XhmikosR 4 лет назад
100 измененных файлов с 34 добавлено и 7191 удалено
  1. 25 3
  2. 0 20
  3. BIN
  4. 0 210
  5. 0 141
  6. 0 36
  7. 0 11
  8. 0 0
  9. 0 209
  10. 0 135
  11. 0 745
  12. 0 152
  13. 0 179
  14. 0 15
  15. 0 12
  16. 0 28
  17. 0 6
  18. 0 1
  19. 0 4
  20. 0 19
  21. 0 44
  22. 0 32
  23. 0 1
  24. 0 5
  25. 0 23
  26. 0 13
  27. 0 1
  28. 0 75
  29. 0 1
  30. 0 1
  31. 0 16
  32. 0 22
  33. 0 3
  34. 0 2
  35. 0 13
  36. 0 5
  37. 0 1
  38. 0 2
  39. 0 12
  40. 0 2
  41. 0 6
  42. 0 4
  43. 0 11
  44. 0 3
  45. 0 13
  46. 0 9
  47. 0 10
  48. 0 30
  49. 0 1
  50. 0 6
  51. 0 7
  52. 0 6
  53. 0 6
  54. 0 6
  55. 0 6
  56. 0 6
  57. 0 3
  58. 0 20
  59. 0 5
  60. 0 3
  61. 0 3
  62. 0 4
  63. 0 5
  64. 0 4
  65. 0 4
  66. 0 10
  67. 0 6
  68. 0 6
  69. 0 5
  70. 0 12
  71. 0 1
  72. 0 9
  73. 0 4
  74. 0 9
  75. 0 2
  76. 0 6
  77. 0 12
  78. 0 4
  79. 0 5
  80. 0 4
  81. 0 7
  82. 0 6
  83. 0 7
  84. 0 12
  85. 0 316
  86. 0 323
  87. 0 224
  88. 0 2736
  89. 9 0
  90. 0 145
  91. 0 17
  92. 0 10
  93. 0 109
  94. 0 125
  95. 0 165
  96. 0 120
  97. 0 132
  98. 0 100
  99. 0 59
  100. 0 102

+ 25 - 3

@@ -20,9 +20,31 @@ node_modules/
 # Plugins
 # Docs

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "daterangepicker",
-  "main": [
-    "daterangepicker.js",
-    "daterangepicker.css"
-  ],
-  "ignore": [
-    "**/.*",
-    "node_modules",
-    "bower_components",
-    "test",
-    "tests",
-    "moment.js",
-    "moment.min.js"
-  ],
-  "dependencies": {
-    "jquery": "1.9.1 - 3",
-    "moment": ">=2.9.0"
- }


+ 0 - 210

@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html dir="ltr" lang="en-US">
-   <head>
-      <meta charset="UTF-8" />
-      <title>A date range picker for Bootstrap</title>
-      <link href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.2/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
-      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="../../daterangepicker.css" />
-      <style type="text/css">
-      .demo { position: relative; }
-      .demo i {
-        position: absolute; bottom: 10px; right: 24px; top: auto; cursor: pointer;
-      }
-      </style>
-   </head>
-   <body style="margin: 60px 0">
-      <div class="container">
-        <h1 style="margin: 0 0 20px 0">Configuration Builder</h1>
-        <div class="well configurator">
-          <form>
-          <div class="row">
-            <div class="col-md-4">
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="parentEl">parentEl</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="parentEl" value="" placeholder="body">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="startDate">startDate</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="startDate" value="07/01/2015">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="endDate">endDate</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="endDate" value="07/15/2015">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="minDate">minDate</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="minDate" value="" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="maxDate">maxDate</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="maxDate" value="" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY">
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="col-md-4">
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="autoApply"> autoApply
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="singleDatePicker"> singleDatePicker
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="showDropdowns"> showDropdowns
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="showWeekNumbers"> showWeekNumbers
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="showISOWeekNumbers"> showISOWeekNumbers
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="timePicker"> timePicker
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="timePicker24Hour"> timePicker24Hour
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="timePickerIncrement">timePickerIncrement (in minutes)</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="timePickerIncrement" value="1">
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="timePickerSeconds"> timePickerSeconds
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="dateLimit"> dateLimit (with example date range span)
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="ranges"> ranges (with example predefined ranges)
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="locale"> locale (with example settings)
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="linkedCalendars" checked="checked"> linkedCalendars
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="autoUpdateInput" checked="checked"> autoUpdateInput
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="alwaysShowCalendars"> alwaysShowCalendars
-                </label>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="col-md-4">
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="opens">opens</label>
-                <select id="opens" class="form-control">
-                  <option value="right" selected>right</option>
-                  <option value="left">left</option>
-                  <option value="center">center</option>
-                </select>
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="drops">drops</label>
-                <select id="drops" class="form-control">
-                  <option value="down" selected>down</option>
-                  <option value="up">up</option>
-                </select>
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="buttonClasses">buttonClasses</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="buttonClasses" value="btn btn-sm">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="applyClass">applyClass</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="applyClass" value="btn-success">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="cancelClass">cancelClass</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="cancelClass" value="btn-default">
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-          </form>
-        </div>
-        <div class="row">
-          <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-2 demo">
-            <h4>Your Date Range Picker</h4>
-            <input type="text" id="config-demo" class="form-control">
-            <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar fa fa-calendar"></i>
-          </div>
-          <div class="col-md-6">
-            <h4>Configuration</h4>
-            <div class="well">
-              <textarea id="config-text" style="height: 300px; width: 100%; padding: 10px"></textarea>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <script type="text/javascript" src="require.js" data-main="main.js"></script>
-   </body>

+ 0 - 141

@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-    "paths": {
-      "jquery": "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min",
-      "moment": "../../moment",
-      "daterangepicker": "../../daterangepicker"
-    }
-requirejs(['jquery', 'moment', 'daterangepicker'] , function ($, moment) {
-$(document).ready(function() {
-  $('#config-text').keyup(function() {
-    eval($(this).val());
-  });
-  $('.configurator input, .configurator select').change(function() {
-    updateConfig();
-  });
-  $('.demo i').click(function() {
-    $(this).parent().find('input').click();
-  });
-  $('#startDate').daterangepicker({
-    singleDatePicker: true,
-    startDate: moment().subtract(6, 'days')
-  });
-  $('#endDate').daterangepicker({
-    singleDatePicker: true,
-    startDate: moment()
-  });
-  updateConfig();
-  function updateConfig() {
-    var options = {};
-    if ($('#singleDatePicker').is(':checked'))
-      options.singleDatePicker = true;
-    if ($('#showDropdowns').is(':checked'))
-      options.showDropdowns = true;
-    if ($('#showWeekNumbers').is(':checked'))
-      options.showWeekNumbers = true;
-    if ($('#showISOWeekNumbers').is(':checked'))
-      options.showISOWeekNumbers = true;
-    if ($('#timePicker').is(':checked'))
-      options.timePicker = true;
-    if ($('#timePicker24Hour').is(':checked'))
-      options.timePicker24Hour = true;
-    if ($('#timePickerIncrement').val().length && $('#timePickerIncrement').val() != 1)
-      options.timePickerIncrement = parseInt($('#timePickerIncrement').val(), 10);
-    if ($('#timePickerSeconds').is(':checked'))
-      options.timePickerSeconds = true;
-    if ($('#autoApply').is(':checked'))
-      options.autoApply = true;
-    if ($('#dateLimit').is(':checked'))
-      options.dateLimit = { days: 7 };
-    if ($('#ranges').is(':checked')) {
-      options.ranges = {
-        'Today': [moment(), moment()],
-        'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')],
-        'Last 7 Days': [moment().subtract(6, 'days'), moment()],
-        'Last 30 Days': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()],
-        'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')],
-        'Last Month': [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')]
-      };
-    }
-    if ($('#locale').is(':checked')) {
-      options.locale = {
-        format: 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm',
-        separator: ' - ',
-        applyLabel: 'Apply',
-        cancelLabel: 'Cancel',
-        fromLabel: 'From',
-        toLabel: 'To',
-        customRangeLabel: 'Custom',
-        daysOfWeek: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr','Sa'],
-        monthNames: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
-        firstDay: 1
-      };
-    }
-    if (!$('#linkedCalendars').is(':checked'))
-      options.linkedCalendars = false;
-    if (!$('#autoUpdateInput').is(':checked'))
-      options.autoUpdateInput = false;
-    if ($('#alwaysShowCalendars').is(':checked'))
-      options.alwaysShowCalendars = true;
-    if ($('#parentEl').val().length)
-      options.parentEl = $('#parentEl').val();
-    if ($('#startDate').val().length)
-      options.startDate = $('#startDate').val();
-    if ($('#endDate').val().length)
-      options.endDate = $('#endDate').val();
-    if ($('#minDate').val().length)
-      options.minDate = $('#minDate').val();
-    if ($('#maxDate').val().length)
-      options.maxDate = $('#maxDate').val();
-    if ($('#opens').val().length && $('#opens').val() != 'right')
-      options.opens = $('#opens').val();
-    if ($('#drops').val().length && $('#drops').val() != 'down')
-      options.drops = $('#drops').val();
-    if ($('#buttonClasses').val().length && $('#buttonClasses').val() != 'btn btn-sm')
-      options.buttonClasses = $('#buttonClasses').val();
-    if ($('#applyClass').val().length && $('#applyClass').val() != 'btn-success')
-      options.applyClass = $('#applyClass').val();
-    if ($('#cancelClass').val().length && $('#cancelClass').val() != 'btn-default')
-      options.cancelClass = $('#cancelClass').val();
-    $('#config-text').val("$('#demo').daterangepicker(" + JSON.stringify(options, null, '    ') + ", function(start, end, label) {\n  console.log(\"New date range selected: ' + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' to ' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' (predefined range: ' + label + ')\");\n});");
-    $('#config-demo').daterangepicker(options, function(start, end, label) { console.log('New date range selected: ' + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' to ' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' (predefined range: ' + label + ')'); });
-  }

+ 0 - 36

@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- RequireJS 2.2.0 Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors.
- Released under MIT license, http://github.com/requirejs/requirejs/LICENSE
-var requirejs,require,define;
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-typeof c||!c||L(c)||K(c)||c instanceof RegExp?b[e]=c:(b[e]||(b[e]={}),Y(b[e],c,d,g))});return b}function z(b,c){return function(){return c.apply(b,arguments)}}function ha(b){throw b;}function ia(b){if(!b)return b;var c=ga;y(b.split("."),function(b){c=c[b]});return c}function F(b,c,d,g){c=Error(c+"\nhttp://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#"+b);c.requireType=b;c.requireModules=g;d&&(c.originalError=d);return c}function ma(b){function c(a,n,b){var h,k,f,c,d,l,g,r;n=n&&n.split("/");var q=p.map,m=q&&q["*"];
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-(g=e(m,d),r=f)}!h&&g&&(h=g,l=r);h&&(k.splice(0,l,h),a=k.join("/"))}return(h=e(p.pkgs,a))?h:a}function d(a){E&&y(document.getElementsByTagName("script"),function(n){if(n.getAttribute("data-requiremodule")===a&&n.getAttribute("data-requirecontext")===l.contextName)return n.parentNode.removeChild(n),!0})}function m(a){var n=e(p.paths,a);if(n&&L(n)&&1<n.length)return n.shift(),l.require.undef(a),l.makeRequire(null,{skipMap:!0})([a]),!0}function r(a){var n,b=a?a.indexOf("!"):-1;-1<b&&(n=a.substring(0,
-b),a=a.substring(b+1,a.length));return[n,a]}function q(a,n,b,h){var k,f,d=null,g=n?n.name:null,p=a,q=!0,m="";a||(q=!1,a="_@r"+(Q+=1));a=r(a);d=a[0];a=a[1];d&&(d=c(d,g,h),f=e(v,d));a&&(d?m=f&&f.normalize?f.normalize(a,function(a){return c(a,g,h)}):-1===a.indexOf("!")?c(a,g,h):a:(m=c(a,g,h),a=r(m),d=a[0],m=a[1],b=!0,k=l.nameToUrl(m)));b=!d||f||b?"":"_unnormalized"+(T+=1);return{prefix:d,name:m,parentMap:n,unnormalized:!!b,url:k,originalName:p,isDefine:q,id:(d?d+"!"+m:m)+b}}function u(a){var b=a.id,
-c=e(t,b);c||(c=t[b]=new l.Module(a));return c}function w(a,b,c){var h=a.id,k=e(t,h);if(!x(v,h)||k&&!k.defineEmitComplete)if(k=u(a),k.error&&"error"===b)c(k.error);else k.on(b,c);else"defined"===b&&c(v[h])}function A(a,b){var c=a.requireModules,h=!1;if(b)b(a);else if(y(c,function(b){if(b=e(t,b))b.error=a,b.events.error&&(h=!0,b.emit("error",a))}),!h)g.onError(a)}function B(){V.length&&(y(V,function(a){var b=a[0];"string"===typeof b&&(l.defQueueMap[b]=!0);G.push(a)}),V=[])}function C(a){delete t[a];
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-(f=!0,!l.prefix))return g=!1});if(c&&h.length)return a=F("timeout","Load timeout for modules: "+h,null,h),a.contextName=l.contextName,A(a);g&&y(k,function(a){J(a,{},{})});c&&!b||!f||!E&&!ja||ba||(ba=setTimeout(function(){ba=0;H()},50));aa=!1}}function I(a){x(v,a[0])||u(q(a[0],null,!0)).init(a[1],a[2])}function O(a){a=a.currentTarget||a.srcElement;var b=l.onScriptLoad;a.detachEvent&&!ca?a.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",b):a.removeEventListener("load",b,!1);b=l.onScriptError;a.detachEvent&&!ca||a.removeEventListener("error",
-b,!1);return{node:a,id:a&&a.getAttribute("data-requiremodule")}}function P(){var a;for(B();G.length;){a=G.shift();if(null===a[0])return A(F("mismatch","Mismatched anonymous define() module: "+a[a.length-1]));I(a)}l.defQueueMap={}}var aa,da,l,R,ba,p={waitSeconds:7,baseUrl:"./",paths:{},bundles:{},pkgs:{},shim:{},config:{}},t={},Z={},ea={},G=[],v={},W={},fa={},Q=1,T=1;R={require:function(a){return a.require?a.require:a.require=l.makeRequire(a.map)},exports:function(a){a.usingExports=!0;if(a.map.isDefine)return a.exports?
-v[a.map.id]=a.exports:a.exports=v[a.map.id]={}},module:function(a){return a.module?a.module:a.module={id:a.map.id,uri:a.map.url,config:function(){return e(p.config,a.map.id)||{}},exports:a.exports||(a.exports={})}}};da=function(a){this.events=e(ea,a.id)||{};this.map=a;this.shim=e(p.shim,a.id);this.depExports=[];this.depMaps=[];this.depMatched=[];this.pluginMaps={};this.depCount=0};da.prototype={init:function(a,b,c,h){h=h||{};if(!this.inited){this.factory=b;if(c)this.on("error",c);else this.events.error&&
-(c=z(this,function(a){this.emit("error",a)}));this.depMaps=a&&a.slice(0);this.errback=c;this.inited=!0;this.ignore=h.ignore;h.enabled||this.enabled?this.enable():this.check()}},defineDep:function(a,b){this.depMatched[a]||(this.depMatched[a]=!0,--this.depCount,this.depExports[a]=b)},fetch:function(){if(!this.fetched){this.fetched=!0;l.startTime=(new Date).getTime();var a=this.map;if(this.shim)l.makeRequire(this.map,{enableBuildCallback:!0})(this.shim.deps||[],z(this,function(){return a.prefix?this.callPlugin():
-this.load()}));else return a.prefix?this.callPlugin():this.load()}},load:function(){var a=this.map.url;W[a]||(W[a]=!0,l.load(this.map.id,a))},check:function(){if(this.enabled&&!this.enabling){var a,b,c=this.map.id;b=this.depExports;var h=this.exports,k=this.factory;if(!this.inited)x(l.defQueueMap,c)||this.fetch();else if(this.error)this.emit("error",this.error);else if(!this.defining){this.defining=!0;if(1>this.depCount&&!this.defined){if(K(k)){if(this.events.error&&this.map.isDefine||g.onError!==
-ha)try{h=l.execCb(c,k,b,h)}catch(d){a=d}else h=l.execCb(c,k,b,h);this.map.isDefine&&void 0===h&&((b=this.module)?h=b.exports:this.usingExports&&(h=this.exports));if(a)return a.requireMap=this.map,a.requireModules=this.map.isDefine?[this.map.id]:null,a.requireType=this.map.isDefine?"define":"require",A(this.error=a)}else h=k;this.exports=h;if(this.map.isDefine&&!this.ignore&&(v[c]=h,g.onResourceLoad)){var f=[];y(this.depMaps,function(a){f.push(a.normalizedMap||a)});g.onResourceLoad(l,this.map,f)}C(c);
-this.defined=!0}this.defining=!1;this.defined&&!this.defineEmitted&&(this.defineEmitted=!0,this.emit("defined",this.exports),this.defineEmitComplete=!0)}}},callPlugin:function(){var a=this.map,b=a.id,d=q(a.prefix);this.depMaps.push(d);w(d,"defined",z(this,function(h){var k,f,d=e(fa,this.map.id),M=this.map.name,r=this.map.parentMap?this.map.parentMap.name:null,m=l.makeRequire(a.parentMap,{enableBuildCallback:!0});if(this.map.unnormalized){if(h.normalize&&(M=h.normalize(M,function(a){return c(a,r,!0)})||
-""),f=q(a.prefix+"!"+M,this.map.parentMap),w(f,"defined",z(this,function(a){this.map.normalizedMap=f;this.init([],function(){return a},null,{enabled:!0,ignore:!0})})),h=e(t,f.id)){this.depMaps.push(f);if(this.events.error)h.on("error",z(this,function(a){this.emit("error",a)}));h.enable()}}else d?(this.map.url=l.nameToUrl(d),this.load()):(k=z(this,function(a){this.init([],function(){return a},null,{enabled:!0})}),k.error=z(this,function(a){this.inited=!0;this.error=a;a.requireModules=[b];D(t,function(a){0===
-a.map.id.indexOf(b+"_unnormalized")&&C(a.map.id)});A(a)}),k.fromText=z(this,function(h,c){var d=a.name,f=q(d),M=S;c&&(h=c);M&&(S=!1);u(f);x(p.config,b)&&(p.config[d]=p.config[b]);try{g.exec(h)}catch(e){return A(F("fromtexteval","fromText eval for "+b+" failed: "+e,e,[b]))}M&&(S=!0);this.depMaps.push(f);l.completeLoad(d);m([d],k)}),h.load(a.name,m,k,p))}));l.enable(d,this);this.pluginMaps[d.id]=d},enable:function(){Z[this.map.id]=this;this.enabling=this.enabled=!0;y(this.depMaps,z(this,function(a,
-b){var c,h;if("string"===typeof a){a=q(a,this.map.isDefine?this.map:this.map.parentMap,!1,!this.skipMap);this.depMaps[b]=a;if(c=e(R,a.id)){this.depExports[b]=c(this);return}this.depCount+=1;w(a,"defined",z(this,function(a){this.undefed||(this.defineDep(b,a),this.check())}));this.errback?w(a,"error",z(this,this.errback)):this.events.error&&w(a,"error",z(this,function(a){this.emit("error",a)}))}c=a.id;h=t[c];x(R,c)||!h||h.enabled||l.enable(a,this)}));D(this.pluginMaps,z(this,function(a){var b=e(t,a.id);
-b&&!b.enabled&&l.enable(a,this)}));this.enabling=!1;this.check()},on:function(a,b){var c=this.events[a];c||(c=this.events[a]=[]);c.push(b)},emit:function(a,b){y(this.events[a],function(a){a(b)});"error"===a&&delete this.events[a]}};l={config:p,contextName:b,registry:t,defined:v,urlFetched:W,defQueue:G,defQueueMap:{},Module:da,makeModuleMap:q,nextTick:g.nextTick,onError:A,configure:function(a){a.baseUrl&&"/"!==a.baseUrl.charAt(a.baseUrl.length-1)&&(a.baseUrl+="/");if("string"===typeof a.urlArgs){var b=
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-(p.paths[b]=a.location);p.pkgs[b]=a.name+"/"+(a.main||"main").replace(na,"").replace(U,"")});D(t,function(a,b){a.inited||a.map.unnormalized||(a.map=q(b,null,!0))});(a.deps||a.callback)&&l.require(a.deps||[],a.callback)},makeShimExports:function(a){return function(){var b;a.init&&(b=a.init.apply(ga,arguments));return b||a.exports&&ia(a.exports)}},makeRequire:function(a,n){function m(c,d,f){var e,r;n.enableBuildCallback&&d&&K(d)&&(d.__requireJsBuild=!0);if("string"===typeof c){if(K(d))return A(F("requireargs",
-"Invalid require call"),f);if(a&&x(R,c))return R[c](t[a.id]);if(g.get)return g.get(l,c,a,m);e=q(c,a,!1,!0);e=e.id;return x(v,e)?v[e]:A(F("notloaded",'Module name "'+e+'" has not been loaded yet for context: '+b+(a?"":". Use require([])")))}P();l.nextTick(function(){P();r=u(q(null,a));r.skipMap=n.skipMap;r.init(c,d,f,{enabled:!0});H()});return m}n=n||{};Y(m,{isBrowser:E,toUrl:function(b){var d,f=b.lastIndexOf("."),g=b.split("/")[0];-1!==f&&("."!==g&&".."!==g||1<f)&&(d=b.substring(f,b.length),b=b.substring(0,
-f));return l.nameToUrl(c(b,a&&a.id,!0),d,!0)},defined:function(b){return x(v,q(b,a,!1,!0).id)},specified:function(b){b=q(b,a,!1,!0).id;return x(v,b)||x(t,b)}});a||(m.undef=function(b){B();var c=q(b,a,!0),f=e(t,b);f.undefed=!0;d(b);delete v[b];delete W[c.url];delete ea[b];X(G,function(a,c){a[0]===b&&G.splice(c,1)});delete l.defQueueMap[b];f&&(f.events.defined&&(ea[b]=f.events),C(b))});return m},enable:function(a){e(t,a.id)&&u(a).enable()},completeLoad:function(a){var b,c,d=e(p.shim,a)||{},g=d.exports;
-for(B();G.length;){c=G.shift();if(null===c[0]){c[0]=a;if(b)break;b=!0}else c[0]===a&&(b=!0);I(c)}l.defQueueMap={};c=e(t,a);if(!b&&!x(v,a)&&c&&!c.inited)if(!p.enforceDefine||g&&ia(g))I([a,d.deps||[],d.exportsFn]);else return m(a)?void 0:A(F("nodefine","No define call for "+a,null,[a]));H()},nameToUrl:function(a,b,c){var d,k,f,m;(d=e(p.pkgs,a))&&(a=d);if(d=e(fa,a))return l.nameToUrl(d,b,c);if(g.jsExtRegExp.test(a))d=a+(b||"");else{d=p.paths;k=a.split("/");for(f=k.length;0<f;--f)if(m=k.slice(0,f).join("/"),
-m=e(d,m)){L(m)&&(m=m[0]);k.splice(0,f,m);break}d=k.join("/");d+=b||(/^data\:|^blob\:|\?/.test(d)||c?"":".js");d=("/"===d.charAt(0)||d.match(/^[\w\+\.\-]+:/)?"":p.baseUrl)+d}return p.urlArgs&&!/^blob\:/.test(d)?d+p.urlArgs(a,d):d},load:function(a,b){g.load(l,a,b)},execCb:function(a,b,c,d){return b.apply(d,c)},onScriptLoad:function(a){if("load"===a.type||oa.test((a.currentTarget||a.srcElement).readyState))N=null,a=O(a),l.completeLoad(a.id)},onScriptError:function(a){var b=O(a);if(!m(b.id)){var c=[];
-D(t,function(a,d){0!==d.indexOf("_@r")&&y(a.depMaps,function(a){if(a.id===b.id)return c.push(d),!0})});return A(F("scripterror",'Script error for "'+b.id+(c.length?'", needed by: '+c.join(", "):'"'),a,[b.id]))}}};l.require=l.makeRequire();return l}function pa(){if(N&&"interactive"===N.readyState)return N;X(document.getElementsByTagName("script"),function(b){if("interactive"===b.readyState)return N=b});return N}var g,B,C,H,O,I,N,P,u,T,qa=/(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|([^:]|^)\/\/(.*)$)/mg,ra=/[^.]\s*require\s*\(\s*["']([^'"\s]+)["']\s*\)/g,
-U=/\.js$/,na=/^\.\//;B=Object.prototype;var Q=B.toString,la=B.hasOwnProperty,E=!("undefined"===typeof window||"undefined"===typeof navigator||!window.document),ja=!E&&"undefined"!==typeof importScripts,oa=E&&"PLAYSTATION 3"===navigator.platform?/^complete$/:/^(complete|loaded)$/,ca="undefined"!==typeof opera&&"[object Opera]"===opera.toString(),J={},w={},V=[],S=!1;if("undefined"===typeof define){if("undefined"!==typeof requirejs){if(K(requirejs))return;w=requirejs;requirejs=void 0}"undefined"===typeof require||
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+ 0 - 11

@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Browserify example
-Two steps need to be done for this to work
-In the project root
-    npm install
-In this folder
-    ../../node_modules/.bin/browserify main.js -o bundle.js

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 209

@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html dir="ltr" lang="en-US">
-   <head>
-      <meta charset="UTF-8" />
-      <title>A date range picker for Bootstrap</title>
-      <link href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.2/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
-      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="../../daterangepicker.css" />
-      <style type="text/css">
-      .demo { position: relative; }
-      .demo i {
-        position: absolute; bottom: 10px; right: 24px; top: auto; cursor: pointer;
-      }
-      </style>
-   </head>
-   <body style="margin: 60px 0">
-      <div class="container">
-        <h1 style="margin: 0 0 20px 0">Configuration Builder</h1>
-        <div class="well configurator">
-          <form>
-          <div class="row">
-            <div class="col-md-4">
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="parentEl">parentEl</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="parentEl" value="" placeholder="body">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="startDate">startDate</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="startDate" value="07/01/2015">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="endDate">endDate</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="endDate" value="07/15/2015">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="minDate">minDate</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="minDate" value="" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="maxDate">maxDate</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="maxDate" value="" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY">
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="col-md-4">
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="autoApply"> autoApply
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="singleDatePicker"> singleDatePicker
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="showDropdowns"> showDropdowns
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="showWeekNumbers"> showWeekNumbers
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="showISOWeekNumbers"> showISOWeekNumbers
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="timePicker"> timePicker
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="timePicker24Hour"> timePicker24Hour
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="timePickerIncrement">timePickerIncrement (in minutes)</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="timePickerIncrement" value="1">
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="timePickerSeconds"> timePickerSeconds
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="dateLimit"> dateLimit (with example date range span)
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="ranges"> ranges (with example predefined ranges)
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="locale"> locale (with example settings)
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="linkedCalendars" checked="checked"> linkedCalendars
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="autoUpdateInput" checked="checked"> autoUpdateInput
-                </label>
-              </div>
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                  <input type="checkbox" id="alwaysShowCalendars"> alwaysShowCalendars
-                </label>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="col-md-4">
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="opens">opens</label>
-                <select id="opens" class="form-control">
-                  <option value="right" selected>right</option>
-                  <option value="left">left</option>
-                  <option value="center">center</option>
-                </select>
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="drops">drops</label>
-                <select id="drops" class="form-control">
-                  <option value="down" selected>down</option>
-                  <option value="up">up</option>
-                </select>
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="buttonClasses">buttonClasses</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="buttonClasses" value="btn btn-sm">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="applyClass">applyClass</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="applyClass" value="btn-success">
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group">
-                <label for="cancelClass">cancelClass</label>
-                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="cancelClass" value="btn-default">
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-          </form>
-        </div>
-        <div class="row">
-          <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-2 demo">
-            <h4>Your Date Range Picker</h4>
-            <input type="text" id="config-demo" class="form-control">
-            <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar fa fa-calendar"></i>
-          </div>
-          <div class="col-md-6">
-            <h4>Configuration</h4>
-            <div class="well">
-              <textarea id="config-text" style="height: 300px; width: 100%; padding: 10px"></textarea>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <script type="text/javascript" src="bundle.js"></script>
-   </body>

