@@ -0,0 +1,6372 @@
+ * OverlayScrollbars
+ * https://github.com/KingSora/OverlayScrollbars
+ *
+ * Version: 1.7.1
+ *
+ * Copyright KingSora.
+ * https://github.com/KingSora
+ *
+ * Released under the MIT license.
+ * Date: 22.05.2019
+ */
+(function (global, factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
+ define(function() { return factory(global, global.document, undefined); });
+ else if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object')
+ module.exports = factory(global, global.document, undefined);
+ else
+ factory(global, global.document, undefined);
+}(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this,
+ function(window, document, undefined) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var PLUGINNAME = 'OverlayScrollbars';
+ var TYPES = {
+ o : 'object',
+ f : 'function',
+ a : 'array',
+ s : 'string',
+ b : 'boolean',
+ n : 'number',
+ u : 'undefined',
+ z : 'null'
+ //d : 'date',
+ //e : 'error',
+ //r : 'regexp',
+ //y : 'symbol'
+ };
+ var LEXICON = {
+ c : 'class',
+ s : 'style',
+ i : 'id',
+ l : 'length',
+ p : 'prototype',
+ oH : 'offsetHeight',
+ cH : 'clientHeight',
+ sH : 'scrollHeight',
+ oW : 'offsetWidth',
+ cW : 'clientWidth',
+ sW : 'scrollWidth'
+ };
+ var VENDORS = {
+ //https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Vendor_Prefix
+ _jsCache : { },
+ _cssCache : { },
+ _cssPrefixes : ['-webkit-', '-moz-', '-o-', '-ms-'],
+ _jsPrefixes : ['WebKit', 'Moz', 'O', 'MS'],
+ _cssProperty : function(name) {
+ var cache = this._cssCache;
+ if(cache[name])
+ return cache[name];
+ var prefixes = this._cssPrefixes;
+ var uppercasedName = this._firstLetterToUpper(name);
+ var elmStyle = document.createElement('div')[LEXICON.s];
+ var resultPossibilities;
+ var i = 0;
+ var v = 0;
+ var currVendorWithoutDashes;
+ for (; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
+ currVendorWithoutDashes = prefixes[i].replace(/-/g, '');
+ resultPossibilities = [
+ name, //transition
+ prefixes[i] + name, //-webkit-transition
+ currVendorWithoutDashes + uppercasedName, //webkitTransition
+ this._firstLetterToUpper(currVendorWithoutDashes) + uppercasedName //WebkitTransition
+ ];
+ for(v = 0; v < resultPossibilities[LEXICON.l]; v++) {
+ if(elmStyle[resultPossibilities[v]] !== undefined) {
+ cache[name] = resultPossibilities[v];
+ return resultPossibilities[v];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ _jsAPI : function(name, isInterface, fallback) {
+ var prefixes = this._jsPrefixes;
+ var cache = this._jsCache;
+ var i = 0;
+ var result = cache[name];
+ if(!result) {
+ result = window[name];
+ for(; i < prefixes[LEXICON.l]; i++)
+ result = result || window[(isInterface ? prefixes[i] : prefixes[i].toLowerCase()) + this._firstLetterToUpper(name)];
+ cache[name] = result;
+ }
+ return result || fallback;
+ },
+ _firstLetterToUpper : function(str) {
+ return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets the current window width.
+ * @returns {Number|number} The current window width in pixel.
+ */
+ wW: function() {
+ return window.innerWidth || document.documentElement[LEXICON.cW] || document.body[LEXICON.cW];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the current window height.
+ * @returns {Number|number} The current window height in pixel.
+ */
+ wH: function() {
+ return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement[LEXICON.cH] || document.body[LEXICON.cH];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the MutationObserver Object or undefined if not supported.
+ * @returns {MutationObserver|*|undefined} The MutationsObserver Object or undefined.
+ */
+ mO: function() {
+ return VENDORS._jsAPI('MutationObserver', true);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the ResizeObserver Object or undefined if not supported.
+ * @returns {MutationObserver|*|undefined} The ResizeObserver Object or undefined.
+ */
+ rO: function() {
+ return VENDORS._jsAPI('ResizeObserver', true);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the RequestAnimationFrame method or it's corresponding polyfill.
+ * @returns {*|Function} The RequestAnimationFrame method or it's corresponding polyfill.
+ */
+ rAF: function() {
+ return VENDORS._jsAPI('requestAnimationFrame', false, function (func) { return window.setTimeout(func, 1000 / 60); });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the CancelAnimationFrame method or it's corresponding polyfill.
+ * @returns {*|Function} The CancelAnimationFrame method or it's corresponding polyfill.
+ */
+ cAF: function() {
+ return VENDORS._jsAPI('cancelAnimationFrame', false, function (id) { return window.clearTimeout(id); });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the current time.
+ * @returns {number} The current time.
+ */
+ now: function() {
+ return Date.now && Date.now() || new Date().getTime();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Stops the propagation of the given event.
+ * @param event The event of which the propagation shall be stoped.
+ */
+ stpP: function(event) {
+ if(event.stopPropagation)
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ else
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prevents the default action of the given event.
+ * @param event The event of which the default action shall be prevented.
+ */
+ prvD: function(event) {
+ if(event.preventDefault && event.cancelable)
+ event.preventDefault();
+ else
+ event.returnValue = false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the pageX and pageY values of the given mouse event.
+ * @param event The mouse event of which the pageX and pageX shall be got.
+ * @returns {{x: number, y: number}} x = pageX value, y = pageY value.
+ */
+ page: function(event) {
+ event = event.originalEvent || event;
+ var strPage = 'page';
+ var strClient = 'client';
+ var strX = 'X';
+ var strY = 'Y';
+ var target = event.target || event.srcElement || document;
+ var eventDoc = target.ownerDocument || document;
+ var doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
+ var body = eventDoc.body;
+ //if touch event return return pageX/Y of it
+ if(event.touches !== undefined) {
+ var touch = event.touches[0];
+ return {
+ x : touch[strPage + strX],
+ y : touch[strPage + strY]
+ }
+ }
+ // Calculate pageX/Y if not native supported
+ if (!event[strPage + strX] && event[strClient + strX] && event[strClient + strX] != null) {
+ return {
+ x : event[strClient + strX] +
+ (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) -
+ (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0),
+ y : event[strClient + strY] +
+ (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) -
+ (doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0)
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ x : event[strPage + strX],
+ y : event[strPage + strY]
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the clicked mouse button of the given mouse event.
+ * @param event The mouse event of which the clicked button shal be got.
+ * @returns {number} The number of the clicked mouse button. (0 : none | 1 : leftButton | 2 : middleButton | 3 : rightButton)
+ */
+ mBtn: function(event) {
+ var button = event.button;
+ if (!event.which && button !== undefined)
+ return (button & 1 ? 1 : (button & 2 ? 3 : (button & 4 ? 2 : 0)));
+ else
+ return event.which;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Checks whether a item is in the given array and returns its index.
+ * @param item The item of which the position in the array shall be determined.
+ * @param arr The array.
+ * @returns {number} The zero based index of the item or -1 if the item isn't in the array.
+ */
+ inA : function(item, arr) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr[LEXICON.l]; i++)
+ //Sometiems in IE a "SCRIPT70" Permission denied error occurs if HTML elements in a iFrame are compared
+ try {
+ if (arr[i] === item)
+ return i;
+ }
+ catch(e) { }
+ return -1;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the given value is a array.
+ * @param arr The potential array.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the given value is a array, false otherwise.
+ */
+ isA: function(arr) {
+ var def = Array.isArray;
+ return def ? def(arr) : this.type(arr) == TYPES.a;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determine the internal JavaScript [[Class]] of the given object.
+ * @param obj The object of which the type shall be determined.
+ * @returns {string} The type of the given object.
+ */
+ type: function(obj) {
+ if (obj === undefined)
+ return obj + "";
+ if (obj === null)
+ return obj + "";
+ return Object[LEXICON.p].toString.call(obj).replace(/^\[object (.+)\]$/, '$1').toLowerCase();
+ },
+ bind: function(func, thisObj) {
+ if (typeof func != TYPES.f) {
+ throw "Can't bind function!";
+ // closest thing possible to the ECMAScript 5
+ // internal IsCallable function
+ //throw new TypeError('Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable');
+ }
+ var proto = LEXICON.p;
+ var aArgs = Array[proto].slice.call(arguments, 2);
+ var fNOP = function() {};
+ var fBound = function() { return func.apply(this instanceof fNOP ? this : thisObj, aArgs.concat(Array[proto].slice.call(arguments))); };
+ if (func[proto])
+ fNOP[proto] = func[proto]; // Function.prototype doesn't have a prototype property
+ fBound[proto] = new fNOP();
+ return fBound;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the vendor-prefixed CSS property by the given name.
+ * For example the given name is "transform" and you're using a old Firefox browser then the returned value would be "-moz-transform".
+ * If the browser doesn't need a vendor-prefix, then the returned string is the given name.
+ * If the browser doesn't support the given property name at all (not even with a vendor-prefix) the returned value is null.
+ * @param propName The unprefixed CSS property name.
+ * @returns {string|null} The vendor-prefixed CSS property or null if the browser doesn't support the given CSS property.
+ cssProp : function(propName) {
+ return VENDORS._cssProperty(propName);
+ }
+ */
+ };
+ var MATH = Math;
+ var JQUERY = window.jQuery;
+ var EASING = (function() {
+ var _easingsMath = {
+ p : MATH.PI,
+ c : MATH.cos,
+ s : MATH.sin,
+ w : MATH.pow,
+ t : MATH.sqrt,
+ n : MATH.asin,
+ a : MATH.abs,
+ o : 1.70158
+ };
+ /*
+ x : current percent (0 - 1),
+ t : current time (duration * percent),
+ b : start value (from),
+ c : end value (to),
+ d : duration
+ easingName : function(x, t, b, c, d) { return easedValue; }
+ */
+ return {
+ swing: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return 0.5 - _easingsMath.c(x * _easingsMath.p) / 2;
+ },
+ linear: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return x;
+ },
+ easeInQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return c*(t/=d)*t + b;
+ },
+ easeOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return ((t/=d/2) < 1) ? c/2*t*t + b : -c/2 * ((--t)*(t-2) - 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return c*(t/=d)*t*t + b;
+ },
+ easeOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t + 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return ((t/=d/2) < 1) ? c/2*t*t*t + b : c/2*((t-=2)*t*t + 2) + b;
+ },
+ easeInQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t + b;
+ },
+ easeOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return ((t/=d/2) < 1) ? c/2*t*t*t*t + b : -c/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2) + b;
+ },
+ easeInQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t*t + b;
+ },
+ easeOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t*t + 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return ((t/=d/2) < 1) ? c/2*t*t*t*t*t + b : c/2*((t-=2)*t*t*t*t + 2) + b;
+ },
+ easeInSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return -c * _easingsMath.c(t/d * (_easingsMath.p/2)) + c + b;
+ },
+ easeOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * _easingsMath.s(t/d * (_easingsMath.p/2)) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return -c/2 * (_easingsMath.c(_easingsMath.p*t/d) - 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return (t==0) ? b : c * _easingsMath.w(2, 10 * (t/d - 1)) + b;
+ },
+ easeOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return (t==d) ? b+c : c * (-_easingsMath.w(2, -10 * t/d) + 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ if (t==0) return b;
+ if (t==d) return b+c;
+ if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2 * _easingsMath.w(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b;
+ return c/2 * (-_easingsMath.w(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b;
+ },
+ easeInCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return -c * (_easingsMath.t(1 - (t/=d)*t) - 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * _easingsMath.t(1 - (t=t/d-1)*t) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return ((t/=d/2) < 1) ? -c/2 * (_easingsMath.t(1 - t*t) - 1) + b : c/2 * (_easingsMath.t(1 - (t-=2)*t) + 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ var s=_easingsMath.o;var p=0;var a=c;
+ if (t==0) return b; if ((t/=d)==1) return b+c; if (!p) p=d*.3;
+ if (a < _easingsMath.a(c)) { a=c; s=p/4; }
+ else s = p/(2*_easingsMath.p) * _easingsMath.n (c/a);
+ return -(a*_easingsMath.w(2,10*(t-=1)) * _easingsMath.s( (t*d-s)*(2*_easingsMath.p)/p )) + b;
+ },
+ easeOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ var s=_easingsMath.o;var p=0;var a=c;
+ if (t==0) return b;
+ if ((t/=d)==1) return b+c;
+ if (!p) p=d*.3;
+ if (a < _easingsMath.a(c)) { a=c; s=p/4; }
+ else s = p/(2*_easingsMath.p) * _easingsMath.n (c/a);
+ return a*_easingsMath.w(2,-10*t) * _easingsMath.s( (t*d-s)*(2*_easingsMath.p)/p ) + c + b;
+ },
+ easeInOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ var s=_easingsMath.o;var p=0;var a=c;
+ if (t==0) return b;
+ if ((t/=d/2)==2) return b+c;
+ if (!p) p=d*(.3*1.5);
+ if (a < _easingsMath.a(c)) { a=c; s=p/4; }
+ else s = p/(2*_easingsMath.p) * _easingsMath.n (c/a);
+ if (t < 1) return -.5*(a*_easingsMath.w(2,10*(t-=1)) * _easingsMath.s( (t*d-s)*(2*_easingsMath.p)/p )) + b;
+ return a*_easingsMath.w(2,-10*(t-=1)) * _easingsMath.s( (t*d-s)*(2*_easingsMath.p)/p )*.5 + c + b;
+ },
+ easeInBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) {
+ s = s || _easingsMath.o;
+ return c*(t/=d)*t*((s+1)*t - s) + b;
+ },
+ easeOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) {
+ s = s || _easingsMath.o;
+ return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*((s+1)*t + s) + 1) + b;
+ },
+ easeInOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) {
+ s = s || _easingsMath.o;
+ return ((t/=d/2) < 1) ? c/2*(t*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t - s)) + b : c/2*((t-=2)*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t + s) + 2) + b;
+ },
+ easeInBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return c - this.easeOutBounce (x, d-t, 0, c, d) + b;
+ },
+ easeOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ var o = 7.5625;
+ if ((t/=d) < (1/2.75)) {
+ return c*(o*t*t) + b;
+ } else if (t < (2/2.75)) {
+ return c*(o*(t-=(1.5/2.75))*t + .75) + b;
+ } else if (t < (2.5/2.75)) {
+ return c*(o*(t-=(2.25/2.75))*t + .9375) + b;
+ } else {
+ return c*(o*(t-=(2.625/2.75))*t + .984375) + b;
+ }
+ },
+ easeInOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
+ return (t < d/2) ? this.easeInBounce (x, t*2, 0, c, d) * .5 + b : this.easeOutBounce (x, t*2-d, 0, c, d) * .5 + c*.5 + b;
+ }
+ };
+ /*
+ *
+ *
+ * Open source under the BSD License.
