--- layout: page title: Main Header --- > ##### Reminder! > AdminLTE uses all of Bootstrap 4 components. It's a good start to review the [Bootstrap documentation](http://getbootstrap.com) to get an idea of the various components that this documentation __does not__ cover. {: .quote-orange .mt-0} > ##### Tip! > If you go through the example pages and would like to copy a component, right-click on the component and choose "inspect element" to get to the HTML quicker than scanning the HTML page. {: .quote-info} The main header contains the navbar. Construction of the navbar differs slightly from Bootstrap because it has components that Bootstrap doesn't provide. The navbar can be constructed in two ways. This is an example for the normal navbar and next we will provide an example for the top nav layout with a logo too. ```html ``` {: .max-height-300} #### Top Nav Layout. Main Header Example. > ##### Reminder! > To use this main header instead of the regular one, you must add the `layout-top-nav` class to the body tag. {: .quote-orange} Top navbar example can be found in this [demo page](https://adminlte.io/themes/dev/AdminLTE/pages/layout/top-nav.html). ```html ``` {: .max-height-300}