+ 0 - 135

@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-var $ = require('jquery'),
-    moment = require('moment');
-$(document).ready(function() {
-  $('#config-text').keyup(function() {
-    eval($(this).val());
-  });
-  $('.configurator input, .configurator select').change(function() {
-    updateConfig();
-  });
-  $('.demo i').click(function() {
-    $(this).parent().find('input').click();
-  });
-  $('#startDate').daterangepicker({
-    singleDatePicker: true,
-    startDate: moment().subtract(6, 'days')
-  });
-  $('#endDate').daterangepicker({
-    singleDatePicker: true,
-    startDate: moment()
-  });
-  updateConfig();
-  function updateConfig() {
-    var options = {};
-    if ($('#singleDatePicker').is(':checked'))
-      options.singleDatePicker = true;
-    if ($('#showDropdowns').is(':checked'))
-      options.showDropdowns = true;
-    if ($('#showWeekNumbers').is(':checked'))
-      options.showWeekNumbers = true;
-    if ($('#showISOWeekNumbers').is(':checked'))
-      options.showISOWeekNumbers = true;
-    if ($('#timePicker').is(':checked'))
-      options.timePicker = true;
-    if ($('#timePicker24Hour').is(':checked'))
-      options.timePicker24Hour = true;
-    if ($('#timePickerIncrement').val().length && $('#timePickerIncrement').val() != 1)
-      options.timePickerIncrement = parseInt($('#timePickerIncrement').val(), 10);
-    if ($('#timePickerSeconds').is(':checked'))
-      options.timePickerSeconds = true;
-    if ($('#autoApply').is(':checked'))
-      options.autoApply = true;
-    if ($('#dateLimit').is(':checked'))
-      options.dateLimit = { days: 7 };
-    if ($('#ranges').is(':checked')) {
-      options.ranges = {
-        'Today': [moment(), moment()],
-        'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')],
-        'Last 7 Days': [moment().subtract(6, 'days'), moment()],
-        'Last 30 Days': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()],
-        'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')],
-        'Last Month': [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')]
-      };
-    }
-    if ($('#locale').is(':checked')) {
-      options.locale = {
-        format: 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm',
-        separator: ' - ',
-        applyLabel: 'Apply',
-        cancelLabel: 'Cancel',
-        fromLabel: 'From',
-        toLabel: 'To',
-        customRangeLabel: 'Custom',
-        daysOfWeek: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr','Sa'],
-        monthNames: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
-        firstDay: 1
-      };
-    }
-    if (!$('#linkedCalendars').is(':checked'))
-      options.linkedCalendars = false;
-    if (!$('#autoUpdateInput').is(':checked'))
-      options.autoUpdateInput = false;
-    if ($('#alwaysShowCalendars').is(':checked'))
-      options.alwaysShowCalendars = true;
-    if ($('#parentEl').val().length)
-      options.parentEl = $('#parentEl').val();
-    if ($('#startDate').val().length)
-      options.startDate = $('#startDate').val();
-    if ($('#endDate').val().length)
-      options.endDate = $('#endDate').val();
-    if ($('#minDate').val().length)
-      options.minDate = $('#minDate').val();
-    if ($('#maxDate').val().length)
-      options.maxDate = $('#maxDate').val();
-    if ($('#opens').val().length && $('#opens').val() != 'right')
-      options.opens = $('#opens').val();
-    if ($('#drops').val().length && $('#drops').val() != 'down')
-      options.drops = $('#drops').val();
-    if ($('#buttonClasses').val().length && $('#buttonClasses').val() != 'btn btn-sm')
-      options.buttonClasses = $('#buttonClasses').val();
-    if ($('#applyClass').val().length && $('#applyClass').val() != 'btn-success')
-      options.applyClass = $('#applyClass').val();
-    if ($('#cancelClass').val().length && $('#cancelClass').val() != 'btn-default')
-      options.cancelClass = $('#cancelClass').val();
-    $('#config-text').val("$('#demo').daterangepicker(" + JSON.stringify(options, null, '    ') + ", function(start, end, label) {\n  console.log(\"New date range selected: ' + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' to ' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' (predefined range: ' + label + ')\");\n});");
-    $('#config-demo').daterangepicker(options, function(start, end, label) { console.log('New date range selected: ' + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' to ' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' (predefined range: ' + label + ')'); });
-  }

+ 0 - 745

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-                        <h1 style="margin: 0 0 10px 0">Date Range Picker</h1>
-                        <p style="font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 0">
-                            A JavaScript component for choosing date ranges,
-                            dates and times.
-                        </p>
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-                        <a class="list-group-item" href="#usage">Getting Started</a>
-                        <a class="list-group-item" href="#examples">Examples</a>
-                        <a class="list-group-item" href="#options">Options, Methods &amp; Events</a>
-                        <a class="list-group-item" href="#config">Configuration Generator</a>
-                        <a class="list-group-item" href="#license">License &amp; Comments</a>
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-                    <p>Originally created for reports at <a href="https://www.improvely.com">Improvely</a>, the Date Range Picker can be attached to any webpage element to pop up two calendars for selecting dates, times, or predefined ranges like "Last 30 Days".</p>
-                    <a style="display: block; height: 300px; background: url('drp.png') top right no-repeat; background-size: cover; border: 1px solid #ccc; margin-bottom: 30px" href="https://awio.iljmp.com/5/drpdemo" title="Click for a Live Demo"></a>
-                    <h1><a id="usage" href="#usage">Getting Started</a></h1>
-                    <p>
-                        To get started, include jQuery, Moment.js and Date Range Picker's files in your webpage:
-                    </p>
-                    <script src="https://gist.github.com/dangrossman/4879503153c6a7a0b3b6ebd64e0383b7.js"></script>
-                    <p style="margin-bottom: 10px">
-                        Then attach a date range picker to whatever you want to trigger it:
-                    </p>
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col-8">
-                            <label>Code:</label>
-                            <script src="https://gist.github.com/dangrossman/f460cf1243d8ffb08c749730e89c2f3d.js"></script>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="col-4">
-                            <label>Produces:</label>
-                            <input type="text" name="dates" class="form-control pull-right" />
-                            <script>
-                                $(function() {
-                                    $('input[name="dates"]').daterangepicker({ startDate: moment(), endDate: moment().add(2, 'day')});
-                                })
-                            </script>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                    <p>
-                        You can customize Date Range Picker with options, and get notified when the user chooses new dates by providing a callback function.
-                    </p>
-                    <h1><a id="examples" href="#examples">Examples</a></h1>
-                    <!-- Example 1 -->
-                    <h2><a data-toggle="nothing" href="#example1">Simple Date Range Picker With a Callback</a></h2>
-                    <div class="collapsable" id="example1">
-                        <div class="row">
-                            <div class="col-8">
-                                <label>Code:</label>
-                                <script src="https://gist.github.com/dangrossman/e118af4dbadc5177d7494dba9d3295d1.js"></script>
-                            </div>
-                            <div class="col-4">
-                                <label>Produces:</label>
-                                <input type="text" name="daterange" class="form-control" value="1/01/2018 - 01/15/2018" />
-                                <script>
-                                $(function() {
-                                  $('input[name="daterange"]').daterangepicker({
-                                    opens: 'left'
-                                  }, function(start, end, label) {
-                                    console.log("A new date selection was made: " + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' to ' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD'));
-                                  });
-                                });
-                                </script>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                    <!-- Example 2 -->
-                    <h2><a data-toggle="nothing" href="#example2">Date Range Picker With Times</a></h2>
-                    <div class="collapsable" id="example2">
-                        <div class="row">
-                            <div class="col-8">
-                                <label>Code:</label>
-                                <script src="https://gist.github.com/dangrossman/14db17599e24652db7401ed2448eb91a.js"></script>
-                            </div>
-                            <div class="col-4">
-                                <label>Produces:</label>
-                                <input type="text" name="datetimes" class="form-control pull-right" />
-                                <script>
-                                $(function() {
-                                  $('input[name="datetimes"]').daterangepicker({
-                                    timePicker: true,
-                                    startDate: moment().startOf('hour'),
-                                    endDate: moment().startOf('hour').add(32, 'hour'),
-                                    locale: {
-                                      format: 'M/DD hh:mm A'
-                                    }
-                                  });
-                                });
-                                </script>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                    <!-- Example 3 -->
-                    <h2><a data-toggle="nothing" href="#example3">Single Date Picker</a></h2>
-                    <div class="collapsable" id="example3">
-                        <div class="row">
-                            <div class="col-8">
-                                <label>Code:</label>
-                                <script src="https://gist.github.com/dangrossman/98d8f1c304328c191b1ad33ac21354fd.js"></script>
-                            </div>
-                            <div class="col-4">
-                                <label>Produces:</label>
-                                <input type="text" name="birthday" class="form-control pull-right" value="10/24/1984" />
-                                <script>
-                                $(function() {
-                                  $('input[name="birthday"]').daterangepicker({
-                                    singleDatePicker: true,
-                                    showDropdowns: true,
-                                    minYear: 1901,
-                                    maxYear: parseInt(moment().format('YYYY'),10)
-                                  }, function(start, end, label) {
-                                    var years = moment().diff(start, 'years');
-                                    alert("You are " + years + " years old!");
-                                  });
-                                });
-                                </script>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                    <!-- Example 4 -->
-                    <h2><a data-toggle="nothing" href="#example4">Predefined Date Ranges</a></h2>
-                    <div class="collapsable" id="example4">
-                        <div class="row">
-                            <div class="col-8">
-                                <label>Code:</label>
-                                <script src="https://gist.github.com/dangrossman/8c6747b82572bc860364f17258004dbb.js"></script>
-                            </div>
-                            <div class="col-4">
-                                <label>Produces:</label>
-                                <div id="reportrange" class="pull-right" style="background: #fff; cursor: pointer; padding: 5px 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; width: 100%">
-                                    <i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>&nbsp;
-                                    <span></span> <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i>
-                                </div>
-                                <script type="text/javascript">
-                                $(function() {
-                                    var start = moment().subtract(29, 'days');
-                                    var end = moment();
-                                    function cb(start, end) {
-                                        $('#reportrange span').html(start.format('MMMM D, YYYY') + ' - ' + end.format('MMMM D, YYYY'));
-                                    }
-                                    $('#reportrange').daterangepicker({
-                                        startDate: start,
-                                        endDate: end,
-                                        ranges: {
-                                           'Today': [moment(), moment()],
-                                           'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')],
-                                           'Last 7 Days': [moment().subtract(6, 'days'), moment()],
-                                           'Last 30 Days': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()],
-                                           'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')],
-                                           'Last Month': [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')]
-                                        }
-                                    }, cb);
-                                    cb(start, end);
-                                });
-                                </script>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                    <!-- Example 5 -->
-                    <h2><a data-toggle="nothing" href="#example5">Input Initially Empty</a></h2>
-                    <div class="collapsable" id="example5">
-                        <div class="row">
-                            <div class="col-8">
-                                <label>Code:</label>
-                                <script src="https://gist.github.com/dangrossman/d50376f3467f69e7fb5570afd07dc921.js"></script>
-                            </div>
-                            <div class="col-4">
-                                <label>Produces:</label>
-                                <input type="text" name="datefilter" class="form-control pull-right" value="" />
-                                <script type="text/javascript">
-                                $(function() {
-                                  $('input[name="datefilter"]').daterangepicker({
-                                      autoUpdateInput: false,
-                                      locale: {
-                                          cancelLabel: 'Clear'
-                                      }
-                                  });
-                                  $('input[name="datefilter"]').on('apply.daterangepicker', function(ev, picker) {
-                                      $(this).val(picker.startDate.format('MM/DD/YYYY') + ' - ' + picker.endDate.format('MM/DD/YYYY'));
-                                  });
-                                  $('input[name="datefilter"]').on('cancel.daterangepicker', function(ev, picker) {
-                                      $(this).val('');
-                                  });
-                                });
-                                </script>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                    <h1 style="margin-top: 30px"><a id="options" href="#options">Options</a></h1>
-                    <ul class="nobullets">
-                        <li>
-                            <code>startDate</code> (Date or string) The beginning date of the initially selected date range. If you provide a string, it must match the date format string set in your <code>locale</code> setting.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>endDate</code>: (Date or string) The end date of the initially selected date range.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>minDate</code>: (Date or string) The earliest date a user may select.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>maxDate</code>: (Date or string) The latest date a user may select.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>maxSpan</code>: (object) The maximum span between the selected start and end dates. Check off <code>maxSpan</code> in the configuration generator for an example of how to use this. You can provide any object the <code>moment</code> library would let you add to a date.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>showDropdowns</code>: (true/false) Show year and month select boxes above calendars to jump to a specific month and year.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>minYear</code>: (number) The minimum year shown in the dropdowns when <code>showDropdowns</code> is set to true.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>maxYear</code>: (number) The maximum year shown in the dropdowns when <code>showDropdowns</code> is set to true.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>showWeekNumbers</code>: (true/false) Show localized week numbers at the start of each week on the calendars.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>showISOWeekNumbers</code>: (true/false) Show ISO week numbers at the start of each week on the calendars.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>timePicker</code>: (true/false) Adds select boxes to choose times in addition to dates.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>timePickerIncrement</code>: (number) Increment of the minutes selection list for times (i.e. 30 to allow only selection of times ending in 0 or 30).
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>timePicker24Hour</code>: (true/false) Use 24-hour instead of 12-hour times, removing the AM/PM selection.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>timePickerSeconds</code>: (true/false) Show seconds in the timePicker.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>ranges</code>: (object) Set predefined date ranges the user can select from. Each key is the label for the range, and its value an array with two dates representing the bounds of the range. Click <code>ranges</code> in the configuration generator for examples.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>showCustomRangeLabel</code>: (true/false) Displays "Custom Range" at
-                            the end of the list of predefined ranges, when the <code>ranges</code> option is used.
-                            This option will be highlighted whenever the current date range selection does not match one of the predefined ranges. Clicking it will display the calendars to select a new range.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>alwaysShowCalendars</code>: (true/false) Normally, if you use the <code>ranges</code> option to specify pre-defined date ranges, calendars for choosing a custom date range are not shown until the user clicks "Custom Range". When this option is set to true, the calendars for choosing a custom date range are always shown instead.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>opens</code>: ('left'/'right'/'center') Whether the picker appears aligned to the left, to the right, or centered under the HTML element it's attached to.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>drops</code>: ('down'/'up'/'auto') Whether the picker appears below (default) or above the HTML element it's attached to.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>buttonClasses</code>: (string) CSS class names that will be added to both the apply and cancel buttons.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>applyButtonClasses</code>: (string) CSS class names that will be added only to the apply button.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>cancelButtonClasses</code>: (string) CSS class names that will be added only to the cancel button.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>locale</code>: (object) Allows you to provide localized strings for buttons and labels, customize the date format, and change the first day of week for the calendars.
-                            Check off <code>locale</code> in the configuration generator to see how
-                            to customize these options.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>singleDatePicker</code>: (true/false) Show only a single calendar to choose one date, instead of a range picker with two calendars. The start and end dates provided to your callback will be the same single date chosen.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>autoApply</code>: (true/false) Hide the apply and cancel buttons, and automatically apply a new date range as soon as two dates are clicked.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>linkedCalendars</code>: (true/false) When enabled, the two calendars displayed will always be for two sequential months (i.e. January and February), and both will be advanced when clicking the left or right arrows above the calendars. When disabled, the two calendars can be individually advanced and display any month/year.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>isInvalidDate</code>: (function) A function that is passed each date in the two
-                            calendars before they are displayed, and may return true or false to indicate whether
-                            that date should be available for selection or not.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>isCustomDate</code>: (function) A function that is passed each date in the two
-                            calendars before they are displayed, and may return a string or array of CSS class names
-                            to apply to that date's calendar cell.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>autoUpdateInput</code>: (true/false) Indicates whether the date range picker should
-                            automatically update the value of the <code>&lt;input&gt;</code> element it's attached to at initialization and when the selected dates change.
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>parentEl</code>: (string) jQuery selector of the parent element that the date range picker will be added to, if not provided this will be 'body'
-                        </li>
-                    </ul>
-                    <h1 style="margin-top: 30px"><a id="methods" href="#methods">Methods</a></h1>
-                    <p>
-                        You can programmatically update the <code>startDate</code> and <code>endDate</code>
-                        in the picker using the <code>setStartDate</code> and <code>setEndDate</code> methods.
-                        You can access the Date Range Picker object and its functions and properties through
-                        data properties of the element you attached it to.
-                    </p>
-                    <script src="https://gist.github.com/dangrossman/8ff9b1220c9b5682e8bd.js"></script>
-                    <br/>
-                    <ul class="nobullets">
-                        <li>
-                            <code>setStartDate(Date or string)</code>: Sets the date range picker's currently selected start date to the provided date
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>setEndDate(Date or string)</code>: Sets the date range picker's currently selected end date to the provided date
-                        </li>
-                    </ul>
-                    <p style="margin: 0"><b>Example usage:</b></p>
-                    <script src="https://gist.github.com/dangrossman/e1a8effbaeacb50a1e31.js"></script>
-                    <h1 style="margin-top: 30px"><a id="events" href="#events">Events</a></h1>
-                    <p>
-                        Several events are triggered on the element you attach the picker to, which you can listen for.
-                    </p>
-                    <ul class="nobullets">
-                        <li>
-                            <code>show.daterangepicker</code>: Triggered when the picker is shown
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>hide.daterangepicker</code>: Triggered when the picker is hidden
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>showCalendar.daterangepicker</code>: Triggered when the calendar(s) are shown
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>hideCalendar.daterangepicker</code>: Triggered when the calendar(s) are hidden
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>apply.daterangepicker</code>: Triggered when the apply button is clicked,
-                            or when a predefined range is clicked
-                        </li>
-                        <li>
-                            <code>cancel.daterangepicker</code>: Triggered when the cancel button is clicked
-                        </li>
-                    </ul>
-                    <p>
-                        Some applications need a "clear" instead of a "cancel" functionality, which can be achieved by changing the button label and watching for the cancel event:
-                    </p>
-                    <script src="https://gist.github.com/dangrossman/1bea78da703f2896564d.js"></script>
-                    <br/>
-                    <p>
-                        While passing in a callback to the constructor is the easiest way to listen for changes in the selected date range, you can also do something every time the apply button is clicked even if the selection hasn't changed:
-                    </p>
-                    <script src="https://gist.github.com/dangrossman/0c6c911fea1459b5fd13.js"></script>
-                    <h1 style="margin-top: 30px"><a id="config" href="#config">Configuration Generator</a></h1>
-                    <div class="well configurator">
-                      <form>
-                          <div class="row">
-                            <div class="col-md-4">
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="parentEl">parentEl</label>
-                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="parentEl" value="" placeholder="body">
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="startDate">startDate</label>
-                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="startDate" value="07/01/2017">
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="endDate">endDate</label>
-                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="endDate" value="07/15/2017">
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="minDate">minDate</label>
-                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="minDate" value="" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY">
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="maxDate">maxDate</label>
-                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="maxDate" value="" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY">
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="opens">opens</label>
-                                <select id="opens" class="form-control">
-                                  <option value="right" selected>right</option>
-                                  <option value="left">left</option>
-                                  <option value="center">center</option>
-                                </select>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="drops">drops</label>
-                                <select id="drops" class="form-control">
-                                  <option value="down" selected>down</option>
-                                  <option value="up">up</option>
-                                  <option value="auto">auto</option>
-                                </select>
-                              </div>
-                            </div>
-                            <div class="col-md-4">
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="showDropdowns"> showDropdowns
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="minYear">minYear</label>
-                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="minYear" value="">
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="maxYear">maxYear</label>
-                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="maxYear" value="">
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="showWeekNumbers"> showWeekNumbers
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="showISOWeekNumbers"> showISOWeekNumbers
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="singleDatePicker"> singleDatePicker
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="timePicker"> timePicker
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="timePicker24Hour"> timePicker24Hour
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="timePickerIncrement">timePickerIncrement (in minutes)</label>
-                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="timePickerIncrement" value="1">
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="timePickerSeconds"> timePickerSeconds
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="maxSpan"> maxSpan (example value)
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="locale"> locale (example settings)
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="autoApply"> autoApply
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                            </div>
-                            <div class="col-md-4">
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="buttonClasses">buttonClasses</label>
-                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="buttonClasses" value="btn btn-sm">
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="applyButtonClasses">applyButtonClasses</label>
-                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="applyButtonClasses" value="btn-primary">
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="form-group">
-                                <label for="cancelButtonClasses">cancelButtonClasses</label>
-                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="cancelButtonClasses" value="btn-default">
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="ranges"> ranges (with example predefined ranges)
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="alwaysShowCalendars"> alwaysShowCalendars
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="showCustomRangeLabel" checked="checked"> showCustomRangeLabel
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="linkedCalendars" checked="checked"> linkedCalendars
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                              <div class="checkbox">
-                                <label>
-                                  <input type="checkbox" id="autoUpdateInput" checked="checked"> autoUpdateInput
-                                </label>
-                              </div>
-                            </div>
-                          </div>
-                      </form>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="row">
-                      <div class="col-4 demo">
-                        <div style="position: relative">
-                            <h2 style="margin-bottom: 15px">Your Date Range Picker</h2>
-                            <input type="text" id="config-demo" class="form-control">
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                      <div class="col-8">
-                        <h2 style="margin-bottom: 15px">Your Configuration to Copy</h2>
-                        <div class="well">
-                          <textarea id="config-text" style="height: 300px; width: 100%; padding: 10px"></textarea>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                    <!-- License -->
-                    <h1 style="margin-top: 30px"><a id="license" href="#license">License</a></h1>
-                    <p>The MIT License (MIT)</p>
-                    <p>Copyright (c) 2012-2019 <a href="http://www.dangrossman.info">Dan Grossman</a></p>
-                    <p>
-                        Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-                    </p>
-                    <p>
-                        The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-                    </p>
-                    <p>
-                    </p>
-                    <h1 style="margin-top: 30px"><a id="config" href="#comments">Comments</a></h1>
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+ 0 - 152

@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
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+ 0 - 179

@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-$(document).ready(function() {
-    $('#config-text').keyup(function() {
-      eval($(this).val());
-    });
-    $('.configurator input, .configurator select').change(function() {
-      updateConfig();
-    });
-    $('.demo i').click(function() {
-      $(this).parent().find('input').click();
-    });
-    $('#startDate').daterangepicker({
-      singleDatePicker: true,
-      startDate: moment().subtract(6, 'days')
-    });
-    $('#endDate').daterangepicker({
-      singleDatePicker: true,
-      startDate: moment()
-    });
-    //updateConfig();
-    function updateConfig() {
-      var options = {};
-      if ($('#singleDatePicker').is(':checked'))
-        options.singleDatePicker = true;
-      if ($('#showDropdowns').is(':checked'))
-        options.showDropdowns = true;
-      if ($('#minYear').val().length && $('#minYear').val() != 1)
-        options.minYear = parseInt($('#minYear').val(), 10);
-      if ($('#maxYear').val().length && $('#maxYear').val() != 1)
-        options.maxYear = parseInt($('#maxYear').val(), 10);
-      if ($('#showWeekNumbers').is(':checked'))
-        options.showWeekNumbers = true;
-      if ($('#showISOWeekNumbers').is(':checked'))
-        options.showISOWeekNumbers = true;
-      if ($('#timePicker').is(':checked'))
-        options.timePicker = true;
-      if ($('#timePicker24Hour').is(':checked'))
-        options.timePicker24Hour = true;
-      if ($('#timePickerIncrement').val().length && $('#timePickerIncrement').val() != 1)
-        options.timePickerIncrement = parseInt($('#timePickerIncrement').val(), 10);
-      if ($('#timePickerSeconds').is(':checked'))
-        options.timePickerSeconds = true;
-      if ($('#autoApply').is(':checked'))
-        options.autoApply = true;
-      if ($('#maxSpan').is(':checked'))
-        options.maxSpan = { days: 7 };
-      if ($('#ranges').is(':checked')) {
-        options.ranges = {
-          'Today': [moment(), moment()],
-          'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')],
-          'Last 7 Days': [moment().subtract(6, 'days'), moment()],
-          'Last 30 Days': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()],
-          'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')],
-          'Last Month': [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')]
-        };
-      }
-      if ($('#locale').is(':checked')) {
-        options.locale = {
-          format: 'MM/DD/YYYY',
-          separator: ' - ',
-          applyLabel: 'Apply',
-          cancelLabel: 'Cancel',
-          fromLabel: 'From',
-          toLabel: 'To',
-          customRangeLabel: 'Custom',
-          weekLabel: 'W',
-          daysOfWeek: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr','Sa'],
-          monthNames: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
-          firstDay: 1
-        };
-      }
-      if (!$('#linkedCalendars').is(':checked'))
-        options.linkedCalendars = false;
-      if (!$('#autoUpdateInput').is(':checked'))
-        options.autoUpdateInput = false;
-      if (!$('#showCustomRangeLabel').is(':checked'))
-        options.showCustomRangeLabel = false;
-      if ($('#alwaysShowCalendars').is(':checked'))
-        options.alwaysShowCalendars = true;
-      if ($('#parentEl').val().length)
-        options.parentEl = $('#parentEl').val();
-      if ($('#startDate').val().length) 
-        options.startDate = $('#startDate').val();
-      if ($('#endDate').val().length)
-        options.endDate = $('#endDate').val();
-      if ($('#minDate').val().length)
-        options.minDate = $('#minDate').val();
-      if ($('#maxDate').val().length)
-        options.maxDate = $('#maxDate').val();
-      if ($('#opens').val().length && $('#opens').val() != 'right')
-        options.opens = $('#opens').val();
-      if ($('#drops').val().length && $('#drops').val() != 'down')
-        options.drops = $('#drops').val();
-      if ($('#buttonClasses').val().length && $('#buttonClasses').val() != 'btn btn-sm')
-        options.buttonClasses = $('#buttonClasses').val();
-      if ($('#applyButtonClasses').val().length && $('#applyButtonClasses').val() != 'btn-primary')
-        options.applyButtonClasses = $('#applyButtonClasses').val();
-      if ($('#cancelButtonClasses').val().length && $('#cancelButtonClasses').val() != 'btn-default')
-        options.cancelClass = $('#cancelButtonClasses').val();
-      $('#config-demo').daterangepicker(options, function(start, end, label) { console.log('New date range selected: ' + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' to ' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' (predefined range: ' + label + ')'); });
-      if (typeof options.ranges !== 'undefined') {
-        options.ranges = {};
-      }
-      var option_text = JSON.stringify(options, null, '    ');
-      var replacement = "ranges: {\n"
-          + "        'Today': [moment(), moment()],\n"
-          + "        'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')],\n"
-          + "        'Last 7 Days': [moment().subtract(6, 'days'), moment()],\n"
-          + "        'Last 30 Days': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()],\n"
-          + "        'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')],\n"
-          + "        'Last Month': [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')]\n"
-          + "    }";
-      option_text = option_text.replace(new RegExp('"ranges"\: \{\}', 'g'), replacement);
-      $('#config-text').val("$('#demo').daterangepicker(" + option_text + ", function(start, end, label) {\n  console.log('New date range selected: ' + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' to ' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' (predefined range: ' + label + ')');\n});");
-    }
-    $(window).scroll(function (event) {
-        var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
-        if (scroll > 180) {
-          $('.leftcol').css('position', 'fixed');
-          $('.leftcol').css('top', '10px');
-        } else {
-          $('.leftcol').css('position', 'absolute');
-          $('.leftcol').css('top', '180px');
-        }
-    });
-    var bg = new Trianglify({
-      x_colors: ["#e1f3fd", "#eeeeee", "#407dbf"],
-      y_colors: 'match_x',
-      width: document.body.clientWidth,
-      height: 150,
-      stroke_width: 0,
-      cell_size: 20
-    });
-    $('#jumbo').css('background-image', 'url(' + bg.png() + ')');

+ 0 - 15

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import { Filter } from './types';
- * ActiveFilter represents the currently active filter over
- * the grid.
- *
- * It can be a plain string value or an array of strings.
- */
-export default class ActiveFilter {
-    private filter;
-    constructor(filter: Filter);
-    get(): Filter;
-    set(targetFilter: Filter): void;
-    toggle(targetFilter: string): void;
-    private toggleFilter;

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-import { Destructible } from './types/interfaces';
-declare type Receiver = NodeListOf<Element> | Element | Window;
-export default class EventReceiver implements Destructible {
-    private receiver;
-    private eventDictionary;
-    constructor(receiver: Receiver);
-    on(eventType: string, eventHandler: EventListener): void;
-    off(eventType: string): void;
-    destroy(): void;
-    private removeAllEvents;
-export {};

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { FilterizrState } from '../types';
-import FilterizrOptions from '../FilterizrOptions';
-import FilterItems from '../FilterItems';
-import FilterizrElement from '../FilterizrElement';
-import StyledFilterContainer from './StyledFilterContainer';
- * Resembles the grid of items within Filterizr.
- */
-export default class FilterContainer extends FilterizrElement {
-    filterItems: FilterItems;
-    protected styledNode: StyledFilterContainer;
-    private _filterizrState;
-    constructor(node: Element, options: FilterizrOptions);
-    readonly styles: StyledFilterContainer;
-    filterizrState: FilterizrState;
-    destroy(): void;
-    /**
-     * Turn the HTML elements in the grid to FilterItem
-     * instances and return a collection of them.
-     * @throws when no filter items are found in the grid.
-     */
-    makeFilterItems(options: FilterizrOptions): FilterItems;
-    insertItem(node: HTMLElement): void;
-    removeItem(node: HTMLElement): void;
-    setHeight(newHeight: number): void;
-    bindEvents(): void;
-    unbindEvents(): void;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import StyledFilterizrElement from '../StyledFilterizrElement';
-export default class StyledFilterContainer extends StyledFilterizrElement {
-    initialize(): void;
-    updatePaddings(): void;
-    setHeight(newHeight: number): void;

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './FilterContainer';

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-import FilterizrOptions from '../FilterizrOptions';
-export declare const makePaddingStyles: (options: FilterizrOptions) => object;
-export declare const makeInitialStyles: (options: FilterizrOptions) => object;
-export declare const makeHeightStyles: (height: number) => object;

+ 0 - 19

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import Filterizr from './Filterizr';
-import { Destructible } from './types/interfaces';
-export default class FilterControls implements Destructible {
-    private filterControls;
-    private filterizr;
-    private multiFilterControls;
-    private searchControls;
-    private selector;
-    private shuffleControls;
-    private sortAscControls;
-    private sortDescControls;
-    /**
-     * @param filterizr keep a ref to the Filterizr object to control actions
-     * @param selector selector of controls in case of multiple Filterizr instances
-     */
-    constructor(filterizr: Filterizr, selector?: string);
-    destroy(): void;
-    private initialize;