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2001 Robert Penner
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+ * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
+ * conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
+ * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse
+ * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ })();
+ var FRAMEWORK = (function() {
+ var _rnothtmlwhite = ( /[^\x20\t\r\n\f]+/g );
+ var _strSpace = ' ';
+ var _strEmpty = '';
+ var _strScrollLeft = 'scrollLeft';
+ var _strScrollTop = 'scrollTop';
+ var _animations = [ ];
+ var _type = COMPATIBILITY.type;
+ var _cssNumber = {
+ "animationIterationCount": true,
+ "columnCount": true,
+ "fillOpacity": true,
+ "flexGrow": true,
+ "flexShrink": true,
+ "fontWeight": true,
+ "lineHeight": true,
+ "opacity": true,
+ "order": true,
+ "orphans": true,
+ "widows": true,
+ "zIndex": true,
+ "zoom": true
+ };
+ var extend = function() {
+ var src, copyIsArray, copy, name, options, clone, target = arguments[0] || {},
+ i = 1,
+ length = arguments[LEXICON.l],
+ deep = false;
+ // Handle a deep copy situation
+ if (_type(target) == TYPES.b) {
+ deep = target;
+ target = arguments[1] || {};
+ // skip the boolean and the target
+ i = 2;
+ }
+ // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
+ if (_type(target) != TYPES.o && !_type(target) == TYPES.f) {
+ target = {};
+ }
+ // extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
+ if (length === i) {
+ target = FakejQuery;
+ --i;
+ }
+ for (; i < length; i++) {
+ // Only deal with non-null/undefined values
+ if ((options = arguments[i]) != null) {
+ // Extend the base object
+ for (name in options) {
+ src = target[name];
+ copy = options[name];
+ // Prevent never-ending loop
+ if (target === copy) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
+ if (deep && copy && (isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = COMPATIBILITY.isA(copy)))) {
+ if (copyIsArray) {
+ copyIsArray = false;
+ clone = src && COMPATIBILITY.isA(src) ? src : [];
+ } else {
+ clone = src && isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
+ }
+ // Never move original objects, clone them
+ target[name] = extend(deep, clone, copy);
+ // Don't bring in undefined values
+ } else if (copy !== undefined) {
+ target[name] = copy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the modified object
+ return target;
+ };
+ var inArray = function(item, arr, fromIndex) {
+ for (var i = fromIndex || 0; i < arr[LEXICON.l]; i++)
+ if (arr[i] === item)
+ return i;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ var isFunction = function(obj) {
+ return _type(obj) == TYPES.f;
+ };
+ var isEmptyObject = function(obj) {
+ for (var name in obj )
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ };
+ var isPlainObject = function(obj) {
+ if (!obj || _type(obj) != TYPES.o)
+ return false;
+ var key;
+ var proto = LEXICON.p;
+ var hasOwnProperty = Object[proto].hasOwnProperty;
+ var hasOwnConstructor = hasOwnProperty.call(obj, 'constructor');
+ var hasIsPrototypeOf = obj.constructor && obj.constructor[proto] && hasOwnProperty.call(obj.constructor[proto], 'isPrototypeOf');
+ if (obj.constructor && !hasOwnConstructor && !hasIsPrototypeOf) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (key in obj) { /**/ }
+ return _type(key) == TYPES.u || hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);
+ };
+ var each = function(obj, callback) {
+ var i = 0;
+ if (isArrayLike(obj)) {
+ for (; i < obj[LEXICON.l]; i++) {
+ if (callback.call(obj[i], i, obj[i]) === false)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i in obj) {
+ if (callback.call(obj[i], i, obj[i]) === false)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return obj;
+ };
+ var FakejQuery = function (selector) {
+ if(arguments[LEXICON.l] === 0)
+ return this;
+ var base = new FakejQuery();
+ var elements = selector;
+ var i = 0;
+ var elms;
+ var el;
+ if(_type(selector) == TYPES.s) {
+ elements = [ ];
+ if(selector.charAt(0) === '<') {
+ el = document.createElement('div');
+ el.innerHTML = selector;
+ elms = el.children;
+ }
+ else {
+ elms = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
+ }
+ for(; i < elms[LEXICON.l]; i++)
+ elements.push(elms[i]);
+ }
+ if(elements) {
+ if(_type(elements) != TYPES.s && (!isArrayLike(elements) || elements === window || elements === elements.self))
+ elements = [ elements ];
+ for(i = 0; i < elements[LEXICON.l]; i++)
+ base[i] = elements[i];
+ base[LEXICON.l] = elements[LEXICON.l];
+ }
+ return base;
+ };
+ function isArrayLike(obj) {
+ var length = !!obj && [LEXICON.l] in obj && obj[LEXICON.l];
+ var t = _type(obj);
+ return isFunction(t) ? false : (t == TYPES.a || length === 0 || _type(length) == TYPES.n && length > 0 && (length - 1) in obj);
+ }
+ function stripAndCollapse(value) {
+ var tokens = value.match(_rnothtmlwhite) || [];
+ return tokens.join(_strSpace);
+ }
+ function matches(elem, selector) {
+ var nodeList = (elem.parentNode || document).querySelectorAll(selector) || [];
+ var i = nodeList[LEXICON.l];
+ while (i--)
+ if (nodeList[i] == elem)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ function insertAdjacentElement(el, strategy, child) {
+ if(_type(child) == TYPES.a) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < child[LEXICON.l]; i++)
+ insertAdjacentElement(el, strategy, child[i]);
+ }
+ else if(_type(child) == TYPES.s)
+ el.insertAdjacentHTML(strategy, child);
+ else
+ el.insertAdjacentElement(strategy, child.nodeType ? child : child[0]);
+ }
+ function setCSSVal(el, prop, val) {
+ try {
+ if(el[LEXICON.s][prop] !== undefined)
+ el[LEXICON.s][prop] = parseCSSVal(prop, val);
+ } catch(e) { }
+ }
+ function parseCSSVal(prop, val) {
+ if(!_cssNumber[prop.toLowerCase()] && _type(val) == TYPES.n)
+ val += 'px';
+ return val;
+ }
+ function startNextAnimationInQ(animObj, removeFromQ) {
+ var index;
+ var nextAnim;
+ if(removeFromQ !== false)
+ animObj.q.splice(0, 1);
+ if(animObj.q[LEXICON.l] > 0) {
+ nextAnim = animObj.q[0];
+ animate(animObj.el, nextAnim.props, nextAnim.duration, nextAnim.easing, nextAnim.complete, true);
+ }
+ else {
+ index = inArray(animObj, _animations);
+ if(index > -1)
+ _animations.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ function setAnimationValue(el, prop, value) {
+ if(prop === _strScrollLeft || prop === _strScrollTop)
+ el[prop] = value;
+ else
+ setCSSVal(el, prop, value);
+ }
+ function animate(el, props, options, easing, complete, guaranteedNext) {
+ var hasOptions = isPlainObject(options);
+ var from = { };
+ var to = { };
+ var i = 0;
+ var key;
+ var animObj;
+ var start;
+ var progress;
+ var step;
+ var specialEasing;
+ var duration;
+ if(hasOptions) {
+ easing = options.easing;
+ start = options.start;
+ progress = options.progress;
+ step = options.step;
+ specialEasing = options.specialEasing;
+ complete = options.complete;
+ duration = options.duration;
+ }
+ else
+ duration = options;
+ specialEasing = specialEasing || { };
+ duration = duration || 400;
+ easing = easing || 'swing';
+ guaranteedNext = guaranteedNext || false;
+ for(; i < _animations[LEXICON.l]; i++) {
+ if(_animations[i].el === el) {
+ animObj = _animations[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!animObj) {
+ animObj = {
+ el : el,
+ q : []
+ };
+ _animations.push(animObj);
+ }
+ for (key in props) {
+ if(key === _strScrollLeft || key === _strScrollTop)
+ from[key] = el[key];
+ else
+ from[key] = FakejQuery(el).css(key);
+ }
+ for (key in from) {
+ if(from[key] !== props[key] && props[key] !== undefined)
+ to[key] = props[key];
+ }
+ if(!isEmptyObject(to)) {
+ var timeNow;
+ var end;
+ var percent;
+ var fromVal;
+ var toVal;
+ var easedVal;
+ var timeStart;
+ var frame;
+ var elapsed;
+ var qPos = guaranteedNext ? 0 : inArray(qObj, animObj.q);
+ var qObj = {
+ props : to,
+ duration : hasOptions ? options : duration,
+ easing : easing,
+ complete : complete
+ };
+ if (qPos === -1) {
+ qPos = animObj.q[LEXICON.l];
+ animObj.q.push(qObj);
+ }
+ if(qPos === 0) {
+ if(duration > 0) {
+ timeStart = COMPATIBILITY.now();
+ frame = function() {
+ timeNow = COMPATIBILITY.now();
+ elapsed = (timeNow - timeStart);
+ end = qObj.stop || elapsed >= duration;
+ percent = 1 - ((MATH.max(0, timeStart + duration - timeNow) / duration) || 0);
+ for(key in to) {
+ fromVal = parseFloat(from[key]);
+ toVal = parseFloat(to[key]);
+ easedVal = (toVal - fromVal) * EASING[specialEasing[key] || easing](percent, percent * duration, 0, 1, duration) + fromVal;
+ setAnimationValue(el, key, easedVal);
+ if(isFunction(step)) {
+ step(easedVal, {
+ elem : el,
+ prop : key,
+ start : fromVal,
+ now : easedVal,
+ end : toVal,
+ pos : percent,
+ options : {
+ easing : easing,
+ speacialEasing : specialEasing,
+ duration : duration,
+ complete : complete,
+ step : step
+ },
+ startTime : timeStart
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if(isFunction(progress))
+ progress({ }, percent, MATH.max(0, duration - elapsed));
+ if (end) {
+ startNextAnimationInQ(animObj);
+ if(isFunction(complete))
+ complete();
+ }
+ else
+ qObj.frame = COMPATIBILITY.rAF()(frame);
+ };
+ qObj.frame = COMPATIBILITY.rAF()(frame);
+ }
+ else {
+ for(key in to)
+ setAnimationValue(el, key, to[key]);
+ startNextAnimationInQ(animObj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(guaranteedNext)
+ startNextAnimationInQ(animObj);
+ }
+ function stop(el, clearQ, jumpToEnd) {
+ var animObj;
+ var qObj;
+ var key;
+ var i = 0;
+ for(; i < _animations[LEXICON.l]; i++) {
+ animObj = _animations[i];
+ if(animObj.el === el) {
+ if(animObj.q[LEXICON.l] > 0) {
+ qObj = animObj.q[0];
+ qObj.stop = true;
+ COMPATIBILITY.cAF()(qObj.frame);
+ animObj.q.splice(0, 1);
+ if(jumpToEnd)
+ for(key in qObj.props)
+ setAnimationValue(el, key, qObj.props[key]);
+ if(clearQ)
+ animObj.q = [ ];
+ else
+ startNextAnimationInQ(animObj, false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FakejQuery[LEXICON.p] = {
+ on : function(eventName, handler) {
+ eventName = (eventName || _strEmpty).match(_rnothtmlwhite) || [_strEmpty];
+ var eventNameLength = eventName[LEXICON.l];
+ var i = 0;
+ var el;
+ return this.each(function() {
+ el = this;
+ try {
+ if (el.addEventListener) {
+ for (; i < eventNameLength; i++)
+ el.addEventListener(eventName[i], handler);
+ }
+ else if(el.detachEvent) {
+ for (; i < eventNameLength; i++)
+ el.attachEvent('on' + eventName[i], handler);
+ }
+ } catch (e) { }
+ });
+ },
+ off : function(eventName, handler) {
+ eventName = (eventName || _strEmpty).match(_rnothtmlwhite) || [_strEmpty];
+ var eventNameLength = eventName[LEXICON.l];
+ var i = 0;
+ var el;
+ return this.each(function() {
+ el = this;
+ try {
+ if (el.removeEventListener) {
+ for (; i < eventNameLength; i++)
+ el.removeEventListener(eventName[i], handler);
+ }
+ else if(el.detachEvent) {
+ for (; i < eventNameLength; i++)
+ el.detachEvent('on' + eventName[i], handler);
+ }
+ } catch (e) { }
+ });
+ },
+ one : function (eventName, handler) {
+ eventName = (eventName || _strEmpty).match(_rnothtmlwhite) || [_strEmpty];
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var el = FakejQuery(this);
+ FakejQuery.each(eventName, function(i, oneEventName) {
+ var oneHandler = function(e) {
+ handler.call(this, e);
+ el.off(oneEventName, oneHandler);
+ };
+ el.on(oneEventName, oneHandler);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ trigger : function(eventName) {
+ var el;
+ var event;
+ return this.each(function() {
+ el = this;
+ if (document.createEvent) {
+ event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
+ event.initEvent(eventName, true, false);
+ el.dispatchEvent(event);
+ }
+ else {
+ el.fireEvent("on" + eventName);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ append : function(child) {
+ return this.each(function() { insertAdjacentElement(this, 'beforeend', child); });
+ },
+ prepend : function(child) {
+ return this.each(function() { insertAdjacentElement(this, 'afterbegin', child); });
+ },
+ before : function(child) {
+ return this.each(function() { insertAdjacentElement(this, 'beforebegin', child); });
+ },
+ after : function(child) {
+ return this.each(function() { insertAdjacentElement(this, 'afterend', child); });
+ },
+ remove : function() {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var el = this;
+ var parentNode = el.parentNode;
+ if(parentNode != null)
+ parentNode.removeChild(el);
+ });
+ },
+ unwrap : function() {
+ var parents = [ ];
+ var i;
+ var el;
+ var parent;
+ this.each(function() {
+ parent = this.parentNode;
+ if(inArray(parent, parents) === - 1)
+ parents.push(parent);
+ });
+ for(i = 0; i < parents[LEXICON.l]; i++) {
+ el = parents[i];
+ parent = el.parentNode;
+ while (el.firstChild)
+ parent.insertBefore(el.firstChild, el);
+ parent.removeChild(el);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ wrapAll : function(wrapperHTML) {
+ var i;
+ var nodes = this;
+ var wrapper = FakejQuery(wrapperHTML)[0];
+ var deepest = wrapper;
+ var parent = nodes[0].parentNode;
+ var previousSibling = nodes[0].previousSibling;
+ while(deepest.childNodes[LEXICON.l] > 0)
+ deepest = deepest.childNodes[0];
+ for (i = 0; nodes[LEXICON.l] - i; deepest.firstChild === nodes[0] && i++)
+ deepest.appendChild(nodes[i]);
+ var nextSibling = previousSibling ? previousSibling.nextSibling : parent.firstChild;
+ parent.insertBefore(wrapper, nextSibling);
+ return this;
+ },
+ wrapInner : function(wrapperHTML) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var el = FakejQuery(this);
+ var contents = el.contents();
+ if (contents[LEXICON.l])
+ contents.wrapAll(wrapperHTML);
+ else
+ el.append(wrapperHTML);
+ });
+ },
+ wrap : function(wrapperHTML) {
+ return this.each(function() { FakejQuery(this).wrapAll(wrapperHTML); });
+ },
+ css : function(styles, val) {
+ var el;
+ var key;
+ var cptStyle;
+ var getCptStyle = window.getComputedStyle;
+ if(_type(styles) == TYPES.s) {
+ if(val === undefined) {
+ el = this[0];
+ cptStyle = getCptStyle ? getCptStyle(el, null) : el.currentStyle[styles];
+ //https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=548397 can be null sometimes if iframe with display: none (firefox only!)
+ return getCptStyle ? cptStyle != null ? cptStyle.getPropertyValue(styles) : el[LEXICON.s][styles] : cptStyle;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ setCSSVal(this, styles, val);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ for(key in styles)
+ setCSSVal(this, key, styles[key]);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ hasClass : function(className) {
+ var elem, i = 0;
+ var classNamePrepared = _strSpace + className + _strSpace;
+ var classList;
+ while ((elem = this[ i++ ])) {
+ classList = elem.classList;
+ if(classList && classList.contains(className))
+ return true;
+ else if (elem.nodeType === 1 && (_strSpace + stripAndCollapse(elem.className + _strEmpty) + _strSpace).indexOf(classNamePrepared) > -1)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ addClass : function(className) {
+ var classes;
+ var elem;
+ var cur;
+ var curValue;
+ var clazz;
+ var finalValue;
+ var supportClassList;
+ var elmClassList;
+ var i = 0;
+ var v = 0;
+ if (className) {
+ classes = className.match( _rnothtmlwhite ) || [];
+ while ((elem = this[i++])) {
+ elmClassList = elem.classList;
+ if(supportClassList === undefined)
+ supportClassList = elmClassList !== undefined;
+ if(supportClassList) {
+ while ((clazz = classes[v++]))
+ elmClassList.add(clazz);
+ }
+ else {
+ curValue = elem.className + _strEmpty;
+ cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && (_strSpace + stripAndCollapse(curValue) + _strSpace);
+ if (cur) {
+ while ((clazz = classes[v++]))
+ if (cur.indexOf(_strSpace + clazz + _strSpace) < 0)
+ cur += clazz + _strSpace;
+ finalValue = stripAndCollapse(cur);
+ if (curValue !== finalValue)
+ elem.className = finalValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ removeClass : function(className) {
+ var classes;
+ var elem;
+ var cur;
+ var curValue;
+ var clazz;
+ var finalValue;
+ var supportClassList;
+ var elmClassList;
+ var i = 0;
+ var v = 0;
+ if (className) {
+ classes = className.match(_rnothtmlwhite) || [];
+ while ((elem = this[i++])) {
+ elmClassList = elem.classList;
+ if(supportClassList === undefined)
+ supportClassList = elmClassList !== undefined;
+ if(supportClassList) {
+ while ((clazz = classes[v++]))
+ elmClassList.remove(clazz);
+ }
+ else {
+ curValue = elem.className + _strEmpty;
+ cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && (_strSpace + stripAndCollapse(curValue) + _strSpace);
+ if (cur) {
+ while ((clazz = classes[v++]))
+ while (cur.indexOf(_strSpace + clazz + _strSpace) > -1)
+ cur = cur.replace(_strSpace + clazz + _strSpace, _strSpace);
+ finalValue = stripAndCollapse(cur);
+ if (curValue !== finalValue)
+ elem.className = finalValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ hide : function() {
+ return this.each(function() { this[LEXICON.s].display = 'none'; });
+ },
+ show : function() {
+ return this.each(function() { this[LEXICON.s].display = 'block'; });
+ },
+ attr : function(attrName, value) {
+ var i = 0;
+ var el;
+ while (el = this[i++]) {
+ if(value === undefined)
+ return el.getAttribute(attrName);
+ el.setAttribute(attrName, value);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ removeAttr : function(attrName) {
+ return this.each(function() { this.removeAttribute(attrName); });
+ },
+ offset : function() {
+ var el = this[0];
+ var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
+ var scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement[_strScrollLeft];
+ var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement[_strScrollTop];
+ return {
+ top: rect.top + scrollTop,
+ left: rect.left + scrollLeft
+ };
+ },
+ position : function() {
+ var el = this[0];
+ return {
+ top: el.offsetTop,
+ left: el.offsetLeft
+ };
+ },
+ scrollLeft : function(value) {
+ var i = 0;
+ var el;
+ while (el = this[i++]) {
+ if(value === undefined)
+ return el[_strScrollLeft];
+ el[_strScrollLeft] = value;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ scrollTop : function(value) {
+ var i = 0;
+ var el;
+ while (el = this[i++]) {
+ if(value === undefined)
+ return el[_strScrollTop];
+ el[_strScrollTop] = value;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ val : function(value) {
+ var el = this[0];
+ if(!value)
+ return el.value;
+ el.value = value;
+ return this;
+ },
+ first : function() {
+ return this.eq(0);
+ },
+ last : function() {
+ return this.eq(-1);
+ },
+ eq : function(index) {
+ return FakejQuery(this[index >= 0 ? index : this[LEXICON.l] + index]);
+ },
+ find : function(selector) {
+ var children = [ ];
+ var i;
+ this.each(function() {
+ var el = this;
+ var ch = el.querySelectorAll(selector);
+ for(i = 0; i < ch[LEXICON.l]; i++)
+ children.push(ch[i]);
+ });
+ return FakejQuery(children);
+ },
+ children : function(selector) {
+ var children = [ ];
+ var el;
+ var ch;
+ var i;
+ this.each(function() {
+ ch = this.children;
+ for(i = 0; i < ch[LEXICON.l]; i++) {
+ el = ch[i];
+ if(selector) {
+ if((el.matches && el.matches(selector)) || matches(el, selector))
+ children.push(el);
+ }
+ else
+ children.push(el);
+ }
+ });
+ return FakejQuery(children);
+ },
+ parent : function(selector) {
+ var parents = [ ];
+ var parent;
+ this.each(function() {
+ parent = this.parentNode;
+ if(selector ? FakejQuery(parent).is(selector) : true)
+ parents.push(parent);
+ });
+ return FakejQuery(parents);
+ },
+ is : function(selector) {
+ var el;
+ var i;
+ for(i = 0; i < this[LEXICON.l]; i++) {
+ el = this[i];
+ if(selector === ":visible")
+ return !!(el[LEXICON.oW] || el[LEXICON.oH] || el.getClientRects()[LEXICON.l]);
+ if(selector === ":hidden")
+ return !!!(el[LEXICON.oW] || el[LEXICON.oH] || el.getClientRects()[LEXICON.l]);
+ if((el.matches && el.matches(selector)) || matches(el, selector))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ contents : function() {
+ var contents = [ ];
+ var childs;
+ var i;
+ this.each(function() {
+ childs = this.childNodes;
+ for(i = 0; i < childs[LEXICON.l]; i++)
+ contents.push(childs[i]);
+ });
+ return FakejQuery(contents);
+ },
+ each : function(callback) {
+ return each(this, callback);
+ },
+ animate : function(props, duration, easing, complete) {
+ return this.each(function() { animate(this, props, duration, easing, complete); });
+ },
+ stop : function(clearQ, jump) {
+ return this.each(function() { stop(this, clearQ, jump); });
+ }
+ };
+ extend(FakejQuery, {
+ extend : extend,
+ inArray : inArray,
+ isEmptyObject : isEmptyObject,
+ isPlainObject : isPlainObject,
+ each : each
+ });
+ return FakejQuery;
+ })();
+ var INSTANCES = (function() {
+ var _targets = [ ];
+ var _instancePropertyString = '__overlayScrollbars__';
+ /**
+ * Register, unregister or get a certain (or all) instances.
+ * Register: Pass the target and the instance.
+ * Unregister: Pass the target and null.
+ * Get Instance: Pass the target from which the instance shall be got.
+ * Get Targets: Pass no arguments.
+ * @param target The target to which the instance shall be registered / from which the instance shall be unregistered / the instance shall be got
+ * @param instance The instance.
+ * @returns {*|void} Returns the instance from the given target.
