# [AdminLTE - Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard](https://adminlte.io)

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**AdminLTE** is a fully responsive administration template. Based on **[Bootstrap 5](https://getbootstrap.com/)** framework and also the JavaScript plugins.
Highly customizable and easy to use. Fits many screen resolutions from small mobile devices to large desktops.

## Looking for Premium Templates?

AdminLTE.io just opened a new premium templates page. Hand picked to ensure the best quality and the most affordable
prices. Visit <https://adminlte.io/premium> for more information.

!["AdminLTE Presentation"](https://adminlte.io/AdminLTE3.png "AdminLTE Presentation")

**AdminLTE** has been carefully coded with clear comments in all of its JS, SCSS and HTML files.
SCSS has been used to increase code customizability.

## Quick start

### Compile dist files

To compile the dist files you need Node.js/npm, clone/download the repo then:

1. `npm install` (install npm deps)
2. _Optional:_ `npm run dev` (developer mode, autocompile with browsersync support for live demo)
3. `npm run production` (compile css/js files)

## Contributing

- Highly welcome.
- For your extra reference check [AdminLTE v4 Contribution Guide](https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE#contributing)
- First thing first, you should have bit knowledge about NodeJS.
- Github Knowledge.
- Install NodeJS LTS version.
- Clone this Repository to your machine and change to `master` branch.
- Go to Cloned Folder.
- In cli/bash run `npm install` it will install dependency from `package.json`.
- After installation completes, run `npm run dev`
- Cool, Send urs changes in PR to `master` branch.

## Sponsorship

Support AdminLTE development by becoming a sponsor.
[Github Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/danny007in) or

## License

AdminLTE is an open source project by [AdminLTE.io](https://adminlte.io) that is licensed under [MIT](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
AdminLTE.io reserves the right to change the license of future releases.

## Image Credits

- [Pixeden](http://www.pixeden.com/psd-web-elements/flat-responsive-showcase-psd)
- [Graphicsfuel](https://www.graphicsfuel.com/2013/02/13-high-resolution-blur-backgrounds/)
- [Pickaface](https://pickaface.net/)
- [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/)
- [Uifaces](http://uifaces.com/)