+ 0 - 44

@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-import { Position } from '../types/interfaces';
-import FilterizrOptions from '../FilterizrOptions';
-import FilterizrElement from '../FilterizrElement';
-import StyledFilterItem from './StyledFilterItem';
- * Resembles an item in the grid of Filterizr.
- */
-export default class FilterItem extends FilterizrElement {
-    protected styledNode: StyledFilterItem;
-    private filteredOut;
-    private lastPosition;
-    private sortData;
-    constructor(node: Element, index: number, options: FilterizrOptions);
-    readonly styles: StyledFilterItem;
-    /**
-     * Destroys the FilterItem instance
-     */
-    destroy(): void;
-    /**
-     * Filters in a specific FilterItem out of the grid.
-     */
-    filterIn(targetPosition: Position): void;
-    /**
-     * Filters out a specific FilterItem out of the grid.
-     */
-    filterOut(): void;
-    /**
-     * Returns true if the text contents of the FilterItem match the search term
-     * @param searchTerm to look up
-     */
-    contentsMatchSearch(searchTerm: string): boolean;
-    /**
-     * Returns all categories of the grid items data-category attribute
-     * with a regexp regarding all whitespace.
-     */
-    getCategories(): string[];
-    /**
-     * Returns the value of the sort attribute
-     * @param sortAttribute "index", "sortData" or custom user data-attribute by which to sort
-     */
-    getSortAttribute(sortAttribute: string): string | number;
-    protected bindEvents(): void;
-    protected unbindEvents(): void;

+ 0 - 32

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import { Position } from './../types/interfaces';
-import StyledFilterizrElement from '../StyledFilterizrElement';
-import FilterizrOptions from '../FilterizrOptions';
-export default class StyledFilterItem extends StyledFilterizrElement {
-    private _index;
-    constructor(node: HTMLElement, index: number, options: FilterizrOptions);
-    initialize(): void;
-    setFilteredStyles(position: Position, cssOptions: object): void;
-    updateTransitionStyle(): void;
-    updateWidth(): void;
-    /**
-     * Sets the transition css property as an inline style on the FilterItem.
-     *
-     * The idea here is that during the very first render items should assume
-     * their positions directly.
-     *
-     * Following renders should actually trigger the transitions, which is why
-     * we need to delay setting the transition property.
-     *
-     * Unfortunately, JavaScript code executes on the same thread as the
-     * browser's rendering. Everything that needs to be drawn waits for
-     * JavaScript execution to complete. Thus, we need to use a setTimeout
-     * here to defer setting the transition style at the first rendering cycle.
-     */
-    enableTransitions(): Promise<void>;
-    disableTransitions(): void;
-    setZIndex(zIndex: number): void;
-    removeZIndex(): void;
-    removeWidth(): void;
-    setHidden(): void;
-    setVisible(): void;

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './FilterItem';

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import FilterizrOptions from '../FilterizrOptions';
-import { Dictionary, Position } from '../types/interfaces';
-export declare const makeInitialStyles: (options: FilterizrOptions) => object;
-export declare const makeFilteringStyles: (targetPosition: Position, cssOptions: Dictionary) => object;
-export declare const makeTransitionStyles: (index: number, options: FilterizrOptions) => object;

+ 0 - 23

@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import StyledFilterItems from './StyledFilterItems';
-import { Filter } from '../types';
-import FilterItem from '../FilterItem';
-import FilterizrOptions from '../FilterizrOptions/FilterizrOptions';
-import { Destructible, Styleable } from '../types/interfaces';
-export default class FilterItems implements Destructible, Styleable {
-    private filterItems;
-    private styledFilterItems;
-    private options;
-    constructor(filterItems: FilterItem[], options: FilterizrOptions);
-    readonly styles: StyledFilterItems;
-    readonly length: number;
-    getItem(index: number): FilterItem;
-    destroy(): void;
-    push(filterItem: FilterItem): number;
-    remove(node: HTMLElement): void;
-    getFiltered(filter: Filter): FilterItem[];
-    getFilteredOut(filter: Filter): FilterItem[];
-    sort(sortAttr?: string, sortOrder?: 'asc' | 'desc'): void;
-    shuffle(): void;
-    private search;
-    private shouldBeFiltered;

+ 0 - 13

@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import StyledFilterizrElements from '../StyledFilterizrElements';
-import FilterItem from '../FilterItem/FilterItem';
-export default class StyledFilterItems extends StyledFilterizrElements {
-    private _filterItems;
-    constructor(elements: FilterItem[]);
-    resetDisplay(): void;
-    removeWidth(): void;
-    updateWidth(): void;
-    updateTransitionStyle(): void;
-    disableTransitions(): void;
-    enableTransitions(): Promise<void>;
-    updateWidthWithTransitionsDisabled(): void;

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './FilterItems';

+ 0 - 75

@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-import { Filter } from '../types';
-import { RawOptions, Destructible } from '../types/interfaces';
-import FilterizrOptions from '../FilterizrOptions';
-import FilterContainer from '../FilterContainer';
-import FilterItem from '../FilterItem';
-export default class Filterizr implements Destructible {
-    /**
-     * Main Filterizr classes exported as static members
-     */
-    static FilterContainer: typeof FilterContainer;
-    static FilterItem: typeof FilterItem;
-    static defaultOptions: RawOptions;
-    /**
-     * Static method that receives the jQuery object and extends
-     * its prototype with a .filterizr method.
-     */
-    static installAsJQueryPlugin: Function;
-    options: FilterizrOptions;
-    private windowEventReceiver;
-    private filterContainer;
-    private filterControls?;
-    private imagesHaveLoaded;
-    private spinner?;
-    constructor(selectorOrNode?: string | HTMLElement, userOptions?: RawOptions);
-    private readonly filterItems;
-    /**
-     * Filters the items in the grid by a category
-     * @param category by which to filter
-     */
-    filter(category: Filter): void;
-    destroy(): void;
-    /**
-     * Inserts a new FilterItem into the grid
-     */
-    insertItem(node: HTMLElement): Promise<void>;
-    /**
-     * Removes a FilterItem from the grid
-     */
-    removeItem(node: HTMLElement): void;
-    /**
-     * Sorts the FilterItems in the grid
-     * @param sortAttr the attribute by which to perform the sort
-     * @param sortOrder ascending or descending
-     */
-    sort(sortAttr?: string, sortOrder?: 'asc' | 'desc'): void;
-    /**
-     * Searches through the FilterItems for a given string and adds an additional filter layer.
-     */
-    search(searchTerm?: string): void;
-    /**
-     * Shuffles the FilterItems in the grid, making sure their positions have changed.
-     */
-    shuffle(): void;
-    /**
-     * Updates the perferences of the users for rendering the Filterizr grid,
-     * additionally performs error checking on the new options passed.
-     * @param newOptions to override the defaults.
-     */
-    setOptions(newOptions: RawOptions): void;
-    /**
-     * Performs multifiltering with AND/OR logic.
-     * @param toggledFilter the filter to toggle
-     */
-    toggleFilter(toggledFilter: string): void;
-    private render;
-    /**
-     * Initialization sequence of Filterizr when the grid is first loaded
-     */
-    private initialize;
-    private bindEvents;
-    /**
-     * Resolves when the images of the grid have finished loading into the DOM
-     */
-    private waitForImagesToLoad;

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './Filterizr';

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export default function installAsJQueryPlugin($: any): void;

+ 0 - 16

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-import { Destructible, Dimensions, Resizable, Styleable } from './types/interfaces';
-import FilterizrOptions from './FilterizrOptions';
-import EventReceiver from './EventReceiver';
-import StyledFilterizrElement from './StyledFilterizrElement';
-export default abstract class FilterizrElement implements Destructible, Resizable, Styleable {
-    node: Element;
-    options: FilterizrOptions;
-    protected eventReceiver: EventReceiver;
-    constructor(node: Element, options: FilterizrOptions);
-    readonly dimensions: Dimensions;
-    destroy(): void | Promise<void>;
-    trigger(eventType: string): void;
-    abstract readonly styles: StyledFilterizrElement;
-    protected abstract bindEvents(): void;
-    protected abstract unbindEvents(): void;

+ 0 - 22

@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseOptions, RawOptions } from './../types/interfaces';
-import ActiveFilter from '../ActiveFilter';
-import { Filter } from '../types';
-export interface Options extends BaseOptions {
-    filter: ActiveFilter;
-export default class FilterizrOptions {
-    private options;
-    constructor(userOptions: RawOptions);
-    readonly isSpinnerEnabled: boolean;
-    readonly areControlsEnabled: boolean;
-    readonly controlsSelector: string;
-    filter: Filter;
-    toggleFilter(filter: string): void;
-    searchTerm: string;
-    get(): Options;
-    getRaw(): RawOptions;
-    set(newUserOptions: RawOptions): void;
-    private convertToFilterizrOptions;
-    private convertToOptions;
-    private validate;

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-import { RawOptions } from '../types/interfaces';
-declare const defaultOptions: RawOptions;
-export default defaultOptions;

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-export { default as defaultOptions } from './defaultOptions';
-export { default } from './FilterizrOptions';

+ 0 - 13

@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import { Destructible, Styleable } from '../types/interfaces';
-import FilterizrOptions from '../FilterizrOptions';
-import FilterContainer from '../FilterContainer';
-import StyledSpinner from './StyledSpinner';
-export default class Spinner implements Destructible, Styleable {
-    private node;
-    private styledNode;
-    private filterContainer;
-    constructor(filterContainer: FilterContainer, options: FilterizrOptions);
-    readonly styles: StyledSpinner;
-    destroy(): Promise<void>;
-    private initialize;

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import StyledFilterizrElement from '../StyledFilterizrElement';
-export default class StyledSpinner extends StyledFilterizrElement {
-    initialize(): void;
-    fadeOut(): Promise<void>;

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './Spinner';

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-import { SpinnerOptions } from '../types/interfaces';
-export declare function makeSpinner({ fillColor }: SpinnerOptions): HTMLElement;

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-import { Destructible } from './types/interfaces/Destructible';
-import FilterizrOptions from './FilterizrOptions';
-export default abstract class StyledFilterizrElement implements Destructible {
-    protected options: FilterizrOptions;
-    protected node: HTMLElement;
-    constructor(node: HTMLElement, options: FilterizrOptions);
-    destroy(): void;
-    protected animate(targetStyles: object): Promise<void>;
-    protected set(targetStyles: object): void;
-    protected remove(propertyName: string): void;
-    abstract initialize(): void | Promise<void>;

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-export default abstract class StyledFilterizrElements {

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-declare class Animator {
-    static animate(node: HTMLElement, targetStyles: object): Promise<void>;
-    private static process;
-declare const _default: typeof Animator.animate;
-export default _default;

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- * A Regexp to validate potential values for the CSS easing property of transitions.
- */
-export declare const cssEasingValuesRegexp: RegExp;

+ 0 - 11

@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-interface FilterizrState {
-    IDLE: 'IDLE';
- * Possible animation states for Filterizr
- */
-export declare const FILTERIZR_STATE: FilterizrState;
-export {};

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export { FILTERIZR_STATE } from './filterizrState';
-export { LAYOUT } from './layout';
-export { cssEasingValuesRegexp } from './cssEasingValuesRegexp';

+ 0 - 13

@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-interface Layout {
-    SAME_SIZE: 'sameSize';
-    SAME_HEIGHT: 'sameHeight';
-    SAME_WIDTH: 'sameWidth';
-    PACKED: 'packed';
-    HORIZONTAL: 'horizontal';
-    VERTICAL: 'vertical';
- * Possible grid layout modes
- */
-export declare const LAYOUT: Layout;
-export {};

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- * Filterizr is a JavaScript library that sorts, shuffles and applies stunning
- * filters over responsive galleries using CSS3 transitions and
- * custom CSS effects.
- * @author Yiotis Kaltsikis
- * @see {@link http://yiotis.net/filterizr}
- * @license MIT
- */
-export { default } from './Filterizr';

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- * Filterizr is a JavaScript library that sorts, shuffles and applies stunning filters over
- * responsive galleries using CSS3 transitions and custom CSS effects.
- *
- * @author Yiotis Kaltsikis
- * @see {@link http://yiotis.net/filterizr}
- * @license MIT
- */
-import Filterizr from './Filterizr';
-export default Filterizr;

+ 0 - 30

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * Modified version of Jake Gordon's Bin Packing algorithm used for Filterizr's 'packed' layout
- * @see {@link https://github.com/jakesgordon/bin-packing}
- */
-interface PackerRoot {
-    x: number;
-    y: number;
-    w: number;
-    h?: number;
-    used?: boolean;
-    down?: PackerRoot;
-    right?: PackerRoot;
-interface PackerBlock {
-    x?: number;
-    y?: number;
-    w?: number;
-    h?: number;
-    fit?: PackerRoot | void;
-export default class Packer {
-    root: PackerRoot;
-    constructor(w: number);
-    init(w: number): void;
-    fit(blocks: PackerBlock[]): void;
-    findNode(root: PackerRoot, w: number, h: number): PackerRoot | void;
-    splitNode(node: PackerRoot, w: number, h: number): PackerRoot;
-    growDown(w: number, h: number): PackerRoot | void;
-export {};

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './makeLayoutPositions';

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import { ContainerLayout, Dimensions } from '../types/interfaces';
-declare const _default: (itemsDimensions: Dimensions[], gutterPixels: number) => ContainerLayout;
- * Horizontal layout algorithm that arranges all FilterItems in one row. Their width may vary.
- */
-export default _default;

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-import { ContainerLayout, Dimensions, Options } from '../types/interfaces';
-declare const _default: (containerWidth: number, itemsDimensions: Dimensions[], { gutterPixels, layout }: Options) => ContainerLayout;
- * Creates the specifications of the dimensions of the
- * container and items for the next render of Filterizr.
- */
-export default _default;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import { ContainerLayout, Dimensions } from '../types/interfaces';
-declare const _default: (containerWidth: number, itemsDimensions: Dimensions[], gutterPixels: number) => ContainerLayout;
- * Packed layout for items that can have varying width as well as varying height.
- */
-export default _default;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import { ContainerLayout, Dimensions } from '../types/interfaces';
-declare const _default: (containerWidth: number, itemsDimensions: Dimensions[], gutterPixels: number) => ContainerLayout;
- * Same height layout for items that have the same height, but can have varying width
- */
-export default _default;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import { ContainerLayout, Dimensions } from '../types/interfaces';
-declare const _default: (containerWidth: number, itemsDimensions: Dimensions[], gutterPixels: number) => ContainerLayout;
- * Same size layout for items that have the same width/height
- */
-export default _default;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import { ContainerLayout, Dimensions } from '../types/interfaces';
-declare const _default: (containerWidth: number, itemsDimensions: Dimensions[], gutterPixels: number) => ContainerLayout;
- * Same width layout for items that have the same width and varying height
- */
-export default _default;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import { ContainerLayout, Dimensions } from '../types/interfaces';
-declare const _default: (itemsDimensions: Dimensions[], gutterPixels: number) => ContainerLayout;
- * Vertical layout algorithm that arranges all FilterItems in one column. Their height may vary.
- */
-export default _default;

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export declare type Filter = string | string[];
-export declare type FilterizrState = 'IDLE' | 'FILTERING' | 'SORTING' | 'SHUFFLING';
-export declare type Layout = 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'sameHeight' | 'sameWidth' | 'sameSize' | 'packed';

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import { SpinnerOptions } from './SpinnerOptions';
-import { RawOptionsCallbacks } from './RawOptionsCallbacks';
-import { Layout } from '..';
-export interface BaseOptions {
-    animationDuration?: number;
-    callbacks?: RawOptionsCallbacks;
-    controlsSelector?: string;
-    delay?: number;
-    delayMode?: 'alternate' | 'progressive';
-    easing?: string;
-    filterOutCss?: object;
-    filterInCss?: object;
-    gridItemsSelector?: string;
-    gutterPixels?: number;
-    layout?: Layout;
-    multifilterLogicalOperator?: 'or' | 'and';
-    searchTerm?: string;
-    setupControls?: boolean;
-    spinner?: SpinnerOptions;

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import { Position } from './Position';
-export interface ContainerLayout {
-    containerHeight: number;
-    itemsPositions: Position[];

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export interface Destructible {
-    destroy(): void | Promise<void>;

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export interface Dictionary {
-    [key: string]: any;

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-export interface Dimensions {
-    width: number;
-    height: number;

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseOptions } from './BaseOptions';
-import ActiveFilter from '../../ActiveFilter';
-export interface Options extends BaseOptions {
-    filter: ActiveFilter;

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-export interface Position {
-    left: number;
-    top: number;

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseOptions } from './BaseOptions';
-export interface RawOptions extends BaseOptions {
-    filter?: string | string[];

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-export interface RawOptionsCallbacks {
-    onInit?: EventListener;
-    onFilteringStart?: EventListener;
-    onFilteringEnd?: EventListener;
-    onShufflingStart?: EventListener;
-    onShufflingEnd?: EventListener;
-    onSortingStart?: EventListener;
-    onSortingEnd?: EventListener;
-    onTransitionEnd?: EventListener;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-export interface Resizable {
-    readonly dimensions: {
-        width: number;
-        height: number;
-    };

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import { Dictionary } from './Dictionary';
-export interface SpinnerOptions {
-    enabled?: boolean;
-    fillColor?: string;
-    styles?: Dictionary;

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import StyledFilterizrElement from '../../StyledFilterizrElement';
-import StyledFilterizrElements from '../../StyledFilterizrElements';
-export interface Styleable {
-    readonly styles: StyledFilterizrElement | StyledFilterizrElements;

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-export { BaseOptions } from './BaseOptions';
-export { ContainerLayout } from './ContainerLayout';
-export { Destructible } from './Destructible';
-export { Dictionary } from './Dictionary';
-export { Dimensions } from './Dimensions';
-export { Options } from './Options';
-export { Position } from './Position';
-export { RawOptions } from './RawOptions';
-export { RawOptionsCallbacks } from './RawOptionsCallbacks';
-export { Resizable } from './Resizable';
-export { SpinnerOptions } from './SpinnerOptions';
-export { Styleable } from './Styleable';

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export declare const allStringsOfArray1InArray2: (arr1: string[], arr2: string[]) => boolean;

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- * Error checking method to restrict a prop to some allowed values
- * @param {String} name of the option key in the options object
- * @param {String|Number|Object|Function|Array|Boolean} value of the option
- * @param {String} type of the property
- * @param {Array} allowed accepted values for option
- * @param {String} furtherHelpLink a link to docs for further help
- */
-export declare const checkOptionForErrors: (name: string, value: string | number | boolean | object | Function | any[], type?: string, allowed?: RegExp | any[], furtherHelpLink?: string) => void;

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- * Debounce of Underscore.js
- */
-export declare const debounce: (func: Function, wait: number, immediate: boolean) => Function;

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import FilterItem from '../FilterItem';
- * Simple method to check if two arrays of FilterItems
- * are sorted in the same manner or not.
- * @param {Array} arr1 the first array of FilterItems
- * @param {Array} arr2 the second array of FilterItems
- * @return {Boolean} equality
- */
-export declare const filterItemArraysHaveSameSorting: (filterItemsA: FilterItem[], filterItemsB: FilterItem[]) => boolean;

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-import { Dictionary } from '../types/interfaces/Dictionary';
-export declare function getDataAttributesOfHTMLNode(node: Element): Dictionary;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- * Wrapper around document.querySelector, will function as
- * an identity function if an HTML element is passed in
- * @param {HTMLElement|string} nodeOrSelector
- */
-export declare const getHTMLElement: (selectorOrNode: string | HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-export { allStringsOfArray1InArray2 } from './allStringsOfArray1InArray2';
-export { checkOptionForErrors } from './checkOptionForErrors';
-export { debounce } from './debounce';
-export { filterItemArraysHaveSameSorting, } from './filterItemArraysHaveSameSorting';
-export { getDataAttributesOfHTMLNode } from './getDataAttributesOfHTMLNode';
-export { getHTMLElement } from './getHTMLElement';
-export { intersection } from './intersection';
-export { merge } from './merge';
-export { noop } from './noop';
-export { setStyles } from './setStyles';
-export { shuffle } from './shuffle';
-export { sortBy } from './sortBy';

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- * A function get the intersection of two arrays. IE9+.
- */
-export declare const intersection: (arr1: any[], arr2: any[]) => any[];

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import { Dictionary } from '../types/interfaces/Dictionary';
- * Deep merge two objects.
- */
-export declare function merge(target: Dictionary, ...sources: Dictionary[]): Dictionary;

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- * A no-operation function
- */
-export declare const noop: () => void;

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- * Set inline styles on an HTML node
- * @param {HTMLElement} node - HTML node
- * @param {Object} styles - object with styles
- * @returns {undefined}
- */
-export declare function setStyles(node: Element, styles: any): void;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- * Fisher-Yates shuffle ES6 non-mutating implementation.
- * @param {Array} array the array to shuffle
- * @return {Array} shuffled array without mutating the initial array.
- */
-export declare const shuffle: (array: any[]) => any[];

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- * Simple non-mutating sorting function for arrays of objects by a property
- * @param {Array} array to sort
- * @param {Function} propFn fetches the property by which to sort
- * @return {Array} a new sorted array
- */
-export declare const sortBy: (array: any[], propFn: Function) => any[];

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3-fork.1
-// Dependencies for this module:
-//   ../../../../../@fullcalendar/core
-declare module '@fullcalendar/bootstrap' {
-    import { Theme } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    export class BootstrapTheme extends Theme {
-    }
-    const _default: import("@fullcalendar/core").PluginDef;
-    export default _default;

+ 0 - 316

@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3-fork.1
-// Dependencies for this module:
-//   ../../../../../@fullcalendar/core
-declare module '@fullcalendar/daygrid' {
-    export { default as SimpleDayGrid, DayGridSlicer } from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/SimpleDayGrid';
-    export { default as DayGrid, DayGridSeg } from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayGrid';
-    export { default as AbstractDayGridView } from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/AbstractDayGridView';
-    export { default as DayGridView, buildDayTable as buildBasicDayTable } from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayGridView';
-    export { default as DayBgRow } from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayBgRow';
-    const _default: import("@fullcalendar/core").PluginDef;
-    export default _default;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/daygrid/SimpleDayGrid' {
-    import { DateProfile, EventStore, EventUiHash, DateSpan, EventInteractionState, DayTable, Duration, DateComponent, DateRange, Slicer, Hit, ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import { default as DayGrid, DayGridSeg } from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayGrid';
-    export interface SimpleDayGridProps {
-        dateProfile: DateProfile | null;
-        dayTable: DayTable;
-        nextDayThreshold: Duration;
-        businessHours: EventStore;
-        eventStore: EventStore;
-        eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
-        dateSelection: DateSpan | null;
-        eventSelection: string;
-        eventDrag: EventInteractionState | null;
-        eventResize: EventInteractionState | null;
-        isRigid: boolean;
-    }
-    export { SimpleDayGrid as default, SimpleDayGrid };
-    class SimpleDayGrid extends DateComponent<SimpleDayGridProps> {
-        dayGrid: DayGrid;
-        constructor(dayGrid: DayGrid);
-        firstContext(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        render(props: SimpleDayGridProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        buildPositionCaches(): void;
-        queryHit(positionLeft: number, positionTop: number): Hit;
-    }
-    export class DayGridSlicer extends Slicer<DayGridSeg, [DayTable]> {
-        sliceRange(dateRange: DateRange, dayTable: DayTable): DayGridSeg[];
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayGrid' {
-    import { PositionCache, DateMarker, DateComponent, EventSegUiInteractionState, Seg, DateProfile, ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import Popover from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/Popover';
-    import DayGridEventRenderer from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayGridEventRenderer';
-    import DayTile from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayTile';
-    export interface RenderProps {
-        renderNumberIntroHtml: (row: number, dayGrid: DayGrid) => string;
-        renderBgIntroHtml: () => string;
-        renderIntroHtml: () => string;
-        colWeekNumbersVisible: boolean;
-        cellWeekNumbersVisible: boolean;
-    }
-    export interface DayGridSeg extends Seg {
-        row: number;
-        firstCol: number;
-        lastCol: number;
-    }
-    export interface DayGridCell {
-        date: DateMarker;
-        htmlAttrs?: string;
-    }
-    export interface DayGridProps {
-        dateProfile: DateProfile;
-        cells: DayGridCell[][];
-        businessHourSegs: DayGridSeg[];
-        bgEventSegs: DayGridSeg[];
-        fgEventSegs: DayGridSeg[];
-        dateSelectionSegs: DayGridSeg[];
-        eventSelection: string;
-        eventDrag: EventSegUiInteractionState | null;
-        eventResize: EventSegUiInteractionState | null;
-        isRigid: boolean;
-    }
-    export { DayGrid as default, DayGrid };
-    class DayGrid extends DateComponent<DayGridProps> {
-        eventRenderer: DayGridEventRenderer;
-        renderProps: RenderProps;
-        rowCnt: number;
-        colCnt: number;
-        bottomCoordPadding: number;
-        rowEls: HTMLElement[];
-        cellEls: HTMLElement[];
-        isCellSizesDirty: boolean;
-        rowPositions: PositionCache;
-        colPositions: PositionCache;
-        segPopover: Popover;
-        segPopoverTile: DayTile;
-        constructor(el: any, renderProps: RenderProps);
-        render(props: DayGridProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        getCellRange(row: any, col: any): {
-            start: Date;
-            end: Date;
-        };
-        updateSegPopoverTile(date?: any, segs?: any): void;
-        _renderCells(cells: DayGridCell[][], isRigid: boolean): void;
-        _unrenderCells(): void;
-        renderDayRowHtml(row: any, isRigid: any): string;
-        getIsNumbersVisible(): boolean;
-        getIsDayNumbersVisible(): boolean;
-        renderNumberTrHtml(row: number): string;
-        renderNumberCellsHtml(row: any): string;
-        renderNumberCellHtml(date: any): string;
-        updateSize(isResize: boolean): void;
-        buildPositionCaches(): void;
-        buildColPositions(): void;
-        buildRowPositions(): void;
-        positionToHit(leftPosition: any, topPosition: any): {
-            row: any;
-            col: any;
-            dateSpan: {
-                range: {
-                    start: Date;
-                    end: Date;
-                };
-                allDay: boolean;
-            };
-            dayEl: HTMLElement;
-            relativeRect: {
-                left: any;
-                right: any;
-                top: any;
-                bottom: any;
-            };
-        };
-        getCellEl(row: any, col: any): HTMLElement;
-        _renderEventDrag(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
-        _unrenderEventDrag(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
-        _renderEventResize(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
-        _unrenderEventResize(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
-        removeSegPopover(): void;
-        limitRows(levelLimit: any): void;
-        computeRowLevelLimit(row: any): (number | false);
-        limitRow(row: any, levelLimit: any): void;
-        unlimitRow(row: any): void;
-        renderMoreLink(row: any, col: any, hiddenSegs: any): HTMLElement;
-        showSegPopover(row: any, col: any, moreLink: HTMLElement, segs: any): void;
-        resliceDaySegs(segs: any, dayDate: any): any[];
-        getMoreLinkText(num: any): any;
-        getCellSegs(row: any, col: any, startLevel?: any): any[];
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/daygrid/AbstractDayGridView' {
-    import { ScrollComponent, View, Duration, ComponentContext, ViewProps } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import DayGrid from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayGrid';
-    export { AbstractDayGridView as default, AbstractDayGridView };
-    abstract class AbstractDayGridView extends View {
-        scroller: ScrollComponent;
-        dayGrid: DayGrid;
-        colWeekNumbersVisible: boolean;
-        cellWeekNumbersVisible: boolean;
-        weekNumberWidth: number;
-        _processOptions(options: any): void;
-        render(props: ViewProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        _renderSkeleton(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        _unrenderSkeleton(): void;
-        renderSkeletonHtml(): string;
-        weekNumberStyleAttr(): string;
-        hasRigidRows(): boolean;
-        updateSize(isResize: boolean, viewHeight: number, isAuto: boolean): void;
-        updateBaseSize(isResize: boolean, viewHeight: number, isAuto: boolean): void;
-        computeScrollerHeight(viewHeight: any): number;
-        setGridHeight(height: any, isAuto: any): void;
-        computeDateScroll(duration: Duration): {
-            top: number;
-        };
-        queryDateScroll(): {
-            top: number;
-        };
-        applyDateScroll(scroll: any): void;
-        renderHeadIntroHtml: () => string;
-        renderDayGridNumberIntroHtml: (row: number, dayGrid: DayGrid) => string;
-        renderDayGridBgIntroHtml: () => string;
-        renderDayGridIntroHtml: () => string;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayGridView' {
-    import { DayHeader, ComponentContext, DateProfileGenerator, DateProfile, ViewProps, DayTable } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import AbstractDayGridView from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/AbstractDayGridView';
-    import SimpleDayGrid from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/SimpleDayGrid';
-    export { DayGridView as default, DayGridView };
-    class DayGridView extends AbstractDayGridView {
-        header: DayHeader;
-        simpleDayGrid: SimpleDayGrid;
-        dayTable: DayTable;
-        render(props: ViewProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        _renderSkeleton(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        _unrenderSkeleton(): void;
-    }
-    export function buildDayTable(dateProfile: DateProfile, dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator): DayTable;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayBgRow' {
-    import { ComponentContext, DateMarker, DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    export interface DayBgCell {
-        date: DateMarker;
-        htmlAttrs?: string;
-    }
-    export interface DayBgRowProps {
-        cells: DayBgCell[];
-        dateProfile: DateProfile;
-        renderIntroHtml?: () => string;
-    }
-    export { DayBgRow as default, DayBgRow };
-    class DayBgRow {
-        context: ComponentContext;
-        constructor(context: ComponentContext);
-        renderHtml(props: DayBgRowProps): string;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/daygrid/Popover' {
-    export interface PopoverOptions {
-        className?: string;
-        content?: (el: HTMLElement) => void;
-        parentEl: HTMLElement;
-        autoHide?: boolean;
-        top?: number;
-        left?: number;
-        right?: number;
-        viewportConstrain?: boolean;
-    }
-    export { Popover as default, Popover };
-    class Popover {
-        isHidden: boolean;
-        options: PopoverOptions;
-        el: HTMLElement;
-        margin: number;
-        constructor(options: PopoverOptions);
-        show(): void;
-        hide(): void;
-        render(): void;
-        documentMousedown: (ev: any) => void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        position(): void;
-        trigger(name: any): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayGridEventRenderer' {
-    import { Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import DayGrid from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayGrid';
-    import SimpleDayGridEventRenderer from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/SimpleDayGridEventRenderer';
-    export { DayGridEventRenderer as default, DayGridEventRenderer };
-    class DayGridEventRenderer extends SimpleDayGridEventRenderer {
-        dayGrid: DayGrid;
-        rowStructs: any;
-        constructor(dayGrid: DayGrid);
-        attachSegs(segs: Seg[], mirrorInfo: any): void;
-        detachSegs(): void;
-        renderSegRows(segs: Seg[]): any[];
-        renderSegRow(row: any, rowSegs: any): {
-            row: any;
-            tbodyEl: HTMLTableSectionElement;
-            cellMatrix: any[];
-            segMatrix: any[];
-            segLevels: any[];
-            segs: any;
-        };
-        buildSegLevels(segs: Seg[]): any[];
-        groupSegRows(segs: Seg[]): any[];
-        computeDisplayEventEnd(): boolean;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/daygrid/DayTile' {
-    import { DateComponent, Seg, Hit, DateMarker, ComponentContext, EventInstanceHash } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import SimpleDayGridEventRenderer from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/SimpleDayGridEventRenderer';
-    export interface DayTileProps {
-        date: DateMarker;
-        fgSegs: Seg[];
-        eventSelection: string;
-        eventDragInstances: EventInstanceHash;
-        eventResizeInstances: EventInstanceHash;
-    }
-    export { DayTile as default, DayTile };
-    class DayTile extends DateComponent<DayTileProps> {
-        segContainerEl: HTMLElement;
-        constructor(el: HTMLElement);
-        firstContext(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        render(props: DayTileProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        _renderFrame(date: DateMarker): void;
-        queryHit(positionLeft: number, positionTop: number, elWidth: number, elHeight: number): Hit | null;
-    }
-    export class DayTileEventRenderer extends SimpleDayGridEventRenderer {
-        dayTile: DayTile;
-        constructor(dayTile: any);
-        attachSegs(segs: Seg[]): void;
-        detachSegs(segs: Seg[]): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/daygrid/SimpleDayGridEventRenderer' {
-    import { FgEventRenderer, Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    export { SimpleDayGridEventRenderer as default, SimpleDayGridEventRenderer };
-    abstract class SimpleDayGridEventRenderer extends FgEventRenderer {
-        renderSegHtml(seg: Seg, mirrorInfo: any): string;
-        computeEventTimeFormat(): {
-            hour: string;
-            minute: string;
-            omitZeroMinute: boolean;
-            meridiem: string;
-        };
-        computeDisplayEventEnd(): boolean;
-    }