+ */
+ return function (target, instance) {
+ var argLen = arguments[LEXICON.l];
+ if(argLen < 1) {
+ //return all targets
+ return _targets;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(instance) {
+ //register instance
+ target[_instancePropertyString] = instance;
+ _targets.push(target);
+ }
+ else {
+ var index = COMPATIBILITY.inA(target, _targets);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ if(argLen > 1) {
+ //unregister instance
+ delete target[_instancePropertyString];
+ _targets.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ //get instance from target
+ return _targets[index][_instancePropertyString];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })();
+ var PLUGIN = (function() {
+ var _pluginsGlobals;
+ var _pluginsAutoUpdateLoop;
+ var _pluginsExtensions = [ ];
+ var _pluginsOptions = (function() {
+ var possibleTemplateTypes = [
+ TYPES.b, //boolean
+ TYPES.n, //number
+ TYPES.s, //string
+ TYPES.a, //array
+ TYPES.o, //object
+ TYPES.f, //function
+ TYPES.z //null
+ ];
+ var restrictedStringsSplit = ' ';
+ var restrictedStringsPossibilitiesSplit = ':';
+ var classNameAllowedValues = [TYPES.z, TYPES.s];
+ var numberAllowedValues = TYPES.n;
+ var booleanNullAllowedValues = [TYPES.z, TYPES.b];
+ var booleanTrueTemplate = [true, TYPES.b];
+ var booleanFalseTemplate = [false, TYPES.b];
+ var callbackTemplate = [null, [TYPES.z, TYPES.f]];
+ var inheritedAttrsTemplate = [['style', 'class'], [TYPES.s, TYPES.a, TYPES.z]];
+ var resizeAllowedValues = 'n:none b:both h:horizontal v:vertical';
+ var overflowBehaviorAllowedValues = 'v-h:visible-hidden v-s:visible-scroll s:scroll h:hidden';
+ var scrollbarsVisibilityAllowedValues = 'v:visible h:hidden a:auto';
+ var scrollbarsAutoHideAllowedValues = 'n:never s:scroll l:leave m:move';
+ var optionsDefaultsAndTemplate = {
+ className: ['os-theme-dark', classNameAllowedValues], //null || string
+ resize: ['none', resizeAllowedValues], //none || both || horizontal || vertical || n || b || h || v
+ sizeAutoCapable: booleanTrueTemplate, //true || false
+ clipAlways: booleanTrueTemplate, //true || false
+ normalizeRTL: booleanTrueTemplate, //true || false
+ paddingAbsolute: booleanFalseTemplate, //true || false
+ autoUpdate: [null, booleanNullAllowedValues], //true || false || null
+ autoUpdateInterval: [33, numberAllowedValues], //number
+ nativeScrollbarsOverlaid: {
+ showNativeScrollbars: booleanFalseTemplate, //true || false
+ initialize: booleanTrueTemplate //true || false
+ },
+ overflowBehavior: {
+ x: ['scroll', overflowBehaviorAllowedValues], //visible-hidden || visible-scroll || hidden || scroll || v-h || v-s || h || s
+ y: ['scroll', overflowBehaviorAllowedValues] //visible-hidden || visible-scroll || hidden || scroll || v-h || v-s || h || s
+ },
+ scrollbars: {
+ visibility: ['auto', scrollbarsVisibilityAllowedValues], //visible || hidden || auto || v || h || a
+ autoHide: ['never', scrollbarsAutoHideAllowedValues], //never || scroll || leave || move || n || s || l || m
+ autoHideDelay: [800, numberAllowedValues], //number
+ dragScrolling: booleanTrueTemplate, //true || false
+ clickScrolling: booleanFalseTemplate, //true || false
+ touchSupport: booleanTrueTemplate, //true || false
+ snapHandle: booleanFalseTemplate //true || false
+ },
+ textarea: {
+ dynWidth: booleanFalseTemplate, //true || false
+ dynHeight: booleanFalseTemplate, //true || false
+ inheritedAttrs : inheritedAttrsTemplate //string || array || null
+ },
+ callbacks: {
+ onInitialized: callbackTemplate, //null || function
+ onInitializationWithdrawn: callbackTemplate, //null || function
+ onDestroyed: callbackTemplate, //null || function
+ onScrollStart: callbackTemplate, //null || function
+ onScroll: callbackTemplate, //null || function
+ onScrollStop: callbackTemplate, //null || function
+ onOverflowChanged: callbackTemplate, //null || function
+ onOverflowAmountChanged: callbackTemplate, //null || function
+ onDirectionChanged: callbackTemplate, //null || function
+ onContentSizeChanged: callbackTemplate, //null || function
+ onHostSizeChanged: callbackTemplate, //null || function
+ onUpdated: callbackTemplate //null || function
+ }
+ };
+ var convert = function(template) {
+ var recursive = function(obj) {
+ var key;
+ var val;
+ var valType;
+ for(key in obj) {
+ if(!obj.hasOwnProperty(key))
+ continue;
+ val = obj[key];
+ valType = COMPATIBILITY.type(val);
+ if(valType == TYPES.a)
+ obj[key] = val[template ? 1 : 0];
+ else if(valType == TYPES.o)
+ obj[key] = recursive(val);
+ }
+ return obj;
+ };
+ return recursive(FRAMEWORK.extend(true, { }, optionsDefaultsAndTemplate));
+ };
+ return {
+ _defaults : convert(),
+ _template : convert(true),
+ /**
+ * Validates the passed object by the passed template.
+ * @param obj The object which shall be validated.
+ * @param template The template which defines the allowed values and types.
+ * @param writeErrors True if errors shall be logged to the console.
+ * @param usePreparedValues True if the validated main values shall be returned in the validated object, false otherwise.
+ * @param keepForeignProps True if properties which aren't in the template shall be added to the validated object, false otherwise.
+ * @returns {{}} A object which contains only the valid properties of the passed original object.
+ */
+ _validate : function (obj, template, writeErrors, usePreparedValues, keepForeignProps) {
+ var validatedOptions = { };
+ var objectCopy = FRAMEWORK.extend(true, { }, obj);
+ var checkObjectProps = function(data, template, validatedOptions, prevPropName) {
+ for (var prop in template) {
+ if (template.hasOwnProperty(prop) && data.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
+ var isValid = false;
+ var templateValue = template[prop];
+ var templateValueType = COMPATIBILITY.type(templateValue);
+ var templateIsComplext = templateValueType == TYPES.o;
+ var templateTypes = COMPATIBILITY.type(templateValue) != TYPES.a ? [ templateValue ] : templateValue;
+ var dataValue = data[prop];
+ var dataValueType = COMPATIBILITY.type(dataValue);
+ var propPrefix = prevPropName ? prevPropName + "." : "";
+ var error = "The option \"" + propPrefix + prop + "\" wasn't set, because";
+ var errorPossibleTypes = [ ];
+ var errorRestrictedStrings = [ ];
+ var restrictedStringValuesSplit;
+ var restrictedStringValuesPossibilitiesSplit;
+ var isRestrictedValue;
+ var mainPossibility;
+ var currType;
+ var i;
+ var v;
+ var j;
+ //if the template has a object as value, it means that the options are complex (verschachtelt)
+ if(templateIsComplext && dataValueType == TYPES.o) {
+ validatedOptions[prop] = { };
+ checkObjectProps(dataValue, templateValue, validatedOptions[prop], propPrefix + prop);
+ if(FRAMEWORK.isEmptyObject(dataValue))
+ delete data[prop];
+ }
+ else if(!templateIsComplext) {
+ for(i = 0; i < templateTypes.length; i++) {
+ currType = templateTypes[i];
+ templateValueType = COMPATIBILITY.type(currType);
+ //if currtype is string and starts with restrictedStringPrefix and end with restrictedStringSuffix
+ isRestrictedValue = templateValueType == TYPES.s && FRAMEWORK.inArray(currType, possibleTemplateTypes) === -1;
+ if(isRestrictedValue) {
+ errorPossibleTypes.push(TYPES.s);
+ //split it into a array which contains all possible values for example: ["y:yes", "n:no", "m:maybe"]
+ restrictedStringValuesSplit = currType.split(restrictedStringsSplit);
+ errorRestrictedStrings = errorRestrictedStrings.concat(restrictedStringValuesSplit);
+ for(v = 0; v < restrictedStringValuesSplit.length; v++) {
+ //split the possible values into their possibiliteis for example: ["y", "yes"] -> the first is always the mainPossibility
+ restrictedStringValuesPossibilitiesSplit = restrictedStringValuesSplit[v].split(restrictedStringsPossibilitiesSplit);
+ mainPossibility = restrictedStringValuesPossibilitiesSplit[0];
+ for(j = 0; j < restrictedStringValuesPossibilitiesSplit.length; j++) {
+ //if any possibility matches with the dataValue, its valid
+ if(dataValue === restrictedStringValuesPossibilitiesSplit[j]) {
+ isValid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(isValid)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ errorPossibleTypes.push(currType);
+ if(dataValueType === currType) {
+ isValid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(isValid) {
+ validatedOptions[prop] = isRestrictedValue && usePreparedValues ? mainPossibility : dataValue;
+ }
+ else if(writeErrors) {
+ console.warn(error + " it doesn't accept the type [ " + dataValueType.toUpperCase() + " ] with the value of \"" + dataValue + "\".\r\n" +
+ "Accepted types are: [ " + errorPossibleTypes.join(", ").toUpperCase() + " ]." +
+ (errorRestrictedStrings.length > 0 ? "\r\nValid strings are: [ " + errorRestrictedStrings.join(", ").split(restrictedStringsPossibilitiesSplit).join(", ") + " ]." : ""));
+ }
+ delete data[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ checkObjectProps(objectCopy, template, validatedOptions);
+ //add values which aren't specified in the template to the finished validated object to prevent them from being discarded
+ if(keepForeignProps)
+ FRAMEWORK.extend(true, validatedOptions, objectCopy);
+ else if(!FRAMEWORK.isEmptyObject(objectCopy) && writeErrors)
+ console.warn("The following options are discarded due to invalidity:\r\n" + window.JSON.stringify(objectCopy, null, 2));
+ return validatedOptions;
+ }
+ }
+ }());
+ /**
+ * Initializes the object which contains global information about the plugin and each instance of it.
+ */
+ function initOverlayScrollbarsStatics() {
+ if(!_pluginsGlobals)
+ _pluginsGlobals = new OverlayScrollbarsGlobals(_pluginsOptions._defaults);
+ if(!_pluginsAutoUpdateLoop)
+ _pluginsAutoUpdateLoop = new OverlayScrollbarsAutoUpdateLoop(_pluginsGlobals);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The global object for the OverlayScrollbars objects. It contains resources which every OverlayScrollbars object needs. This object is initialized only once: if the first OverlayScrollbars object gets initialized.
+ * @param defaultOptions
+ * @constructor
+ */
+ function OverlayScrollbarsGlobals(defaultOptions) {
+ var _base = this;
+ var strOverflow = 'overflow';
+ var strHidden = 'hidden';
+ var strScroll = 'scroll';
+ var bodyElement = FRAMEWORK('body');
+ var scrollbarDummyElement = FRAMEWORK('<div id="os-dummy-scrollbar-size"><div></div></div>');
+ var scrollbarDummyElement0 = scrollbarDummyElement[0];
+ var dummyContainerChild = FRAMEWORK(scrollbarDummyElement.children('div').eq(0));
+ bodyElement.append(scrollbarDummyElement);
+ scrollbarDummyElement.hide().show(); //fix IE8 bug (incorrect measuring)
+ var nativeScrollbarSize = calcNativeScrollbarSize(scrollbarDummyElement0);
+ var nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid = {
+ x: nativeScrollbarSize.x === 0,
+ y: nativeScrollbarSize.y === 0
+ };
+ FRAMEWORK.extend(_base, {
+ defaultOptions : defaultOptions,
+ autoUpdateLoop : false,
+ autoUpdateRecommended : !COMPATIBILITY.mO(),
+ nativeScrollbarSize : nativeScrollbarSize,
+ nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid : nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid,
+ nativeScrollbarStyling : (function() {
+ scrollbarDummyElement.addClass('os-viewport-native-scrollbars-invisible');
+ //fix opera bug: scrollbar styles will only appear if overflow value is scroll or auto during the activation of the style.
+ //and set overflow to scroll
+ scrollbarDummyElement.css(strOverflow, strHidden).hide().css(strOverflow, strScroll).show();
+ return (scrollbarDummyElement0[LEXICON.oH] - scrollbarDummyElement0[LEXICON.cH]) === 0 && (scrollbarDummyElement0[LEXICON.oW] - scrollbarDummyElement0[LEXICON.cW]) === 0;
+ })(),
+ overlayScrollbarDummySize : { x: 30, y: 30 },
+ msie : (function() {
+ var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
+ var strIndexOf = 'indexOf';
+ var strSubString = 'substring';
+ var msie = ua[strIndexOf]('MSIE ');
+ var trident = ua[strIndexOf]('Trident/');
+ var edge = ua[strIndexOf]('Edge/');
+ var rv = ua[strIndexOf]('rv:');
+ var result;
+ var parseIntFunc = parseInt;
+ // IE 10 or older => return version number
+ if (msie > 0)
+ result = parseIntFunc(ua[strSubString](msie + 5, ua[strIndexOf]('.', msie)), 10);
+ // IE 11 => return version number
+ else if (trident > 0)
+ result = parseIntFunc(ua[strSubString](rv + 3, ua[strIndexOf]('.', rv)), 10);
+ // Edge (IE 12+) => return version number
+ else if (edge > 0)
+ result = parseIntFunc(ua[strSubString](edge + 5, ua[strIndexOf]('.', edge)), 10);
+ // other browser
+ return result;
+ })(),
+ cssCalc : (function() {
+ var dummyStyle = document.createElement('div')[LEXICON.s];
+ var strCalc = 'calc';
+ var i = -1;
+ var prop;
+ for(; i < VENDORS._cssPrefixes[LEXICON.l]; i++) {
+ prop = i < 0 ? strCalc : VENDORS._cssPrefixes[i] + strCalc;
+ dummyStyle.cssText = 'width:' + prop + '(1px);';
+ if (dummyStyle[LEXICON.l])
+ return prop;
+ }
+ return null;
+ })(),
+ restrictedMeasuring : (function() {
+ //https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1439305
+ scrollbarDummyElement.css(strOverflow, strHidden);
+ var scrollSize = {
+ w : scrollbarDummyElement0[LEXICON.sW],
+ h : scrollbarDummyElement0[LEXICON.sH]
+ };
+ scrollbarDummyElement.css(strOverflow, 'visible');
+ var scrollSize2 = {
+ w : scrollbarDummyElement0[LEXICON.sW],
+ h : scrollbarDummyElement0[LEXICON.sH]
+ };
+ return (scrollSize.w - scrollSize2.w) !== 0 || (scrollSize.h - scrollSize2.h) !== 0;
+ })(),
+ rtlScrollBehavior : (function() {
+ scrollbarDummyElement.css({ 'overflow-y' : strHidden, 'overflow-x' : strScroll, 'direction' : 'rtl' }).scrollLeft(0);
+ var dummyContainerOffset = scrollbarDummyElement.offset();
+ var dummyContainerChildOffset = dummyContainerChild.offset();
+ scrollbarDummyElement.scrollLeft(999);
+ var dummyContainerScrollOffsetAfterScroll = dummyContainerChild.offset();
+ return {
+ //origin direction = determines if the zero scroll position is on the left or right side
+ //'i' means 'invert' (i === true means that the axis must be inverted to be correct)
+ //true = on the left side
+ //false = on the right side
+ i : dummyContainerOffset.left === dummyContainerChildOffset.left,
+ //negative = determines if the maximum scroll is positive or negative
+ //'n' means 'negate' (n === true means that the axis must be negated to be correct)
+ //true = negative
+ //false = positive
+ n : dummyContainerChildOffset.left - dummyContainerScrollOffsetAfterScroll.left === 0
+ };
+ })(),
+ supportTransform : VENDORS._cssProperty('transform') !== null,
+ supportTransition : VENDORS._cssProperty('transition') !== null,
+ supportPassiveEvents : (function() {
+ var supportsPassive = false;
+ try {
+ window.addEventListener('test', null, Object.defineProperty({ }, 'passive', {
+ get: function() {
+ supportsPassive = true;
+ }
+ }));
+ } catch (e) { }
+ return supportsPassive;
+ })(),
+ supportResizeObserver : !!COMPATIBILITY.rO(),
+ supportMutationObserver : !!COMPATIBILITY.mO()
+ });
+ scrollbarDummyElement.removeAttr(LEXICON.s).remove();
+ //Catch zoom event:
+ (function () {
+ if(nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x && nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y)
+ return;
+ var abs = MATH.abs;
+ var windowWidth = COMPATIBILITY.wW();
+ var windowHeight = COMPATIBILITY.wH();
+ var windowDpr = getWindowDPR();
+ var onResize = function() {
+ if(INSTANCES().length > 0) {
+ var newW = COMPATIBILITY.wW();
+ var newH = COMPATIBILITY.wH();
+ var deltaW = newW - windowWidth;
+ var deltaH = newH - windowHeight;
+ if (deltaW === 0 && deltaH === 0)
+ return;
+ var deltaWRatio = MATH.round(newW / (windowWidth / 100.0));
+ var deltaHRatio = MATH.round(newH / (windowHeight / 100.0));
+ var absDeltaW = abs(deltaW);
+ var absDeltaH = abs(deltaH);
+ var absDeltaWRatio = abs(deltaWRatio);
+ var absDeltaHRatio = abs(deltaHRatio);
+ var newDPR = getWindowDPR();
+ var deltaIsBigger = absDeltaW > 2 && absDeltaH > 2;
+ var difference = !differenceIsBiggerThanOne(absDeltaWRatio, absDeltaHRatio);
+ var dprChanged = newDPR !== windowDpr && windowDpr > 0;
+ var isZoom = deltaIsBigger && difference && dprChanged;
+ var oldScrollbarSize = _base.nativeScrollbarSize;
+ var newScrollbarSize;
+ if (isZoom) {
+ bodyElement.append(scrollbarDummyElement);
+ newScrollbarSize = _base.nativeScrollbarSize = calcNativeScrollbarSize(scrollbarDummyElement[0]);
+ scrollbarDummyElement.remove();
+ if(oldScrollbarSize.x !== newScrollbarSize.x || oldScrollbarSize.y !== newScrollbarSize.y) {
+ FRAMEWORK.each(INSTANCES(), function () {
+ if(INSTANCES(this))
+ INSTANCES(this).update('zoom');
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ windowWidth = newW;
+ windowHeight = newH;
+ windowDpr = newDPR;
+ }
+ };
+ function differenceIsBiggerThanOne(valOne, valTwo) {
+ var absValOne = abs(valOne);
+ var absValTwo = abs(valTwo);
+ return !(absValOne === absValTwo || absValOne + 1 === absValTwo || absValOne - 1 === absValTwo);
+ }
+ function getWindowDPR() {
+ var dDPI = window.screen.deviceXDPI || 0;
+ var sDPI = window.screen.logicalXDPI || 1;
+ return window.devicePixelRatio || (dDPI / sDPI);
+ }
+ FRAMEWORK(window).on('resize', onResize);
+ })();
+ function calcNativeScrollbarSize(measureElement) {
+ return {
+ x: measureElement[LEXICON.oH] - measureElement[LEXICON.cH],
+ y: measureElement[LEXICON.oW] - measureElement[LEXICON.cW]
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The object which manages the auto update loop for all OverlayScrollbars objects. This object is initialized only once: if the first OverlayScrollbars object gets initialized.
+ * @constructor
+ */
+ function OverlayScrollbarsAutoUpdateLoop(globals) {
+ var _base = this;
+ var _strAutoUpdate = 'autoUpdate';
+ var _strAutoUpdateInterval = _strAutoUpdate + 'Interval';
+ var _strLength = LEXICON.l;
+ var _loopingInstances = [ ];
+ var _loopingInstancesIntervalCache = [ ];
+ var _loopIsActive = false;
+ var _loopIntervalDefault = 33;
+ var _loopInterval = _loopIntervalDefault;
+ var _loopTimeOld = COMPATIBILITY.now();
+ var _loopID;
+ /**
+ * The auto update loop which will run every 50 milliseconds or less if the update interval of a instance is lower than 50 milliseconds.
+ */
+ var loop = function() {
+ if(_loopingInstances[_strLength] > 0 && _loopIsActive) {
+ _loopID = COMPATIBILITY.rAF()(function () {
+ loop();
+ });
+ var timeNew = COMPATIBILITY.now();
+ var timeDelta = timeNew - _loopTimeOld;
+ var lowestInterval;
+ var instance;
+ var instanceOptions;
+ var instanceAutoUpdateAllowed;
+ var instanceAutoUpdateInterval;
+ var now;
+ if (timeDelta > _loopInterval) {
+ _loopTimeOld = timeNew - (timeDelta % _loopInterval);
+ lowestInterval = _loopIntervalDefault;
+ for(var i = 0; i < _loopingInstances[_strLength]; i++) {
+ instance = _loopingInstances[i];
+ if (instance !== undefined) {
+ instanceOptions = instance.options();
+ instanceAutoUpdateAllowed = instanceOptions[_strAutoUpdate];
+ instanceAutoUpdateInterval = MATH.max(1, instanceOptions[_strAutoUpdateInterval]);
+ now = COMPATIBILITY.now();
+ if ((instanceAutoUpdateAllowed === true || instanceAutoUpdateAllowed === null) && (now - _loopingInstancesIntervalCache[i]) > instanceAutoUpdateInterval) {
+ instance.update('auto');
+ _loopingInstancesIntervalCache[i] = new Date(now += instanceAutoUpdateInterval);
+ }
+ lowestInterval = MATH.max(1, MATH.min(lowestInterval, instanceAutoUpdateInterval));
+ }
+ }
+ _loopInterval = lowestInterval;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _loopInterval = _loopIntervalDefault;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Add OverlayScrollbars instance to the auto update loop. Only successful if the instance isn't already added.
+ * @param instance The instance which shall be updated in a loop automatically.
+ */
+ _base.add = function(instance) {
+ if(FRAMEWORK.inArray(instance, _loopingInstances) === -1) {
+ _loopingInstances.push(instance);
+ _loopingInstancesIntervalCache.push(COMPATIBILITY.now());
+ if (_loopingInstances[_strLength] > 0 && !_loopIsActive) {
+ _loopIsActive = true;
+ globals.autoUpdateLoop = _loopIsActive;
+ loop();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Remove OverlayScrollbars instance from the auto update loop. Only successful if the instance was added before.
+ * @param instance The instance which shall be updated in a loop automatically.
