layout: page
title: Control Sidebar Plugin

The control sidebar component is part of AdminLTE's layout as the right sidebar. 

##### Usage
This plugin can be activated as a jQuery plugin or using the data api. To activate the plugin, you must first add the HTML markup to your layout, then create the toggle button as shown below. 

###### HTML Markup
{: .text-bold }
<!-- Control Sidebar -->
<aside class="control-sidebar control-sidebar-dark">
  <!-- Control sidebar content goes here -->
<!-- /.control-sidebar -->

###### Data api
{: .text-bold }
Add `data-widget="control-sidebar"` to any button or a element to activate the plugin.

<a href="#" data-widget="control-sidebar">Toggle Control Sidebar</a>

###### jQuery
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Just like all other AdminLTE plugins, you can also activate the toggle button using jQuery by running the following example. 

##### Options

| Name | Type | Default | Description
|controlsidebarSlide | Boolean | TRUE | Whether the sidebar should slide over the content or push the content to make space for itself.
|scrollbarTheme | Boolean | `os-theme-light` | Scrollbar Theme used while SideBar Fixed
|scrollbarAutoHide | Boolean | `l` | Scrollbar auto-hide trigger
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> ##### Tip!
> You can use any option via the data-attributes like this to enable auto collapse sidebar on 768 pixels width.
> ```html
> <a href="#" data-widget="control-sidebar" data-controlsidebar-slide="false">Toggle Control Sidebar</a>
> ```
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##### Events
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| Event Type | Description
|expanded.lte.controlsidebar | Triggered after a control sidebar expands.
|collapsed.lte.controlsidebar | Triggered after a control sidebar collapses.
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Example: `$('#toggle-button').on('expanded.lte.controlsidebar', handleExpandedEvent)`

##### Methods
{: .mt-4}

| Method | Description
|collapse | Collapses the control-sidebar
|show | Show's the control-sidebar
|toggle | Toggles the state of the control-sidebar expanded and collapsed
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Example: `$('#toggle-button').ControlSidebar('toggle')`