+ 0 - 323

@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3-fork.1
-// Dependencies for this module:
-//   ../../../../../@fullcalendar/core
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction' {
-    import FeaturefulElementDragging from '@fullcalendar/interaction/dnd/FeaturefulElementDragging';
-    const _default: import("@fullcalendar/core").PluginDef;
-    export default _default;
-    export { FeaturefulElementDragging };
-    export { default as PointerDragging } from '@fullcalendar/interaction/dnd/PointerDragging';
-    export { default as Draggable } from '@fullcalendar/interaction/interactions-external/ExternalDraggable';
-    export { default as ThirdPartyDraggable } from '@fullcalendar/interaction/interactions-external/ThirdPartyDraggable';
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction/dnd/FeaturefulElementDragging' {
-    import { PointerDragEvent, ElementDragging } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import PointerDragging from '@fullcalendar/interaction/dnd/PointerDragging';
-    import ElementMirror from '@fullcalendar/interaction/dnd/ElementMirror';
-    import AutoScroller from '@fullcalendar/interaction/dnd/AutoScroller';
-    export { FeaturefulElementDragging as default, FeaturefulElementDragging };
-    class FeaturefulElementDragging extends ElementDragging {
-        pointer: PointerDragging;
-        mirror: ElementMirror;
-        autoScroller: AutoScroller;
-        delay: number | null;
-        minDistance: number;
-        touchScrollAllowed: boolean;
-        mirrorNeedsRevert: boolean;
-        isInteracting: boolean;
-        isDragging: boolean;
-        isDelayEnded: boolean;
-        isDistanceSurpassed: boolean;
-        delayTimeoutId: number | null;
-        constructor(containerEl: HTMLElement);
-        destroy(): void;
-        onPointerDown: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        onPointerMove: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        onPointerUp: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        startDelay(ev: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        handleDelayEnd(ev: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        handleDistanceSurpassed(ev: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        tryStartDrag(ev: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        tryStopDrag(ev: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        stopDrag(ev: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        setIgnoreMove(bool: boolean): void;
-        setMirrorIsVisible(bool: boolean): void;
-        setMirrorNeedsRevert(bool: boolean): void;
-        setAutoScrollEnabled(bool: boolean): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction/dnd/PointerDragging' {
-    import { EmitterMixin, PointerDragEvent } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    export { PointerDragging as default, PointerDragging };
-    class PointerDragging {
-        containerEl: EventTarget;
-        subjectEl: HTMLElement | null;
-        downEl: HTMLElement | null;
-        emitter: EmitterMixin;
-        selector: string;
-        handleSelector: string;
-        shouldIgnoreMove: boolean;
-        shouldWatchScroll: boolean;
-        isDragging: boolean;
-        isTouchDragging: boolean;
-        wasTouchScroll: boolean;
-        origPageX: number;
-        origPageY: number;
-        prevPageX: number;
-        prevPageY: number;
-        prevScrollX: number;
-        prevScrollY: number;
-        constructor(containerEl: EventTarget);
-        destroy(): void;
-        tryStart(ev: UIEvent): boolean;
-        cleanup(): void;
-        querySubjectEl(ev: UIEvent): HTMLElement;
-        handleMouseDown: (ev: MouseEvent) => void;
-        handleMouseMove: (ev: MouseEvent) => void;
-        handleMouseUp: (ev: MouseEvent) => void;
-        shouldIgnoreMouse(): number | boolean;
-        handleTouchStart: (ev: TouchEvent) => void;
-        handleTouchMove: (ev: TouchEvent) => void;
-        handleTouchEnd: (ev: TouchEvent) => void;
-        handleTouchScroll: () => void;
-        cancelTouchScroll(): void;
-        initScrollWatch(ev: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        recordCoords(ev: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        handleScroll: (ev: UIEvent) => void;
-        destroyScrollWatch(): void;
-        createEventFromMouse(ev: MouseEvent, isFirst?: boolean): PointerDragEvent;
-        createEventFromTouch(ev: TouchEvent, isFirst?: boolean): PointerDragEvent;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction/interactions-external/ExternalDraggable' {
-    import { PointerDragEvent } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import FeaturefulElementDragging from '@fullcalendar/interaction/dnd/FeaturefulElementDragging';
-    import { DragMetaGenerator } from '@fullcalendar/interaction/interactions-external/ExternalElementDragging';
-    export interface ExternalDraggableSettings {
-        eventData?: DragMetaGenerator;
-        itemSelector?: string;
-        minDistance?: number;
-        longPressDelay?: number;
-        appendTo?: HTMLElement;
-    }
-    export { ExternalDraggable as default, ExternalDraggable };
-    class ExternalDraggable {
-        dragging: FeaturefulElementDragging;
-        settings: ExternalDraggableSettings;
-        constructor(el: HTMLElement, settings?: ExternalDraggableSettings);
-        handlePointerDown: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        handleDragStart: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        destroy(): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction/interactions-external/ThirdPartyDraggable' {
-    import { DragMetaGenerator } from '@fullcalendar/interaction/interactions-external/ExternalElementDragging';
-    import InferredElementDragging from '@fullcalendar/interaction/interactions-external/InferredElementDragging';
-    export interface ThirdPartyDraggableSettings {
-        eventData?: DragMetaGenerator;
-        itemSelector?: string;
-        mirrorSelector?: string;
-    }
-    export { ThirdPartyDraggable as default, ThirdPartyDraggable };
-    class ThirdPartyDraggable {
-        dragging: InferredElementDragging;
-        constructor(containerOrSettings?: EventTarget | ThirdPartyDraggableSettings, settings?: ThirdPartyDraggableSettings);
-        destroy(): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction/dnd/ElementMirror' {
-    import { Rect } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    export { ElementMirror as default, ElementMirror };
-    class ElementMirror {
-        isVisible: boolean;
-        origScreenX?: number;
-        origScreenY?: number;
-        deltaX?: number;
-        deltaY?: number;
-        sourceEl: HTMLElement | null;
-        mirrorEl: HTMLElement | null;
-        sourceElRect: Rect | null;
-        parentNode: HTMLElement;
-        zIndex: number;
-        revertDuration: number;
-        start(sourceEl: HTMLElement, pageX: number, pageY: number): void;
-        handleMove(pageX: number, pageY: number): void;
-        setIsVisible(bool: boolean): void;
-        stop(needsRevertAnimation: boolean, callback: () => void): void;
-        doRevertAnimation(callback: () => void, revertDuration: number): void;
-        cleanup(): void;
-        updateElPosition(): void;
-        getMirrorEl(): HTMLElement;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction/dnd/AutoScroller' {
-    import { ScrollGeomCache } from '@fullcalendar/interaction/scroll-geom-cache';
-    export { AutoScroller as default, AutoScroller };
-    class AutoScroller {
-        isEnabled: boolean;
-        scrollQuery: (Window | string)[];
-        edgeThreshold: number;
-        maxVelocity: number;
-        pointerScreenX: number | null;
-        pointerScreenY: number | null;
-        isAnimating: boolean;
-        scrollCaches: ScrollGeomCache[] | null;
-        msSinceRequest?: number;
-        everMovedUp: boolean;
-        everMovedDown: boolean;
-        everMovedLeft: boolean;
-        everMovedRight: boolean;
-        start(pageX: number, pageY: number): void;
-        handleMove(pageX: number, pageY: number): void;
-        stop(): void;
-        requestAnimation(now: number): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction/interactions-external/ExternalElementDragging' {
-    import { Hit, PointerDragEvent, EventTuple, DatePointApi, Calendar, EventInteractionState, DragMetaInput, DragMeta, View, ElementDragging } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import HitDragging from '@fullcalendar/interaction/interactions/HitDragging';
-    export type DragMetaGenerator = DragMetaInput | ((el: HTMLElement) => DragMetaInput);
-    export interface ExternalDropApi extends DatePointApi {
-        draggedEl: HTMLElement;
-        jsEvent: UIEvent;
-        view: View;
-    }
-    export { ExternalElementDragging as default, ExternalElementDragging };
-    class ExternalElementDragging {
-        hitDragging: HitDragging;
-        receivingCalendar: Calendar | null;
-        droppableEvent: EventTuple | null;
-        suppliedDragMeta: DragMetaGenerator | null;
-        dragMeta: DragMeta | null;
-        constructor(dragging: ElementDragging, suppliedDragMeta?: DragMetaGenerator);
-        handleDragStart: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        buildDragMeta(subjectEl: HTMLElement): DragMeta;
-        handleHitUpdate: (hit: Hit, isFinal: boolean, ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        handleDragEnd: (pev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        displayDrag(nextCalendar: Calendar | null, state: EventInteractionState): void;
-        clearDrag(): void;
-        canDropElOnCalendar(el: HTMLElement, receivingCalendar: Calendar): boolean;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction/interactions-external/InferredElementDragging' {
-    import { PointerDragEvent, ElementDragging } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import PointerDragging from '@fullcalendar/interaction/dnd/PointerDragging';
-    export { InferredElementDragging as default, InferredElementDragging };
-    class InferredElementDragging extends ElementDragging {
-        pointer: PointerDragging;
-        shouldIgnoreMove: boolean;
-        mirrorSelector: string;
-        currentMirrorEl: HTMLElement | null;
-        constructor(containerEl: HTMLElement);
-        destroy(): void;
-        handlePointerDown: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        handlePointerMove: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        handlePointerUp: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        setIgnoreMove(bool: boolean): void;
-        setMirrorIsVisible(bool: boolean): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction/scroll-geom-cache' {
-    import { Rect, ScrollController } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    export abstract class ScrollGeomCache extends ScrollController {
-        clientRect: Rect;
-        origScrollTop: number;
-        origScrollLeft: number;
-        protected scrollController: ScrollController;
-        protected doesListening: boolean;
-        protected scrollTop: number;
-        protected scrollLeft: number;
-        protected scrollWidth: number;
-        protected scrollHeight: number;
-        protected clientWidth: number;
-        protected clientHeight: number;
-        constructor(scrollController: ScrollController, doesListening: boolean);
-        abstract getEventTarget(): EventTarget;
-        abstract computeClientRect(): Rect;
-        destroy(): void;
-        handleScroll: () => void;
-        getScrollTop(): number;
-        getScrollLeft(): number;
-        setScrollTop(top: number): void;
-        setScrollLeft(top: number): void;
-        getClientWidth(): number;
-        getClientHeight(): number;
-        getScrollWidth(): number;
-        getScrollHeight(): number;
-        handleScrollChange(): void;
-    }
-    export class ElementScrollGeomCache extends ScrollGeomCache {
-        constructor(el: HTMLElement, doesListening: boolean);
-        getEventTarget(): EventTarget;
-        computeClientRect(): {
-            left: number;
-            right: number;
-            top: number;
-            bottom: number;
-        };
-    }
-    export class WindowScrollGeomCache extends ScrollGeomCache {
-        constructor(doesListening: boolean);
-        getEventTarget(): EventTarget;
-        computeClientRect(): Rect;
-        handleScrollChange(): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction/interactions/HitDragging' {
-    import { EmitterMixin, PointerDragEvent, Point, Hit, InteractionSettingsStore, ElementDragging } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import OffsetTracker from '@fullcalendar/interaction/OffsetTracker';
-    export { HitDragging as default, HitDragging };
-    class HitDragging {
-        droppableStore: InteractionSettingsStore;
-        dragging: ElementDragging;
-        emitter: EmitterMixin;
-        useSubjectCenter: boolean;
-        requireInitial: boolean;
-        offsetTrackers: {
-            [componentUid: string]: OffsetTracker;
-        };
-        initialHit: Hit | null;
-        movingHit: Hit | null;
-        finalHit: Hit | null;
-        coordAdjust?: Point;
-        constructor(dragging: ElementDragging, droppableStore: InteractionSettingsStore);
-        handlePointerDown: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        processFirstCoord(ev: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        handleDragStart: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        handleDragMove: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        handlePointerUp: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        handleDragEnd: (ev: PointerDragEvent) => void;
-        handleMove(ev: PointerDragEvent, forceHandle?: boolean): void;
-        prepareHits(): void;
-        releaseHits(): void;
-        queryHitForOffset(offsetLeft: number, offsetTop: number): Hit | null;
-    }
-    export function isHitsEqual(hit0: Hit | null, hit1: Hit | null): boolean;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction/OffsetTracker' {
-    import { Rect } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import { ElementScrollGeomCache } from '@fullcalendar/interaction/scroll-geom-cache';
-    export { OffsetTracker as default, OffsetTracker };
-    class OffsetTracker {
-        scrollCaches: ElementScrollGeomCache[];
-        origRect: Rect;
-        constructor(el: HTMLElement);
-        destroy(): void;
-        computeLeft(): number;
-        computeTop(): number;
-        isWithinClipping(pageX: number, pageY: number): boolean;
-    }

+ 0 - 224

@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3-fork.1
-// Dependencies for this module:
-//   ../../../../../@fullcalendar/core
-//   ../../../../../@fullcalendar/daygrid
-declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid' {
-    import AbstractTimeGridView from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/AbstractTimeGridView';
-    import TimeGridView, { buildDayTable } from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGridView';
-    import { TimeGridSeg } from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGrid';
-    import { TimeGridSlicer, buildDayRanges } from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/SimpleTimeGrid';
-    export { TimeGridView, AbstractTimeGridView, buildDayTable, buildDayRanges, TimeGridSlicer, TimeGridSeg };
-    export { default as TimeGrid } from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGrid';
-    const _default: import("@fullcalendar/core").PluginDef;
-    export default _default;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid/AbstractTimeGridView' {
-    import { ScrollComponent, View, ComponentContext, Duration, ViewProps } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import { DayGrid } from '@fullcalendar/daygrid';
-    import TimeGrid from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGrid';
-    import AllDaySplitter from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/AllDaySplitter';
-    export { AbstractTimeGridView as default, AbstractTimeGridView };
-    abstract class AbstractTimeGridView extends View {
-        timeGrid: TimeGrid;
-        dayGrid: DayGrid;
-        scroller: ScrollComponent;
-        axisWidth: any;
-        protected splitter: AllDaySplitter;
-        render(props: ViewProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        _renderSkeleton(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        _unrenderSkeleton(): void;
-        renderSkeletonHtml(): string;
-        getNowIndicatorUnit(): string;
-        unrenderNowIndicator(): void;
-        updateSize(isResize: boolean, viewHeight: number, isAuto: boolean): void;
-        updateBaseSize(isResize: any, viewHeight: any, isAuto: any): void;
-        computeScrollerHeight(viewHeight: any): number;
-        computeDateScroll(duration: Duration): {
-            top: any;
-        };
-        queryDateScroll(): {
-            top: number;
-        };
-        applyDateScroll(scroll: any): void;
-        renderHeadIntroHtml: () => string;
-        axisStyleAttr(): string;
-        renderTimeGridBgIntroHtml: () => string;
-        renderTimeGridIntroHtml: () => string;
-        renderDayGridBgIntroHtml: () => string;
-        renderDayGridIntroHtml: () => string;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGridView' {
-    import { DateProfileGenerator, DateProfile, ComponentContext, DayHeader, DayTable, ViewProps } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import { SimpleDayGrid } from '@fullcalendar/daygrid';
-    import SimpleTimeGrid from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/SimpleTimeGrid';
-    import AbstractTimeGridView from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/AbstractTimeGridView';
-    export { TimeGridView as default, TimeGridView };
-    class TimeGridView extends AbstractTimeGridView {
-        header: DayHeader;
-        simpleDayGrid: SimpleDayGrid;
-        simpleTimeGrid: SimpleTimeGrid;
-        render(props: ViewProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        _renderSkeleton(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        _unrenderSkeleton(): void;
-        renderNowIndicator(date: any): void;
-    }
-    export function buildDayTable(dateProfile: DateProfile, dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator): DayTable;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGrid' {
-    import { PositionCache, Duration, DateMarker, DateFormatter, ComponentContext, DateComponent, Seg, EventSegUiInteractionState, DateProfile, Theme } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    export interface RenderProps {
-        renderBgIntroHtml: () => string;
-        renderIntroHtml: () => string;
-    }
-    export interface TimeGridSeg extends Seg {
-        col: number;
-        start: DateMarker;
-        end: DateMarker;
-    }
-    export interface TimeGridCell {
-        date: DateMarker;
-        htmlAttrs?: string;
-    }
-    export interface TimeGridProps {
-        dateProfile: DateProfile;
-        cells: TimeGridCell[];
-        businessHourSegs: TimeGridSeg[];
-        bgEventSegs: TimeGridSeg[];
-        fgEventSegs: TimeGridSeg[];
-        dateSelectionSegs: TimeGridSeg[];
-        eventSelection: string;
-        eventDrag: EventSegUiInteractionState | null;
-        eventResize: EventSegUiInteractionState | null;
-    }
-    export { TimeGrid as default, TimeGrid };
-    class TimeGrid extends DateComponent<TimeGridProps> {
-        renderProps: RenderProps;
-        slotDuration: Duration;
-        snapDuration: Duration;
-        snapsPerSlot: any;
-        labelFormat: DateFormatter;
-        labelInterval: Duration;
-        colCnt: number;
-        colEls: HTMLElement[];
-        slatContainerEl: HTMLElement;
-        slatEls: HTMLElement[];
-        nowIndicatorEls: HTMLElement[];
-        colPositions: PositionCache;
-        slatPositions: PositionCache;
-        isSlatSizesDirty: boolean;
-        isColSizesDirty: boolean;
-        rootBgContainerEl: HTMLElement;
-        bottomRuleEl: HTMLElement;
-        contentSkeletonEl: HTMLElement;
-        colContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
-        fgContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
-        bgContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
-        mirrorContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
-        highlightContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
-        businessContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
-        constructor(el: HTMLElement, renderProps: RenderProps);
-        _processOptions(options: any): void;
-        computeLabelInterval(slotDuration: any): any;
-        render(props: TimeGridProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        updateSize(isResize: boolean): void;
-        _renderSkeleton(theme: Theme): void;
-        _renderSlats(dateProfile: DateProfile): void;
-        renderSlatRowHtml(dateProfile: DateProfile): string;
-        _renderColumns(cells: TimeGridCell[], dateProfile: DateProfile): void;
-        _unrenderColumns(): void;
-        renderContentSkeleton(): void;
-        unrenderContentSkeleton(): void;
-        groupSegsByCol(segs: any): any[];
-        attachSegsByCol(segsByCol: any, containerEls: HTMLElement[]): void;
-        getNowIndicatorUnit(): string;
-        renderNowIndicator(segs: TimeGridSeg[], date: any): void;
-        unrenderNowIndicator(): void;
-        getTotalSlatHeight(): number;
-        computeDateTop(when: DateMarker, startOfDayDate?: DateMarker): any;
-        computeTimeTop(duration: Duration): any;
-        computeSegVerticals(segs: any): void;
-        assignSegVerticals(segs: any): void;
-        generateSegVerticalCss(seg: any): {
-            top: any;
-            bottom: number;
-        };
-        buildPositionCaches(): void;
-        buildColPositions(): void;
-        buildSlatPositions(): void;
-        positionToHit(positionLeft: any, positionTop: any): {
-            col: any;
-            dateSpan: {
-                range: {
-                    start: Date;
-                    end: Date;
-                };
-                allDay: boolean;
-            };
-            dayEl: HTMLElement;
-            relativeRect: {
-                left: any;
-                right: any;
-                top: any;
-                bottom: any;
-            };
-        };
-        _renderEventDrag(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
-        _unrenderEventDrag(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
-        _renderEventResize(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
-        _unrenderEventResize(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
-        _renderDateSelection(segs: Seg[]): void;
-        _unrenderDateSelection(segs: Seg[]): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid/SimpleTimeGrid' {
-    import { DateComponent, DateProfile, EventStore, EventUiHash, EventInteractionState, DateSpan, DateRange, DayTable, DateEnv, DateMarker, Slicer, Hit, ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    import TimeGrid, { TimeGridSeg } from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGrid';
-    export interface SimpleTimeGridProps {
-        dateProfile: DateProfile | null;
-        dayTable: DayTable;
-        businessHours: EventStore;
-        eventStore: EventStore;
-        eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
-        dateSelection: DateSpan | null;
-        eventSelection: string;
-        eventDrag: EventInteractionState | null;
-        eventResize: EventInteractionState | null;
-    }
-    export { SimpleTimeGrid as default, SimpleTimeGrid };
-    class SimpleTimeGrid extends DateComponent<SimpleTimeGridProps> {
-        timeGrid: TimeGrid;
-        constructor(timeGrid: TimeGrid);
-        firstContext(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        render(props: SimpleTimeGridProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        renderNowIndicator(date: DateMarker): void;
-        buildPositionCaches(): void;
-        queryHit(positionLeft: number, positionTop: number): Hit;
-    }
-    export function buildDayRanges(dayTable: DayTable, dateProfile: DateProfile, dateEnv: DateEnv): DateRange[];
-    export class TimeGridSlicer extends Slicer<TimeGridSeg, [DateRange[]]> {
-        sliceRange(range: DateRange, dayRanges: DateRange[]): TimeGridSeg[];
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid/AllDaySplitter' {
-    import { Splitter, EventDef, DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    export { AllDaySplitter as default, AllDaySplitter };
-    class AllDaySplitter extends Splitter {
-        getKeyInfo(): {
-            allDay: {};
-            timed: {};
-        };
-        getKeysForDateSpan(dateSpan: DateSpan): string[];
-        getKeysForEventDef(eventDef: EventDef): string[];
-    }