+ */
+ _base.remove = function(instance) {
+ var index = FRAMEWORK.inArray(instance, _loopingInstances);
+ if(index > -1) {
+ //remove from loopingInstances list
+ _loopingInstancesIntervalCache.splice(index, 1);
+ _loopingInstances.splice(index, 1);
+ //correct update loop behavior
+ if (_loopingInstances[_strLength] === 0 && _loopIsActive) {
+ _loopIsActive = false;
+ globals.autoUpdateLoop = _loopIsActive;
+ if(_loopID !== undefined) {
+ _loopID = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * A object which manages the scrollbars visibility of the target element.
+ * @param pluginTargetElement The element from which the scrollbars shall be hidden.
+ * @param options The custom options.
+ * @param extensions The custom extensions.
+ * @param globals
+ * @param autoUpdateLoop
+ * @returns {*}
+ * @constructor
+ */
+ function OverlayScrollbarsInstance(pluginTargetElement, options, extensions, globals, autoUpdateLoop) {
+ //if passed element is no HTML element: skip and return
+ if(!isHTMLElement(pluginTargetElement))
+ return;
+ //if passed element is already initialized: set passed options if there are any and return its instance
+ if(INSTANCES(pluginTargetElement)) {
+ var inst = INSTANCES(pluginTargetElement);
+ inst.options(options);
+ return inst;
+ }
+ //make correct instanceof
+ var _base = new window[PLUGINNAME]();
+ var _frameworkProto = FRAMEWORK[LEXICON.p];
+ //globals:
+ var _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid;
+ var _overlayScrollbarDummySize;
+ var _rtlScrollBehavior;
+ var _autoUpdateRecommended;
+ var _msieVersion;
+ var _nativeScrollbarStyling;
+ var _cssCalc;
+ var _nativeScrollbarSize;
+ var _supportTransition;
+ var _supportTransform;
+ var _supportPassiveEvents;
+ var _supportResizeObserver;
+ var _supportMutationObserver;
+ var _restrictedMeasuring;
+ //general readonly:
+ var _initialized;
+ var _destroyed;
+ var _isTextarea;
+ var _isBody;
+ var _documentMixed;
+ var _isTextareaHostGenerated;
+ //general:
+ var _isBorderBox;
+ var _sizeAutoObserverAdded;
+ var _paddingX;
+ var _paddingY;
+ var _borderX;
+ var _borderY;
+ var _marginX;
+ var _marginY;
+ var _isRTL;
+ var _isSleeping;
+ var _contentBorderSize = { };
+ var _scrollHorizontalInfo = { };
+ var _scrollVerticalInfo = { };
+ var _viewportSize = { };
+ var _nativeScrollbarMinSize = { };
+ //naming:
+ var _strMinusHidden = '-hidden';
+ var _strMarginMinus = 'margin-';
+ var _strPaddingMinus = 'padding-';
+ var _strBorderMinus = 'border-';
+ var _strTop = 'top';
+ var _strRight = 'right';
+ var _strBottom = 'bottom';
+ var _strLeft = 'left';
+ var _strMinMinus = 'min-';
+ var _strMaxMinus = 'max-';
+ var _strWidth = 'width';
+ var _strHeight = 'height';
+ var _strFloat = 'float';
+ var _strEmpty = '';
+ var _strAuto = 'auto';
+ var _strScroll = 'scroll';
+ var _strHundredPercent = '100%';
+ var _strX = 'x';
+ var _strY = 'y';
+ var _strDot = '.';
+ var _strSpace = ' ';
+ var _strScrollbar = 'scrollbar';
+ var _strMinusHorizontal = '-horizontal';
+ var _strMinusVertical = '-vertical';
+ var _strScrollLeft = _strScroll + 'Left';
+ var _strScrollTop = _strScroll + 'Top';
+ var _strMouseTouchDownEvent = 'mousedown touchstart';
+ var _strMouseTouchUpEvent = 'mouseup touchend touchcancel';
+ var _strMouseTouchMoveEvent = 'mousemove touchmove';
+ var _strMouseTouchEnter = 'mouseenter';
+ var _strMouseTouchLeave = 'mouseleave';
+ var _strKeyDownEvent = 'keydown';
+ var _strKeyUpEvent = 'keyup';
+ var _strSelectStartEvent = 'selectstart';
+ var _strTransitionEndEvent = 'transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd';
+ var _strResizeObserverProperty = '__overlayScrollbarsRO__';
+ //class names:
+ var _cassNamesPrefix = 'os-';
+ var _classNameHTMLElement = _cassNamesPrefix + 'html';
+ var _classNameHostElement = _cassNamesPrefix + 'host';
+ var _classNameHostTextareaElement = _classNameHostElement + '-textarea';
+ var _classNameHostScrollbarHorizontalHidden = _classNameHostElement + '-' + _strScrollbar + _strMinusHorizontal + _strMinusHidden;
+ var _classNameHostScrollbarVerticalHidden = _classNameHostElement + '-' + _strScrollbar + _strMinusVertical + _strMinusHidden;
+ var _classNameHostTransition = _classNameHostElement + '-transition';
+ var _classNameHostRTL = _classNameHostElement + '-rtl';
+ var _classNameHostResizeDisabled = _classNameHostElement + '-resize-disabled';
+ var _classNameHostScrolling = _classNameHostElement + '-scrolling';
+ var _classNameHostOverflow = _classNameHostElement + '-overflow';
+ var _classNameHostOverflowX = _classNameHostOverflow + '-x';
+ var _classNameHostOverflowY = _classNameHostOverflow + '-y';
+ var _classNameTextareaElement = _cassNamesPrefix + 'textarea';
+ var _classNameTextareaCoverElement = _classNameTextareaElement + '-cover';
+ var _classNamePaddingElement = _cassNamesPrefix + 'padding';
+ var _classNameViewportElement = _cassNamesPrefix + 'viewport';
+ var _classNameViewportNativeScrollbarsInvisible = _classNameViewportElement + '-native-scrollbars-invisible';
+ var _classNameViewportNativeScrollbarsOverlaid = _classNameViewportElement + '-native-scrollbars-overlaid';
+ var _classNameContentElement = _cassNamesPrefix + 'content';
+ var _classNameContentArrangeElement = _cassNamesPrefix + 'content-arrange';
+ var _classNameContentGlueElement = _cassNamesPrefix + 'content-glue';
+ var _classNameSizeAutoObserverElement = _cassNamesPrefix + 'size-auto-observer';
+ var _classNameResizeObserverElement = _cassNamesPrefix + 'resize-observer';
+ var _classNameResizeObserverItemElement = _cassNamesPrefix + 'resize-observer-item';
+ var _classNameResizeObserverItemFinalElement = _classNameResizeObserverItemElement + '-final';
+ var _classNameTextInherit = _cassNamesPrefix + 'text-inherit';
+ var _classNameScrollbar = _cassNamesPrefix + _strScrollbar;
+ var _classNameScrollbarTrack = _classNameScrollbar + '-track';
+ var _classNameScrollbarTrackOff = _classNameScrollbarTrack + '-off';
+ var _classNameScrollbarHandle = _classNameScrollbar + '-handle';
+ var _classNameScrollbarHandleOff = _classNameScrollbarHandle + '-off';
+ var _classNameScrollbarUnusable = _classNameScrollbar + '-unusable';
+ var _classNameScrollbarAutoHidden = _classNameScrollbar + '-' + _strAuto + _strMinusHidden;
+ var _classNameScrollbarCorner = _classNameScrollbar + '-corner';
+ var _classNameScrollbarCornerResize = _classNameScrollbarCorner + '-resize';
+ var _classNameScrollbarCornerResizeB = _classNameScrollbarCornerResize + '-both';
+ var _classNameScrollbarCornerResizeH = _classNameScrollbarCornerResize + _strMinusHorizontal;
+ var _classNameScrollbarCornerResizeV = _classNameScrollbarCornerResize + _strMinusVertical;
+ var _classNameScrollbarHorizontal = _classNameScrollbar + _strMinusHorizontal;
+ var _classNameScrollbarVertical = _classNameScrollbar + _strMinusVertical;
+ var _classNameDragging = _cassNamesPrefix + 'dragging';
+ var _classNameThemeNone = _cassNamesPrefix + 'theme-none';
+ //callbacks:
+ var _callbacksInitQeueue = [ ];
+ //options:
+ var _defaultOptions;
+ var _currentOptions;
+ var _currentPreparedOptions;
+ //extensions:
+ var _extensions = { };
+ var _extensionsPrivateMethods = "added removed on contract";
+ //update
+ var _lastUpdateTime;
+ var _swallowedUpdateParams = { };
+ var _swallowedUpdateTimeout;
+ var _swallowUpdateLag = 42;
+ var _imgs = [ ];
+ //DOM elements:
+ var _windowElement;
+ var _documentElement;
+ var _htmlElement;
+ var _bodyElement;
+ var _targetElement; //the target element of this OverlayScrollbars object
+ var _hostElement; //the host element of this OverlayScrollbars object -> may be the same as targetElement
+ var _sizeAutoObserverElement; //observes size auto changes
+ var _sizeObserverElement; //observes size and padding changes
+ var _paddingElement; //manages the padding
+ var _viewportElement; //is the viewport of our scrollbar model
+ var _contentElement; //the element which holds the content
+ var _contentArrangeElement; //is needed for correct sizing of the content element (only if native scrollbars are overlays)
+ var _contentGlueElement; //has always the size of the content element
+ var _textareaCoverElement; //only applied if target is a textarea element. Used for correct size calculation and for prevention of uncontrolled scrolling
+ var _scrollbarCornerElement;
+ var _scrollbarHorizontalElement;
+ var _scrollbarHorizontalTrackElement;
+ var _scrollbarHorizontalHandleElement;
+ var _scrollbarVerticalElement;
+ var _scrollbarVerticalTrackElement;
+ var _scrollbarVerticalHandleElement;
+ var _windowElementNative;
+ var _documentElementNative;
+ var _targetElementNative;
+ var _hostElementNative;
+ var _sizeAutoObserverElementNative;
+ var _sizeObserverElementNative;
+ var _paddingElementNative;
+ var _viewportElementNative;
+ var _contentElementNative;
+ //Cache:
+ var _hostSizeCache;
+ var _contentScrollSizeCache;
+ var _arrangeContentSizeCache;
+ var _hasOverflowCache;
+ var _hideOverflowCache;
+ var _widthAutoCache;
+ var _heightAutoCache;
+ var _cssMaxValueCache;
+ var _cssBoxSizingCache;
+ var _cssPaddingCache;
+ var _cssBorderCache;
+ var _cssMarginCache;
+ var _cssDirectionCache;
+ var _cssDirectionDetectedCache;
+ var _paddingAbsoluteCache;
+ var _clipAlwaysCache;
+ var _contentGlueSizeCache;
+ var _overflowBehaviorCache;
+ var _overflowAmountCache;
+ var _ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingCache;
+ var _autoUpdateCache;
+ var _sizeAutoCapableCache;
+ var _textareaAutoWrappingCache;
+ var _textareaInfoCache;
+ var _updateAutoHostElementIdCache;
+ var _updateAutoHostElementClassCache;
+ var _updateAutoHostElementStyleCache;
+ var _updateAutoHostElementVisibleCache;
+ var _updateAutoTargetElementRowsCache;
+ var _updateAutoTargetElementColsCache;
+ var _updateAutoTargetElementWrapCache;
+ var _contentElementScrollSizeChangeDetectedCache;
+ var _hostElementSizeChangeDetectedCache;
+ var _scrollbarsVisibilityCache;
+ var _scrollbarsAutoHideCache;
+ var _scrollbarsClickScrollingCache;
+ var _scrollbarsDragScrollingCache;
+ var _resizeCache;
+ var _normalizeRTLCache;
+ var _classNameCache;
+ var _oldClassName;
+ var _textareaDynHeightCache;
+ var _textareaDynWidthCache;
+ var _bodyMinSizeCache;
+ var _viewportScrollSizeCache;
+ var _displayIsHiddenCache;
+ //MutationObserver:
+ var _mutationObserverHost;
+ var _mutationObserverContent;
+ var _mutationObserversConnected;
+ //textarea:
+ var _textareaEvents;
+ var _textareaHasFocus;
+ //scrollbars:
+ var _scrollbarsAutoHideTimeoutId;
+ var _scrollbarsAutoHideMoveTimeoutId;
+ var _scrollbarsAutoHideDelay;
+ var _scrollbarsAutoHideNever;
+ var _scrollbarsAutoHideScroll;
+ var _scrollbarsAutoHideMove;
+ var _scrollbarsAutoHideLeave;
+ var _scrollbarsHandleHovered;
+ var _scrollbarsHandleAsync;
+ //resize
+ var _resizeReconnectMutationObserver;
+ var _resizeNone;
+ var _resizeBoth;
+ var _resizeHorizontal;
+ var _resizeVertical;
+ var _resizeOnMouseTouchDown;
+ //==== Passive Event Listener ====//
+ /**
+ * Adds a passive event listener to the given element.
+ * @param element The element to which the event listener shall be applied.
+ * @param eventNames The name(s) of the event listener.
+ * @param listener The listener method which shall be called.
+ */
+ function addPassiveEventListener(element, eventNames, listener) {
+ var events = eventNames.split(_strSpace);
+ for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++)
+ element[0].addEventListener(events[i], listener, {passive: true});
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes a passive event listener to the given element.
+ * @param element The element from which the event listener shall be removed.
+ * @param eventNames The name(s) of the event listener.
+ * @param listener The listener method which shall be removed.
+ */
+ function removePassiveEventListener(element, eventNames, listener) {
+ var events = eventNames.split(_strSpace);
+ for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++)
+ element[0].removeEventListener(events[i], listener, {passive: true});
+ }
+ //==== Resize Observer ====//
+ /**
+ * Adds a resize observer to the given element.
+ * @param targetElement The element to which the resize observer shall be applied.
+ * @param onElementResizedCallback The callback which is fired every time the resize observer registers a size change.
+ */
+ function addResizeObserver(targetElement, onElementResizedCallback) {
+ var constMaximum = 3333333;
+ var resizeObserver = COMPATIBILITY.rO();
+ var strAnimationStartEvent = 'animationstart mozAnimationStart webkitAnimationStart MSAnimationStart';
+ var strChildNodes = 'childNodes';
+ var callback = function () {
+ targetElement[_strScrollTop](constMaximum)[_strScrollLeft](_isRTL ? _rtlScrollBehavior.n ? -constMaximum : _rtlScrollBehavior.i ? 0 : constMaximum : constMaximum);
+ onElementResizedCallback();
+ };
+ if (_supportResizeObserver) {
+ var element = targetElement.append(generateDiv(_classNameResizeObserverElement + ' observed')).contents()[0];
+ var observer = element[_strResizeObserverProperty] = new resizeObserver(callback);
+ observer.observe(element);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (_msieVersion > 9 || !_autoUpdateRecommended) {
+ targetElement.prepend(
+ generateDiv(_classNameResizeObserverElement,
+ generateDiv({ className : _classNameResizeObserverItemElement, dir : "ltr" },
+ generateDiv(_classNameResizeObserverItemElement,
+ generateDiv(_classNameResizeObserverItemFinalElement)
+ ) +
+ generateDiv(_classNameResizeObserverItemElement,
+ generateDiv({ className : _classNameResizeObserverItemFinalElement, style : 'width: 200%; height: 200%' })
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ var observerElement = targetElement[0][strChildNodes][0][strChildNodes][0];
+ var shrinkElement = FRAMEWORK(observerElement[strChildNodes][1]);
+ var expandElement = FRAMEWORK(observerElement[strChildNodes][0]);
+ var expandElementChild = FRAMEWORK(expandElement[0][strChildNodes][0]);
+ var widthCache = observerElement[LEXICON.oW];
+ var heightCache = observerElement[LEXICON.oH];
+ var isDirty;
+ var rAFId;
+ var currWidth;
+ var currHeight;
+ var factor = 2;
+ var nativeScrollbarSize = globals.nativeScrollbarSize; //care don't make changes to this object!!!
+ var reset = function () {
+ /*
+ var sizeResetWidth = observerElement[LEXICON.oW] + nativeScrollbarSize.x * factor + nativeScrollbarSize.y * factor + _overlayScrollbarDummySize.x + _overlayScrollbarDummySize.y;
+ var sizeResetHeight = observerElement[LEXICON.oH] + nativeScrollbarSize.x * factor + nativeScrollbarSize.y * factor + _overlayScrollbarDummySize.x + _overlayScrollbarDummySize.y;
+ var expandChildCSS = {};
+ expandChildCSS[_strWidth] = sizeResetWidth;
+ expandChildCSS[_strHeight] = sizeResetHeight;
+ expandElementChild.css(expandChildCSS);
+ expandElement[_strScrollLeft](sizeResetWidth)[_strScrollTop](sizeResetHeight);
+ shrinkElement[_strScrollLeft](sizeResetWidth)[_strScrollTop](sizeResetHeight);
+ */
+ expandElement[_strScrollLeft](constMaximum)[_strScrollTop](constMaximum);
+ shrinkElement[_strScrollLeft](constMaximum)[_strScrollTop](constMaximum);
+ };
+ var onResized = function () {
+ rAFId = 0;
+ if (!isDirty)
+ return;
+ widthCache = currWidth;
+ heightCache = currHeight;
+ callback();
+ };
+ var onScroll = function (event) {
+ currWidth = observerElement[LEXICON.oW];
+ currHeight = observerElement[LEXICON.oH];
+ isDirty = currWidth != widthCache || currHeight != heightCache;
+ if (event && isDirty && !rAFId) {
+ rAFId = COMPATIBILITY.rAF()(onResized);
+ }
+ else if(!event)
+ onResized();
+ reset();
+ if (event) {
+ COMPATIBILITY.prvD(event);
+ COMPATIBILITY.stpP(event);
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ var expandChildCSS = {};
+ var observerElementCSS = {};
+ setTopRightBottomLeft(observerElementCSS, _strEmpty, [
+ -((nativeScrollbarSize.y + 1) * factor),
+ nativeScrollbarSize.x * -factor,
+ nativeScrollbarSize.y * -factor,
+ -((nativeScrollbarSize.x + 1) * factor)
+ ]);
+ FRAMEWORK(observerElement).css(observerElementCSS);
+ expandElement.on(_strScroll, onScroll);
+ shrinkElement.on(_strScroll, onScroll);
+ targetElement.on(strAnimationStartEvent, function () {
+ onScroll(false);
+ });
+ //lets assume that the divs will never be that large and a constant value is enough
+ expandChildCSS[_strWidth] = constMaximum;
+ expandChildCSS[_strHeight] = constMaximum;
+ expandElementChild.css(expandChildCSS);
+ reset();
+ }
+ else {
+ var attachEvent = _documentElementNative.attachEvent;
+ var isIE = _msieVersion !== undefined;
+ if (attachEvent) {
+ targetElement.prepend(generateDiv(_classNameResizeObserverElement));
+ findFirst(targetElement, _strDot + _classNameResizeObserverElement)[0].attachEvent('onresize', callback);
+ }
+ else {
+ var obj = _documentElementNative.createElement(TYPES.o);
+ obj.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
+ obj.setAttribute(LEXICON.c, _classNameResizeObserverElement);
+ obj.onload = function () {
+ var wnd = this.contentDocument.defaultView;
+ wnd.addEventListener('resize', callback);
+ wnd.document.documentElement.style.display = 'none';
+ };
+ obj.type = 'text/html';
+ if (isIE)
+ targetElement.prepend(obj);
+ obj.data = 'about:blank';
+ if (!isIE)
+ targetElement.prepend(obj);
+ targetElement.on(strAnimationStartEvent, callback);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //direction change detection:
+ if (targetElement[0] === _sizeObserverElementNative) {
+ var directionChanged = function () {
+ var dir = _hostElement.css('direction');
+ var css = {};
+ var scrollLeftValue = 0;
+ var result = false;
+ if (dir !== _cssDirectionDetectedCache) {
+ if (dir === 'ltr') {
+ css[_strLeft] = 0;
+ css[_strRight] = _strAuto;
+ scrollLeftValue = constMaximum;
+ }
+ else {
+ css[_strLeft] = _strAuto;
+ css[_strRight] = 0;
+ scrollLeftValue = _rtlScrollBehavior.n ? -constMaximum : _rtlScrollBehavior.i ? 0 : constMaximum;
+ }
+ _sizeObserverElement.children().eq(0).css(css);
+ targetElement[_strScrollLeft](scrollLeftValue)[_strScrollTop](constMaximum);
+ _cssDirectionDetectedCache = dir;
+ result = true;
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ directionChanged();
+ targetElement.on(_strScroll, function (event) {
+ if (directionChanged())
+ update();
+ COMPATIBILITY.prvD(event);
+ COMPATIBILITY.stpP(event);
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes a resize observer from the given element.
