/* Core: General style ---------------------------- */ html, body { overflow-x: hidden!important; font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; min-height: 100%; background: @body-bg; } a { color: @link-color; } a:hover, a:active, a:focus { outline: none; text-decoration: none; color: @link-hover-color; } /* Layouts */ .wrapper { min-height: 100%; .clearfix(); } /* Header */ body > .header { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; z-index: 1030; } /* Define 2 column template */ .right-side, .left-side { min-height: 100%; display: block; } /*right side - contins main content*/ .right-side { background-color: @body-bg; margin-left: @left-side-width; } /*left side - contains sidebar*/ .left-side { position: absolute; width: @left-side-width; top: 0; } @media screen and (min-width: @screen-md) { .left-side { top: 50px; } /*Right side strech mode*/ .right-side.strech { margin-left: 0; > .content-header { margin-top: 0px; } } /* Left side collapse */ .left-side.collapse-left { left: -@left-side-width; } } /*Give content full width on xs screens*/ @media screen and (max-width: @screen-md) { .right-side { margin-left: 0; } } /* By default the layout is not fixed but if you add the class .fixed to the body element the sidebar and the navbar will automatically become poisitioned fixed */ body.fixed { > .header, .left-side, .navbar { position: fixed; } > .header { top: 0; right: 0; left: 0; } .navbar { left: 0; right: 0; } .wrapper { margin-top: 50px; } } /* Content */ .content { padding: 20px 15px; background: @body-bg; overflow: auto; } /* Utility */ /* H1 - H6 font */ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6 { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif; } /* Page Header */ .page-header { margin: 10px 0 20px 0; font-size: 22px; > small { color: #666; display: block; margin-top: 5px; } } /* All images should be responsive */ img { max-width: 100%important; } .sort-highlight { background: #f4f4f4; border: 1px dashed #ddd; margin-bottom: 10px; } /* 10px padding and margins */ .pad { padding: 10px; } .margin { margin: 10px; } /* Display inline */ .inline { display: inline; width: auto; } /* Background colors */ .bg-red, .bg-yellow, .bg-aqua, .bg-blue, .bg-light-blue, .bg-green, .bg-navy, .bg-teal, .bg-olive, .bg-lime, .bg-orange , .bg-fuchsia, .bg-purple, .bg-maroon, .bg-black { color: #f9f9f9 !important; } .bg-gray { background-color: @gray!important; } .bg-black { background-color: @black!important; } .bg-red { background-color: @red !important; } .bg-yellow { background-color: @yellow !important; } .bg-aqua { background-color: @aqua !important; } .bg-blue { background-color: @blue !important; } .bg-light-blue { background-color: @light-blue !important; } .bg-green { background-color: @green !important; } .bg-navy { background-color: @navy !important; } .bg-teal { background-color: @teal !important; } .bg-olive { background-color: @olive !important; } .bg-lime { background-color: @lime !important; } .bg-orange { background-color: @orange !important; } .bg-fuchsia { background-color: @fuchsia !important; } .bg-purple { background-color: @purple !important; } .bg-maroon { background-color: @maroon !important; } /* Text colors */ .text-red { color: @red !important; } .text-yellow { color: @yellow !important; } .text-aqua { color: @aqua !important; } .text-blue { color: @blue !important; } .text-black { color: @black!important; } .text-light-blue { color: @light-blue !important; } .text-green { color: @green !important; } .text-navy { color: @navy !important; } .text-teal { color: @teal !important; } .text-olive { color: @olive !important; } .text-lime { color: @lime !important; } .text-orange { color: @orange !important; } .text-fuchsia { color: @fuchsia !important; } .text-purple { color: @purple !important; } .text-maroon { color: @maroon !important; } /*Hide elements by display none only*/ .hide { display: none !important; } /* Remove borders */ .no-border { border: 0px !important; } /* Remove padding */ .no-padding { padding: 0px !important; } /* Remove margins */ .no-margin { margin: 0px !important; } /* Remove box shadow */ .no-shadow { box-shadow: none!important; } /* Don't display when printing */ @media print { //Add to elements that you do not want to show when printing .no-print { display: none; } //Elements that we want to hide when printing .left-side, .header, .content-header { display: none; } //This is the only element that should appear, so let's remove the margins .right-side { margin: 0; } } /* Remove border radius */ .flat { .border-radius(0)!important; } /* Change the color of the striped tables */ .table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd) { > td, > th { background-color: @table-striped-color; } } .table.no-border { &, td, th { border: 0; } } /* .text-center in tables */ table.text-center { &, td, th { text-align: center; } } .table.align { th { text-align: left; } td { text-align: right; } } .text-bold { &, &.table td, &.table th { font-weight: 700; } } .border-radius-none { .border-radius(0)!important; } /* _fix for sparkline tooltip */ .jqstooltip{ padding: 5px!important; width:auto!important; height:auto!important; } /* Gradient Background colors */ .bg-teal-gradient { .gradient(@teal; @teal; lighten(@teal, 16%))!important; color: #fff; } .bg-light-blue-gradient { .gradient(@light-blue; @light-blue; lighten(@light-blue, 12%))!important; color: #fff; } .bg-blue-gradient { .gradient(@blue; @blue; lighten(@blue, 7%))!important; color: #fff; } .bg-aqua-gradient { .gradient(@aqua; @aqua; lighten(@aqua, 7%))!important; color: #fff; } .bg-yellow-gradient { .gradient(@yellow; @yellow; lighten(@yellow, 16%))!important; color: #fff; } .bg-purple-gradient { .gradient(@purple; @purple; lighten(@purple, 16%))!important; color: #fff; } .bg-green-gradient { .gradient(@green; @green; lighten(@green, 7%))!important; color: #fff; } .bg-red-gradient { .gradient(@red; @red; lighten(@red, 10%))!important; color: #fff; } .bg-black-gradient { .gradient(@black; @black; lighten(@black, 10%))!important; color: #fff; } .bg-maroon-gradient { .gradient(@maroon; @maroon; lighten(@maroon, 10%))!important; color: #fff; } .connectedSortable { min-height: 100px; }