+ 0 - 2736

@@ -1,2736 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3-fork.1
-// Dependencies for this module:
-//   ../../../../../@fullcalendar/core
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core' {
-    export const version = "<%= version %>";
-    export { OptionsInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/types/input-types';
-    export { EventInput, EventDef, EventDefHash, EventInstance, EventInstanceHash, parseEventDef, createEventInstance, EventTuple } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    export { BusinessHoursInput, parseBusinessHours } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/business-hours';
-    export { applyAll, debounce, padStart, isInt, capitaliseFirstLetter, parseFieldSpecs, compareByFieldSpecs, compareByFieldSpec, flexibleCompare, computeVisibleDayRange, refineProps, matchCellWidths, uncompensateScroll, compensateScroll, subtractInnerElHeight, isMultiDayRange, distributeHeight, undistributeHeight, preventSelection, allowSelection, preventContextMenu, allowContextMenu, compareNumbers, enableCursor, disableCursor, diffDates } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/misc';
-    export { htmlEscape, cssToStr } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/html';
-    export { removeExact, isArraysEqual } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/array';
-    export { memoize, memoizeOutput } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/memoize';
-    export { memoizeRendering, MemoizedRendering } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/memoized-rendering';
-    export { intersectRects, Rect, pointInsideRect, constrainPoint, getRectCenter, diffPoints, Point, translateRect } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/geom';
-    export { mapHash, filterHash, isPropsEqual } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/object';
-    export { findElements, findChildren, htmlToElement, createElement, insertAfterElement, prependToElement, removeElement, appendToElement, applyStyle, applyStyleProp, elementMatches, elementClosest, forceClassName } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-manip';
-    export { EventStore, filterEventStoreDefs, createEmptyEventStore, mergeEventStores, getRelevantEvents, eventTupleToStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    export { EventUiHash, EventUi, processScopedUiProps, combineEventUis } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    export { default as Splitter, SplittableProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-splitting';
-    export { buildGotoAnchorHtml, getAllDayHtml, getDayClasses } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/date-rendering';
-    export { preventDefault, listenBySelector, whenTransitionDone } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-event';
-    export { computeInnerRect, computeEdges, computeHeightAndMargins, getClippingParents, computeClippingRect, computeRect } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-geom';
-    export { unpromisify } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/promise';
-    export { default as EmitterMixin, EmitterInterface } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/EmitterMixin';
-    export { DateRange, rangeContainsMarker, intersectRanges, rangesEqual, rangesIntersect, rangeContainsRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    export { default as Mixin } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/Mixin';
-    export { default as PositionCache } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/PositionCache';
-    export { default as ScrollComponent, ScrollbarWidths } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/ScrollComponent';
-    export { ScrollController, ElementScrollController, WindowScrollController } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/scroll-controller';
-    export { default as Theme } from '@fullcalendar/core/theme/Theme';
-    export { default as Component, ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
-    export { default as DateComponent, Seg, EventSegUiInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
-    export { default as Calendar, DatePointTransform, DateSpanTransform, DateSelectionApi } from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    export { default as View, ViewProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
-    export { default as FgEventRenderer, buildSegCompareObj } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FgEventRenderer';
-    export { default as FillRenderer } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FillRenderer';
-    export { default as DateProfileGenerator, DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
-    export { ViewDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-def';
-    export { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
-    export { DateSpan, DateSpanApi, DatePointApi, isDateSpansEqual } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
-    export { DateMarker, addDays, startOfDay, addMs, addWeeks, diffWeeks, diffWholeWeeks, diffWholeDays, diffDayAndTime, diffDays, isValidDate } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    export { Duration, createDuration, isSingleDay, multiplyDuration, addDurations, asRoughMinutes, asRoughSeconds, asRoughMs, wholeDivideDurations, greatestDurationDenominator } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    export { DateEnv, DateMarkerMeta } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    export { DateFormatter, createFormatter, VerboseFormattingArg, formatIsoTimeString } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
-    export { NamedTimeZoneImpl } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/timezone';
-    export { parse as parseMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/parsing';
-    export { EventSourceDef, EventSource, EventSourceHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
-    export { Interaction, InteractionSettings, interactionSettingsToStore, interactionSettingsStore, InteractionSettingsStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/interaction';
-    export { PointerDragEvent } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/pointer';
-    export { Hit } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit';
-    export { dateSelectionJoinTransformer } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/date-selecting';
-    export { eventDragMutationMassager, EventDropTransformers } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-dragging';
-    export { EventResizeJoinTransforms } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-resizing';
-    export { default as ElementDragging } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/ElementDragging';
-    export { formatDate, formatRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/formatting-api';
-    export { globalDefaults, config } from '@fullcalendar/core/options';
-    export { RecurringType, ParsedRecurring } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/recurring-event';
-    export { DragMetaInput, DragMeta, parseDragMeta } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/drag-meta';
-    export { createPlugin, PluginDef, PluginDefInput, ViewPropsTransformer, ViewContainerModifier } from '@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system';
-    export { reducerFunc, Action, CalendarState } from '@fullcalendar/core/reducers/types';
-    export { CalendarComponentProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/CalendarComponent';
-    export { default as DayHeader } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/DayHeader';
-    export { computeFallbackHeaderFormat, renderDateCell } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/table-utils';
-    export { default as DaySeries } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/DaySeries';
-    export { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
-    export { EventRenderRange, sliceEventStore, hasBgRendering, getElSeg, computeEventDraggable, computeEventStartResizable, computeEventEndResizable } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering';
-    export { default as DayTable, DayTableSeg, DayTableCell } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/DayTable';
-    export { default as Slicer, SlicedProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/slicing-utils';
-    export { EventMutation, applyMutationToEventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation';
-    export { Constraint, ConstraintInput, AllowFunc, isPropsValid, isInteractionValid } from '@fullcalendar/core/validation';
-    export { default as EventApi } from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventApi';
-    export { default as requestJson } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/requestJson';
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/types/input-types' {
-    import View from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
-    import { EventSourceInput, EventInputTransformer } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
-    import { Duration, DurationInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    import { FormatterInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
-    import { DateRangeInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    import { BusinessHoursInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/business-hours';
-    import EventApi from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventApi';
-    import { AllowFunc, ConstraintInput, OverlapFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/validation';
-    import { PluginDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system';
-    import { LocaleSingularArg, RawLocale } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/locale';
-    export interface ToolbarInput {
-        left?: string;
-        center?: string;
-        right?: string;
-    }
-    export interface CustomButtonInput {
-        text: string;
-        icon?: string;
-        themeIcon?: string;
-        bootstrapFontAwesome?: string;
-        click(element: HTMLElement): void;
-    }
-    export interface ButtonIconsInput {
-        prev?: string;
-        next?: string;
-        prevYear?: string;
-        nextYear?: string;
-    }
-    export interface ButtonTextCompoundInput {
-        prev?: string;
-        next?: string;
-        prevYear?: string;
-        nextYear?: string;
-        today?: string;
-        month?: string;
-        week?: string;
-        day?: string;
-        [viewId: string]: string | undefined;
-    }
-    export interface EventSegment {
-        event: EventApi;
-        start: Date;
-        end: Date;
-        isStart: boolean;
-        isEnd: boolean;
-    }
-    export interface CellInfo {
-        date: Date;
-        dayEl: HTMLElement;
-        moreEl: HTMLElement;
-        segs: EventSegment[];
-        hiddenSegs: EventSegment[];
-    }
-    export interface DropInfo {
-        start: Date;
-        end: Date;
-    }
-    export type EventHandlerName = '_init' | 'selectAllow' | 'eventAllow' | 'eventDataTransform' | 'datesRender' | 'datesDestroy' | 'dayRender' | 'windowResize' | 'dateClick' | 'eventClick' | 'eventMouseEnter' | 'eventMouseLeave' | 'select' | 'unselect' | 'loading' | 'eventRender' | 'eventPositioned' | '_eventsPositioned' | 'eventDestroy' | 'eventDragStart' | 'eventDragStop' | 'eventDrop' | '_destroyed' | 'drop' | 'eventResizeStart' | 'eventResizeStop' | 'eventResize' | 'eventReceive' | 'eventLeave' | 'viewSkeletonRender' | 'viewSkeletonDestroy' | '_noEventDrop' | '_noEventResize' | 'eventLimitClick' | 'resourceRender';
-    export type EventHandlerArgs<T extends EventHandlerName> = Parameters<Extract<OptionsInput[T], (...args: any[]) => any>>;
-    export type EventHandlerArg<T extends EventHandlerName> = EventHandlerArgs<T>[0];
-    export interface OptionsInputBase {
-        header?: boolean | ToolbarInput;
-        footer?: boolean | ToolbarInput;
-        customButtons?: {
-            [name: string]: CustomButtonInput;
-        };
-        buttonIcons?: boolean | ButtonIconsInput;
-        themeSystem?: 'standard' | string;
-        bootstrapFontAwesome?: boolean | ButtonIconsInput;
-        firstDay?: number;
-        dir?: 'ltr' | 'rtl' | 'auto';
-        weekends?: boolean;
-        hiddenDays?: number[];
-        fixedWeekCount?: boolean;
-        weekNumbers?: boolean;
-        weekNumbersWithinDays?: boolean;
-        weekNumberCalculation?: 'local' | 'ISO' | ((m: Date) => number);
-        businessHours?: BusinessHoursInput;
-        showNonCurrentDates?: boolean;
-        height?: number | 'auto' | 'parent' | (() => number);
-        contentHeight?: number | 'auto' | (() => number);
-        aspectRatio?: number;
-        handleWindowResize?: boolean;
-        windowResizeDelay?: number;
-        eventLimit?: boolean | number;
-        eventLimitClick?: 'popover' | 'week' | 'day' | 'timeGridWeek' | 'timeGridDay' | string | ((arg: {
-            date: Date;
-            allDay: boolean;
-            dayEl: HTMLElement;
-            moreEl: HTMLElement;
-            segs: any[];
-            hiddenSegs: any[];
-            jsEvent: MouseEvent;
-            view: View;
-        }) => void);
-        timeZone?: string | boolean;
-        now?: DateInput | (() => DateInput);
-        defaultView?: string;
-        allDaySlot?: boolean;
-        allDayText?: string;
-        slotDuration?: DurationInput;
-        slotLabelFormat?: FormatterInput;
-        slotLabelInterval?: DurationInput;
-        snapDuration?: DurationInput;
-        scrollTime?: DurationInput;
-        minTime?: DurationInput;
-        maxTime?: DurationInput;
-        slotEventOverlap?: boolean;
-        listDayFormat?: FormatterInput | boolean;
-        listDayAltFormat?: FormatterInput | boolean;
-        noEventsMessage?: string;
-        defaultDate?: DateInput;
-        nowIndicator?: boolean;
-        visibleRange?: ((currentDate: Date) => DateRangeInput) | DateRangeInput;
-        validRange?: DateRangeInput;
-        dateIncrement?: DurationInput;
-        dateAlignment?: string;
-        duration?: DurationInput;
-        dayCount?: number;
-        locales?: RawLocale[];
-        locale?: LocaleSingularArg;
-        eventTimeFormat?: FormatterInput;
-        columnHeader?: boolean;
-        columnHeaderFormat?: FormatterInput;
-        columnHeaderText?: string | ((date: DateInput) => string);
-        columnHeaderHtml?: string | ((date: DateInput) => string);
-        titleFormat?: FormatterInput;
-        weekLabel?: string;
-        displayEventTime?: boolean;
-        displayEventEnd?: boolean;
-        eventLimitText?: string | ((eventCnt: number) => string);
-        dayPopoverFormat?: FormatterInput;
-        navLinks?: boolean;
-        navLinkDayClick?: string | ((date: Date, jsEvent: Event) => void);
-        navLinkWeekClick?: string | ((weekStart: any, jsEvent: Event) => void);
-        selectable?: boolean;
-        selectMirror?: boolean;
-        unselectAuto?: boolean;
-        unselectCancel?: string;
-        defaultAllDayEventDuration?: DurationInput;
-        defaultTimedEventDuration?: DurationInput;
-        cmdFormatter?: string;
-        defaultRangeSeparator?: string;
-        selectConstraint?: ConstraintInput;
-        selectOverlap?: boolean | OverlapFunc;
-        selectAllow?: AllowFunc;
-        editable?: boolean;
-        eventStartEditable?: boolean;
-        eventDurationEditable?: boolean;
-        eventConstraint?: ConstraintInput;
-        eventOverlap?: boolean | OverlapFunc;
-        eventAllow?: AllowFunc;
-        eventClassName?: string[] | string;
-        eventClassNames?: string[] | string;
-        eventBackgroundColor?: string;
-        eventBorderColor?: string;
-        eventTextColor?: string;
-        eventColor?: string;
-        events?: EventSourceInput;
-        eventSources?: EventSourceInput[];
-        allDayDefault?: boolean;
-        startParam?: string;
-        endParam?: string;
-        lazyFetching?: boolean;
-        nextDayThreshold?: DurationInput;
-        eventOrder?: string | Array<((a: EventApi, b: EventApi) => number) | (string | ((a: EventApi, b: EventApi) => number))>;
-        rerenderDelay?: number | null;
-        dragRevertDuration?: number;
-        dragScroll?: boolean;
-        longPressDelay?: number;
-        eventLongPressDelay?: number;
-        droppable?: boolean;
-        dropAccept?: string | ((draggable: any) => boolean);
-        eventDataTransform?: EventInputTransformer;
-        allDayMaintainDuration?: boolean;
-        eventResizableFromStart?: boolean;
-        timeGridEventMinHeight?: number;
-        allDayHtml?: string;
-        eventDragMinDistance?: number;
-        eventSourceFailure?: any;
-        eventSourceSuccess?: any;
-        forceEventDuration?: boolean;
-        progressiveEventRendering?: boolean;
-        selectLongPressDelay?: number;
-        selectMinDistance?: number;
-        timeZoneParam?: string;
-        titleRangeSeparator?: string;
-        datesRender?(arg: {
-            view: View;
-            el: HTMLElement;
-        }): void;
-        datesDestroy?(arg: {
-            view: View;
-            el: HTMLElement;
-        }): void;
-        dayRender?(arg: {
-            view: View;
-            date: Date;
-            allDay?: boolean;
-            el: HTMLElement;
-        }): void;
-        windowResize?(view: View): void;
-        dateClick?(arg: {
-            date: Date;
-            dateStr: string;
-            allDay: boolean;
-            resource?: any;
-            dayEl: HTMLElement;
-            jsEvent: MouseEvent;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventClick?(arg: {
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            event: EventApi;
-            jsEvent: MouseEvent;
-            view: View;
-        }): boolean | void;
-        eventMouseEnter?(arg: {
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            event: EventApi;
-            jsEvent: MouseEvent;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventMouseLeave?(arg: {
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            event: EventApi;
-            jsEvent: MouseEvent;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        select?(arg: {
-            start: Date;
-            end: Date;
-            startStr: string;
-            endStr: string;
-            allDay: boolean;
-            resource?: any;
-            jsEvent: MouseEvent;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        unselect?(arg: {
-            view: View;
-            jsEvent: Event;
-        }): void;
-        loading?(isLoading: boolean): void;
-        eventRender?(arg: {
-            isMirror: boolean;
-            isStart: boolean;
-            isEnd: boolean;
-            event: EventApi;
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventPositioned?(arg: {
-            isMirror: boolean;
-            isStart: boolean;
-            isEnd: boolean;
-            event: EventApi;
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        _eventsPositioned?(arg: {
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventDestroy?(arg: {
-            isMirror: boolean;
-            event: EventApi;
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventDragStart?(arg: {
-            event: EventApi;
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            jsEvent: MouseEvent;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventDragStop?(arg: {
-            event: EventApi;
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            jsEvent: MouseEvent;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventDrop?(arg: {
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            event: EventApi;
-            oldEvent: EventApi;
-            delta: Duration;
-            revert: () => void;
-            jsEvent: Event;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventResizeStart?(arg: {
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            event: EventApi;
-            jsEvent: MouseEvent;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventResizeStop?(arg: {
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            event: EventApi;
-            jsEvent: MouseEvent;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventResize?(arg: {
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            startDelta: Duration;
-            endDelta: Duration;
-            prevEvent: EventApi;
-            event: EventApi;
-            revert: () => void;
-            jsEvent: Event;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        drop?(arg: {
-            date: Date;
-            dateStr: string;
-            allDay: boolean;
-            draggedEl: HTMLElement;
-            jsEvent: MouseEvent;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventReceive?(arg: {
-            event: EventApi;
-            draggedEl: HTMLElement;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        eventLeave?(arg: {
-            draggedEl: HTMLElement;
-            event: EventApi;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        viewSkeletonRender?(arg: {
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        viewSkeletonDestroy?(arg: {
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-        _destroyed?(): void;
-        _init?(): void;
-        _noEventDrop?(): void;
-        _noEventResize?(): void;
-        resourceRender?(arg: {
-            resource: any;
-            el: HTMLElement;
-            view: View;
-        }): void;
-    }
-    export interface ViewOptionsInput extends OptionsInputBase {
-        type?: string;
-        buttonText?: string;
-    }
-    export interface OptionsInput extends OptionsInputBase {
-        buttonText?: ButtonTextCompoundInput;
-        views?: {
-            [viewId: string]: ViewOptionsInput;
-        };
-        plugins?: (PluginDef | string)[];
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event' {
-    import { DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { UnscopedEventUiInput, EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    export type EventRenderingChoice = '' | 'background' | 'inverse-background' | 'none';
-    export interface EventNonDateInput extends UnscopedEventUiInput {
-        id?: string | number;
-        groupId?: string | number;
-        title?: string;
-        url?: string;
-        rendering?: EventRenderingChoice;
-        extendedProps?: object;
-        [extendedProp: string]: any;
-    }
-    export interface EventDateInput {
-        start?: DateInput;
-        end?: DateInput;
-        date?: DateInput;
-        allDay?: boolean;
-    }
-    export type EventInput = EventNonDateInput & EventDateInput;
-    export interface EventDef {
-        defId: string;
-        sourceId: string;
-        publicId: string;
-        groupId: string;
-        allDay: boolean;
-        hasEnd: boolean;
-        recurringDef: {
-            typeId: number;
-            typeData: any;
-            duration: Duration | null;
-        } | null;
-        title: string;
-        url: string;
-        rendering: EventRenderingChoice;
-        ui: EventUi;
-        extendedProps: any;
-    }
-    export interface EventInstance {
-        instanceId: string;
-        defId: string;
-        range: DateRange;
-        forcedStartTzo: number | null;
-        forcedEndTzo: number | null;
-    }
-    export interface EventTuple {
-        def: EventDef;
-        instance: EventInstance | null;
-    }
-    export type EventInstanceHash = {
-        [instanceId: string]: EventInstance;
-    };
-    export type EventDefHash = {
-        [defId: string]: EventDef;
-    };
-    export const NON_DATE_PROPS: {
-        id: StringConstructor;
-        groupId: StringConstructor;
-        title: StringConstructor;
-        url: StringConstructor;
-        rendering: StringConstructor;
-        extendedProps: any;
-    };
-    export const DATE_PROPS: {
-        start: any;
-        date: any;
-        end: any;
-        allDay: any;
-    };
-    export function parseEvent(raw: EventInput, sourceId: string, calendar: Calendar, allowOpenRange?: boolean): EventTuple | null;
-    export function parseEventDef(raw: EventNonDateInput, sourceId: string, allDay: boolean, hasEnd: boolean, calendar: Calendar): EventDef;
-    export type eventDefParserFunc = (def: EventDef, props: any, leftovers: any) => void;
-    export function createEventInstance(defId: string, range: DateRange, forcedStartTzo?: number, forcedEndTzo?: number): EventInstance;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/business-hours' {
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import { EventInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    export type BusinessHoursInput = boolean | EventInput | EventInput[];
-    export function parseBusinessHours(input: BusinessHoursInput, calendar: Calendar): EventStore;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/misc' {
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    import { DateRange, OpenDateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    export function compensateScroll(rowEl: HTMLElement, scrollbarWidths: any): void;
-    export function uncompensateScroll(rowEl: HTMLElement): void;
-    export function disableCursor(): void;
-    export function enableCursor(): void;
-    export function distributeHeight(els: HTMLElement[], availableHeight: any, shouldRedistribute: any): void;
-    export function undistributeHeight(els: HTMLElement[]): void;
-    export function matchCellWidths(els: HTMLElement[]): number;
-    export function subtractInnerElHeight(outerEl: HTMLElement, innerEl: HTMLElement): number;
-    export function preventSelection(el: HTMLElement): void;
-    export function allowSelection(el: HTMLElement): void;
-    export function preventContextMenu(el: HTMLElement): void;
-    export function allowContextMenu(el: HTMLElement): void;
-    export function parseFieldSpecs(input: any): any[];
-    export function compareByFieldSpecs(obj0: any, obj1: any, fieldSpecs: any): any;
-    export function compareByFieldSpec(obj0: any, obj1: any, fieldSpec: any): any;
-    export function flexibleCompare(a: any, b: any): number;
-    export function capitaliseFirstLetter(str: any): any;
-    export function padStart(val: any, len: any): string;
-    export function compareNumbers(a: any, b: any): number;
-    export function isInt(n: any): boolean;
-    export function applyAll(functions: any, thisObj: any, args: any): any;
-    export function firstDefined(...args: any[]): any;
-    export function debounce(func: any, wait: any): () => any;
-    export type GenericHash = {
-        [key: string]: any;
-    };
-    export function refineProps(rawProps: GenericHash, processors: GenericHash, defaults?: GenericHash, leftoverProps?: GenericHash): GenericHash;
-    export function computeAlignedDayRange(timedRange: DateRange): DateRange;
-    export function computeVisibleDayRange(timedRange: OpenDateRange, nextDayThreshold?: Duration): OpenDateRange;
-    export function isMultiDayRange(range: DateRange): boolean;
-    export function diffDates(date0: DateMarker, date1: DateMarker, dateEnv: DateEnv, largeUnit?: string): Duration;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/html' {
-    export function htmlEscape(s: any): string;
-    export function cssToStr(cssProps: any): string;
-    export function attrsToStr(attrs: any): string;
-    export type ClassNameInput = string | string[];
-    export function parseClassName(raw: ClassNameInput): string[];
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/array' {
-    export function removeMatching(array: any, testFunc: any): number;
-    export function removeExact(array: any, exactVal: any): number;
-    export function isArraysEqual(a0: any, a1: any): boolean;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/memoize' {
-    export function memoize<T>(workerFunc: T): T;
-    export function memoizeOutput<T>(workerFunc: T, equalityFunc: (output0: any, output1: any) => boolean): T;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/memoized-rendering' {
-    export interface MemoizedRendering<ArgsType extends any[]> {
-        (...args: ArgsType): void;
-        unrender: () => void;
-        dependents: MemoizedRendering<any>[];
-    }
-    export function memoizeRendering<ArgsType extends any[]>(renderFunc: (...args: ArgsType) => void, unrenderFunc?: (...args: ArgsType) => void, dependencies?: MemoizedRendering<any>[]): MemoizedRendering<ArgsType>;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/geom' {
-    export interface Point {
-        left: number;
-        top: number;
-    }
-    export interface Rect {
-        left: number;
-        right: number;
-        top: number;
-        bottom: number;
-    }
-    export function pointInsideRect(point: Point, rect: Rect): boolean;
-    export function intersectRects(rect1: Rect, rect2: Rect): Rect | false;
-    export function translateRect(rect: Rect, deltaX: number, deltaY: number): Rect;
-    export function constrainPoint(point: Point, rect: Rect): Point;
-    export function getRectCenter(rect: Rect): Point;
-    export function diffPoints(point1: Point, point2: Point): Point;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/object' {
-    export function mergeProps(propObjs: any, complexProps?: any): any;
-    export function filterHash(hash: any, func: any): {};
-    export function mapHash<InputItem, OutputItem>(hash: {
-        [key: string]: InputItem;
-    }, func: (input: InputItem, key: string) => OutputItem): {
-        [key: string]: OutputItem;
-    };
-    export function arrayToHash(a: any): {
-        [key: string]: true;
-    };
-    export function hashValuesToArray(obj: any): any[];
-    export function isPropsEqual(obj0: any, obj1: any): boolean;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-manip' {
-    export function createElement(tagName: string, attrs: object | null, content?: ElementContent): HTMLElement;
-    export function htmlToElement(html: string): HTMLElement;
-    export function htmlToElements(html: string): HTMLElement[];
-    export type ElementContent = string | Node | Node[] | NodeList;
-    export function appendToElement(el: HTMLElement, content: ElementContent): void;
-    export function prependToElement(parent: HTMLElement, content: ElementContent): void;
-    export function insertAfterElement(refEl: HTMLElement, content: ElementContent): void;
-    export function removeElement(el: HTMLElement): void;
-    export function elementClosest(el: HTMLElement, selector: string): HTMLElement;
-    export function elementMatches(el: HTMLElement, selector: string): HTMLElement;
-    export function findElements(container: HTMLElement[] | HTMLElement | NodeListOf<HTMLElement>, selector: string): HTMLElement[];
-    export function findChildren(parent: HTMLElement[] | HTMLElement, selector?: string): HTMLElement[];
-    export function forceClassName(el: HTMLElement, className: string, bool: any): void;
-    export function applyStyle(el: HTMLElement, props: object): void;
-    export function applyStyleProp(el: HTMLElement, name: string, val: any): void;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store' {
-    import { EventInput, EventDef, EventDefHash, EventInstanceHash, EventTuple } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { EventSource } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    export interface EventStore {
-        defs: EventDefHash;
-        instances: EventInstanceHash;
-    }
-    export function parseEvents(rawEvents: EventInput[], sourceId: string, calendar: Calendar, allowOpenRange?: boolean): EventStore;
-    export function eventTupleToStore(tuple: EventTuple, eventStore?: EventStore): EventStore;
-    export function expandRecurring(eventStore: EventStore, framingRange: DateRange, calendar: Calendar): EventStore;
-    export function getRelevantEvents(eventStore: EventStore, instanceId: string): EventStore;
-    export function transformRawEvents(rawEvents: any, eventSource: EventSource, calendar: Calendar): any;
-    export function createEmptyEventStore(): EventStore;
-    export function mergeEventStores(store0: EventStore, store1: EventStore): EventStore;
-    export function filterEventStoreDefs(eventStore: EventStore, filterFunc: (eventDef: EventDef) => boolean): EventStore;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui' {
-    import { Constraint, AllowFunc, ConstraintInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/validation';
-    import { parseClassName } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/html';
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    export interface UnscopedEventUiInput {
-        editable?: boolean;
-        startEditable?: boolean;
-        durationEditable?: boolean;
-        constraint?: ConstraintInput;
-        overlap?: boolean;
-        allow?: AllowFunc;
-        className?: string[] | string;
-        classNames?: string[] | string;
-        backgroundColor?: string;
-        borderColor?: string;
-        textColor?: string;
-        color?: string;
-    }
-    export interface EventUi {
-        startEditable: boolean | null;
-        durationEditable: boolean | null;
-        constraints: Constraint[];
-        overlap: boolean | null;
-        allows: AllowFunc[];
-        backgroundColor: string;
-        borderColor: string;
-        textColor: string;
-        classNames: string[];
-    }
-    export type EventUiHash = {
-        [defId: string]: EventUi;
-    };
-    export const UNSCOPED_EVENT_UI_PROPS: {
-        editable: BooleanConstructor;
-        startEditable: BooleanConstructor;
-        durationEditable: BooleanConstructor;
-        constraint: any;
-        overlap: any;
-        allow: any;
-        className: typeof parseClassName;
-        classNames: typeof parseClassName;
-        color: StringConstructor;
-        backgroundColor: StringConstructor;
-        borderColor: StringConstructor;
-        textColor: StringConstructor;
-    };
-    export function processUnscopedUiProps(rawProps: UnscopedEventUiInput, calendar: Calendar, leftovers?: any): EventUi;
-    export function processScopedUiProps(prefix: string, rawScoped: any, calendar: Calendar, leftovers?: any): EventUi;
-    export function combineEventUis(uis: EventUi[]): EventUi;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-splitting' {
-    import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    import { EventDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
-    import { EventUiHash, EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
-    export interface SplittableProps {
-        businessHours: EventStore | null;
-        dateSelection: DateSpan | null;
-        eventStore: EventStore;
-        eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
-        eventSelection: string;
-        eventDrag: EventInteractionState | null;
-        eventResize: EventInteractionState | null;
-    }
-    export { Splitter as default, Splitter };
-    abstract class Splitter<PropsType extends SplittableProps = SplittableProps> {
-        abstract getKeyInfo(props: PropsType): {
-            [key: string]: {
-                ui?: EventUi;
-                businessHours?: EventStore;
-            };
-        };
-        abstract getKeysForDateSpan(dateSpan: DateSpan): string[];
-        abstract getKeysForEventDef(eventDef: EventDef): string[];
-        splitProps(props: PropsType): {
-            [key: string]: SplittableProps;
-        };
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/date-rendering' {
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
-    import { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
-    import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    export function buildGotoAnchorHtml(allOptions: any, dateEnv: DateEnv, gotoOptions: any, attrs: any, innerHtml?: any): string;
-    export function getAllDayHtml(allOptions: any): any;
-    export function getDayClasses(date: DateMarker, dateProfile: DateProfile, context: ComponentContext, noThemeHighlight?: any): any[];
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-event' {
-    export function preventDefault(ev: any): void;
-    export function listenBySelector(container: HTMLElement, eventType: string, selector: string, handler: (ev: Event, matchedTarget: HTMLElement) => void): () => void;
-    export function listenToHoverBySelector(container: HTMLElement, selector: string, onMouseEnter: (ev: Event, matchedTarget: HTMLElement) => void, onMouseLeave: (ev: Event, matchedTarget: HTMLElement) => void): () => void;
-    export function whenTransitionDone(el: HTMLElement, callback: (ev: Event) => void): void;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-geom' {
-    import { Rect } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/geom';
-    export interface EdgeInfo {
-        borderLeft: number;
-        borderRight: number;
-        borderTop: number;
-        borderBottom: number;
-        scrollbarLeft: number;
-        scrollbarRight: number;
-        scrollbarBottom: number;
-        paddingLeft?: number;
-        paddingRight?: number;
-        paddingTop?: number;
-        paddingBottom?: number;
-    }
-    export function computeEdges(el: any, getPadding?: boolean): EdgeInfo;
-    export function computeInnerRect(el: any, goWithinPadding?: boolean): {
-        left: number;
-        right: number;
-        top: number;
-        bottom: number;
-    };
-    export function computeRect(el: any): Rect;
-    export function computeHeightAndMargins(el: HTMLElement): number;
-    export function computeVMargins(el: HTMLElement): number;
-    export function getClippingParents(el: HTMLElement): HTMLElement[];
-    export function computeClippingRect(el: HTMLElement): Rect;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/promise' {
-    export function unpromisify(func: any, success: any, failure?: any): void;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/EmitterMixin' {
-    import Mixin from '@fullcalendar/core/common/Mixin';
-    export interface EmitterInterface {
-        on(types: any, handler: any): any;
-        one(types: any, handler: any): any;
-        off(types: any, handler: any): any;
-        trigger(type: any, ...args: any[]): any;
-        triggerWith(type: any, context: any, args: any): any;
-        hasHandlers(type: any): any;
-    }
-    export { EmitterMixin as default, EmitterMixin };
-    class EmitterMixin extends Mixin implements EmitterInterface {
-        _handlers: any;
-        _oneHandlers: any;
-        on(type: any, handler: any): this;
-        one(type: any, handler: any): this;
-        off(type: any, handler?: any): this;
-        trigger(type: any, ...args: any[]): this;
-        triggerWith(type: any, context: any, args: any): this;
-        hasHandlers(type: any): any;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range' {
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { DateEnv, DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    export interface DateRangeInput {
-        start?: DateInput;
-        end?: DateInput;
-    }
-    export interface OpenDateRange {
-        start: DateMarker | null;
-        end: DateMarker | null;
-    }
-    export interface DateRange {
-        start: DateMarker;
-        end: DateMarker;
-    }
-    export function parseRange(input: DateRangeInput, dateEnv: DateEnv): OpenDateRange;
-    export function invertRanges(ranges: DateRange[], constraintRange: DateRange): DateRange[];
-    export function intersectRanges(range0: OpenDateRange, range1: OpenDateRange): OpenDateRange;
-    export function rangesEqual(range0: OpenDateRange, range1: OpenDateRange): boolean;
-    export function rangesIntersect(range0: OpenDateRange, range1: OpenDateRange): boolean;
-    export function rangeContainsRange(outerRange: OpenDateRange, innerRange: OpenDateRange): boolean;
-    export function rangeContainsMarker(range: OpenDateRange, date: DateMarker | number): boolean;
-    export function constrainMarkerToRange(date: DateMarker, range: DateRange): DateMarker;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/Mixin' {