+ * @param targetElement The element to which the target resize observer is applied.
+ */
+ function removeResizeObserver(targetElement) {
+ if (_supportResizeObserver) {
+ var element = targetElement.contents()[0];
+ element[_strResizeObserverProperty].disconnect();
+ delete element[_strResizeObserverProperty];
+ }
+ else {
+ remove(targetElement.children(_strDot + _classNameResizeObserverElement).eq(0));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Freezes the given resize observer.
+ * @param targetElement The element to which the target resize observer is applied.
+ */
+ function freezeResizeObserver(targetElement) {
+ if (targetElement !== undefined) {
+ /*
+ if (_supportResizeObserver) {
+ var element = targetElement.contents()[0];
+ element[_strResizeObserverProperty].unobserve(element);
+ }
+ else {
+ targetElement = targetElement.children(_strDot + _classNameResizeObserverElement).eq(0);
+ var w = targetElement.css(_strWidth);
+ var h = targetElement.css(_strHeight);
+ var css = {};
+ css[_strWidth] = w;
+ css[_strHeight] = h;
+ targetElement.css(css);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unfreezes the given resize observer.
+ * @param targetElement The element to which the target resize observer is applied.
+ */
+ function unfreezeResizeObserver(targetElement) {
+ if (targetElement !== undefined) {
+ /*
+ if (_supportResizeObserver) {
+ var element = targetElement.contents()[0];
+ element[_strResizeObserverProperty].observe(element);
+ }
+ else {
+ var css = { };
+ css[_strHeight] = _strEmpty;
+ css[_strWidth] = _strEmpty;
+ targetElement.children(_strDot + _classNameResizeObserverElement).eq(0).css(css);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ //==== Mutation Observers ====//
+ /**
+ * Creates MutationObservers for the host and content Element if they are supported.
+ */
+ function createMutationObservers() {
+ if (_supportMutationObserver) {
+ var mutationObserverContentLag = 11;
+ var mutationObserver = COMPATIBILITY.mO();
+ var contentLastUpdate = COMPATIBILITY.now();
+ var mutationTarget;
+ var mutationAttrName;
+ var contentTimeout;
+ var now;
+ var sizeAuto;
+ var action;
+ _mutationObserverHost = new mutationObserver(function (mutations) {
+ if (!_initialized || _isSleeping)
+ return;
+ var doUpdate = false;
+ var mutation;
+ FRAMEWORK.each(mutations, function () {
+ mutation = this;
+ mutationTarget = mutation.target;
+ mutationAttrName = mutation.attributeName;
+ if (mutationAttrName === LEXICON.c)
+ doUpdate = hostClassNamesChanged(mutation.oldValue, mutationTarget.className);
+ else if (mutationAttrName === LEXICON.s)
+ doUpdate = mutation.oldValue !== mutationTarget[LEXICON.s].cssText;
+ else
+ doUpdate = true;
+ if (doUpdate)
+ return false;
+ });
+ if (doUpdate)
+ _base.update(_strAuto);
+ });
+ _mutationObserverContent = new mutationObserver(function (mutations) {
+ if (!_initialized || _isSleeping)
+ return;
+ var doUpdate = false;
+ var mutation;
+ FRAMEWORK.each(mutations, function () {
+ mutation = this;
+ doUpdate = isUnknownMutation(mutation);
+ return !doUpdate;
+ });
+ if (doUpdate) {
+ now = COMPATIBILITY.now();
+ sizeAuto = (_heightAutoCache || _widthAutoCache);
+ action = function () {
+ if(!_destroyed) {
+ contentLastUpdate = now;
+ //if cols, rows or wrap attr was changed
+ if (_isTextarea)
+ textareaUpdate();
+ if (sizeAuto)
+ update();
+ else
+ _base.update(_strAuto);
+ }
+ };
+ clearTimeout(contentTimeout);
+ if (mutationObserverContentLag <= 0 || now - contentLastUpdate > mutationObserverContentLag || !sizeAuto)
+ action();
+ else
+ contentTimeout = setTimeout(action, mutationObserverContentLag);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Connects the MutationObservers if they are supported.
+ */
+ function connectMutationObservers() {
+ if (_supportMutationObserver && !_mutationObserversConnected) {
+ _mutationObserverHost.observe(_hostElementNative, {
+ attributes: true,
+ attributeOldValue: true,
+ attributeFilter: [LEXICON.i, LEXICON.c, LEXICON.s]
+ });
+ _mutationObserverContent.observe(_isTextarea ? _targetElementNative : _contentElementNative, {
+ attributes: true,
+ attributeOldValue: true,
+ subtree: !_isTextarea,
+ childList: !_isTextarea,
+ characterData: !_isTextarea,
+ attributeFilter: _isTextarea ? ['wrap', 'cols', 'rows'] : [LEXICON.i, LEXICON.c, LEXICON.s]
+ });
+ _mutationObserversConnected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Disconnects the MutationObservers if they are supported.
+ */
+ function disconnectMutationObservers() {
+ if (_supportMutationObserver && _mutationObserversConnected) {
+ _mutationObserverHost.disconnect();
+ _mutationObserverContent.disconnect();
+ _mutationObserversConnected = false;
+ }
+ }
+ //==== Events of elements ====//
+ /**
+ * This method gets called every time the host element gets resized. IMPORTANT: Padding changes are detected too!!
+ * It refreshes the hostResizedEventArgs and the hostSizeResizeCache.
+ * If there are any size changes, the update method gets called.
+ */
+ function hostOnResized() {
+ if (_isSleeping)
+ return;
+ var changed;
+ var hostSize = {
+ w: _sizeObserverElementNative[LEXICON.sW],
+ h: _sizeObserverElementNative[LEXICON.sH]
+ };
+ if (_initialized) {
+ changed = checkCacheDouble(hostSize, _hostElementSizeChangeDetectedCache);
+ _hostElementSizeChangeDetectedCache = hostSize;
+ if (changed)
+ update(true, false);
+ }
+ else {
+ _hostElementSizeChangeDetectedCache = hostSize;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The mouse enter event of the host element. This event is only needed for the autoHide feature.
+ */
+ function hostOnMouseEnter() {
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideLeave)
+ refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The mouse leave event of the host element. This event is only needed for the autoHide feature.
+ */
+ function hostOnMouseLeave() {
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideLeave && !_bodyElement.hasClass(_classNameDragging))
+ refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The mouse move event of the host element. This event is only needed for the autoHide "move" feature.
+ */
+ function hostOnMouseMove() {
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideMove) {
+ refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(true);
+ clearTimeout(_scrollbarsAutoHideMoveTimeoutId);
+ _scrollbarsAutoHideMoveTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideMove && !_destroyed)
+ refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(false);
+ }, 100);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds or removes mouse & touch events of the host element. (for handling auto-hiding of the scrollbars)
+ * @param destroy Indicates whether the events shall be added or removed.
+ */
+ function setupHostMouseTouchEvents(destroy) {
+ var passiveEvent = destroy ? removePassiveEventListener : addPassiveEventListener;
+ var strOnOff = destroy ? 'off' : 'on';
+ var setupEvent = function(target, name, listener) {
+ if(_supportPassiveEvents)
+ passiveEvent(target, name, listener);
+ else
+ target[strOnOff](name, listener);
+ };
+ if(_scrollbarsAutoHideMove && !destroy)
+ setupEvent(_hostElement, _strMouseTouchMoveEvent, hostOnMouseMove);
+ else {
+ if(destroy)
+ setupEvent(_hostElement, _strMouseTouchMoveEvent, hostOnMouseMove);
+ setupEvent(_hostElement, _strMouseTouchEnter, hostOnMouseEnter);
+ setupEvent(_hostElement, _strMouseTouchLeave, hostOnMouseLeave);
+ }
+ //if the plugin is initialized and the mouse is over the host element, make the scrollbars visible
+ if(!_initialized && !destroy)
+ _hostElement.one("mouseover", hostOnMouseEnter);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prevents text from deselection if attached to the document element on the mousedown event of a DOM element.
+ * @param event The select start event.
+ */
+ function documentOnSelectStart(event) {
+ COMPATIBILITY.prvD(event);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A callback which will be called after a img element has downloaded its src asynchronous.
+ */
+ function imgOnLoad() {
+ update(false, true);
+ }
+ //==== Update Detection ====//
+ /**
+ * Measures the min width and min height of the body element and refreshes the related cache.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the min width or min height has changed, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function bodyMinSizeChanged() {
+ var bodyMinSize = {};
+ if (_isBody && _contentArrangeElement) {
+ bodyMinSize.w = parseToZeroOrNumber(_contentArrangeElement.css(_strMinMinus + _strWidth));
+ bodyMinSize.h = parseToZeroOrNumber(_contentArrangeElement.css(_strMinMinus + _strHeight));
+ bodyMinSize.c = checkCacheDouble(bodyMinSize, _bodyMinSizeCache);
+ bodyMinSize.f = true; //flag for "measured at least once"
+ }
+ _bodyMinSizeCache = bodyMinSize;
+ return bodyMinSize.c || false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the class names really changed (new class without plugin host prefix)
+ * @param oldCassNames The old ClassName string.
+ * @param newClassNames The new ClassName string.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the class names has really changed, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function hostClassNamesChanged(oldCassNames, newClassNames) {
+ var currClasses = (newClassNames !== undefined && newClassNames !== null) ? newClassNames.split(_strSpace) : _strEmpty;
+ var oldClasses = (oldCassNames !== undefined && oldCassNames !== null) ? oldCassNames.split(_strSpace) : _strEmpty;
+ if (currClasses === _strEmpty && oldClasses === _strEmpty)
+ return false;
+ var diff = getArrayDifferences(oldClasses, currClasses);
+ var changed = false;
+ var oldClassNames = _oldClassName !== undefined && _oldClassName !== null ? _oldClassName.split(_strSpace) : [_strEmpty];
+ var currClassNames = _classNameCache !== undefined && _classNameCache !== null ? _classNameCache.split(_strSpace) : [_strEmpty];
+ //remove none theme from diff list to prevent update
+ var idx = FRAMEWORK.inArray(_classNameThemeNone, diff);
+ var curr;
+ var i;
+ var v;
+ var o;
+ var c;
+ if (idx > -1)
+ diff.splice(idx, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < diff.length; i++) {
+ curr = diff[i];
+ if (curr.indexOf(_classNameHostElement) !== 0) {
+ o = true;
+ c = true;
+ for (v = 0; v < oldClassNames.length; v++) {
+ if (curr === oldClassNames[v]) {
+ o = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (v = 0; v < currClassNames.length; v++) {
+ if (curr === currClassNames[v]) {
+ c = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (o && c) {
+ changed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the given mutation is not from a from the plugin generated element. If the target element is a textarea the mutation is always unknown.
+ * @param mutation The mutation which shall be checked.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the mutation is from a unknown element, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function isUnknownMutation(mutation) {
+ var attributeName = mutation.attributeName;
+ var mutationTarget = mutation.target;
+ var mutationType = mutation.type;
+ var strClosest = 'closest';
+ if (mutationTarget === _contentElementNative)
+ return attributeName === null;
+ if (mutationType === 'attributes' && (attributeName === LEXICON.c || attributeName === LEXICON.s) && !_isTextarea) {
+ //ignore className changes by the plugin
+ if (attributeName === LEXICON.c && FRAMEWORK(mutationTarget).hasClass(_classNameHostElement))
+ return hostClassNamesChanged(mutation.oldValue, mutationTarget.getAttribute(LEXICON.c));
+ //only do it of browser support it natively
+ if (typeof mutationTarget[strClosest] != TYPES.f)
+ return true;
+ if (mutationTarget[strClosest](_strDot + _classNameResizeObserverElement) !== null ||
+ mutationTarget[strClosest](_strDot + _classNameScrollbar) !== null ||
+ mutationTarget[strClosest](_strDot + _classNameScrollbarCorner) !== null)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the content size was changed since the last time this method was called.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the content size was changed, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function updateAutoContentSizeChanged() {
+ if (_isSleeping)
+ return false;
+ var float;
+ var textareaValueLength = _isTextarea && _widthAutoCache && !_textareaAutoWrappingCache ? _targetElement.val().length : 0;
+ var setCSS = !_mutationObserversConnected && _widthAutoCache && !_isTextarea;
+ var viewportScrollSize = { };
+ var css = { };
+ var bodyMinSizeC;
+ var changed;
+ var viewportScrollSizeChanged;
+ //fix for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1439305, it only works with "clipAlways : true"
+ //it can work with "clipAlways : false" too, but we had to set the overflow of the viewportElement to hidden every time before measuring
+ if(_restrictedMeasuring) {
+ viewportScrollSize = {
+ x : _viewportElementNative[LEXICON.sW],
+ y : _viewportElementNative[LEXICON.sH]
+ }
+ }
+ if (setCSS) {
+ float = _contentElement.css(_strFloat);
+ css[_strFloat] = _isRTL ? _strRight : _strLeft;
+ css[_strWidth] = _strAuto;
+ _contentElement.css(css);
+ }
+ var contentElementScrollSize = {
+ w: getContentMeasureElement()[LEXICON.sW] + textareaValueLength,
+ h: getContentMeasureElement()[LEXICON.sH] + textareaValueLength
+ };
+ if (setCSS) {
+ css[_strFloat] = float;
+ css[_strWidth] = _strHundredPercent;
+ _contentElement.css(css);
+ }
+ bodyMinSizeC = bodyMinSizeChanged();
+ changed = checkCacheDouble(contentElementScrollSize, _contentElementScrollSizeChangeDetectedCache);
+ viewportScrollSizeChanged = checkCacheDouble(viewportScrollSize, _viewportScrollSizeCache, _strX, _strY);
+ _contentElementScrollSizeChangeDetectedCache = contentElementScrollSize;
+ _viewportScrollSizeCache = viewportScrollSize;
+ return changed || bodyMinSizeC || viewportScrollSizeChanged;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the host element attributes (id, class, style) was changed since the last time this method was called.
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+ function meaningfulAttrsChanged() {
+ if (_isSleeping || _mutationObserversConnected)
+ return false;
+ var hostElementId = _hostElement.attr(LEXICON.i) || _strEmpty;
+ var hostElementIdChanged = checkCacheSingle(hostElementId, _updateAutoHostElementIdCache);
+ var hostElementClass = _hostElement.attr(LEXICON.c) || _strEmpty;
+ var hostElementClassChanged = checkCacheSingle(hostElementClass, _updateAutoHostElementClassCache);
+ var hostElementStyle = _hostElement.attr(LEXICON.s) || _strEmpty;
+ var hostElementStyleChanged = checkCacheSingle(hostElementStyle, _updateAutoHostElementStyleCache);
+ var hostElementVisible = _hostElement.is(':visible') || _strEmpty;
+ var hostElementVisibleChanged = checkCacheSingle(hostElementVisible, _updateAutoHostElementVisibleCache);
+ var targetElementRows = _isTextarea ? (_targetElement.attr('rows') || _strEmpty) : _strEmpty;
+ var targetElementRowsChanged = checkCacheSingle(targetElementRows, _updateAutoTargetElementRowsCache);
+ var targetElementCols = _isTextarea ? (_targetElement.attr('cols') || _strEmpty) : _strEmpty;
+ var targetElementColsChanged = checkCacheSingle(targetElementCols, _updateAutoTargetElementColsCache);
+ var targetElementWrap = _isTextarea ? (_targetElement.attr('wrap') || _strEmpty) : _strEmpty;
+ var targetElementWrapChanged = checkCacheSingle(targetElementWrap, _updateAutoTargetElementWrapCache);
+ _updateAutoHostElementIdCache = hostElementId;
+ if (hostElementClassChanged)
+ hostElementClassChanged = hostClassNamesChanged(_updateAutoHostElementClassCache, hostElementClass);
+ _updateAutoHostElementClassCache = hostElementClass;
+ _updateAutoHostElementStyleCache = hostElementStyle;
+ _updateAutoHostElementVisibleCache = hostElementVisible;
+ _updateAutoTargetElementRowsCache = targetElementRows;
+ _updateAutoTargetElementColsCache = targetElementCols;
+ _updateAutoTargetElementWrapCache = targetElementWrap;
+ return hostElementIdChanged || hostElementClassChanged || hostElementStyleChanged || hostElementVisibleChanged || targetElementRowsChanged || targetElementColsChanged || targetElementWrapChanged;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks is a CSS Property of a child element is affecting the scroll size of the content.
+ * @param propertyName The CSS property name.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the property is affecting the content scroll size, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function isSizeAffectingCSSProperty(propertyName) {
+ if (!_initialized)
+ return true;
+ var flexGrow = 'flex-grow';
+ var flexShrink = 'flex-shrink';
+ var flexBasis = 'flex-basis';
+ var affectingPropsX = [
+ _strWidth,
+ _strMinMinus + _strWidth,
+ _strMaxMinus + _strWidth,
+ _strMarginMinus + _strLeft,
+ _strMarginMinus + _strRight,
+ _strLeft,
+ _strRight,
+ 'font-weight',
+ 'word-spacing',
+ flexGrow,
+ flexShrink,
+ flexBasis
+ ];
+ var affectingPropsXContentBox = [
+ _strPaddingMinus + _strLeft,
+ _strPaddingMinus + _strRight,
+ _strBorderMinus + _strLeft + _strWidth,
+ _strBorderMinus + _strRight + _strWidth
+ ];
+ var affectingPropsY = [
+ _strHeight,
+ _strMinMinus + _strHeight,
+ _strMaxMinus + _strHeight,
+ _strMarginMinus + _strTop,
+ _strMarginMinus + _strBottom,
+ _strTop,
+ _strBottom,
+ 'line-height',
+ flexGrow,
+ flexShrink,
+ flexBasis
+ ];
+ var affectingPropsYContentBox = [
+ _strPaddingMinus + _strTop,
+ _strPaddingMinus + _strBottom,
+ _strBorderMinus + _strTop + _strWidth,
+ _strBorderMinus + _strBottom + _strWidth
+ ];
+ var _strS = 's';
+ var _strVS = 'v-s';
+ var checkX = _overflowBehaviorCache.x === _strS || _overflowBehaviorCache.x === _strVS;
+ var checkY = _overflowBehaviorCache.y === _strS || _overflowBehaviorCache.y === _strVS;
+ var sizeIsAffected = false;
+ var checkPropertyName = function (arr, name) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr[LEXICON.l]; i++) {
+ if (arr[i] === name)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ if (checkY) {
+ sizeIsAffected = checkPropertyName(affectingPropsY, propertyName);
+ if (!sizeIsAffected && !_isBorderBox)
+ sizeIsAffected = checkPropertyName(affectingPropsYContentBox, propertyName);
+ }
+ if (checkX && !sizeIsAffected) {
+ sizeIsAffected = checkPropertyName(affectingPropsX, propertyName);
+ if (!sizeIsAffected && !_isBorderBox)
+ sizeIsAffected = checkPropertyName(affectingPropsXContentBox, propertyName);
+ }
+ return sizeIsAffected;
+ }
+ //==== Update ====//
+ /**
+ * Updates the variables and size of the textarea element, and manages the scroll on new line or new character.
