// // Component: Sidebar Mini // // Logo style .logo-xs, .logo-xl { opacity: 1; position: absolute; visibility: visible; &.brand-image-xs { left: 18px; top: 12px; } &.brand-image-xl { left: 12px; top: 6px; } } .logo-xs { opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; &.brand-image-xl { left: 16px; top: 8px; } } .brand-link { &.logo-switch { &::before { content: "\00a0"; } } } // Add sidebar-mini class to the body tag to activate this feature .sidebar-mini { @include media-breakpoint-up(lg) { @include sidebar-mini-breakpoint (); } } @include media-breakpoint-down(md) { .sidebar-mini.sidebar-collapse .main-sidebar { box-shadow: none !important; } } .sidebar-mini-md { @include media-breakpoint-up(md) { @include sidebar-mini-breakpoint (); } } @include media-breakpoint-down(sm) { .sidebar-mini-md.sidebar-collapse .main-sidebar { box-shadow: none !important; } } .sidebar-mini-xs { @include media-breakpoint-up(xs) { @include sidebar-mini-breakpoint (); } } .sidebar-mini, .sidebar-mini-md, .sidebar-mini-xs { .main-sidebar { .nav-child-indent .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2 - 1rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2 - 2rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2 - 3rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2 - 4rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2 - 5rem); } } } } } } .nav-legacy { .nav-link { width: $sidebar-width; } &.nav-child-indent { .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - 1rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - 1rem - 1rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - 1rem - 2rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - 1rem - 3rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - 1rem - 4rem); } } } } } } } } .nav-flat { .nav-link { width: $sidebar-width; } &.nav-child-indent { .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width}); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .2rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .2rem * 2); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .2rem * 3); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .2rem * 4); } } } } } } } } .nav-child-indent.nav-compact .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2 - .5rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2 - 1rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2 - 1.5rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2 - 2rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2 - 2.5rem); } } } } } } .nav-child-indent.nav-legacy.nav-compact { .nav-link { width: $sidebar-width; } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .5rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .5rem * 2); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .5rem * 3); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .5rem * 4); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .5rem * 5); } } } } } } } .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2); @include transition(width $transition-fn $transition-speed); } } } .sidebar-collapse { &.sidebar-mini, &.sidebar-mini-md, &.sidebar-mini-xs { .main-sidebar { .nav-sidebar { .nav-link { width: $sidebar-mini-width - $sidebar-padding-x * 2; } &.nav-flat, &.nav-legacy { .nav-link { width: $sidebar-mini-width; } } &.nav-child-indent.nav-compact { .nav-treeview { padding-left: 0 !important; margin-left: 0 !important; } .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-mini-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2); } } } &.sidebar-focused, &:hover { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2); } .nav-header { display: inline-block; } .nav-child-indent { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2); } } .nav-legacy { .nav-link { width: $sidebar-width; } &.nav-child-indent { .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - 1rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - 1rem - 1rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - 1rem - 2rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - 1rem - 3rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - 1rem - 4rem); } } } } } } } } .nav-flat { .nav-link { width: $sidebar-width; } &.nav-child-indent { .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width}); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .2rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .2rem * 2); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .2rem * 3); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .2rem * 4); } } } } } } } } .nav-child-indent.nav-compact { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - #{$sidebar-padding-x} * 2); } } .nav-child-indent.nav-legacy.nav-compact { .nav-link { width: $sidebar-width; } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .5rem); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .5rem * 2); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .5rem * 3); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .5rem * 4); } .nav-treeview { .nav-link { width: calc(#{$sidebar-width} - .5rem * 5); } } } } } } } } } .sidebar-no-expand.main-sidebar.sidebar-focused, .sidebar-no-expand.main-sidebar:hover { width: $sidebar-mini-width; .nav-header { display: none; } .brand-link { width: $sidebar-mini-width !important; } .user-panel .image { float: none !important; } .logo-xs { animation-name: fadeIn; animation-duration: $transition-speed; animation-fill-mode: both; visibility: visible; } .logo-xl { animation-name: fadeOut; animation-duration: $transition-speed; animation-fill-mode: both; visibility: hidden; } .nav-sidebar.nav-child-indent .nav-treeview { padding-left: 0; } .brand-text, .user-panel > .info, .nav-sidebar .nav-link p { margin-left: -10px; animation-name: fadeOut; animation-duration: $transition-speed; animation-fill-mode: both; visibility: hidden; width: 0; } .nav-sidebar > .nav-item .nav-icon { margin-right: 0; } } } } .nav-sidebar { position: relative; &:hover { overflow: visible; } } .sidebar-form, .nav-sidebar > .nav-header { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: clip; } .nav-sidebar .nav-item > .nav-link { position: relative; > .float-right { margin-top: -7px; position: absolute; right: 10px; top: 50%; } } .sidebar .nav-link p, .main-sidebar .brand-text, .main-sidebar .logo-xs, .main-sidebar .logo-xl, .sidebar .user-panel .info { @include transition(margin-left $transition-speed linear, opacity $transition-speed ease, visibility $transition-speed ease); }