a fixed navbar, you need to add
to you hidden anchor, e.g.<a id="testAnchor" class="anchor"></a>
.To get a smooth scrolling to the anchor you need to add
to your HTML tag like this<html class="scroll-smooth">
otherwise it jumps directly to your anchor,.scroll-smooth
can cause issues with a Chrome extension called ScrollAnywhere. {: .quote-info}
AdminLTE 3.0 provides a set of color variations to apply to your sidebar (light & dark) & navbar. You can combine any available color with these class prefixes:
You can use override the link/accent color in AdminLTE, you can add
. {: .quote-info}Info
You can combine
. {: .quote-info}
The following colors are available:
{: .mt-4}
{: .mt-4}
You can use these color variations even with
& much more. {: .quote-info}
For custom colored custom-range you can add this classes:
For custom colored custom-switch you can add this classes:
(for custom switch off).custom-switch-on-*
(for custom switch on)You can also use bg-*
beside the .toast
to get a nice colored toast.
You can use the all the colors above with these plugins:
(wrapped around the slider).icheck-*