+ */
+ function textareaUpdate() {
+ if (_isSleeping)
+ return;
+ var wrapAttrOff = !_textareaAutoWrappingCache;
+ var minWidth = _viewportSize.w /* - (!_isBorderBox && !_paddingAbsoluteCache && _widthAutoCache ? _paddingY + _borderY : 0) */;
+ var minHeight = _viewportSize.h /* - (!_isBorderBox && !_paddingAbsoluteCache && _heightAutoCache ? _paddingY + _borderY : 0) */;
+ var css = { };
+ var doMeasure = _widthAutoCache || wrapAttrOff;
+ var origWidth;
+ var width;
+ var origHeight;
+ var height;
+ //reset min size
+ css[_strMinMinus + _strWidth] = _strEmpty;
+ css[_strMinMinus + _strHeight] = _strEmpty;
+ //set width auto
+ css[_strWidth] = _strAuto;
+ _targetElement.css(css);
+ //measure width
+ origWidth = _targetElementNative[LEXICON.oW];
+ width = doMeasure ? MATH.max(origWidth, _targetElementNative[LEXICON.sW] - 1) : 1;
+ /*width += (_widthAutoCache ? _marginX + (!_isBorderBox ? wrapAttrOff ? 0 : _paddingX + _borderX : 0) : 0);*/
+ //set measured width
+ css[_strWidth] = _widthAutoCache ? _strAuto /*width*/ : _strHundredPercent;
+ css[_strMinMinus + _strWidth] = _strHundredPercent;
+ //set height auto
+ css[_strHeight] = _strAuto;
+ _targetElement.css(css);
+ //measure height
+ origHeight = _targetElementNative[LEXICON.oH];
+ height = MATH.max(origHeight, _targetElementNative[LEXICON.sH] - 1);
+ //append correct size values
+ css[_strWidth] = width;
+ css[_strHeight] = height;
+ _textareaCoverElement.css(css);
+ //apply min width / min height to prevent textarea collapsing
+ css[_strMinMinus + _strWidth] = minWidth /*+ (!_isBorderBox && _widthAutoCache ? _paddingX + _borderX : 0)*/;
+ css[_strMinMinus + _strHeight] = minHeight /*+ (!_isBorderBox && _heightAutoCache ? _paddingY + _borderY : 0)*/;
+ _targetElement.css(css);
+ return {
+ _originalWidth: origWidth,
+ _originalHeight: origHeight,
+ _dynamicWidth: width,
+ _dynamicHeight: height
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the plugin and DOM to the current options.
+ * This method should only be called if a update is 100% required.
+ * @param hostSizeChanged True if this method was called due to a host size change.
+ * @param contentSizeChanged True if this method was called due to a content size change.
+ * @param force True if every property shall be updated and the cache shall be ignored.
+ * @param preventSwallowing True if this method shall be executed event if it could be swallowed.
+ */
+ function update(hostSizeChanged, contentSizeChanged, force, preventSwallowing) {
+ var now = COMPATIBILITY.now();
+ var swallow = _swallowUpdateLag > 0 && _initialized && (now - _lastUpdateTime) < _swallowUpdateLag && (!_heightAutoCache && !_widthAutoCache) && !preventSwallowing;
+ var displayIsHidden = _hostElement.is(':hidden');
+ var displayIsHiddenChanged = checkCacheSingle(displayIsHidden, _displayIsHiddenCache, force);
+ _displayIsHiddenCache = displayIsHidden;
+ clearTimeout(_swallowedUpdateTimeout);
+ if (swallow) {
+ _swallowedUpdateParams.h = _swallowedUpdateParams.h || hostSizeChanged;
+ _swallowedUpdateParams.c = _swallowedUpdateParams.c || contentSizeChanged;
+ _swallowedUpdateParams.f = _swallowedUpdateParams.f || force;
+ _swallowedUpdateTimeout = setTimeout(update, _swallowUpdateLag);
+ }
+ //abort update due to:
+ //destroyed
+ //swallowing
+ //sleeping
+ //host is hidden or has false display
+ if (_destroyed || swallow || _isSleeping || (_initialized && !force && displayIsHidden) || _hostElement.css('display') === 'inline')
+ return;
+ _lastUpdateTime = now;
+ hostSizeChanged = hostSizeChanged || _swallowedUpdateParams.h;
+ contentSizeChanged = contentSizeChanged || _swallowedUpdateParams.c;
+ force = force || _swallowedUpdateParams.f;
+ _swallowedUpdateParams = {};
+ hostSizeChanged = hostSizeChanged === undefined ? false : hostSizeChanged;
+ contentSizeChanged = contentSizeChanged === undefined ? false : contentSizeChanged;
+ force = force === undefined ? false : force;
+ //if scrollbar styling is possible and native scrollbars aren't overlaid the scrollbar styling will be applied which hides the native scrollbars completely.
+ if (_nativeScrollbarStyling && !(_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x && _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y)) {
+ //native scrollbars are hidden, so change the values to zero
+ _nativeScrollbarSize.x = 0;
+ _nativeScrollbarSize.y = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ //refresh native scrollbar size (in case of zoom)
+ _nativeScrollbarSize = extendDeep({}, globals.nativeScrollbarSize);
+ }
+ // Scrollbar padding is needed for firefox, because firefox hides scrollbar automatically if the size of the div is too small.
+ // The calculation: [scrollbar size +3 *3]
+ // (+3 because of possible decoration e.g. borders, margins etc., but only if native scrollbar is NOT a overlaid scrollbar)
+ // (*3 because (1)increase / (2)decrease -button and (3)resize handle)
+ _nativeScrollbarMinSize = {
+ x: (_nativeScrollbarSize.x + (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x ? 0 : 3)) * 3,
+ y: (_nativeScrollbarSize.y + (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y ? 0 : 3)) * 3
+ };
+ freezeResizeObserver(_sizeObserverElement);
+ freezeResizeObserver(_sizeAutoObserverElement);
+ //save current scroll offset
+ var currScroll = {
+ x: _viewportElement[_strScrollLeft](),
+ y: _viewportElement[_strScrollTop]()
+ };
+ var currentPreparedOptionsScrollbars = _currentPreparedOptions.scrollbars;
+ var currentPreparedOptionsTextarea = _currentPreparedOptions.textarea;
+ //scrollbars visibility:
+ var scrollbarsVisibility = currentPreparedOptionsScrollbars.visibility;
+ var scrollbarsVisibilityChanged = checkCacheSingle(scrollbarsVisibility, _scrollbarsVisibilityCache, force);
+ //scrollbars autoHide:
+ var scrollbarsAutoHide = currentPreparedOptionsScrollbars.autoHide;
+ var scrollbarsAutoHideChanged = checkCacheSingle(scrollbarsAutoHide, _scrollbarsAutoHideCache, force);
+ //scrollbars click scrolling
+ var scrollbarsClickScrolling = currentPreparedOptionsScrollbars.clickScrolling;
+ var scrollbarsClickScrollingChanged = checkCacheSingle(scrollbarsClickScrolling, _scrollbarsClickScrollingCache, force);
+ //scrollbars drag scrolling
+ var scrollbarsDragScrolling = currentPreparedOptionsScrollbars.dragScrolling;
+ var scrollbarsDragScrollingChanged = checkCacheSingle(scrollbarsDragScrolling, _scrollbarsDragScrollingCache, force);
+ //className
+ var className = _currentPreparedOptions.className;
+ var classNameChanged = checkCacheSingle(className, _classNameCache, force);
+ //resize
+ var resize = _currentPreparedOptions.resize;
+ var resizeChanged = checkCacheSingle(resize, _resizeCache, force) && !_isBody; //body can't be resized since the window itself acts as resize possibility.
+ //textarea AutoWrapping
+ var textareaAutoWrapping = _isTextarea ? _targetElement.attr('wrap') !== 'off' : false;
+ var textareaAutoWrappingChanged = checkCacheSingle(textareaAutoWrapping, _textareaAutoWrappingCache, force);
+ //paddingAbsolute
+ var paddingAbsolute = _currentPreparedOptions.paddingAbsolute;
+ var paddingAbsoluteChanged = checkCacheSingle(paddingAbsolute, _paddingAbsoluteCache, force);
+ //clipAlways
+ var clipAlways = _currentPreparedOptions.clipAlways;
+ var clipAlwaysChanged = checkCacheSingle(clipAlways, _clipAlwaysCache, force);
+ //sizeAutoCapable
+ var sizeAutoCapable = _currentPreparedOptions.sizeAutoCapable && !_isBody; //body can never be size auto, because it shall be always as big as the viewport.
+ var sizeAutoCapableChanged = checkCacheSingle(sizeAutoCapable, _sizeAutoCapableCache, force);
+ //showNativeScrollbars
+ var ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding = _currentPreparedOptions.nativeScrollbarsOverlaid.showNativeScrollbars;
+ var ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingChanged = checkCacheSingle(ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding, _ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingCache);
+ //autoUpdate
+ var autoUpdate = _currentPreparedOptions.autoUpdate;
+ var autoUpdateChanged = checkCacheSingle(autoUpdate, _autoUpdateCache);
+ //overflowBehavior
+ var overflowBehavior = _currentPreparedOptions.overflowBehavior;
+ var overflowBehaviorChanged = checkCacheDouble(overflowBehavior, _overflowBehaviorCache, _strX, _strY, force);
+ //dynWidth:
+ var textareaDynWidth = currentPreparedOptionsTextarea.dynWidth;
+ var textareaDynWidthChanged = checkCacheSingle(_textareaDynWidthCache, textareaDynWidth);
+ //dynHeight:
+ var textareaDynHeight = currentPreparedOptionsTextarea.dynHeight;
+ var textareaDynHeightChanged = checkCacheSingle(_textareaDynHeightCache, textareaDynHeight);
+ //scrollbars visibility
+ _scrollbarsAutoHideNever = scrollbarsAutoHide === 'n';
+ _scrollbarsAutoHideScroll = scrollbarsAutoHide === 's';
+ _scrollbarsAutoHideMove = scrollbarsAutoHide === 'm';
+ _scrollbarsAutoHideLeave = scrollbarsAutoHide === 'l';
+ //scrollbars autoHideDelay
+ _scrollbarsAutoHideDelay = currentPreparedOptionsScrollbars.autoHideDelay;
+ //old className
+ _oldClassName = _classNameCache;
+ //resize
+ _resizeNone = resize === 'n';
+ _resizeBoth = resize === 'b';
+ _resizeHorizontal = resize === 'h';
+ _resizeVertical = resize === 'v';
+ //normalizeRTL
+ _normalizeRTLCache = _currentPreparedOptions.normalizeRTL;
+ //ignore overlay scrollbar hiding
+ ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding = ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding && (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x && _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y);
+ //refresh options cache
+ _scrollbarsVisibilityCache = scrollbarsVisibility;
+ _scrollbarsAutoHideCache = scrollbarsAutoHide;
+ _scrollbarsClickScrollingCache = scrollbarsClickScrolling;
+ _scrollbarsDragScrollingCache = scrollbarsDragScrolling;
+ _classNameCache = className;
+ _resizeCache = resize;
+ _textareaAutoWrappingCache = textareaAutoWrapping;
+ _paddingAbsoluteCache = paddingAbsolute;
+ _clipAlwaysCache = clipAlways;
+ _sizeAutoCapableCache = sizeAutoCapable;
+ _ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingCache = ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding;
+ _autoUpdateCache = autoUpdate;
+ _overflowBehaviorCache = extendDeep({}, overflowBehavior);
+ _textareaDynWidthCache = textareaDynWidth;
+ _textareaDynHeightCache = textareaDynHeight;
+ _hasOverflowCache = _hasOverflowCache || { x: false, y: false };
+ //set correct class name to the host element
+ if (classNameChanged) {
+ removeClass(_hostElement, _oldClassName + _strSpace + _classNameThemeNone);
+ addClass(_hostElement, className !== undefined && className !== null && className.length > 0 ? className : _classNameThemeNone);
+ }
+ //set correct auto Update
+ if (autoUpdateChanged) {
+ if (autoUpdate === true) {
+ disconnectMutationObservers();
+ autoUpdateLoop.add(_base);
+ }
+ else if (autoUpdate === null) {
+ if (_autoUpdateRecommended) {
+ disconnectMutationObservers();
+ autoUpdateLoop.add(_base);
+ }
+ else {
+ autoUpdateLoop.remove(_base);
+ connectMutationObservers();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ autoUpdateLoop.remove(_base);
+ connectMutationObservers();
+ }
+ }
+ //activate or deactivate size auto capability
+ if (sizeAutoCapableChanged) {
+ if (sizeAutoCapable) {
+ if (!_contentGlueElement) {
+ _contentGlueElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv(_classNameContentGlueElement));
+ _paddingElement.before(_contentGlueElement);
+ }
+ else {
+ _contentGlueElement.show();
+ }
+ if (_sizeAutoObserverAdded) {
+ _sizeAutoObserverElement.show();
+ }
+ else {
+ _sizeAutoObserverElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv(_classNameSizeAutoObserverElement));
+ _sizeAutoObserverElementNative = _sizeAutoObserverElement[0];
+ _contentGlueElement.before(_sizeAutoObserverElement);
+ var oldSize = {w: -1, h: -1};
+ addResizeObserver(_sizeAutoObserverElement, function () {
+ var newSize = {
+ w: _sizeAutoObserverElementNative[LEXICON.oW],
+ h: _sizeAutoObserverElementNative[LEXICON.oH]
+ };
+ if (checkCacheDouble(newSize, oldSize)) {
+ if (_initialized && (_heightAutoCache && newSize.h > 0) || (_widthAutoCache && newSize.w > 0)) {
+ update();
+ }
+ else if (_initialized && (!_heightAutoCache && newSize.h === 0) || (!_widthAutoCache && newSize.w === 0)) {
+ update();
+ }
+ }
+ oldSize = newSize;
+ });
+ _sizeAutoObserverAdded = true;
+ //fix heightAuto detector bug if height is fixed but contentHeight is 0.
+ //the probability this bug will ever happen is very very low, thats why its ok if we use calc which isn't supported in IE8.
+ if (_cssCalc !== null)
+ _sizeAutoObserverElement.css(_strHeight, _cssCalc + '(100% + 1px)');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (_sizeAutoObserverAdded)
+ _sizeAutoObserverElement.hide();
+ if (_contentGlueElement)
+ _contentGlueElement.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ //if force, update all resizeObservers too
+ if (force) {
+ _sizeObserverElement.find('*').trigger(_strScroll);
+ if (_sizeAutoObserverAdded)
+ _sizeAutoObserverElement.find('*').trigger(_strScroll);
+ }
+ //detect direction:
+ var cssDirection = _hostElement.css('direction');
+ var cssDirectionChanged = checkCacheSingle(cssDirection, _cssDirectionCache, force);
+ //detect box-sizing:
+ var boxSizing = _hostElement.css('box-sizing');
+ var boxSizingChanged = checkCacheSingle(boxSizing, _cssBoxSizingCache, force);
+ //detect padding:
+ var padding = {
+ c: force,
+ t: parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strPaddingMinus + _strTop)),
+ r: parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strPaddingMinus + _strRight)),
+ b: parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strPaddingMinus + _strBottom)),
+ l: parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strPaddingMinus + _strLeft))
+ };
+ //width + height auto detecting var:
+ var sizeAutoObserverElementBCRect;
+ //exception occurs in IE8 sometimes (unknown exception)
+ try {
+ sizeAutoObserverElementBCRect = _sizeAutoObserverAdded ? _sizeAutoObserverElementNative.getBoundingClientRect() : null;
+ } catch (ex) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _isRTL = cssDirection === 'rtl';
+ _isBorderBox = (boxSizing === 'border-box');
+ var isRTLLeft = _isRTL ? _strLeft : _strRight;
+ var isRTLRight = _isRTL ? _strRight : _strLeft;
+ //detect width auto:
+ var widthAutoResizeDetection = false;
+ var widthAutoObserverDetection = (_sizeAutoObserverAdded && (_hostElement.css(_strFloat) !== 'none' /*|| _isTextarea */)) ? (MATH.round(sizeAutoObserverElementBCRect.right - sizeAutoObserverElementBCRect.left) === 0) && (!paddingAbsolute ? (_hostElementNative[LEXICON.cW] - _paddingX) > 0 : true) : false;
+ if (sizeAutoCapable && !widthAutoObserverDetection) {
+ var tmpCurrHostWidth = _hostElementNative[LEXICON.oW];
+ var tmpCurrContentGlueWidth = _contentGlueElement.css(_strWidth);
+ _contentGlueElement.css(_strWidth, _strAuto);
+ var tmpNewHostWidth = _hostElementNative[LEXICON.oW];
+ _contentGlueElement.css(_strWidth, tmpCurrContentGlueWidth);
+ widthAutoResizeDetection = tmpCurrHostWidth !== tmpNewHostWidth;
+ if (!widthAutoResizeDetection) {
+ _contentGlueElement.css(_strWidth, tmpCurrHostWidth + 1);
+ tmpNewHostWidth = _hostElementNative[LEXICON.oW];
+ _contentGlueElement.css(_strWidth, tmpCurrContentGlueWidth);
+ widthAutoResizeDetection = tmpCurrHostWidth !== tmpNewHostWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ var widthAuto = (widthAutoObserverDetection || widthAutoResizeDetection) && sizeAutoCapable && !displayIsHidden;
+ var widthAutoChanged = checkCacheSingle(widthAuto, _widthAutoCache, force);
+ var wasWidthAuto = !widthAuto && _widthAutoCache;
+ //detect height auto:
+ var heightAuto = _sizeAutoObserverAdded && sizeAutoCapable && !displayIsHidden ? (MATH.round(sizeAutoObserverElementBCRect.bottom - sizeAutoObserverElementBCRect.top) === 0) /* && (!paddingAbsolute && (_msieVersion > 9 || !_msieVersion) ? true : true) */ : false;
+ var heightAutoChanged = checkCacheSingle(heightAuto, _heightAutoCache, force);
+ var wasHeightAuto = !heightAuto && _heightAutoCache;
+ //detect border:
+ //we need the border only if border box and auto size
+ var strMinusWidth = '-' + _strWidth;
+ var updateBorderX = (widthAuto && _isBorderBox) || !_isBorderBox;
+ var updateBorderY = (heightAuto && _isBorderBox) || !_isBorderBox;
+ var border = {
+ c: force,
+ t: updateBorderY ? parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strBorderMinus + _strTop + strMinusWidth), true) : 0,
+ r: updateBorderX ? parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strBorderMinus + _strRight + strMinusWidth), true) : 0,
+ b: updateBorderY ? parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strBorderMinus + _strBottom + strMinusWidth), true) : 0,
+ l: updateBorderX ? parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strBorderMinus + _strLeft + strMinusWidth), true) : 0
+ };
+ //detect margin:
+ var margin = {
+ c: force,
+ t: parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strMarginMinus + _strTop)),
+ r: parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strMarginMinus + _strRight)),
+ b: parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strMarginMinus + _strBottom)),
+ l: parseToZeroOrNumber(_hostElement.css(_strMarginMinus + _strLeft))
+ };
+ //detect css max width & height:
+ var cssMaxValue = {
+ h: String(_hostElement.css(_strMaxMinus + _strHeight)),
+ w: String(_hostElement.css(_strMaxMinus + _strWidth))
+ };
+ //vars to apply correct css
+ var contentElementCSS = { };
+ var contentGlueElementCSS = { };
+ //funcs
+ var getHostSize = function() {
+ //has to be clientSize because offsetSize respect borders
+ return {
+ w: _hostElementNative[LEXICON.cW],
+ h: _hostElementNative[LEXICON.cH]
+ };
+ };
+ var getViewportSize = function() {
+ //viewport size is padding container because it never has padding, margin and a border
+ //determine zoom rounding error -> sometimes scrollWidth/Height is smaller than clientWidth/Height
+ //if this happens add the difference to the viewportSize to compensate the rounding error
+ return {
+ w: _paddingElementNative[LEXICON.oW] + MATH.max(0, _contentElementNative[LEXICON.cW] - _contentElementNative[LEXICON.sW]),
+ h: _paddingElementNative[LEXICON.oH] + MATH.max(0, _contentElementNative[LEXICON.cH] - _contentElementNative[LEXICON.sH])
+ };
+ };
+ //set info for padding
+ var paddingAbsoluteX = _paddingX = padding.l + padding.r;
+ var paddingAbsoluteY = _paddingY = padding.t + padding.b;
+ paddingAbsoluteX *=
+ paddingAbsoluteY *= paddingAbsolute ? 1 : 0;
+ padding.c = checkCacheTRBL(padding, _cssPaddingCache);
+ //set info for border
+ _borderX = border.l + border.r;
+ _borderY = border.t + border.b;
+ border.c = checkCacheTRBL(border, _cssBorderCache);
+ //set info for margin
+ _marginX = margin.l + margin.r;
+ _marginY = margin.t + margin.b;
+ margin.c = checkCacheTRBL(margin, _cssMarginCache);
+ //set info for css max value
+ cssMaxValue.ih = parseToZeroOrNumber(cssMaxValue.h); //ih = integer height
+ cssMaxValue.iw = parseToZeroOrNumber(cssMaxValue.w); //iw = integer width
+ cssMaxValue.ch = cssMaxValue.h.indexOf('px') > -1; //ch = correct height
+ cssMaxValue.cw = cssMaxValue.w.indexOf('px') > -1; //cw = correct width
+ cssMaxValue.c = checkCacheDouble(cssMaxValue, _cssMaxValueCache, force);
+ //refresh cache
+ _cssDirectionCache = cssDirection;
+ _cssBoxSizingCache = boxSizing;
+ _widthAutoCache = widthAuto;
+ _heightAutoCache = heightAuto;
+ _cssPaddingCache = padding;
+ _cssBorderCache = border;
+ _cssMarginCache = margin;
+ _cssMaxValueCache = cssMaxValue;
+ //IEFix direction changed
+ if (cssDirectionChanged && _sizeAutoObserverAdded)
+ _sizeAutoObserverElement.css(_strFloat, isRTLRight);
+ //apply padding:
+ if (padding.c || cssDirectionChanged || paddingAbsoluteChanged || widthAutoChanged || heightAutoChanged || boxSizingChanged || sizeAutoCapableChanged) {
+ var paddingElementCSS = {};
+ var textareaCSS = {};
+ setTopRightBottomLeft(contentGlueElementCSS, _strMarginMinus, [-padding.t, -padding.r, -padding.b, -padding.l]);
+ if (paddingAbsolute) {
+ setTopRightBottomLeft(paddingElementCSS, _strEmpty, [padding.t, padding.r, padding.b, padding.l]);
+ if (_isTextarea)
+ setTopRightBottomLeft(textareaCSS, _strPaddingMinus);
+ else
+ setTopRightBottomLeft(contentElementCSS, _strPaddingMinus);
+ }
+ else {
+ setTopRightBottomLeft(paddingElementCSS, _strEmpty);
+ if (_isTextarea)
+ setTopRightBottomLeft(textareaCSS, _strPaddingMinus, [padding.t, padding.r, padding.b, padding.l]);
+ else
+ setTopRightBottomLeft(contentElementCSS, _strPaddingMinus, [padding.t, padding.r, padding.b, padding.l]);
+ }
+ _paddingElement.css(paddingElementCSS);
+ _targetElement.css(textareaCSS);
+ }
+ //viewport size is padding container because it never has padding, margin and a border.