-    export { Mixin as default, Mixin };
-    class Mixin {
-        static mixInto(destClass: any): void;
-        static mixIntoObj(destObj: any): void;
-        static mixOver(destClass: any): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/PositionCache' {
-    export { PositionCache as default, PositionCache };
-    class PositionCache {
-        originClientRect: ClientRect;
-        els: HTMLElement[];
-        originEl: HTMLElement;
-        isHorizontal: boolean;
-        isVertical: boolean;
-        lefts: any;
-        rights: any;
-        tops: any;
-        bottoms: any;
-        constructor(originEl: HTMLElement, els: HTMLElement[], isHorizontal: boolean, isVertical: boolean);
-        build(): void;
-        buildElHorizontals(originClientLeft: number): void;
-        buildElVerticals(originClientTop: number): void;
-        leftToIndex(leftPosition: number): any;
-        topToIndex(topPosition: number): any;
-        getWidth(leftIndex: number): number;
-        getHeight(topIndex: number): number;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/ScrollComponent' {
-    import { ElementScrollController } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/scroll-controller';
-    export interface ScrollbarWidths {
-        left: number;
-        right: number;
-        bottom: number;
-    }
-    export { ScrollComponent as default, ScrollComponent };
-    class ScrollComponent extends ElementScrollController {
-        overflowX: string;
-        overflowY: string;
-        constructor(overflowX: string, overflowY: string);
-        clear(): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        applyOverflow(): void;
-        lockOverflow(scrollbarWidths: ScrollbarWidths): void;
-        setHeight(height: number | string): void;
-        getScrollbarWidths(): ScrollbarWidths;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/scroll-controller' {
-    export abstract class ScrollController {
-        abstract getScrollTop(): number;
-        abstract getScrollLeft(): number;
-        abstract setScrollTop(top: number): void;
-        abstract setScrollLeft(left: number): void;
-        abstract getClientWidth(): number;
-        abstract getClientHeight(): number;
-        abstract getScrollWidth(): number;
-        abstract getScrollHeight(): number;
-        getMaxScrollTop(): number;
-        getMaxScrollLeft(): number;
-        canScrollVertically(): boolean;
-        canScrollHorizontally(): boolean;
-        canScrollUp(): boolean;
-        canScrollDown(): boolean;
-        canScrollLeft(): boolean;
-        canScrollRight(): boolean;
-    }
-    export class ElementScrollController extends ScrollController {
-        el: HTMLElement;
-        constructor(el: HTMLElement);
-        getScrollTop(): number;
-        getScrollLeft(): number;
-        setScrollTop(top: number): void;
-        setScrollLeft(left: number): void;
-        getScrollWidth(): number;
-        getScrollHeight(): number;
-        getClientHeight(): number;
-        getClientWidth(): number;
-    }
-    export class WindowScrollController extends ScrollController {
-        getScrollTop(): number;
-        getScrollLeft(): number;
-        setScrollTop(n: number): void;
-        setScrollLeft(n: number): void;
-        getScrollWidth(): number;
-        getScrollHeight(): number;
-        getClientHeight(): number;
-        getClientWidth(): number;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/theme/Theme' {
-    export { Theme as default, Theme };
-    class Theme {
-        calendarOptions: any;
-        classes: any;
-        iconClasses: any;
-        baseIconClass: string;
-        iconOverrideOption: any;
-        iconOverrideCustomButtonOption: any;
-        iconOverridePrefix: string;
-        constructor(calendarOptions: any);
-        processIconOverride(): void;
-        setIconOverride(iconOverrideHash: any): void;
-        applyIconOverridePrefix(className: any): any;
-        getClass(key: any): any;
-        getIconClass(buttonName: any): string;
-        getCustomButtonIconClass(customButtonProps: any): string;
-    }
-    export type ThemeClass = {
-        new (calendarOptions: any): Theme;
-    };
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component' {
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import View from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
-    import Theme from '@fullcalendar/core/theme/Theme';
-    import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    export class ComponentContext {
-        calendar: Calendar;
-        theme: Theme;
-        dateEnv: DateEnv;
-        options: any;
-        view?: View;
-        isRtl: boolean;
-        eventOrderSpecs: any;
-        nextDayThreshold: Duration;
-        constructor(calendar: Calendar, theme: Theme, dateEnv: DateEnv, options: any, view?: View);
-        extend(options?: any, view?: View): ComponentContext;
-    }
-    export type EqualityFuncHash = {
-        [propName: string]: (obj0: any, obj1: any) => boolean;
-    };
-    export { Component as default, Component };
-    class Component<PropsType> {
-        equalityFuncs: EqualityFuncHash;
-        uid: string;
-        props: PropsType | null;
-        everRendered: boolean;
-        context: ComponentContext;
-        constructor();
-        static addEqualityFuncs(newFuncs: EqualityFuncHash): void;
-        receiveProps(props: PropsType, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        receiveContext(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        protected render(props: PropsType, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        firstContext(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        beforeUpdate(): void;
-        afterUpdate(): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent' {
-    import Component from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
-    import { EventRenderRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering';
-    import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
-    import { EventInstanceHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { Hit } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit';
-    import FgEventRenderer from '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FgEventRenderer';
-    import FillRenderer from '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FillRenderer';
-    import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
-    export type DateComponentHash = {
-        [uid: string]: DateComponent<any>;
-    };
-    export interface Seg {
-        component?: DateComponent<any>;
-        isStart: boolean;
-        isEnd: boolean;
-        eventRange?: EventRenderRange;
-        el?: HTMLElement;
-        [otherProp: string]: any;
-    }
-    export interface EventSegUiInteractionState {
-        affectedInstances: EventInstanceHash;
-        segs: Seg[];
-        isEvent: boolean;
-        sourceSeg: any;
-    }
-    export { DateComponent as default, DateComponent };
-    class DateComponent<PropsType> extends Component<PropsType> {
-        fgSegSelector: string;
-        bgSegSelector: string;
-        largeUnit: any;
-        eventRenderer: FgEventRenderer;
-        mirrorRenderer: FgEventRenderer;
-        fillRenderer: FillRenderer;
-        el: HTMLElement;
-        constructor(el: HTMLElement);
-        destroy(): void;
-        buildPositionCaches(): void;
-        queryHit(positionLeft: number, positionTop: number, elWidth: number, elHeight: number): Hit | null;
-        isInteractionValid(interaction: EventInteractionState): boolean;
-        isDateSelectionValid(selection: DateSpan): boolean;
-        isValidSegDownEl(el: HTMLElement): boolean;
-        isValidDateDownEl(el: HTMLElement): boolean;
-        isPopover(): boolean;
-        isInPopover(el: HTMLElement): boolean;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar' {
-    import { EmitterInterface } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/EmitterMixin';
-    import OptionsManager from '@fullcalendar/core/OptionsManager';
-    import View from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
-    import Theme from '@fullcalendar/core/theme/Theme';
-    import { OptionsInput, EventHandlerName, EventHandlerArgs } from '@fullcalendar/core/types/input-types';
-    import { RawLocaleMap } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/locale';
-    import { DateEnv, DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { Duration, DurationInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { DateSpan, DateSpanApi, DatePointApi } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
-    import { DateRangeInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    import DateProfileGenerator from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
-    import { EventSourceInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
-    import { EventInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { CalendarState, Action } from '@fullcalendar/core/reducers/types';
-    import EventSourceApi from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventSourceApi';
-    import EventApi from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventApi';
-    import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    import { EventUiHash, EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    import { ViewSpecHash, ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
-    import { PluginSystem } from '@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system';
-    import CalendarComponent from '@fullcalendar/core/CalendarComponent';
-    import DateComponent from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
-    import { PointerDragEvent } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/pointer';
-    import { InteractionSettingsInput, Interaction } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/interaction';
-    export interface DateClickApi extends DatePointApi {
-        dayEl: HTMLElement;
-        jsEvent: UIEvent;
-        view: View;
-    }
-    export interface DateSelectionApi extends DateSpanApi {
-        jsEvent: UIEvent;
-        view: View;
-    }
-    export type DatePointTransform = (dateSpan: DateSpan, calendar: Calendar) => any;
-    export type DateSpanTransform = (dateSpan: DateSpan, calendar: Calendar) => any;
-    export type CalendarInteraction = {
-        destroy(): any;
-    };
-    export type CalendarInteractionClass = {
-        new (calendar: Calendar): CalendarInteraction;
-    };
-    export type OptionChangeHandler = (propValue: any, calendar: Calendar, deepEqual: any) => void;
-    export type OptionChangeHandlerMap = {
-        [propName: string]: OptionChangeHandler;
-    };
-    export { Calendar as default, Calendar };
-    class Calendar {
-        static on: EmitterInterface['on'];
-        static off: EmitterInterface['off'];
-        static trigger: EmitterInterface['trigger'];
-        on: EmitterInterface['on'];
-        one: EmitterInterface['one'];
-        off: EmitterInterface['off'];
-        trigger: EmitterInterface['trigger'];
-        triggerWith: EmitterInterface['triggerWith'];
-        hasHandlers: EmitterInterface['hasHandlers'];
-        eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
-        selectionConfig: EventUi;
-        optionsManager: OptionsManager;
-        viewSpecs: ViewSpecHash;
-        dateProfileGenerators: {
-            [viewName: string]: DateProfileGenerator;
-        };
-        theme: Theme;
-        dateEnv: DateEnv;
-        availableRawLocales: RawLocaleMap;
-        pluginSystem: PluginSystem;
-        defaultAllDayEventDuration: Duration;
-        defaultTimedEventDuration: Duration;
-        calendarInteractions: CalendarInteraction[];
-        interactionsStore: {
-            [componentUid: string]: Interaction[];
-        };
-        removeNavLinkListener: any;
-        windowResizeProxy: any;
-        isHandlingWindowResize: boolean;
-        state: CalendarState;
-        actionQueue: any[];
-        isReducing: boolean;
-        needsRerender: boolean;
-        isRendering: boolean;
-        renderingPauseDepth: number;
-        renderableEventStore: EventStore;
-        buildDelayedRerender: typeof buildDelayedRerender;
-        delayedRerender: any;
-        afterSizingTriggers: any;
-        isViewUpdated: boolean;
-        isDatesUpdated: boolean;
-        isEventsUpdated: boolean;
-        el: HTMLElement;
-        component: CalendarComponent;
-        constructor(el: HTMLElement, overrides?: OptionsInput);
-        addPluginInputs(pluginInputs: any): void;
-        readonly view: View;
-        render(): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        bindHandlers(): void;
-        unbindHandlers(): void;
-        hydrate(): void;
-        buildInitialState(): CalendarState;
-        reduce(state: CalendarState, action: Action, calendar: Calendar): CalendarState;
-        requestRerender(): void;
-        tryRerender(): void;
-        batchRendering(func: any): void;
-        executeRender(): void;
-        renderComponent(): void;
-        setOption(name: string, val: any): void;
-        getOption(name: string): any;
-        opt(name: string): any;
-        viewOpt(name: string): any;
-        viewOpts(): any;
-        mutateOptions(updates: any, removals: string[], isDynamic?: boolean, deepEqual?: any): void;
-        handleOptions(options: any): void;
-        getAvailableLocaleCodes(): string[];
-        _buildSelectionConfig(rawOpts: any): EventUi;
-        _buildEventUiSingleBase(rawOpts: any): EventUi;
-        hasPublicHandlers<T extends EventHandlerName>(name: T): boolean;
-        publiclyTrigger<T extends EventHandlerName>(name: T, args?: EventHandlerArgs<T>): any;
-        publiclyTriggerAfterSizing<T extends EventHandlerName>(name: T, args: EventHandlerArgs<T>): void;
-        releaseAfterSizingTriggers(): void;
-        isValidViewType(viewType: string): boolean;
-        changeView(viewType: string, dateOrRange?: DateRangeInput | DateInput): void;
-        zoomTo(dateMarker: DateMarker, viewType?: string): void;
-        getUnitViewSpec(unit: string): ViewSpec | null;
-        getInitialDate(): Date;
-        prev(): void;
-        next(): void;
-        prevYear(): void;
-        nextYear(): void;
-        today(): void;
-        gotoDate(zonedDateInput: any): void;
-        incrementDate(deltaInput: any): void;
-        getDate(): Date;
-        formatDate(d: DateInput, formatter: any): string;
-        formatRange(d0: DateInput, d1: DateInput, settings: any): any;
-        formatIso(d: DateInput, omitTime?: boolean): string;
-        windowResize(ev: Event): void;
-        updateSize(): void;
-        registerInteractiveComponent(component: DateComponent<any>, settingsInput: InteractionSettingsInput): void;
-        unregisterInteractiveComponent(component: DateComponent<any>): void;
-        select(dateOrObj: DateInput | any, endDate?: DateInput): void;
-        unselect(pev?: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        triggerDateSelect(selection: DateSpan, pev?: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        triggerDateUnselect(pev?: PointerDragEvent): void;
-        triggerDateClick(dateSpan: DateSpan, dayEl: HTMLElement, view: View, ev: UIEvent): void;
-        buildDatePointApi(dateSpan: DateSpan): import("@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span").DatePointApi;
-        buildDateSpanApi(dateSpan: DateSpan): import("@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span").DateSpanApi;
-        getNow(): DateMarker;
-        getDefaultEventEnd(allDay: boolean, marker: DateMarker): DateMarker;
-        addEvent(eventInput: EventInput, sourceInput?: EventSourceApi | string | number): EventApi | null;
-        getEventById(id: string): EventApi | null;
-        getEvents(): EventApi[];
-        removeAllEvents(): void;
-        rerenderEvents(): void;
-        getEventSources(): EventSourceApi[];
-        getEventSourceById(id: string | number): EventSourceApi | null;
-        addEventSource(sourceInput: EventSourceInput): EventSourceApi;
-        removeAllEventSources(): void;
-        refetchEvents(): void;
-        scrollToTime(timeInput: DurationInput): void;
-    }
-    function buildDelayedRerender(this: Calendar, wait: any): any;
-    export {};
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/View' {
-    import DateProfileGenerator, { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { EmitterInterface } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/EmitterMixin';
-    import { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
-    import DateComponent from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
-    import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    import { EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    import { EventRenderRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering';
-    import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
-    import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
-    import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
-    export interface ViewProps {
-        dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator;
-        dateProfile: DateProfile;
-        businessHours: EventStore;
-        eventStore: EventStore;
-        eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
-        dateSelection: DateSpan | null;
-        eventSelection: string;
-        eventDrag: EventInteractionState | null;
-        eventResize: EventInteractionState | null;
-    }
-    export { View as default, View };
-    abstract class View extends DateComponent<ViewProps> {
-        usesMinMaxTime: boolean;
-        dateProfileGeneratorClass: any;
-        on: EmitterInterface['on'];
-        one: EmitterInterface['one'];
-        off: EmitterInterface['off'];
-        trigger: EmitterInterface['trigger'];
-        triggerWith: EmitterInterface['triggerWith'];
-        hasHandlers: EmitterInterface['hasHandlers'];
-        viewSpec: ViewSpec;
-        type: string;
-        title: string;
-        queuedScroll: any;
-        isNowIndicatorRendered: boolean;
-        initialNowDate: DateMarker;
-        initialNowQueriedMs: number;
-        nowIndicatorTimeoutID: any;
-        nowIndicatorIntervalID: any;
-        constructor(viewSpec: ViewSpec, parentEl: HTMLElement);
-        initialize(): void;
-        readonly activeStart: Date;
-        readonly activeEnd: Date;
-        readonly currentStart: Date;
-        readonly currentEnd: Date;
-        render(props: ViewProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        beforeUpdate(): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        updateSize(isResize: boolean, viewHeight: number, isAuto: boolean): void;
-        updateBaseSize(isResize: boolean, viewHeight: number, isAuto: boolean): void;
-        renderDatesWrap(dateProfile: DateProfile): void;
-        unrenderDatesWrap(): void;
-        renderDates(dateProfile: DateProfile): void;
-        unrenderDates(): void;
-        renderBusinessHours(businessHours: EventStore): void;
-        unrenderBusinessHours(): void;
-        renderDateSelectionWrap(selection: DateSpan): void;
-        unrenderDateSelectionWrap(selection: DateSpan): void;
-        renderDateSelection(selection: DateSpan): void;
-        unrenderDateSelection(selection: DateSpan): void;
-        renderEvents(eventStore: EventStore): void;
-        unrenderEvents(): void;
-        sliceEvents(eventStore: EventStore, allDay: boolean): EventRenderRange[];
-        renderEventSelectionWrap(instanceId: string): void;
-        unrenderEventSelectionWrap(instanceId: string): void;
-        renderEventSelection(instanceId: string): void;
-        unrenderEventSelection(instanceId: string): void;
-        renderEventDragWrap(state: EventInteractionState): void;
-        unrenderEventDragWrap(state: EventInteractionState): void;
-        renderEventDrag(state: EventInteractionState): void;
-        unrenderEventDrag(state: EventInteractionState): void;
-        renderEventResizeWrap(state: EventInteractionState): void;
-        unrenderEventResizeWrap(state: EventInteractionState): void;
-        renderEventResize(state: EventInteractionState): void;
-        unrenderEventResize(state: EventInteractionState): void;
-        startNowIndicator(dateProfile: DateProfile, dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator): void;
-        updateNowIndicator(): void;
-        stopNowIndicator(): void;
-        getNowIndicatorUnit(dateProfile: DateProfile, dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator): void;
-        renderNowIndicator(date: any): void;
-        unrenderNowIndicator(): void;
-        addScroll(scroll: any, isForced?: boolean): void;
-        popScroll(isResize: boolean): void;
-        applyQueuedScroll(isResize: boolean): void;
-        queryScroll(): any;
-        applyScroll(scroll: any, isResize: boolean): void;
-        computeDateScroll(duration: Duration): {};
-        queryDateScroll(): {};
-        applyDateScroll(scroll: any): void;
-        scrollToDuration(duration: Duration): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FgEventRenderer' {
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { DateFormatter } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
-    import { EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    import { EventRenderRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering';
-    import { Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
-    import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
-    export { FgEventRenderer as default, FgEventRenderer };
-    abstract class FgEventRenderer {
-        context: ComponentContext;
-        eventTimeFormat: DateFormatter;
-        displayEventTime: boolean;
-        displayEventEnd: boolean;
-        segs: Seg[];
-        isSizeDirty: boolean;
-        renderSegs(context: ComponentContext, segs: Seg[], mirrorInfo?: any): void;
-        unrender(context: ComponentContext, _segs: Seg[], mirrorInfo?: any): void;
-        abstract renderSegHtml(seg: Seg, mirrorInfo: any): string;
-        abstract attachSegs(segs: Seg[], mirrorInfo: any): any;
-        abstract detachSegs(segs: Seg[]): any;
-        rangeUpdated(): void;
-        renderSegEls(segs: Seg[], mirrorInfo: any): Seg[];
-        getSegClasses(seg: Seg, isDraggable: any, isResizable: any, mirrorInfo: any): string[];
-        getTimeText(eventRange: EventRenderRange, formatter?: any, displayEnd?: any): any;
-        _getTimeText(start: DateMarker, end: DateMarker, allDay: any, formatter?: any, displayEnd?: any, forcedStartTzo?: number, forcedEndTzo?: number): any;
-        computeEventTimeFormat(): any;
-        computeDisplayEventTime(): boolean;
-        computeDisplayEventEnd(): boolean;
-        getSkinCss(ui: EventUi): {
-            'background-color': string;
-            'border-color': string;
-            color: string;
-        };
-        sortEventSegs(segs: any): Seg[];
-        computeSizes(force: boolean): void;
-        assignSizes(force: boolean): void;
-        computeSegSizes(segs: Seg[]): void;
-        assignSegSizes(segs: Seg[]): void;
-        hideByHash(hash: any): void;
-        showByHash(hash: any): void;
-        selectByInstanceId(instanceId: string): void;
-        unselectByInstanceId(instanceId: string): void;
-    }
-    export function buildSegCompareObj(seg: Seg): any;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FillRenderer' {
-    import { Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
-    import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
-    export { FillRenderer as default, FillRenderer };
-    abstract class FillRenderer {
-        context: ComponentContext;
-        fillSegTag: string;
-        containerElsByType: any;
-        segsByType: any;
-        dirtySizeFlags: any;
-        constructor();
-        getSegsByType(type: string): any;
-        renderSegs(type: string, context: ComponentContext, segs: Seg[]): void;
-        unrender(type: string, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        renderSegEls(type: any, segs: Seg[]): Seg[];
-        renderSegHtml(type: any, seg: Seg): string;
-        abstract attachSegs(type: any, segs: Seg[]): HTMLElement[] | void;
-        detachSegs(type: any, segs: Seg[]): void;
-        computeSizes(force: boolean): void;
-        assignSizes(force: boolean): void;
-        computeSegSizes(segs: Seg[]): void;
-        assignSegSizes(segs: Seg[]): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator' {
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { DateRange, OpenDateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    import { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
-    import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    export interface DateProfile {
-        currentRange: DateRange;
-        currentRangeUnit: string;
-        isRangeAllDay: boolean;
-        validRange: OpenDateRange;
-        activeRange: DateRange;
-        renderRange: DateRange;
-        minTime: Duration;
-        maxTime: Duration;
-        isValid: boolean;
-        dateIncrement: Duration;
-    }
-    export { DateProfileGenerator as default, DateProfileGenerator };
-    class DateProfileGenerator {
-        viewSpec: ViewSpec;
-        options: any;
-        dateEnv: DateEnv;
-        calendar: Calendar;
-        isHiddenDayHash: boolean[];
-        constructor(viewSpec: ViewSpec, calendar: Calendar);
-        buildPrev(currentDateProfile: DateProfile, currentDate: DateMarker): DateProfile;
-        buildNext(currentDateProfile: DateProfile, currentDate: DateMarker): DateProfile;
-        build(currentDate: DateMarker, direction?: any, forceToValid?: boolean): DateProfile;
-        buildValidRange(): OpenDateRange;
-        buildCurrentRangeInfo(date: DateMarker, direction: any): {
-            duration: any;
-            unit: any;
-            range: any;
-        };
-        getFallbackDuration(): Duration;
-        adjustActiveRange(range: DateRange, minTime: Duration, maxTime: Duration): {
-            start: Date;
-            end: Date;
-        };
-        buildRangeFromDuration(date: DateMarker, direction: any, duration: Duration, unit: any): any;
-        buildRangeFromDayCount(date: DateMarker, direction: any, dayCount: any): {
-            start: Date;
-            end: Date;
-        };
-        buildCustomVisibleRange(date: DateMarker): OpenDateRange;
-        buildRenderRange(currentRange: DateRange, currentRangeUnit: any, isRangeAllDay: any): DateRange;
-        buildDateIncrement(fallback: any): Duration;
-        getRangeOption(name: any, ...otherArgs: any[]): OpenDateRange;
-        initHiddenDays(): void;
-        trimHiddenDays(range: DateRange): DateRange | null;
-        isHiddenDay(day: any): boolean;
-        skipHiddenDays(date: DateMarker, inc?: number, isExclusive?: boolean): Date;
-    }
-    export function isDateProfilesEqual(p0: DateProfile, p1: DateProfile): boolean;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-def' {
-    import { ViewClass, ViewConfigHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-config';
-    export interface ViewDef {
-        type: string;
-        class: ViewClass;
-        overrides: any;
-        defaults: any;
-    }
-    export type ViewDefHash = {
-        [viewType: string]: ViewDef;
-    };
-    export function compileViewDefs(defaultConfigs: ViewConfigHash, overrideConfigs: ViewConfigHash): ViewDefHash;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec' {
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import OptionsManager from '@fullcalendar/core/OptionsManager';
-    import { ViewConfigInputHash, ViewClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-config';
-    export interface ViewSpec {
-        type: string;
-        class: ViewClass;
-        duration: Duration;
-        durationUnit: string;
-        singleUnit: string;
-        options: any;
-        buttonTextOverride: string;
-        buttonTextDefault: string;
-    }
-    export type ViewSpecHash = {
-        [viewType: string]: ViewSpec;
-    };
-    export function buildViewSpecs(defaultInputs: ViewConfigInputHash, optionsManager: OptionsManager): ViewSpecHash;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span' {
-    import { DateRange, OpenDateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    import { DateInput, DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { EventRenderRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering';
-    import { EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    export interface OpenDateSpanInput {
-        start?: DateInput;
-        end?: DateInput;
-        allDay?: boolean;
-        [otherProp: string]: any;
-    }
-    export interface DateSpanInput extends OpenDateSpanInput {
-        start: DateInput;
-        end: DateInput;
-    }
-    export interface OpenDateSpan {
-        range: OpenDateRange;
-        allDay: boolean;
-        [otherProp: string]: any;
-    }
-    export interface DateSpan extends OpenDateSpan {
-        range: DateRange;
-    }
-    export interface DateSpanApi {
-        start: Date;
-        end: Date;
-        startStr: string;
-        endStr: string;
-        allDay: boolean;
-    }
-    export interface DatePointApi {
-        date: Date;
-        dateStr: string;
-        allDay: boolean;
-    }
-    export function parseDateSpan(raw: DateSpanInput, dateEnv: DateEnv, defaultDuration?: Duration): DateSpan | null;
-    export function parseOpenDateSpan(raw: OpenDateSpanInput, dateEnv: DateEnv): OpenDateSpan | null;
-    export function isDateSpansEqual(span0: DateSpan, span1: DateSpan): boolean;
-    export function buildDateSpanApi(span: DateSpan, dateEnv: DateEnv): DateSpanApi;
-    export function buildDatePointApi(span: DateSpan, dateEnv: DateEnv): DatePointApi;
-    export function fabricateEventRange(dateSpan: DateSpan, eventUiBases: EventUiHash, calendar: Calendar): EventRenderRange;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker' {
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    export type DateMarker = Date;
-    export const DAY_IDS: string[];
-    export function addWeeks(m: DateMarker, n: number): Date;
-    export function addDays(m: DateMarker, n: number): Date;
-    export function addMs(m: DateMarker, n: number): Date;
-    export function diffWeeks(m0: any, m1: any): number;
-    export function diffDays(m0: any, m1: any): number;
-    export function diffHours(m0: any, m1: any): number;
-    export function diffMinutes(m0: any, m1: any): number;
-    export function diffSeconds(m0: any, m1: any): number;
-    export function diffDayAndTime(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): Duration;
-    export function diffWholeWeeks(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): number;
-    export function diffWholeDays(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): number;
-    export function startOfDay(m: DateMarker): DateMarker;
-    export function startOfHour(m: DateMarker): Date;
-    export function startOfMinute(m: DateMarker): Date;
-    export function startOfSecond(m: DateMarker): Date;
-    export function weekOfYear(marker: any, dow: any, doy: any): number;
-    export function dateToLocalArray(date: any): any[];
-    export function arrayToLocalDate(a: any): Date;
-    export function dateToUtcArray(date: any): any[];
-    export function arrayToUtcDate(a: any): Date;
-    export function isValidDate(m: DateMarker): boolean;
-    export function timeAsMs(m: DateMarker): number;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration' {
-    export type DurationInput = DurationObjectInput | string | number;
-    export interface DurationObjectInput {
-        years?: number;
-        year?: number;
-        months?: number;
-        month?: number;
-        weeks?: number;
-        week?: number;
-        days?: number;
-        day?: number;
-        hours?: number;
-        hour?: number;
-        minutes?: number;
-        minute?: number;
-        seconds?: number;
-        second?: number;
-        milliseconds?: number;
-        millisecond?: number;
-        ms?: number;
-    }
-    export interface Duration {
-        years: number;
-        months: number;
-        days: number;
-        milliseconds: number;
-    }
-    export function createDuration(input: DurationInput, unit?: string): Duration | null;
-    export function getWeeksFromInput(obj: DurationObjectInput): number;
-    export function durationsEqual(d0: Duration, d1: Duration): boolean;
-    export function isSingleDay(dur: Duration): boolean;
-    export function addDurations(d0: Duration, d1: Duration): {
-        years: number;
-        months: number;
-        days: number;
-        milliseconds: number;
-    };
-    export function subtractDurations(d1: Duration, d0: Duration): Duration;
-    export function multiplyDuration(d: Duration, n: number): {
-        years: number;
-        months: number;
-        days: number;
-        milliseconds: number;
-    };
-    export function asRoughYears(dur: Duration): number;
-    export function asRoughMonths(dur: Duration): number;
-    export function asRoughDays(dur: Duration): number;
-    export function asRoughHours(dur: Duration): number;
-    export function asRoughMinutes(dur: Duration): number;
-    export function asRoughSeconds(dur: Duration): number;
-    export function asRoughMs(dur: Duration): number;
-    export function wholeDivideDurations(numerator: Duration, denominator: Duration): number;
-    export function greatestDurationDenominator(dur: Duration, dontReturnWeeks?: boolean): {
-        unit: string;
-        value: number;
-    };
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env' {
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { CalendarSystem } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/calendar-system';
-    import { Locale } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/locale';
-    import { NamedTimeZoneImpl, NamedTimeZoneImplClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/timezone';
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { DateFormatter } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
-    import { CmdFormatterFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-cmd';
-    export interface DateEnvSettings {
-        timeZone: string;
-        namedTimeZoneImpl?: NamedTimeZoneImplClass;
-        calendarSystem: string;
-        locale: Locale;
-        weekNumberCalculation?: any;
-        firstDay?: any;
-        weekLabel?: string;
-        cmdFormatter?: CmdFormatterFunc;
-    }
-    export type DateInput = Date | string | number | number[];
-    export interface DateMarkerMeta {
-        marker: DateMarker;
-        isTimeUnspecified: boolean;
-        forcedTzo: number | null;
-    }
-    export class DateEnv {
-        timeZone: string;
-        namedTimeZoneImpl: NamedTimeZoneImpl;
-        canComputeOffset: boolean;
-        calendarSystem: CalendarSystem;
-        locale: Locale;
-        weekDow: number;
-        weekDoy: number;
-        weekNumberFunc: any;
-        weekLabel: string;
-        cmdFormatter?: CmdFormatterFunc;
-        constructor(settings: DateEnvSettings);
-        createMarker(input: DateInput): DateMarker;
-        createNowMarker(): DateMarker;
-        createMarkerMeta(input: DateInput): DateMarkerMeta;
-        parse(s: string): {
-            marker: Date;
-            isTimeUnspecified: boolean;
-            forcedTzo: any;
-        };
-        getYear(marker: DateMarker): number;
-        getMonth(marker: DateMarker): number;
-        add(marker: DateMarker, dur: Duration): DateMarker;
-        subtract(marker: DateMarker, dur: Duration): DateMarker;
-        addYears(marker: DateMarker, n: number): Date;
-        addMonths(marker: DateMarker, n: number): Date;
-        diffWholeYears(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): number;
-        diffWholeMonths(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): number;
-        greatestWholeUnit(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): {
-            unit: string;
-            value: number;
-        };
-        countDurationsBetween(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker, d: Duration): number;
-        startOf(m: DateMarker, unit: string): Date;
-        startOfYear(m: DateMarker): DateMarker;
-        startOfMonth(m: DateMarker): DateMarker;
-        startOfWeek(m: DateMarker): DateMarker;
-        computeWeekNumber(marker: DateMarker): number;
-        format(marker: DateMarker, formatter: DateFormatter, dateOptions?: {
-            forcedTzo?: number;
-        }): any;
-        formatRange(start: DateMarker, end: DateMarker, formatter: DateFormatter, dateOptions?: {
-            forcedStartTzo?: number;
-            forcedEndTzo?: number;
-            isEndExclusive?: boolean;
-        }): any;
-        formatIso(marker: DateMarker, extraOptions?: any): string;
-        timestampToMarker(ms: number): Date;
-        offsetForMarker(m: DateMarker): number;
-        toDate(m: DateMarker, forcedTzo?: number): Date;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting' {
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { CalendarSystem } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/calendar-system';
-    import { Locale } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/locale';
-    import { CmdFormatterFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-cmd';
-    import { FuncFormatterFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-func';
-    export interface ZonedMarker {
-        marker: DateMarker;
-        timeZoneOffset: number;
-    }
-    export interface ExpandedZonedMarker extends ZonedMarker {
-        array: number[];
-        year: number;
-        month: number;
-        day: number;
-        hour: number;
-        minute: number;
-        second: number;
-        millisecond: number;
-    }
-    export interface VerboseFormattingArg {
-        date: ExpandedZonedMarker;
-        start: ExpandedZonedMarker;
-        end?: ExpandedZonedMarker;
-        timeZone: string;
-        localeCodes: string[];
-        separator: string;
-    }
-    export interface DateFormattingContext {
-        timeZone: string;
-        locale: Locale;
-        calendarSystem: CalendarSystem;
-        computeWeekNumber: (d: DateMarker) => number;
-        weekLabel: string;
-        cmdFormatter?: CmdFormatterFunc;
-    }
-    export interface DateFormatter {
-        format(date: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): any;
-        formatRange(start: ZonedMarker, end: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): any;
-    }
-    export type FormatterInput = object | string | FuncFormatterFunc;
-    export function createFormatter(input: FormatterInput, defaultSeparator?: string): DateFormatter;
-    export function buildIsoString(marker: DateMarker, timeZoneOffset?: number, stripZeroTime?: boolean): string;
-    export function formatIsoTimeString(marker: DateMarker): string;
-    export function formatTimeZoneOffset(minutes: number, doIso?: boolean): string;
-    export function createVerboseFormattingArg(start: ZonedMarker, end: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext, separator?: string): VerboseFormattingArg;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/timezone' {
-    export abstract class NamedTimeZoneImpl {
-        timeZoneName: string;
-        constructor(timeZoneName: string);
-        abstract offsetForArray(a: number[]): number;
-        abstract timestampToArray(ms: number): number[];
-    }
-    export type NamedTimeZoneImplClass = {
-        new (timeZoneName: string): NamedTimeZoneImpl;
-    };
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/parsing' {
-    export function parse(str: any): {
-        marker: Date;
-        isTimeUnspecified: boolean;
-        timeZoneOffset: any;
-    };
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source' {
-    import { EventInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    import { EventSourceFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/event-sources/func-event-source';