+ _viewportSize = getViewportSize();
+ //update Textarea
+ var textareaSize = _isTextarea ? textareaUpdate() : false;
+ //fix height auto / width auto in cooperation with current padding & boxSizing behavior:
+ if (heightAuto && (heightAutoChanged || paddingAbsoluteChanged || boxSizingChanged || cssMaxValue.c || padding.c || border.c)) {
+ //if (cssMaxValue.ch)
+ contentElementCSS[_strMaxMinus + _strHeight] =
+ (cssMaxValue.ch ? (cssMaxValue.ih - paddingAbsoluteY + (_isBorderBox ? -_borderY : _paddingY))
+ : _strEmpty);
+ contentElementCSS[_strHeight] = _strAuto;
+ }
+ else if (heightAutoChanged || paddingAbsoluteChanged) {
+ contentElementCSS[_strMaxMinus + _strHeight] = _strEmpty;
+ contentElementCSS[_strHeight] = _strHundredPercent;
+ }
+ if (widthAuto && (widthAutoChanged || paddingAbsoluteChanged || boxSizingChanged || cssMaxValue.c || padding.c || border.c || cssDirectionChanged)) {
+ //if (cssMaxValue.cw)
+ contentElementCSS[_strMaxMinus + _strWidth] =
+ (cssMaxValue.cw ? (cssMaxValue.iw - paddingAbsoluteX + (_isBorderBox ? -_borderX : _paddingX)) +
+ (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y /*&& _hasOverflowCache.y && widthAuto */ ? _overlayScrollbarDummySize.y : 0)
+ : _strEmpty);
+ contentElementCSS[_strWidth] = _strAuto;
+ contentGlueElementCSS[_strMaxMinus + _strWidth] = _strHundredPercent; //IE Fix
+ }
+ else if (widthAutoChanged || paddingAbsoluteChanged) {
+ contentElementCSS[_strMaxMinus + _strWidth] = _strEmpty;
+ contentElementCSS[_strWidth] = _strHundredPercent;
+ contentElementCSS[_strFloat] = _strEmpty;
+ contentGlueElementCSS[_strMaxMinus + _strWidth] = _strEmpty; //IE Fix
+ }
+ if (widthAuto) {
+ if (!cssMaxValue.cw)
+ contentElementCSS[_strMaxMinus + _strWidth] = _strEmpty;
+ contentGlueElementCSS[_strWidth] = _isTextarea && textareaDynWidth ? textareaSize._dynamicWidth : _strAuto;
+ contentElementCSS[_strWidth] = _strAuto;
+ contentElementCSS[_strFloat] = isRTLRight;
+ }
+ else {
+ contentGlueElementCSS[_strWidth] = _strEmpty;
+ }
+ if (heightAuto) {
+ if (!cssMaxValue.ch)
+ contentElementCSS[_strMaxMinus + _strHeight] = _strEmpty;
+ //fix dyn height collapse bug: (doesn't works for width!)
+ //contentGlueElementCSS[_strHeight] = _isTextarea && textareaDynHeight ? textareaSize._dynamicHeight : _strAuto;
+ contentGlueElementCSS[_strHeight] = _isTextarea ? textareaDynHeight ? textareaSize._dynamicHeight : _strAuto : _contentElementNative[LEXICON.cH];
+ }
+ else {
+ contentGlueElementCSS[_strHeight] = _strEmpty;
+ }
+ if (sizeAutoCapable)
+ _contentGlueElement.css(contentGlueElementCSS);
+ _contentElement.css(contentElementCSS);
+ contentElementCSS = {};
+ contentGlueElementCSS = {};
+ //if [content(host) client / scroll size, or target element direction, or content(host) max-sizes] changed, or force is true
+ if (hostSizeChanged || contentSizeChanged || cssDirectionChanged || boxSizingChanged || paddingAbsoluteChanged || widthAutoChanged || widthAuto || heightAutoChanged || heightAuto || cssMaxValue.c || ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingChanged || overflowBehaviorChanged || clipAlwaysChanged || resizeChanged || scrollbarsVisibilityChanged || scrollbarsAutoHideChanged || scrollbarsDragScrollingChanged || scrollbarsClickScrollingChanged || textareaDynWidthChanged || textareaDynHeightChanged || textareaAutoWrappingChanged || force) {
+ var strOverflow = 'overflow';
+ var strOverflowX = strOverflow + '-x';
+ var strOverflowY = strOverflow + '-y';
+ var strHidden = 'hidden';
+ var strVisible = 'visible';
+ //decide whether the content overflow must get hidden for correct overflow measuring, it !MUST! be always hidden if the height is auto
+ var hideOverflow4CorrectMeasuring = _restrictedMeasuring ?
+ (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x || _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y) || //it must be hidden if native scrollbars are overlaid
+ (_viewportSize.w < _nativeScrollbarMinSize.y || _viewportSize.h < _nativeScrollbarMinSize.x) || //it must be hidden if host-element is too small
+ heightAuto || displayIsHiddenChanged //it must be hidden if height is auto or display was change
+ : heightAuto; //if there is not the restricted Measuring bug, it must be hidden if the height is auto
+ //Reset the viewport (very important for natively overlaid scrollbars and zoom change
+ //don't change the overflow prop as it is very expensive and affects performance !A LOT!
+ var viewportElementResetCSS = { };
+ var resetXTmp = _hasOverflowCache.y && _hideOverflowCache.ys && !ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding ? (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y ? _viewportElement.css(isRTLLeft) : -_nativeScrollbarSize.y) : 0;
+ var resetBottomTmp = _hasOverflowCache.x && _hideOverflowCache.xs && !ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding ? (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x ? _viewportElement.css(_strBottom) : -_nativeScrollbarSize.x) : 0;
+ setTopRightBottomLeft(viewportElementResetCSS, _strEmpty);
+ _viewportElement.css(viewportElementResetCSS);
+ if(hideOverflow4CorrectMeasuring)
+ _contentElement.css(strOverflow, strHidden);
+ //measure several sizes:
+ var contentMeasureElement = getContentMeasureElement();
+ //in Firefox content element has to have overflow hidden, else element margins aren't calculated properly, this element prevents this bug, but only if scrollbars aren't overlaid
+ var contentMeasureElementGuaranty = _restrictedMeasuring && !hideOverflow4CorrectMeasuring ? _viewportElementNative : contentMeasureElement;
+ var contentSize = {
+ //use clientSize because natively overlaidScrollbars add borders
+ w: _isTextarea && textareaSize ? (textareaDynWidth ? textareaSize._dynamicWidth : textareaSize._originalWidth) : contentMeasureElement[LEXICON.cW],
+ h: _isTextarea && textareaSize ? (textareaDynHeight ? textareaSize._dynamicHeight : textareaSize._originalHeight) : contentMeasureElement[LEXICON.cH]
+ };
+ var scrollSize = {
+ w: MATH.max(contentMeasureElement[LEXICON.sW], contentMeasureElementGuaranty[LEXICON.sW]),
+ h: MATH.max(contentMeasureElement[LEXICON.sH], contentMeasureElementGuaranty[LEXICON.sH])
+ };
+ //apply the correct viewport style and measure viewport size
+ viewportElementResetCSS[_strBottom] = wasHeightAuto ? _strEmpty : resetBottomTmp;
+ viewportElementResetCSS[isRTLLeft] = wasWidthAuto ? _strEmpty : resetXTmp;
+ _viewportElement.css(viewportElementResetCSS);
+ _viewportSize = getViewportSize();
+ //measure and correct several sizes
+ var hostSize = getHostSize();
+ var contentGlueSize = {
+ //client/scrollSize + AbsolutePadding -> because padding is only applied to the paddingElement if its absolute, so you have to add it manually
+ //hostSize is clientSize -> so padding should be added manually, right? FALSE! Because content glue is inside hostElement, so we don't have to worry about padding
+ w: MATH.max((widthAuto ? contentSize.w : scrollSize.w) + paddingAbsoluteX, hostSize.w),
+ h: MATH.max((heightAuto ? contentSize.h : scrollSize.h) + paddingAbsoluteY, hostSize.h)
+ };
+ contentGlueSize.c = checkCacheDouble(contentGlueSize, _contentGlueSizeCache, force);
+ _contentGlueSizeCache = contentGlueSize;
+ //apply correct contentGlue size
+ if (sizeAutoCapable) {
+ //size contentGlue correctly to make sure the element has correct size if the sizing switches to auto
+ if (contentGlueSize.c || (heightAuto || widthAuto)) {
+ contentGlueElementCSS[_strWidth] = contentGlueSize.w;
+ contentGlueElementCSS[_strHeight] = contentGlueSize.h;
+ //textarea-sizes are already calculated correctly at this point
+ if(!_isTextarea) {
+ contentSize = {
+ //use clientSize because natively overlaidScrollbars add borders
+ w: contentMeasureElement[LEXICON.cW],
+ h: contentMeasureElement[LEXICON.cH]
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ var textareaCoverCSS = {};
+ var setContentGlueElementCSSfunction = function(horizontal) {
+ var scrollbarVars = getScrollbarVars(horizontal);
+ var wh = scrollbarVars._w_h;
+ var strWH = scrollbarVars._width_height;
+ var autoSize = horizontal ? widthAuto : heightAuto;
+ var borderSize = horizontal ? _borderX : _borderY;
+ var paddingSize = horizontal ? _paddingX : _paddingY;
+ var marginSize = horizontal ? _marginX : _marginY;
+ var maxSize = contentGlueElementCSS[strWH] + (_isBorderBox ? borderSize : -paddingSize);
+ //make contentGlue size -1 if element is not auto sized, to make sure that a resize event happens when the element shrinks
+ if (!autoSize || (!autoSize && border.c))
+ contentGlueElementCSS[strWH] = hostSize[wh] - (_isBorderBox ? 0 : paddingSize + borderSize) - 1 - marginSize;
+ //if size is auto and host is same size as max size, make content glue size +1 to make sure size changes will be detected
+ if (autoSize && cssMaxValue['c' + wh] && cssMaxValue['i' + wh] === maxSize)
+ contentGlueElementCSS[strWH] = maxSize + (_isBorderBox ? 0 : paddingSize) + 1;
+ //if size is auto and host is smaller than size as min size, make content glue size -1 to make sure size changes will be detected (this is only needed if padding is 0)
+ if (autoSize && (contentSize[wh] < _viewportSize[wh]) && (horizontal ? (_isTextarea ? !textareaAutoWrapping : false) : true)) {
+ if (_isTextarea)
+ textareaCoverCSS[strWH] = parseToZeroOrNumber(_textareaCoverElement.css(strWH)) - 1;
+ contentGlueElementCSS[strWH] -= 1;
+ }
+ //make sure content glue size is at least 1
+ if (contentSize[wh] > 0)
+ contentGlueElementCSS[strWH] = MATH.max(1, contentGlueElementCSS[strWH]);
+ };
+ setContentGlueElementCSSfunction(true);
+ setContentGlueElementCSSfunction(false);
+ if (_isTextarea)
+ _textareaCoverElement.css(textareaCoverCSS);
+ _contentGlueElement.css(contentGlueElementCSS);
+ }
+ if (widthAuto)
+ contentElementCSS[_strWidth] = _strHundredPercent;
+ if (widthAuto && !_isBorderBox && !_mutationObserversConnected)
+ contentElementCSS[_strFloat] = 'none';
+ //apply and reset content style
+ _contentElement.css(contentElementCSS);
+ contentElementCSS = {};
+ //measure again, but this time all correct sizes:
+ var contentScrollSize = {
+ w: MATH.max(contentMeasureElement[LEXICON.sW], contentMeasureElementGuaranty[LEXICON.sW]),
+ h: MATH.max(contentMeasureElement[LEXICON.sH], contentMeasureElementGuaranty[LEXICON.sH])
+ };
+ contentScrollSize.c = contentSizeChanged = checkCacheDouble(contentScrollSize, _contentScrollSizeCache, force);
+ _contentScrollSizeCache = contentScrollSize;
+ //remove overflow hidden to restore overflow
+ if(hideOverflow4CorrectMeasuring)
+ _contentElement.css(strOverflow, _strEmpty);
+ //refresh viewport size after correct measuring
+ _viewportSize = getViewportSize();
+ hostSize = getHostSize();
+ hostSizeChanged = checkCacheDouble(hostSize, _hostSizeCache);
+ _hostSizeCache = hostSize;
+ var hideOverflowForceTextarea = _isTextarea && (_viewportSize.w === 0 || _viewportSize.h === 0);
+ var previousOverflow = _overflowAmountCache;
+ var overflowBehaviorIsVS = { };
+ var overflowBehaviorIsVH = { };
+ var overflowBehaviorIsS = { };
+ var overflowAmount = { };
+ var hasOverflow = { };
+ var hideOverflow = { };
+ var canScroll = { };
+ var viewportRect = _paddingElementNative.getBoundingClientRect();
+ var setOverflowVariables = function(horizontal) {
+ var scrollbarVars = getScrollbarVars(horizontal);
+ var scrollbarVarsInverted = getScrollbarVars(!horizontal);
+ var xyI = scrollbarVarsInverted._x_y;
+ var xy = scrollbarVars._x_y;
+ var wh = scrollbarVars._w_h;
+ var widthHeight = scrollbarVars._width_height;
+ var scrollMax = _strScroll + scrollbarVars._Left_Top + 'Max';
+ var fractionalOverflowAmount = viewportRect[widthHeight] ? MATH.abs(viewportRect[widthHeight] - _viewportSize[wh]) : 0;
+ overflowBehaviorIsVS[xy] = overflowBehavior[xy] === 'v-s';
+ overflowBehaviorIsVH[xy] = overflowBehavior[xy] === 'v-h';
+ overflowBehaviorIsS[xy] = overflowBehavior[xy] === 's';
+ overflowAmount[xy] = MATH.max(0, MATH.round((contentScrollSize[wh] - _viewportSize[wh]) * 100) / 100);
+ overflowAmount[xy] *= (hideOverflowForceTextarea || (_viewportElementNative[scrollMax] === 0 && fractionalOverflowAmount > 0 && fractionalOverflowAmount < 1)) ? 0 : 1;
+ hasOverflow[xy] = overflowAmount[xy] > 0;
+ //hideOverflow:
+ //x || y : true === overflow is hidden by "overflow: scroll" OR "overflow: hidden"
+ //xs || ys : true === overflow is hidden by "overflow: scroll"
+ hideOverflow[xy] = overflowBehaviorIsVS[xy] || overflowBehaviorIsVH[xy] ? (hasOverflow[xyI] && !overflowBehaviorIsVS[xyI] && !overflowBehaviorIsVH[xyI]) : hasOverflow[xy];
+ hideOverflow[xy + 's'] = hideOverflow[xy] ? (overflowBehaviorIsS[xy] || overflowBehaviorIsVS[xy]) : false;
+ canScroll[xy] = hasOverflow[xy] && hideOverflow[xy + 's'];
+ };
+ setOverflowVariables(true);
+ setOverflowVariables(false);
+ overflowAmount.c = checkCacheDouble(overflowAmount, _overflowAmountCache, _strX, _strY, force);
+ _overflowAmountCache = overflowAmount;
+ hasOverflow.c = checkCacheDouble(hasOverflow, _hasOverflowCache, _strX, _strY, force);
+ _hasOverflowCache = hasOverflow;
+ hideOverflow.c = checkCacheDouble(hideOverflow, _hideOverflowCache, _strX, _strY, force);
+ _hideOverflowCache = hideOverflow;
+ //if native scrollbar is overlay at x OR y axis, prepare DOM
+ if (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x || _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y) {
+ var borderDesign = 'px solid transparent';
+ var contentArrangeElementCSS = { };
+ var arrangeContent = { };
+ var arrangeChanged = force;
+ var setContentElementCSS;
+ if (hasOverflow.x || hasOverflow.y) {
+ arrangeContent.w = _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y && hasOverflow.y ? contentScrollSize.w + _overlayScrollbarDummySize.y : _strEmpty;
+ arrangeContent.h = _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x && hasOverflow.x ? contentScrollSize.h + _overlayScrollbarDummySize.x : _strEmpty;
+ arrangeChanged = checkCacheSingle(arrangeContent, _arrangeContentSizeCache, force);
+ _arrangeContentSizeCache = arrangeContent;
+ }
+ if (hasOverflow.c || hideOverflow.c || contentScrollSize.c || cssDirectionChanged || widthAutoChanged || heightAutoChanged || widthAuto || heightAuto || ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingChanged) {
+ contentElementCSS[_strMarginMinus + isRTLRight] = contentElementCSS[_strBorderMinus + isRTLRight] = _strEmpty;
+ setContentElementCSS = function(horizontal) {
+ var scrollbarVars = getScrollbarVars(horizontal);
+ var scrollbarVarsInverted = getScrollbarVars(!horizontal);
+ var xy = scrollbarVars._x_y;
+ var strDirection = horizontal ? _strBottom : isRTLLeft;
+ var invertedAutoSize = horizontal ? heightAuto : widthAuto;
+ if (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid[xy] && hasOverflow[xy] && hideOverflow[xy + 's']) {
+ contentElementCSS[_strMarginMinus + strDirection] = invertedAutoSize ? (ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding ? _strEmpty : _overlayScrollbarDummySize[xy]) : _strEmpty;
+ contentElementCSS[_strBorderMinus + strDirection] = ((horizontal ? !invertedAutoSize : true) && !ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding) ? (_overlayScrollbarDummySize[xy] + borderDesign) : _strEmpty;
+ }
+ else {
+ arrangeContent[scrollbarVarsInverted._w_h] =
+ contentElementCSS[_strMarginMinus + strDirection] =
+ contentElementCSS[_strBorderMinus + strDirection] = _strEmpty;
+ arrangeChanged = true;
+ }
+ };
+ setContentElementCSS(true);
+ setContentElementCSS(false);
+ }
+ if (ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding) {
+ arrangeContent.w = arrangeContent.h = _strEmpty;
+ arrangeChanged = true;
+ }
+ if (arrangeChanged) {
+ contentArrangeElementCSS[_strWidth] = hideOverflow.y ? arrangeContent.w : _strEmpty;
+ contentArrangeElementCSS[_strHeight] = hideOverflow.x ? arrangeContent.h : _strEmpty;
+ if (!_contentArrangeElement) {
+ _contentArrangeElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv(_classNameContentArrangeElement));
+ _viewportElement.prepend(_contentArrangeElement);
+ }
+ _contentArrangeElement.css(contentArrangeElementCSS);
+ }
+ _contentElement.css(contentElementCSS);
+ }
+ var viewportElementCSS = {};
+ var paddingElementCSS = {};
+ var setViewportCSS;
+ if (hostSizeChanged || hasOverflow.c || hideOverflow.c || contentScrollSize.c || overflowBehaviorChanged || boxSizingChanged || ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingChanged || cssDirectionChanged || clipAlwaysChanged || heightAutoChanged) {
+ viewportElementCSS[isRTLRight] = _strEmpty;
+ setViewportCSS = function(horizontal) {
+ var scrollbarVars = getScrollbarVars(horizontal);
+ var scrollbarVarsInverted = getScrollbarVars(!horizontal);
+ var xy = scrollbarVars._x_y;
+ var XY = scrollbarVars._X_Y;
+ var strDirection = horizontal ? _strBottom : isRTLLeft;