-    import { EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    import { ConstraintInput, AllowFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/validation';
-    export type EventSourceError = {
-        message: string;
-        response?: any;
-        [otherProp: string]: any;
-    };
-    export type EventInputTransformer = (eventInput: EventInput) => EventInput | null;
-    export type EventSourceSuccessResponseHandler = (rawData: any, response: any) => EventInput[] | void;
-    export type EventSourceErrorResponseHandler = (error: EventSourceError) => void;
-    export interface ExtendedEventSourceInput {
-        id?: string | number;
-        allDayDefault?: boolean;
-        eventDataTransform?: EventInputTransformer;
-        events?: EventInput[] | EventSourceFunc;
-        url?: string;
-        method?: string;
-        extraParams?: object | (() => object);
-        startParam?: string;
-        endParam?: string;
-        timeZoneParam?: string;
-        success?: EventSourceSuccessResponseHandler;
-        failure?: EventSourceErrorResponseHandler;
-        editable?: boolean;
-        startEditable?: boolean;
-        durationEditable?: boolean;
-        constraint?: ConstraintInput;
-        overlap?: boolean;
-        allow?: AllowFunc;
-        className?: string[] | string;
-        classNames?: string[] | string;
-        backgroundColor?: string;
-        borderColor?: string;
-        textColor?: string;
-        color?: string;
-        [otherProp: string]: any;
-    }
-    export type EventSourceInput = ExtendedEventSourceInput | // object in extended form
-    EventSourceFunc | // just a function
-    string;
-    export interface EventSource {
-        _raw: any;
-        sourceId: string;
-        sourceDefId: number;
-        meta: any;
-        publicId: string;
-        isFetching: boolean;
-        latestFetchId: string;
-        fetchRange: DateRange | null;
-        allDayDefault: boolean | null;
-        eventDataTransform: EventInputTransformer;
-        ui: EventUi;
-        success: EventSourceSuccessResponseHandler | null;
-        failure: EventSourceErrorResponseHandler | null;
-        extendedProps: any;
-    }
-    export type EventSourceHash = {
-        [sourceId: string]: EventSource;
-    };
-    export type EventSourceFetcher = (arg: {
-        eventSource: EventSource;
-        calendar: Calendar;
-        range: DateRange;
-    }, success: (res: {
-        rawEvents: EventInput[];
-        xhr?: XMLHttpRequest;
-    }) => void, failure: (error: EventSourceError) => void) => (void | PromiseLike<EventInput[]>);
-    export interface EventSourceDef {
-        ignoreRange?: boolean;
-        parseMeta: (raw: EventSourceInput) => object | null;
-        fetch: EventSourceFetcher;
-    }
-    export function doesSourceNeedRange(eventSource: EventSource, calendar: Calendar): boolean;
-    export function parseEventSource(raw: EventSourceInput, calendar: Calendar): EventSource | null;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/interaction' {
-    import DateComponent from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
-    export abstract class Interaction {
-        component: DateComponent<any>;
-        constructor(settings: InteractionSettings);
-        destroy(): void;
-    }
-    export type InteractionClass = {
-        new (settings: InteractionSettings): Interaction;
-    };
-    export interface InteractionSettingsInput {
-        el: HTMLElement;
-        useEventCenter?: boolean;
-    }
-    export interface InteractionSettings {
-        component: DateComponent<any>;
-        el: HTMLElement;
-        useEventCenter: boolean;
-    }
-    export type InteractionSettingsStore = {
-        [componenUid: string]: InteractionSettings;
-    };
-    export function parseInteractionSettings(component: DateComponent<any>, input: InteractionSettingsInput): InteractionSettings;
-    export function interactionSettingsToStore(settings: InteractionSettings): {
-        [x: string]: InteractionSettings;
-    };
-    export let interactionSettingsStore: InteractionSettingsStore;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/pointer' {
-    export interface PointerDragEvent {
-        origEvent: UIEvent;
-        isTouch: boolean;
-        subjectEl: EventTarget;
-        pageX: number;
-        pageY: number;
-        deltaX: number;
-        deltaY: number;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit' {
-    import DateComponent from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
-    import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
-    import { Rect } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/geom';
-    export interface Hit {
-        component: DateComponent<any>;
-        dateSpan: DateSpan;
-        dayEl: HTMLElement;
-        rect: Rect;
-        layer: number;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/date-selecting' {
-    import { Hit } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit';
-    export type dateSelectionJoinTransformer = (hit0: Hit, hit1: Hit) => any;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-dragging' {
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import { EventMutation } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation';
-    import { Hit } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit';
-    import { EventDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    import { View } from '@fullcalendar/core';
-    export type eventDragMutationMassager = (mutation: EventMutation, hit0: Hit, hit1: Hit) => void;
-    export type EventDropTransformers = (mutation: EventMutation, calendar: Calendar) => any;
-    export type eventIsDraggableTransformer = (val: boolean, eventDef: EventDef, eventUi: EventUi, view: View) => boolean;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-resizing' {
-    import { Hit } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit';
-    export type EventResizeJoinTransforms = (hit0: Hit, hit1: Hit) => false | object;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/ElementDragging' {
-    import EmitterMixin from '@fullcalendar/core/common/EmitterMixin';
-    export { ElementDragging as default, ElementDragging };
-    abstract class ElementDragging {
-        emitter: EmitterMixin;
-        constructor(el: HTMLElement);
-        destroy(): void;
-        abstract setIgnoreMove(bool: boolean): void;
-        setMirrorIsVisible(bool: boolean): void;
-        setMirrorNeedsRevert(bool: boolean): void;
-        setAutoScrollEnabled(bool: boolean): void;
-    }
-    export type ElementDraggingClass = {
-        new (el: HTMLElement): ElementDragging;
-    };
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/formatting-api' {
-    import { DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    export function formatDate(dateInput: DateInput, settings?: {}): any;
-    export function formatRange(startInput: DateInput, endInput: DateInput, settings: any): any;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/options' {
-    import { PluginDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system';
-    export const config: any;
-    export const globalDefaults: {
-        defaultRangeSeparator: string;
-        titleRangeSeparator: string;
-        defaultTimedEventDuration: string;
-        defaultAllDayEventDuration: {
-            day: number;
-        };
-        forceEventDuration: boolean;
-        nextDayThreshold: string;
-        columnHeader: boolean;
-        defaultView: string;
-        aspectRatio: number;
-        header: {
-            left: string;
-            center: string;
-            right: string;
-        };
-        weekends: boolean;
-        weekNumbers: boolean;
-        weekNumberCalculation: string;
-        editable: boolean;
-        scrollTime: string;
-        minTime: string;
-        maxTime: string;
-        showNonCurrentDates: boolean;
-        lazyFetching: boolean;
-        startParam: string;
-        endParam: string;
-        timeZoneParam: string;
-        timeZone: string;
-        locales: any[];
-        locale: string;
-        timeGridEventMinHeight: number;
-        themeSystem: string;
-        dragRevertDuration: number;
-        dragScroll: boolean;
-        allDayMaintainDuration: boolean;
-        unselectAuto: boolean;
-        dropAccept: string;
-        eventOrder: string;
-        eventLimit: boolean;
-        eventLimitClick: string;
-        dayPopoverFormat: {
-            month: string;
-            day: string;
-            year: string;
-        };
-        handleWindowResize: boolean;
-        windowResizeDelay: number;
-        longPressDelay: number;
-        eventDragMinDistance: number;
-    };
-    export const rtlDefaults: {
-        header: {
-            left: string;
-            center: string;
-            right: string;
-        };
-        buttonIcons: {
-            prev: string;
-            next: string;
-            prevYear: string;
-            nextYear: string;
-        };
-    };
-    export function mergeOptions(optionObjs: any): any;
-    export function refinePluginDefs(pluginInputs: any[]): PluginDef[];
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/recurring-event' {
-    import { EventInput, EventDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    export interface ParsedRecurring {
-        typeData: any;
-        allDayGuess: boolean | null;
-        duration: Duration | null;
-    }
-    export interface RecurringType {
-        parse: (rawEvent: EventInput, leftoverProps: any, dateEnv: DateEnv) => ParsedRecurring | null;
-        expand: (typeData: any, framingRange: DateRange, dateEnv: DateEnv) => DateMarker[];
-    }
-    export function parseRecurring(eventInput: EventInput, allDayDefault: boolean | null, dateEnv: DateEnv, recurringTypes: RecurringType[], leftovers: any): {
-        allDay: any;
-        duration: Duration;
-        typeData: any;
-        typeId: number;
-    };
-    export function expandRecurringRanges(eventDef: EventDef, duration: Duration, framingRange: DateRange, dateEnv: DateEnv, recurringTypes: RecurringType[]): DateMarker[];
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/drag-meta' {
-    import { Duration, DurationInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { EventNonDateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    export interface DragMetaInput extends EventNonDateInput {
-        startTime?: DurationInput;
-        duration?: DurationInput;
-        create?: boolean;
-        sourceId?: string;
-    }
-    export interface DragMeta {
-        startTime: Duration | null;
-        duration: Duration | null;
-        create: boolean;
-        sourceId: string;
-        leftoverProps: object;
-    }
-    export function parseDragMeta(raw: DragMetaInput): DragMeta;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system' {
-    import { reducerFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/reducers/types';
-    import { eventDefParserFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { eventDefMutationApplier } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation';
-    import Calendar, { DatePointTransform, DateSpanTransform, CalendarInteractionClass, OptionChangeHandlerMap } from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import { ViewConfigInputHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-config';
-    import { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
-    import { ViewProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
-    import { CalendarComponentProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/CalendarComponent';
-    import { isPropsValidTester } from '@fullcalendar/core/validation';
-    import { eventDragMutationMassager, eventIsDraggableTransformer, EventDropTransformers } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-dragging';
-    import { dateSelectionJoinTransformer } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/date-selecting';
-    import { EventResizeJoinTransforms } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-resizing';
-    import { ExternalDefTransform } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/external-element-dragging';
-    import { InteractionClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/interaction';
-    import { ThemeClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/theme/Theme';
-    import { EventSourceDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
-    import { CmdFormatterFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-cmd';
-    import { RecurringType } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/recurring-event';
-    import { NamedTimeZoneImplClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/timezone';
-    import { ElementDraggingClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/ElementDragging';
-    export interface PluginDefInput {
-        deps?: PluginDef[];
-        reducers?: reducerFunc[];
-        eventDefParsers?: eventDefParserFunc[];
-        isDraggableTransformers?: eventIsDraggableTransformer[];
-        eventDragMutationMassagers?: eventDragMutationMassager[];
-        eventDefMutationAppliers?: eventDefMutationApplier[];
-        dateSelectionTransformers?: dateSelectionJoinTransformer[];
-        datePointTransforms?: DatePointTransform[];
-        dateSpanTransforms?: DateSpanTransform[];
-        views?: ViewConfigInputHash;
-        viewPropsTransformers?: ViewPropsTransformerClass[];
-        isPropsValid?: isPropsValidTester;
-        externalDefTransforms?: ExternalDefTransform[];
-        eventResizeJoinTransforms?: EventResizeJoinTransforms[];
-        viewContainerModifiers?: ViewContainerModifier[];
-        eventDropTransformers?: EventDropTransformers[];
-        componentInteractions?: InteractionClass[];
-        calendarInteractions?: CalendarInteractionClass[];
-        themeClasses?: {
-            [themeSystemName: string]: ThemeClass;
-        };
-        eventSourceDefs?: EventSourceDef[];
-        cmdFormatter?: CmdFormatterFunc;
-        recurringTypes?: RecurringType[];
-        namedTimeZonedImpl?: NamedTimeZoneImplClass;
-        defaultView?: string;
-        elementDraggingImpl?: ElementDraggingClass;
-        optionChangeHandlers?: OptionChangeHandlerMap;
-    }
-    export interface PluginHooks {
-        reducers: reducerFunc[];
-        eventDefParsers: eventDefParserFunc[];
-        isDraggableTransformers: eventIsDraggableTransformer[];
-        eventDragMutationMassagers: eventDragMutationMassager[];
-        eventDefMutationAppliers: eventDefMutationApplier[];
-        dateSelectionTransformers: dateSelectionJoinTransformer[];
-        datePointTransforms: DatePointTransform[];
-        dateSpanTransforms: DateSpanTransform[];
-        views: ViewConfigInputHash;
-        viewPropsTransformers: ViewPropsTransformerClass[];
-        isPropsValid: isPropsValidTester | null;
-        externalDefTransforms: ExternalDefTransform[];
-        eventResizeJoinTransforms: EventResizeJoinTransforms[];
-        viewContainerModifiers: ViewContainerModifier[];
-        eventDropTransformers: EventDropTransformers[];
-        componentInteractions: InteractionClass[];
-        calendarInteractions: CalendarInteractionClass[];
-        themeClasses: {
-            [themeSystemName: string]: ThemeClass;
-        };
-        eventSourceDefs: EventSourceDef[];
-        cmdFormatter?: CmdFormatterFunc;
-        recurringTypes: RecurringType[];
-        namedTimeZonedImpl?: NamedTimeZoneImplClass;
-        defaultView: string;
-        elementDraggingImpl?: ElementDraggingClass;
-        optionChangeHandlers: OptionChangeHandlerMap;
-    }
-    export interface PluginDef extends PluginHooks {
-        id: string;
-        deps: PluginDef[];
-    }
-    export type ViewPropsTransformerClass = new () => ViewPropsTransformer;
-    export interface ViewPropsTransformer {
-        transform(viewProps: ViewProps, viewSpec: ViewSpec, calendarProps: CalendarComponentProps, allOptions: any): any;
-    }
-    export type ViewContainerModifier = (contentEl: HTMLElement, calendar: Calendar) => void;
-    export function createPlugin(input: PluginDefInput): PluginDef;
-    export class PluginSystem {
-        hooks: PluginHooks;
-        addedHash: {
-            [pluginId: string]: true;
-        };
-        constructor();
-        add(plugin: PluginDef): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/reducers/types' {
-    import { EventInput, EventInstanceHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    import { EventMutation } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation';
-    import { EventSource, EventSourceHash, EventSourceError } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
-    import { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
-    import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
-    import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
-    import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    export interface CalendarState {
-        eventSources: EventSourceHash;
-        eventSourceLoadingLevel: number;
-        loadingLevel: number;
-        viewType: string;
-        currentDate: DateMarker;
-        dateProfile: DateProfile | null;
-        eventStore: EventStore;
-        dateSelection: DateSpan | null;
-        eventSelection: string;
-        eventDrag: EventInteractionState | null;
-        eventResize: EventInteractionState | null;
-    }
-    export type reducerFunc = (state: CalendarState, action: Action, calendar: Calendar) => CalendarState;
-    export type Action = {
-        type: 'INIT';
-    } | // wont it create another rerender?
-    {
-        type: 'PREV';
-    } | {
-        type: 'NEXT';
-    } | {
-        type: 'SET_DATE';
-        dateMarker: DateMarker;
-    } | {
-        type: 'SET_VIEW_TYPE';
-        viewType: string;
-        dateMarker?: DateMarker;
-    } | {
-        type: 'SELECT_DATES';
-        selection: DateSpan;
-    } | {
-        type: 'UNSELECT_DATES';
-    } | {
-        type: 'SELECT_EVENT';
-        eventInstanceId: string;
-    } | {
-        type: 'UNSELECT_EVENT';
-    } | {
-        type: 'SET_EVENT_DRAG';
-        state: EventInteractionState;
-    } | {
-        type: 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG';
-    } | {
-        type: 'SET_EVENT_RESIZE';
-        state: EventInteractionState;
-    } | {
-        type: 'UNSET_EVENT_RESIZE';
-    } | {
-        type: 'ADD_EVENT_SOURCES';
-        sources: EventSource[];
-    } | {
-        type: 'REMOVE_EVENT_SOURCE';
-        sourceId: string;
-    } | {
-        type: 'REMOVE_ALL_EVENT_SOURCES';
-    } | {
-        type: 'FETCH_EVENT_SOURCES';
-        sourceIds?: string[];
-    } | // if no sourceIds, fetch all
-    {
-        type: 'CHANGE_TIMEZONE';
-        oldDateEnv: DateEnv;
-    } | {
-        type: 'RECEIVE_EVENTS';
-        sourceId: string;
-        fetchId: string;
-        fetchRange: DateRange | null;
-        rawEvents: EventInput[];
-    } | {
-        type: 'RECEIVE_EVENT_ERROR';
-        sourceId: string;
-        fetchId: string;
-        fetchRange: DateRange | null;
-        error: EventSourceError;
-    } | // need all these?
-    {
-        type: 'ADD_EVENTS';
-        eventStore: EventStore;
-    } | {
-        type: 'MERGE_EVENTS';
-        eventStore: EventStore;
-    } | {
-        type: 'MUTATE_EVENTS';
-        instanceId: string;
-        mutation: EventMutation;
-        fromApi?: boolean;
-    } | {
-        type: 'REMOVE_EVENT_DEF';
-        defId: string;
-    } | {
-        type: 'REMOVE_EVENT_INSTANCES';
-        instances: EventInstanceHash;
-    } | {
-        type: 'REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS';
-    } | {
-        type: 'RESET_EVENTS';
-    };
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/CalendarComponent' {
-    import Component, { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
-    import { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
-    import View from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
-    import Toolbar from '@fullcalendar/core/Toolbar';
-    import DateProfileGenerator, { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
-    import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    import { EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    import { BusinessHoursInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/business-hours';
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { CalendarState } from '@fullcalendar/core/reducers/types';
-    export interface CalendarComponentProps extends CalendarState {
-        viewSpec: ViewSpec;
-        dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator;
-        eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
-    }
-    export { CalendarComponent as default, CalendarComponent };
-    class CalendarComponent extends Component<CalendarComponentProps> {
-        view: View;
-        header: Toolbar;
-        footer: Toolbar;
-        computeTitle: (dateProfile: any, viewOptions: any) => string;
-        parseBusinessHours: (input: BusinessHoursInput) => EventStore;
-        el: HTMLElement;
-        contentEl: HTMLElement;
-        elClassNames: string[];
-        savedScroll: any;
-        isHeightAuto: boolean;
-        viewHeight: number;
-        constructor(el: HTMLElement);
-        render(props: CalendarComponentProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        _renderSkeleton(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        _unrenderSkeleton(): void;
-        removeElClassNames(): void;
-        updateElClassNames(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        _renderToolbars(viewSpec: ViewSpec, dateProfile: DateProfile, currentDate: DateMarker, title: string): void;
-        _unrenderToolbars(): void;
-        renderView(props: CalendarComponentProps, title: string): void;
-        updateSize(isResize?: boolean): void;
-        computeHeightVars(): void;
-        queryToolbarsHeight(): number;
-        freezeHeight(): void;
-        thawHeight(): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/DayHeader' {
-    import Component, { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
-    export interface DayTableHeaderProps {
-        dates: DateMarker[];
-        dateProfile: DateProfile;
-        datesRepDistinctDays: boolean;
-        renderIntroHtml?: () => string;
-    }
-    export { DayHeader as default, DayHeader };
-    class DayHeader extends Component<DayTableHeaderProps> {
-        parentEl: HTMLElement;
-        el: HTMLElement;
-        thead: HTMLElement;
-        constructor(parentEl: HTMLElement);
-        render(props: DayTableHeaderProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
-        destroy(): void;
-        _renderSkeleton(context: ComponentContext): void;
-        _unrenderSkeleton(): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/table-utils' {
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
-    import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
-    export function computeFallbackHeaderFormat(datesRepDistinctDays: boolean, dayCnt: number): {
-        weekday: string;
-        month?: undefined;
-        day?: undefined;
-        omitCommas?: undefined;
-    } | {
-        weekday: string;
-        month: string;
-        day: string;
-        omitCommas: boolean;
-    };
-    export function renderDateCell(dateMarker: DateMarker, dateProfile: DateProfile, datesRepDistinctDays: any, colCnt: any, colHeadFormat: any, context: ComponentContext, colspan?: any, otherAttrs?: any): string;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/DaySeries' {
-    import DateProfileGenerator from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    export interface DaySeriesSeg {
-        firstIndex: number;
-        lastIndex: number;
-        isStart: boolean;
-        isEnd: boolean;
-    }
-    export { DaySeries as default, DaySeries };
-    class DaySeries {
-        cnt: number;
-        dates: DateMarker[];
-        indices: number[];
-        constructor(range: DateRange, dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator);
-        sliceRange(range: DateRange): DaySeriesSeg | null;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state' {
-    import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    import { Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
-    export interface EventInteractionState {
-        affectedEvents: EventStore;
-        mutatedEvents: EventStore;
-        isEvent: boolean;
-        origSeg: Seg | null;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering' {
-    import { EventDef, EventTuple, EventDefHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
-    import { EventUi, EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
-    export interface EventRenderRange extends EventTuple {
-        ui: EventUi;
-        range: DateRange;
-        isStart: boolean;
-        isEnd: boolean;
-    }
-    export function sliceEventStore(eventStore: EventStore, eventUiBases: EventUiHash, framingRange: DateRange, nextDayThreshold?: Duration): {
-        bg: EventRenderRange[];
-        fg: EventRenderRange[];
-    };
-    export function hasBgRendering(def: EventDef): boolean;
-    export function filterSegsViaEls(context: ComponentContext, segs: Seg[], isMirror: boolean): Seg[];
-    export function getElSeg(el: HTMLElement): Seg | null;
-    export function compileEventUis(eventDefs: EventDefHash, eventUiBases: EventUiHash): {
-        [key: string]: EventUi;
-    };
-    export function compileEventUi(eventDef: EventDef, eventUiBases: EventUiHash): EventUi;
-    export function triggerRenderedSegs(context: ComponentContext, segs: Seg[], isMirrors: boolean): void;
-    export function triggerWillRemoveSegs(context: ComponentContext, segs: Seg[], isMirrors: boolean): void;
-    export function computeEventDraggable(context: ComponentContext, eventDef: EventDef, eventUi: EventUi): boolean;
-    export function computeEventStartResizable(context: ComponentContext, eventDef: EventDef, eventUi: EventUi): any;
-    export function computeEventEndResizable(context: ComponentContext, eventDef: EventDef, eventUi: EventUi): boolean;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/DayTable' {
-    import DaySeries from '@fullcalendar/core/common/DaySeries';
-    import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import { Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
-    export interface DayTableSeg extends Seg {
-        row: number;
-        firstCol: number;
-        lastCol: number;
-    }
-    export interface DayTableCell {
-        date: DateMarker;
-        htmlAttrs?: string;
-    }
-    export { DayTable as default, DayTable };
-    class DayTable {
-        rowCnt: number;
-        colCnt: number;
-        cells: DayTableCell[][];
-        headerDates: DateMarker[];
-        constructor(daySeries: DaySeries, breakOnWeeks: boolean);
-        sliceRange(range: DateRange): DayTableSeg[];
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/slicing-utils' {
-    import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
-    import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    import { EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    import { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
-    import DateComponent, { Seg, EventSegUiInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
-    import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
-    import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    export interface SliceableProps {
-        dateSelection: DateSpan;
-        businessHours: EventStore;
-        eventStore: EventStore;
-        eventDrag: EventInteractionState | null;
-        eventResize: EventInteractionState | null;
-        eventSelection: string;
-        eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
-    }
-    export interface SlicedProps<SegType extends Seg> {
-        dateSelectionSegs: SegType[];
-        businessHourSegs: SegType[];
-        fgEventSegs: SegType[];
-        bgEventSegs: SegType[];
-        eventDrag: EventSegUiInteractionState | null;
-        eventResize: EventSegUiInteractionState | null;
-        eventSelection: string;
-    }
-    export { Slicer as default, Slicer };
-    abstract class Slicer<SegType extends Seg, ExtraArgs extends any[] = []> {
-        abstract sliceRange(dateRange: DateRange, ...extraArgs: ExtraArgs): SegType[];
-        sliceProps(props: SliceableProps, dateProfile: DateProfile, nextDayThreshold: Duration | null, calendar: Calendar, component: DateComponent<any>, // TODO: kill
-        ...extraArgs: ExtraArgs): SlicedProps<SegType>;
-        sliceNowDate(// does not memoize
-        date: DateMarker, component: DateComponent<any>, // TODO: kill
-        ...extraArgs: ExtraArgs): SegType[];
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation' {
-    import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    import { EventDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import { EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
-    export interface EventMutation {
-        datesDelta?: Duration;
-        startDelta?: Duration;
-        endDelta?: Duration;
-        standardProps?: any;
-        extendedProps?: any;
-    }
-    export function applyMutationToEventStore(eventStore: EventStore, eventConfigBase: EventUiHash, mutation: EventMutation, calendar: Calendar): EventStore;
-    export type eventDefMutationApplier = (eventDef: EventDef, mutation: EventMutation, calendar: Calendar) => void;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/validation' {
-    import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import { DateSpan, DateSpanApi } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
-    import EventApi from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventApi';
-    import { EventInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
-    import { SplittableProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-splitting';
-    export type ConstraintInput = 'businessHours' | string | EventInput | EventInput[];
-    export type Constraint = 'businessHours' | string | EventStore | false;
-    export type OverlapFunc = ((stillEvent: EventApi, movingEvent: EventApi | null) => boolean);
-    export type AllowFunc = (span: DateSpanApi, movingEvent: EventApi | null) => boolean;
-    export type isPropsValidTester = (props: SplittableProps, calendar: Calendar) => boolean;
-    export function isInteractionValid(interaction: EventInteractionState, calendar: Calendar): boolean;
-    export function isDateSelectionValid(dateSelection: DateSpan, calendar: Calendar): boolean;
-    export function isPropsValid(state: SplittableProps, calendar: Calendar, dateSpanMeta?: {}, filterConfig?: any): boolean;
-    export function normalizeConstraint(input: ConstraintInput, calendar: Calendar): Constraint | null;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventApi' {
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import { EventDef, EventInstance } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    import { EventMutation } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation';
-    import { DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
-    import { DurationInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
-    import { FormatterInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
-    import EventSourceApi from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventSourceApi';
-    export { EventApi as default, EventApi };
-    class EventApi {
-        _calendar: Calendar;
-        _def: EventDef;
-        _instance: EventInstance | null;
-        constructor(calendar: Calendar, def: EventDef, instance?: EventInstance);
-        setProp(name: string, val: string): void;
-        setExtendedProp(name: string, val: any): void;
-        setStart(startInput: DateInput, options?: {
-            granularity?: string;
-            maintainDuration?: boolean;
-        }): void;
-        setEnd(endInput: DateInput | null, options?: {
-            granularity?: string;
-        }): void;
-        setDates(startInput: DateInput, endInput: DateInput | null, options?: {
-            allDay?: boolean;
-            granularity?: string;
-        }): void;
-        moveStart(deltaInput: DurationInput): void;
-        moveEnd(deltaInput: DurationInput): void;
-        moveDates(deltaInput: DurationInput): void;
-        setAllDay(allDay: boolean, options?: {
-            maintainDuration?: boolean;
-        }): void;
-        formatRange(formatInput: FormatterInput): any;
-        mutate(mutation: EventMutation): void;
-        remove(): void;
-        readonly source: EventSourceApi | null;
-        readonly start: Date | null;
-        readonly end: Date | null;
-        readonly id: string;
-        readonly groupId: string;
-        readonly allDay: boolean;
-        readonly title: string;
-        readonly url: string;
-        readonly rendering: string;
-        readonly startEditable: boolean;
-        readonly durationEditable: boolean;
-        readonly constraint: any;
-        readonly overlap: any;
-        readonly allow: any;
-        readonly backgroundColor: string;
-        readonly borderColor: string;
-        readonly textColor: string;
-        readonly classNames: string[];
-        readonly extendedProps: any;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/requestJson' {
-    export default function requestJson(method: string, url: string, params: object, successCallback: any, failureCallback: any): void;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/locale' {
-    export type LocaleCodeArg = string | string[];
-    export type LocaleSingularArg = LocaleCodeArg | RawLocale;
-    export interface Locale {
-        codeArg: LocaleCodeArg;
-        codes: string[];
-        week: {
-            dow: number;
-            doy: number;
-        };
-        simpleNumberFormat: Intl.NumberFormat;
-        options: any;
-    }
-    export interface RawLocale {
-        code: string;
-        [otherProp: string]: any;
-    }
-    export type RawLocaleMap = {
-        [code: string]: RawLocale;
-    };
-    export interface RawLocaleInfo {
-        map: RawLocaleMap;
-        defaultCode: string;
-    }
-    export function parseRawLocales(explicitRawLocales: RawLocale[]): RawLocaleInfo;
-    export function buildLocale(inputSingular: LocaleSingularArg, available: RawLocaleMap): Locale;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/OptionsManager' {
-    export { OptionsManager as default, OptionsManager };
-    class OptionsManager {
-        dirDefaults: any;
-        localeDefaults: any;
-        overrides: any;
-        dynamicOverrides: any;
-        computed: any;
-        constructor(overrides: any);
-        mutate(updates: any, removals: string[], isDynamic?: boolean): void;
-        compute(): void;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventSourceApi' {
-    import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
-    import { EventSource } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
-    export { EventSourceApi as default, EventSourceApi };
-    class EventSourceApi {
-        calendar: Calendar;
-        internalEventSource: EventSource;
-        constructor(calendar: Calendar, internalEventSource: EventSource);
-        remove(): void;
-        refetch(): void;
-        readonly id: string;
-        readonly url: string;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-config' {
-    import View from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
-    import { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
-    export type ViewClass = new (viewSpec: ViewSpec, parentEl: HTMLElement) => View;
-    export interface ViewConfigObjectInput {
-        type?: string;
-        class?: ViewClass;
-        [optionName: string]: any;
-    }
-    export type ViewConfigInput = ViewClass | ViewConfigObjectInput;
-    export type ViewConfigInputHash = {
-        [viewType: string]: ViewConfigInput;
-    };
-    export interface ViewConfig {
-        superType: string;
-        class: ViewClass | null;
-        options: any;
-    }
-    export type ViewConfigHash = {
-        [viewType: string]: ViewConfig;
-    };
-    export function parseViewConfigs(inputs: ViewConfigInputHash): ViewConfigHash;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/calendar-system' {
-    import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
-    export interface CalendarSystem {
-        getMarkerYear(d: DateMarker): number;
-        getMarkerMonth(d: DateMarker): number;
-        getMarkerDay(d: DateMarker): number;
-        arrayToMarker(arr: number[]): DateMarker;
-        markerToArray(d: DateMarker): number[];
-    }
-    export function registerCalendarSystem(name: any, theClass: any): void;
-    export function createCalendarSystem(name: any): any;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-cmd' {
-    import { DateFormatter, DateFormattingContext, ZonedMarker, VerboseFormattingArg } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
-    export type CmdFormatterFunc = (cmd: string, arg: VerboseFormattingArg) => string;
-    export class CmdFormatter implements DateFormatter {
-        cmdStr: string;
-        separator: string;
-        constructor(cmdStr: string, separator?: string);
-        format(date: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): string;
-        formatRange(start: ZonedMarker, end: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): string;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-func' {
-    import { DateFormatter, DateFormattingContext, ZonedMarker, VerboseFormattingArg } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
-    export type FuncFormatterFunc = (arg: VerboseFormattingArg) => string;
-    export class FuncFormatter implements DateFormatter {
-        func: FuncFormatterFunc;
-        constructor(func: FuncFormatterFunc);
-        format(date: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): string;
-        formatRange(start: ZonedMarker, end: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): string;
-    }
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/event-sources/func-event-source' {
-    import { EventSourceError } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
-    import { EventInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
-    export type EventSourceFunc = (arg: {
-        start: Date;
-        end: Date;
-        timeZone: string;
-    }, successCallback: (events: EventInput[]) => void, failureCallback: (error: EventSourceError) => void) => (void | PromiseLike<EventInput[]>);
-    const _default: import("@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system").PluginDef;
-    export default _default;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/external-element-dragging' {
-    import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
-    import { DragMeta } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/drag-meta';
-    export type ExternalDefTransform = (dateSpan: DateSpan, dragMeta: DragMeta) => any;
-declare module '@fullcalendar/core/Toolbar' {
-    import Component from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
-    export interface ToolbarRenderProps {
-        layout: any;
-        title: string;
-        activeButton: string;
-        isTodayEnabled: boolean;
-        isPrevEnabled: boolean;
-        isNextEnabled: boolean;
-    }
-    export { Toolbar as default, Toolbar };
-    class Toolbar extends Component<ToolbarRenderProps> {
-        el: HTMLElement;
-        viewsWithButtons: any;
-        constructor(extraClassName: any);
-        destroy(): void;
-        render(props: ToolbarRenderProps): void;
-        renderLayout(layout: any): void;
-        unrenderLayout(): void;
-        renderSection(position: any, buttonStr: any): HTMLElement;
-        updateToday(isTodayEnabled: any): void;
-        updatePrev(isPrevEnabled: any): void;
-        updateNext(isNextEnabled: any): void;
-        updateTitle(text: any): void;
-        updateActiveButton(buttonName?: any): void;
-        toggleButtonEnabled(buttonName: any, bool: any): void;
-    }

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+## The MIT License
+Copyright © 2019 by Denis Ineshin (http://ionden.com)
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 0 - 145

@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-@import (reference) "_mixins";
-.irs {
-    .pos-r();
-    -webkit-touch-callout: none;
-    .no-click();
-    font-size: 12px;
-    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
-    &-line {
-        .pos-r();
-        overflow: hidden;
-        outline: none !important;
-    }
-    &-bar {
-        .pos-a();
-        left: 0;
-        width: 0;
-    }
-    &-shadow {
-        position: absolute;
-        display: none;
-        left: 0;
-        width: 0;
-    }
-    &-handle {
-        .pos-a();
-        box-sizing: border-box;
-        cursor: default;
-        z-index: 1;
-        &.single,
-        &.from,
-        &.to {}
-        &.type_last {
-            z-index: 2;
-        }
-    }
-    &-min,
-    &-max {
-        .pos-a();
-        cursor: default;
-    }
-    &-min {
-        left: 0;
-    }
-    &-max {
-        right: 0;
-    }
-    &-from,
-    &-to,
-    &-single {
-        .pos-a();
-        top: 0;
-        left: 0;
-        cursor: default;
-        white-space: nowrap;
-    }
-    &-grid {
-        position: absolute;
-        display: none;
-        bottom: 0;
-        left: 0;
-        width: 100%;
-        height: 20px;
-        .irs-with-grid & {
-            display: block;
-        }
-        &-pol {
-            position: absolute;
-            top: 0;
-            left: 0;
-            width: 1px;
-            height: 8px;
-            background: #000;
-            &.small {
-                height: 4px;
-            }
-        }
-        &-text {
-            position: absolute;
-            bottom: 0;
-            left: 0;
-            white-space: nowrap;
-            text-align: center;
-            font-size: 9px;
-            line-height: 9px;
-            padding: 0 3px;
-            color: #000;
-        }
-    }
-    &-disable-mask {
-        .pos-a();
-        top: 0;
-        left: -1%;
-        width: 102%;
-        height: 100%;
-        cursor: default;
-        background: rgba(0,0,0,0.0);
-        z-index: 2;
-        .lt-ie9 & {
-            background: #000;
-            filter: alpha(opacity=0);
-            cursor: not-allowed;
-        }
-    }
-    &-disabled {
-        opacity: 0.4;
-    }
-    &-hidden-input {
-        position: absolute !important;
-        display: block !important;
-        top: 0 !important;
-        left: 0 !important;
-        width: 0 !important;
-        height: 0 !important;
-        font-size: 0 !important;
-        line-height: 0 !important;
-        padding: 0 !important;
-        margin: 0 !important;
-        overflow: hidden;
-        outline: none !important;
-        z-index: -9999 !important;
-        background: none !important;
-        border-style: solid !important;
-        border-color: transparent !important;
-    }

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-.no-click () {
-    -webkit-user-select: none;
-    -khtml-user-select: none;
-    -moz-user-select: none;
-    -ms-user-select: none;
-    user-select: none;
-.pos-r () {
-    position: relative;
-    display: block;
-.pos-a () {
-    position: absolute;
-    display: block;

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Base styles
-@import "_base";
-// Skins styles
-@import "skins/flat";
-@import "skins/big";
-@import "skins/modern";
-@import "skins/sharp";
-@import "skins/round";
-@import "skins/square";

+ 0 - 109

@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-.irs--big {
-    @name: irs;
-    @top: 33px;
-    @bottom: 16px;
-    @line_height: 12px;
-    @handle_width: 30px;
-    @handle_height: 30px;
-    @custom_radius: 3px;
-    @line_color_1: white;
-    @line_color_2: #ccc;
-    @line_color_3: #ddd;
-    @bar_color: #428bca;
-    @handle_color_1: #cbcfd5;
-    @handle_color_2: #B4B9BE;
-    @handle_color_3: white;
-    @handle_color_4: #919BA5;
-    @minmax_text_color: white;
-    @minmax_bg_color: #9f9f9f;
-    @label_color_1: #428bca;
-    @label_color_2: white;
-    @grid_color_1: #428bca;
-    height: 55px;
-    &.irs-with-grid {
-        height: 70px;
-    }
-    .@{name}-line {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background-color: @line_color_1;
-        background: linear-gradient(to bottom, @line_color_3 -50%, @line_color_1 150%);
-        border: 1px solid @line_color_2;
-        border-radius: @line_height;
-    }
-    .@{name}-bar {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background-color: lighten(@bar_color, 20%);
-        border: 1px solid @bar_color;
-        background: linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten(@bar_color, 70%) 0%, @bar_color 30%, lighten(@bar_color, 30%) 100%);
-        box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
-        &--single {
-            border-radius: @line_height 0 0 @line_height;
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-shadow {
-        height: 1px;
-        bottom: @bottom;
-        background-color: fade(@bar_color, 50%);
-    }
-    .@{name}-handle {
-        top: 25px;
-        width: @handle_width;
-        height: @handle_height;
-        border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
-        background-color: @handle_color_1;
-        background: linear-gradient(to bottom, @handle_color_3 0%, @handle_color_2 30%, @handle_color_3 100%);
-        box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2), inset 0 0 3px 1px @handle_color_3;
-        border-radius: @handle_width;
-        &.state_hover,
-        &:hover {
-            border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.45);
-            background-color: darken(@handle_color_1, 20%);
-            background: linear-gradient(to bottom, @handle_color_3 0%, @handle_color_4 30%, @handle_color_3 100%);
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-min,
-    .@{name}-max {
-        top: 0;
-        padding: 1px 5px;
-        color: @minmax_text_color;
-        text-shadow: none;
-        background-color: @minmax_bg_color;
-        border-radius: @custom_radius;
-    }
-    .@{name}-from,
-    .@{name}-to,
-    .@{name}-single {
-        color: @label_color_2;
-        text-shadow: none;
-        padding: 1px 5px;
-        background-color: @label_color_1;
-        background: linear-gradient(to bottom, @label_color_1 0%, darken(@label_color_1, 10%) 100%);
-        border-radius: @custom_radius;
-    }
-    .@{name}-grid {
-        &-pol {
-            background-color: @grid_color_1;
-        }
-        &-text {
-            color: @grid_color_1;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 125

@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-.irs--flat {
-    @name: irs;
-    @top: 25px;
-    @bottom: 16px;
-    @line_height: 12px;
-    @handle_width: 16px;
-    @handle_height: 18px;
-    @custom_radius: 4px;
-    @line_color: #e1e4e9;
-    @bar_color: #ed5565;
-    @handle_color_1: #da4453;
-    @handle_color_2: #a43540;
-    @minmax_text_color: #999;
-    @minmax_bg_color: #e1e4e9;
-    @label_color_1: #ed5565;
-    @label_color_2: white;
-    @grid_color_1: #e1e4e9;
-    @grid_color_2: #999;
-    height: 40px;
-    &.irs-with-grid {
-        height: 60px;
-    }
-    .@{name}-line {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background-color: @line_color;
-        border-radius: @custom_radius;
-    }
-    .@{name}-bar {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background-color: @bar_color;
-        &--single {
-            border-radius: @custom_radius 0 0 @custom_radius;
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-shadow {
-        height: 1px;
-        bottom: @bottom;
-        background-color: @line_color;
-    }
-    .@{name}-handle {
-        top: 22px;
-        width: @handle_width;
-        height: @handle_height;
-        background-color: transparent;
-        & > i:first-child {
-            position: absolute;
-            display: block;
-            top: 0;
-            left: 50%;
-            width: 2px;
-            height: 100%;
-            margin-left: -1px;
-            background-color: @handle_color_1;
-        }
-        &.state_hover,
-        &:hover {
-            & > i:first-child {
-                background-color: @handle_color_2;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-min,
-    .@{name}-max {
-        top: 0;
-        padding: 1px 3px;
-        color: @minmax_text_color;
-        font-size: 10px;
-        line-height: 1.333;
-        text-shadow: none;
-        background-color: @minmax_bg_color;
-        border-radius: @custom_radius;
-    }
-    .@{name}-from,
-    .@{name}-to,
-    .@{name}-single {
-        color: @label_color_2;
-        font-size: 10px;
-        line-height: 1.333;
-        text-shadow: none;
-        padding: 1px 5px;
-        background-color: @label_color_1;
-        border-radius: @custom_radius;
-        &:before {
-            position: absolute;
-            display: block;
-            content: "";
-            bottom: -6px;
-            left: 50%;
-            width: 0;
-            height: 0;
-            margin-left: -3px;
-            overflow: hidden;
-            border: 3px solid transparent;
-            border-top-color: @label_color_1;
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-grid {
-        &-pol {
-            background-color: @grid_color_1;
-        }
-        &-text {
-            color: @grid_color_2;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 165

@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-.irs--modern {
-    @name: irs;
-    @top: 25px;
-    @bottom: 21px;
-    @line_height: 5px;
-    @handle_width: 12px;
-    @handle_height: 13px;
-    @line_color: #d1d6e0;
-    @bar_color: #20b426;
-    @handle_color_1: #e9e6e6;
-    @handle_color_2: white;
-    @handle_color_3: black;
-    @minmax_text_color: white;
-    @minmax_bg_color: #d1d6e0;
-    @label_color_1: #20b426;
-    @label_color_2: white;
-    @grid_color_1: #dedede;
-    @grid_color_2: silver;
-    height: 55px;
-    &.irs-with-grid {
-        height: 55px;
-    }
-    .@{name}-line {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background-color: @line_color;
-        background: linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten(@line_color, 5%) 0%, @line_color 100%);
-        border: 1px solid darken(@line_color, 15%);
-        border-bottom-width: 0;
-        border-radius: @line_height;
-    }
-    .@{name}-bar {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background: @bar_color;
-        background: linear-gradient(to bottom, @bar_color 0%, darken(@bar_color, 10%) 100%);
-        &--single {
-            border-radius: @line_height 0 0 @line_height;
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-shadow {
-        height: 1px;
-        bottom: @bottom;
-        background-color: fade(@line_color, 50%);
-    }
-    .@{name}-handle {
-        top: 37px;
-        width: @handle_width;
-        height: @handle_height;
-        border: 1px solid darken(@line_color, 15%);
-        border-top-width: 0;
-        box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
-        border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;
-        & > i:nth-child(1) {
-            position: absolute;
-            display: block;
-            top: -4px; left: 1px;
-            width: (@handle_width - 6px);
-            height: (@handle_width - 6px);
-            border: 1px solid darken(@line_color, 15%);
-            background: @handle_color_2;
-            transform: rotate(45deg);
-        }
-        & > i:nth-child(2) {
-            position: absolute;
-            display: block;
-            box-sizing: border-box;
-            top: 0; left: 0;
-            width: (@handle_width - 2);
-            height: (@handle_height - 1);
-            background: @handle_color_1;
-            background: linear-gradient(to bottom, @handle_color_2 0%, @handle_color_1 100%);
-            border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;
-        }
-        & > i:nth-child(3) {
-            position: absolute;
-            display: block;
-            box-sizing: border-box;
-            top: 3px; left: 3px;
-            width: 4px; height: 5px;
-            border-left: 1px solid darken(@line_color, 15%);
-            border-right: 1px solid darken(@line_color, 15%);
-        }
-        &.state_hover,
-        &:hover {
-            border-color: darken(@line_color, 30%);
-            background: #c3c7cd;
-            background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255,255,255,1) 0%,rgba(145,155,165,1) 30%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%);
-            & > i:nth-child(1) {
-                border-color: darken(@line_color, 30%);
-            }
-            & > i:nth-child(3) {
-                border-color: darken(@line_color, 50%);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-min,
-    .@{name}-max {
-        top: 0;
-        font-size: 10px;
-        line-height: 1.333;
-        text-shadow: none;
-        padding: 1px 5px;
-        color: @minmax_text_color;
-        background-color: @minmax_bg_color;
-        border-radius: @line_height;
-    }
-    .@{name}-from,
-    .@{name}-to,
-    .@{name}-single {
-        font-size: 10px;
-        line-height: 1.333;
-        text-shadow: none;
-        padding: 1px 5px;
-        background-color: @label_color_1;
-        color: @label_color_2;
-        border-radius: @line_height;
-        &:before {
-            position: absolute;
-            display: block;
-            content: "";
-            bottom: -6px;
-            left: 50%;
-            width: 0;
-            height: 0;
-            margin-left: -3px;
-            overflow: hidden;
-            border: 3px solid transparent;
-            border-top-color: @label_color_1;
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-grid {
-        height: 25px;
-        &-pol {
-            background-color: @grid_color_1;
-        }
-        &-text {
-            color: @grid_color_2;
-            font-size: 13px;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 120

@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-// Skin design by Veaceslav Grimalschi
-// https://github.com/grimalschi
-.irs--round {
-    @name: irs;
-    @top: 36px;
-    @bottom: 21px;
-    @line_height: 4px;
-    @handle_width: 24px;
-    @handle_height: 24px;
-    @line_color: #dee4ec;
-    @bar_color: #006cfa;
-    @handle_color_1: #006cfa;
-    @handle_color_2: white;
-    @handle_color_3: #f0f6ff;
-    @minmax_text_color: #333;
-    @minmax_bg_color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
-    @label_color_1: #006cfa;
-    @label_color_2: white;
-    @grid_color_1: #dedede;
-    @grid_color_2: silver;
-    height: 50px;
-    &.irs-with-grid {
-        height: 65px;
-    }
-    .@{name}-line {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background-color: @line_color;
-        border-radius: @line_height;
-    }
-    .@{name}-bar {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background-color: @bar_color;
-        &--single {
-            border-radius: @line_height 0 0 @line_height;
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-shadow {
-        height: 4px;
-        bottom: @bottom;
-        background-color: fade(@line_color, 50%);
-    }
-    .@{name}-handle {
-        top: 26px;
-        width: @handle_width;
-        height: @handle_height;
-        border: 4px solid @handle_color_1;
-        background-color: @handle_color_2;
-        border-radius: @handle_width;
-        box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.3);
-        &.state_hover,
-        &:hover {
-            background-color: @handle_color_3;
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-min,
-    .@{name}-max {
-        color: @minmax_text_color;
-        font-size: 14px;
-        line-height: 1;
-        top: 0;
-        padding: 3px 5px;
-        background-color: @minmax_bg_color;
-        border-radius: @line_height;
-    }
-    .@{name}-from,
-    .@{name}-to,
-    .@{name}-single {
-        font-size: 14px;
-        line-height: 1;
-        text-shadow: none;
-        padding: 3px 5px;
-        background-color: @label_color_1;
-        color: @label_color_2;
-        border-radius: @line_height;
-        &:before {
-            position: absolute;
-            display: block;
-            content: "";
-            bottom: -6px;
-            left: 50%;
-            width: 0;
-            height: 0;
-            margin-left: -3px;
-            overflow: hidden;
-            border: 3px solid transparent;
-            border-top-color: @label_color_1;
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-grid {
-        height: 25px;
-        &-pol {
-            background-color: @grid_color_1;
-        }
-        &-text {
-            color: @grid_color_2;
-            font-size: 13px;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 132

@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-.irs--sharp {
-    @name: irs;
-    @top: 30px;
-    @bottom: 21px;
-    @line_height: 2px;
-    @handle_width: 10px;
-    @handle_height: 10px;
-    @line_color: black;
-    @bar_color: #ee22fa;
-    @handle_color_1: darken(#ee22fa, 20%);
-    @handle_color_2: white;
-    @handle_color_3: black;
-    @minmax_text_color: white;
-    @minmax_bg_color: darken(#ee22fa, 20%);
-    @label_color_1: darken(#ee22fa, 20%);
-    @label_color_2: white;
-    @grid_color_1: #dedede;
-    @grid_color_2: silver;
-    height: 50px;
-    font-size: 12px;
-    line-height: 1;
-    &.irs-with-grid {
-        height: 57px;
-    }
-    .@{name}-line {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background-color: @line_color;
-        border-radius: @line_height;
-    }
-    .@{name}-bar {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background-color: @bar_color;
-        &--single {
-            border-radius: @line_height 0 0 @line_height;
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-shadow {
-        height: 1px;
-        bottom: @bottom;
-        background-color: fade(@line_color, 50%);
-    }
-    .@{name}-handle {
-        top: (@top - 5px);
-        width: @handle_width;
-        height: @handle_height;
-        background-color: @handle_color_1;
-        & > i:first-child {
-            position: absolute;
-            display: block;
-            top: 100%;
-            left: 0;
-            width: 0;
-            height: 0;
-            border: 5px solid transparent;
-            border-top-color: @handle_color_1;
-        }
-        &.state_hover,
-        &:hover {
-            background-color: @handle_color_3;
-            & > i:first-child {
-                border-top-color: @handle_color_3;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-min,
-    .@{name}-max {
-        color: @minmax_text_color;
-        font-size: 14px;
-        line-height: 1;
-        top: 0;
-        padding: 3px 4px;
-        opacity: 0.4;
-        background-color: @minmax_bg_color;
-        border-radius: @line_height;
-    }
-    .@{name}-from,
-    .@{name}-to,
-    .@{name}-single {
-        font-size: 14px;
-        line-height: 1;
-        text-shadow: none;
-        padding: 3px 4px;
-        background-color: @label_color_1;
-        color: @label_color_2;
-        border-radius: @line_height;
-        &:before {
-            position: absolute;
-            display: block;
-            content: "";
-            bottom: -6px;
-            left: 50%;
-            width: 0;
-            height: 0;
-            margin-left: -3px;
-            overflow: hidden;
-            border: 3px solid transparent;
-            border-top-color: @label_color_1;
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-grid {
-        height: 25px;
-        &-pol {
-            background-color: @grid_color_1;
-        }
-        &-text {
-            color: @grid_color_2;
-            font-size: 13px;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 100

@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// Skin design by Veaceslav Grimalschi
-// https://github.com/grimalschi
-.irs--square {
-    @name: irs;
-    @top: 31px;
-    @bottom: 21px;
-    @line_height: 4px;
-    @handle_width: 16px;
-    @handle_height: 16px;
-    @line_color: #dedede;
-    @bar_color: black;
-    @handle_color_1: black;
-    @handle_color_2: white;
-    @handle_color_3: #f0f6ff;
-    @minmax_text_color: #333;
-    @minmax_bg_color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
-    @label_color_1: black;
-    @label_color_2: white;
-    @grid_color_1: #dedede;
-    @grid_color_2: silver;
-    height: 50px;
-    &.irs-with-grid {
-        height: 60px;
-    }
-    .@{name}-line {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background-color: @line_color;
-    }
-    .@{name}-bar {
-        top: @top;
-        height: @line_height;
-        background-color: @bar_color;
-    }
-    .@{name}-shadow {
-        height: 2px;
-        bottom: @bottom;
-        background-color: @line_color;
-    }
-    .@{name}-handle {
-        top: (@top - 6px);
-        width: @handle_width;
-        height: @handle_height;
-        border: 3px solid @handle_color_1;
-        background-color: @handle_color_2;
-        -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
-        -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);
-        transform: rotate(45deg);
-        &.state_hover,
-        &:hover {
-            background-color: @handle_color_3;
-        }
-    }
-    .@{name}-min,
-    .@{name}-max {
-        color: @minmax_text_color;
-        font-size: 14px;
-        line-height: 1;
-        top: 0;
-        padding: 3px 5px;
-        background-color: @minmax_bg_color;
-    }
-    .@{name}-from,
-    .@{name}-to,
-    .@{name}-single {
-        font-size: 14px;
-        line-height: 1;
-        text-shadow: none;
-        padding: 3px 5px;
-        background-color: @label_color_1;
-        color: @label_color_2;
-    }
-    .@{name}-grid {
-        height: 25px;
-        &-pol {
-            background-color: @grid_color_1;
-        }
-        &-text {
-            color: @grid_color_2;
-            font-size: 11px;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 59

@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
-    <title>jsGrid - Basic Scenario</title>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="demos.css" />
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-    <script src="../src/fields/jsgrid.field.control.js"></script>
-    <h1>Basic Scenario</h1>
-    <div id="jsGrid"></div>
-    <script>
-        $(function() {
-            $("#jsGrid").jsGrid({
-                height: "70%",
-                width: "100%",
-                filtering: true,
-                editing: true,
-                inserting: true,
-                sorting: true,
-                paging: true,
-                autoload: true,
-                pageSize: 15,
-                pageButtonCount: 5,
-                deleteConfirm: "Do you really want to delete the client?",
-                controller: db,
-                fields: [
-                    { name: "Name", type: "text", width: 150 },
-                    { name: "Age", type: "number", width: 50 },
-                    { name: "Address", type: "text", width: 200 },
-                    { name: "Country", type: "select", items: db.countries, valueField: "Id", textField: "Name" },
-                    { name: "Married", type: "checkbox", title: "Is Married", sorting: false },
-                    { type: "control" }
-                ]
-            });
-        });
-    </script>

+ 0 - 102

@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
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-    <title>jsGrid - Batch Delete</title>
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-    <script src="../src/fields/jsgrid.field.control.js"></script>
-    <h1>Batch Delete</h1>
-    <div id="jsGrid"></div>
-    <script>
-        $(function() {
-            $("#jsGrid").jsGrid({
-                height: "50%",
-                width: "100%",
-                autoload: true,
-                confirmDeleting: false,
-                paging: true,
-                controller: {
-                    loadData: function() {
-                        return db.clients;
-                    }
-                },
-                fields: [
-                    {
-                        headerTemplate: function() {
-                            return $("<button>").attr("type", "button").text("Delete")
-                                    .on("click", function () {
-                                        deleteSelectedItems();
-                                    });
-                        },
-                        itemTemplate: function(_, item) {
-                            return $("<input>").attr("type", "checkbox")
-                                    .prop("checked", $.inArray(item, selectedItems) > -1)
-                                    .on("change", function () {
-                                        $(this).is(":checked") ? selectItem(item) : unselectItem(item);
-                                    });
-                        },
-                        align: "center",
-                        width: 50
-                    },
-                    { name: "Name", type: "text", width: 150 },
-                    { name: "Age", type: "number", width: 50 },
-                    { name: "Address", type: "text", width: 200 }
-                ]
-            });
-            var selectedItems = [];
-            var selectItem = function(item) {
-                selectedItems.push(item);
-            };
-            var unselectItem = function(item) {
-                selectedItems = $.grep(selectedItems, function(i) {
-                    return i !== item;
-                });
-            };
-            var deleteSelectedItems = function() {
-                if(!selectedItems.length || !confirm("Are you sure?"))
-                    return;
-                deleteClientsFromDb(selectedItems);
-                var $grid = $("#jsGrid");
-                $grid.jsGrid("option", "pageIndex", 1);
-                $grid.jsGrid("loadData");
-                selectedItems = [];
-            };
-            var deleteClientsFromDb = function(deletingClients) {
-                db.clients = $.map(db.clients, function(client) {
-                    return ($.inArray(client, deletingClients) > -1) ? null : client;
-                });
-            };
-        });
-    </script>

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