+ var reset = function () {
+ viewportElementCSS[strDirection] = _strEmpty;
+ _contentBorderSize[scrollbarVarsInverted._w_h] = 0;
+ };
+ if (hasOverflow[xy] && hideOverflow[xy + 's']) {
+ viewportElementCSS[strOverflow + XY] = _strScroll;
+ if (!ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding) {
+ viewportElementCSS[strDirection] = -(_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid[xy] ? _overlayScrollbarDummySize[xy] : _nativeScrollbarSize[xy]);
+ _contentBorderSize[scrollbarVarsInverted._w_h] = _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid[xy] ? _overlayScrollbarDummySize[scrollbarVarsInverted._x_y] : 0;
+ }
+ else
+ reset();
+ } else {
+ viewportElementCSS[strOverflow + XY] = _strEmpty;
+ reset();
+ }
+ };
+ setViewportCSS(true);
+ setViewportCSS(false);
+ // if the scroll container is too small and if there is any overflow with not overlay scrollbar, make viewport element greater in size (Firefox hide Scrollbars fix)
+ // because firefox starts hiding scrollbars on too small elements
+ // with this behavior the overflow calculation may be incorrect or the scrollbars would appear suddenly
+ // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=292284
+ if ((_viewportSize.h < _nativeScrollbarMinSize.x || _viewportSize.w < _nativeScrollbarMinSize.y)
+ && ((hasOverflow.x && hideOverflow.x && !_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x) || (hasOverflow.y && hideOverflow.y && !_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y))) {
+ viewportElementCSS[_strPaddingMinus + _strTop] = _nativeScrollbarMinSize.x;
+ viewportElementCSS[_strMarginMinus + _strTop] = -_nativeScrollbarMinSize.x;
+ viewportElementCSS[_strPaddingMinus + isRTLRight] = _nativeScrollbarMinSize.y;
+ viewportElementCSS[_strMarginMinus + isRTLRight] = -_nativeScrollbarMinSize.y;
+ }
+ else {
+ viewportElementCSS[_strPaddingMinus + _strTop] =
+ viewportElementCSS[_strMarginMinus + _strTop] =
+ viewportElementCSS[_strPaddingMinus + isRTLRight] =
+ viewportElementCSS[_strMarginMinus + isRTLRight] = _strEmpty;
+ }
+ viewportElementCSS[_strPaddingMinus + isRTLLeft] =
+ viewportElementCSS[_strMarginMinus + isRTLLeft] = _strEmpty;
+ //if there is any overflow (x OR y axis) and this overflow shall be hidden, make overflow hidden, else overflow visible
+ if ((hasOverflow.x && hideOverflow.x) || (hasOverflow.y && hideOverflow.y) || hideOverflowForceTextarea) {
+ //only hide if is Textarea
+ if (_isTextarea && hideOverflowForceTextarea) {
+ paddingElementCSS[strOverflowX] =
+ paddingElementCSS[strOverflowY] = strHidden;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!clipAlways || (overflowBehaviorIsVH.x || overflowBehaviorIsVS.x || overflowBehaviorIsVH.y || overflowBehaviorIsVS.y)) {
+ //only un-hide if Textarea
+ if (_isTextarea) {
+ paddingElementCSS[strOverflowX] =
+ paddingElementCSS[strOverflowY] = _strEmpty;
+ }
+ viewportElementCSS[strOverflowX] =
+ viewportElementCSS[strOverflowY] = strVisible;
+ }
+ }
+ _paddingElement.css(paddingElementCSS);
+ _viewportElement.css(viewportElementCSS);
+ viewportElementCSS = { };
+ //force soft redraw in webkit because without the scrollbars will may appear because DOM wont be redrawn under special conditions
+ if ((hasOverflow.c || boxSizingChanged || widthAutoChanged || heightAutoChanged) && !(_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x && _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y)) {
+ var elementStyle = _contentElementNative[LEXICON.s];
+ var dump;
+ elementStyle.webkitTransform = 'scale(1)';
+ elementStyle.display = 'run-in';
+ dump = _contentElementNative[LEXICON.oH];
+ elementStyle.display = _strEmpty; //|| dump; //use dump to prevent it from deletion if minify
+ elementStyle.webkitTransform = _strEmpty;
+ }
+ /*
+ //force hard redraw in webkit if native overlaid scrollbars shall appear
+ if (ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingChanged && ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding) {
+ _hostElement.hide();
+ var dump = _hostElementNative[LEXICON.oH];
+ _hostElement.show();
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ //change to direction RTL and width auto Bugfix in Webkit
+ //without this fix, the DOM still thinks the scrollbar is LTR and thus the content is shifted to the left
+ contentElementCSS = {};
+ if (cssDirectionChanged || widthAutoChanged || heightAutoChanged) {
+ if (_isRTL && widthAuto) {
+ var floatTmp = _contentElement.css(_strFloat);
+ var posLeftWithoutFloat = MATH.round(_contentElement.css(_strFloat, _strEmpty).css(_strLeft, _strEmpty).position().left);
+ _contentElement.css(_strFloat, floatTmp);
+ var posLeftWithFloat = MATH.round(_contentElement.position().left);
+ if (posLeftWithoutFloat !== posLeftWithFloat)
+ contentElementCSS[_strLeft] = posLeftWithoutFloat;
+ }
+ else {
+ contentElementCSS[_strLeft] = _strEmpty;
+ }
+ }
+ _contentElement.css(contentElementCSS);
+ //handle scroll position
+ if (_isTextarea && contentSizeChanged) {
+ var textareaInfo = getTextareaInfo();
+ if (textareaInfo) {
+ var textareaRowsChanged = _textareaInfoCache === undefined ? true : textareaInfo._rows !== _textareaInfoCache._rows;
+ var cursorRow = textareaInfo._cursorRow;
+ var cursorCol = textareaInfo._cursorColumn;
+ var widestRow = textareaInfo._widestRow;
+ var lastRow = textareaInfo._rows;
+ var lastCol = textareaInfo._columns;
+ var cursorPos = textareaInfo._cursorPosition;
+ var cursorMax = textareaInfo._cursorMax;
+ var cursorIsLastPosition = (cursorPos >= cursorMax && _textareaHasFocus);
+ var textareaScrollAmount = {
+ x: (!textareaAutoWrapping && (cursorCol === lastCol && cursorRow === widestRow)) ? _overflowAmountCache.x : -1,
+ y: (textareaAutoWrapping ? cursorIsLastPosition || textareaRowsChanged && (previousOverflow !== undefined ? (currScroll.y === previousOverflow.y) : false) : (cursorIsLastPosition || textareaRowsChanged) && cursorRow === lastRow) ? _overflowAmountCache.y : -1
+ };
+ currScroll.x = textareaScrollAmount.x > -1 ? (_isRTL && _normalizeRTLCache && _rtlScrollBehavior.i ? 0 : textareaScrollAmount.x) : currScroll.x; //if inverted, scroll to 0 -> normalized this means to max scroll offset.
+ currScroll.y = textareaScrollAmount.y > -1 ? textareaScrollAmount.y : currScroll.y;
+ }
+ _textareaInfoCache = textareaInfo;
+ }
+ if (_isRTL && _rtlScrollBehavior.i && _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y && hasOverflow.x && _normalizeRTLCache)
+ currScroll.x += _contentBorderSize.w || 0;
+ if(widthAuto)
+ _hostElement[_strScrollLeft](0);
+ if(heightAuto)
+ _hostElement[_strScrollTop](0);
+ _viewportElement[_strScrollLeft](currScroll.x)[_strScrollTop](currScroll.y);
+ //scrollbars management:
+ var scrollbarsVisibilityVisible = scrollbarsVisibility === 'v';
+ var scrollbarsVisibilityHidden = scrollbarsVisibility === 'h';
+ var scrollbarsVisibilityAuto = scrollbarsVisibility === 'a';
+ var showScrollbarH = COMPATIBILITY.bind(refreshScrollbarAppearance, 0, true, true, canScroll.x);
+ var showScrollbarV = COMPATIBILITY.bind(refreshScrollbarAppearance, 0, false, true, canScroll.y);
+ var hideScrollbarH = COMPATIBILITY.bind(refreshScrollbarAppearance, 0, true, false, canScroll.x);
+ var hideScrollbarV = COMPATIBILITY.bind(refreshScrollbarAppearance, 0, false, false, canScroll.y);
+ //manage class name which indicates scrollable overflow
+ if (hideOverflow.x || hideOverflow.y)
+ addClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostOverflow);
+ else
+ removeClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostOverflow);
+ if (hideOverflow.x)
+ addClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostOverflowX);
+ else
+ removeClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostOverflowX);
+ if (hideOverflow.y)
+ addClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostOverflowY);
+ else
+ removeClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostOverflowY);
+ //add or remove rtl class name for styling purposes
+ if (cssDirectionChanged) {
+ if (_isRTL)
+ addClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostRTL);
+ else
+ removeClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostRTL);
+ }
+ //manage the resize feature (CSS3 resize "polyfill" for this plugin)
+ if (_isBody)
+ addClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostResizeDisabled);
+ if (resizeChanged) {
+ var addCornerEvents = function () { _scrollbarCornerElement.on(_strMouseTouchDownEvent, _resizeOnMouseTouchDown); };
+ var removeCornerEvents = function () { _scrollbarCornerElement.off(_strMouseTouchDownEvent, _resizeOnMouseTouchDown); };
+ removeClass(_scrollbarCornerElement, [
+ _classNameHostResizeDisabled,
+ _classNameScrollbarCornerResize,
+ _classNameScrollbarCornerResizeB,
+ _classNameScrollbarCornerResizeH,
+ _classNameScrollbarCornerResizeV].join(_strSpace));
+ if (_resizeNone) {
+ addClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostResizeDisabled);
+ removeCornerEvents();
+ }
+ else {
+ addClass(_scrollbarCornerElement, _classNameScrollbarCornerResize);
+ if (_resizeBoth)
+ addClass(_scrollbarCornerElement, _classNameScrollbarCornerResizeB);
+ else if (_resizeHorizontal)
+ addClass(_scrollbarCornerElement, _classNameScrollbarCornerResizeH);
+ else if (_resizeVertical)
+ addClass(_scrollbarCornerElement, _classNameScrollbarCornerResizeV);
+ removeCornerEvents();
+ addCornerEvents();
+ }
+ }
+ //manage the scrollbars general visibility + the scrollbar interactivity (unusable class name)
+ if (scrollbarsVisibilityChanged || overflowBehaviorChanged || hideOverflow.c || hasOverflow.c || ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingChanged) {
+ if (ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding) {
+ if (ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingChanged) {
+ removeClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostScrolling);
+ if (ignoreOverlayScrollbarHiding) {
+ hideScrollbarH();
+ hideScrollbarV();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scrollbarsVisibilityAuto) {
+ if (canScroll.x)
+ showScrollbarH();
+ else
+ hideScrollbarH();
+ if (canScroll.y)
+ showScrollbarV();
+ else
+ hideScrollbarV();
+ }
+ else if (scrollbarsVisibilityVisible) {
+ showScrollbarH();
+ showScrollbarV();
+ }
+ else if (scrollbarsVisibilityHidden) {
+ hideScrollbarH();
+ hideScrollbarV();
+ }
+ }
+ //manage the scrollbars auto hide feature (auto hide them after specific actions)
+ if (scrollbarsAutoHideChanged || ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingChanged) {
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideLeave || _scrollbarsAutoHideMove) {
+ setupHostMouseTouchEvents(true);
+ setupHostMouseTouchEvents();
+ }
+ else {
+ setupHostMouseTouchEvents(true);
+ }
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideNever)
+ refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(true);
+ else
+ refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(false, true);
+ }
+ //manage scrollbars handle length & offset - don't remove!
+ if (hostSizeChanged || overflowAmount.c || heightAutoChanged || widthAutoChanged || resizeChanged || boxSizingChanged || paddingAbsoluteChanged || ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingChanged || cssDirectionChanged) {
+ refreshScrollbarHandleLength(true);
+ refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(true);
+ refreshScrollbarHandleLength(false);
+ refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(false);
+ }
+ //manage interactivity
+ if (scrollbarsClickScrollingChanged)
+ refreshScrollbarsInteractive(true, scrollbarsClickScrolling);
+ if (scrollbarsDragScrollingChanged)
+ refreshScrollbarsInteractive(false, scrollbarsDragScrolling);
+ //callbacks:
+ if (cssDirectionChanged) {
+ dispatchCallback("onDirectionChanged", {
+ isRTL: _isRTL,
+ dir: cssDirection
+ });
+ }
+ if (hostSizeChanged) {
+ dispatchCallback("onHostSizeChanged", {
+ width: _hostSizeCache.w,
+ height: _hostSizeCache.h
+ });
+ }
+ if (contentSizeChanged) {
+ dispatchCallback("onContentSizeChanged", {
+ width: _contentScrollSizeCache.w,
+ height: _contentScrollSizeCache.h
+ });
+ }
+ if (hasOverflow.c || hideOverflow.c) {
+ dispatchCallback("onOverflowChanged", {
+ x: hasOverflow.x,
+ y: hasOverflow.y,
+ xScrollable: hideOverflow.xs,
+ yScrollable: hideOverflow.ys,
+ clipped: hideOverflow.x || hideOverflow.y
+ });
+ }
+ if (overflowAmount.c) {
+ dispatchCallback("onOverflowAmountChanged", {
+ x: overflowAmount.x,
+ y: overflowAmount.y
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //fix body min size
+ if (_isBody && (_hasOverflowCache.c || _bodyMinSizeCache.c)) {
+ //its possible that no min size was measured until now, because the content arrange element was just added now, in this case, measure now the min size.
+ if (!_bodyMinSizeCache.f)
+ bodyMinSizeChanged();
+ if (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y && _hasOverflowCache.x)
+ _contentElement.css(_strMinMinus + _strWidth, _bodyMinSizeCache.w + _overlayScrollbarDummySize.y);
+ if (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x && _hasOverflowCache.y)
+ _contentElement.css(_strMinMinus + _strHeight, _bodyMinSizeCache.h + _overlayScrollbarDummySize.x);
+ _bodyMinSizeCache.c = false;
+ }
+ unfreezeResizeObserver(_sizeObserverElement);
+ unfreezeResizeObserver(_sizeAutoObserverElement);
+ dispatchCallback("onUpdated", { forced: force });
+ }
+ //==== Options ====//
+ /**
+ * Sets new options but doesn't call the update method.
+ * @param newOptions The object which contains the new options.
+ */
+ function setOptions(newOptions) {
+ _currentOptions = extendDeep({}, _currentOptions, _pluginsOptions._validate(newOptions, _pluginsOptions._template, true));
+ _currentPreparedOptions = extendDeep({}, _currentPreparedOptions, _pluginsOptions._validate(newOptions, _pluginsOptions._template, false, true));
+ }
+ //==== Structure ====//
+ /**
+ * Builds or destroys the wrapper and helper DOM elements.
+ * @param destroy Indicates whether the DOM shall be build or destroyed.
+ */
+ function setupStructureDOM(destroy) {
+ var adoptAttrs = _currentPreparedOptions.textarea.inheritedAttrs;
+ var adoptAttrsMap = { };
+ var applyAdoptedAttrs = function() {
+ var applyAdoptedAttrsElm = destroy ? _targetElement : _hostElement;
+ FRAMEWORK.each(adoptAttrsMap, function(k, v) {
+ if(type(v) == TYPES.s) {
+ if(k == LEXICON.c)
+ applyAdoptedAttrsElm.addClass(v);
+ else
+ applyAdoptedAttrsElm.attr(k, v);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ var hostElementClassNames = [
+ _classNameHostElement,
+ _classNameHostTextareaElement,
+ _classNameHostResizeDisabled,
+ _classNameHostRTL,
+ _classNameHostScrollbarHorizontalHidden,
+ _classNameHostScrollbarVerticalHidden,
+ _classNameHostTransition,
+ _classNameHostScrolling,
+ _classNameHostOverflow,
+ _classNameHostOverflowX,
+ _classNameHostOverflowY,
+ _classNameThemeNone,
+ _classNameTextareaElement,
+ _classNameTextInherit,
+ _classNameCache].join(_strSpace);
+ adoptAttrs = type(adoptAttrs) == TYPES.s ? adoptAttrs.split(' ') : adoptAttrs;
+ if(type(adoptAttrs) == TYPES.a) {
+ FRAMEWORK.each(adoptAttrs, function(i, v) {
+ if(type(v) == TYPES.s)
+ adoptAttrsMap[v] = destroy ? _hostElement.attr(v) : _targetElement.attr(v);
+ });
+ }
+ if(!destroy) {
+ if (_isTextarea) {
+ var hostElementCSS = {};
+ var parent = _targetElement.parent();
+ _isTextareaHostGenerated = !(parent.hasClass(_classNameHostTextareaElement) && parent.children()[LEXICON.l] === 1);
+ if (!_currentPreparedOptions.sizeAutoCapable) {
+ hostElementCSS[_strWidth] = _targetElement.css(_strWidth);
+ hostElementCSS[_strHeight] = _targetElement.css(_strHeight);
+ }
+ if(_isTextareaHostGenerated)
+ _targetElement.wrap(generateDiv(_classNameHostTextareaElement));
+ _hostElement = _targetElement.parent();
+ _hostElement.css(hostElementCSS)
+ .wrapInner(generateDiv(_classNameContentElement + _strSpace + _classNameTextInherit))
+ .wrapInner(generateDiv(_classNameViewportElement + _strSpace + _classNameTextInherit))
+ .wrapInner(generateDiv(_classNamePaddingElement + _strSpace + _classNameTextInherit));
+ _contentElement = findFirst(_hostElement, _strDot + _classNameContentElement);
+ _viewportElement = findFirst(_hostElement, _strDot + _classNameViewportElement);
+ _paddingElement = findFirst(_hostElement, _strDot + _classNamePaddingElement);
+ _textareaCoverElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv(_classNameTextareaCoverElement));
+ _contentElement.prepend(_textareaCoverElement);
+ addClass(_targetElement, _classNameTextareaElement + _strSpace + _classNameTextInherit);
+ if(_isTextareaHostGenerated)
+ applyAdoptedAttrs();
+ }
+ else {
+ _hostElement = _targetElement;
+ _hostElement.wrapInner(generateDiv(_classNameContentElement))
+ .wrapInner(generateDiv(_classNameViewportElement))
+ .wrapInner(generateDiv(_classNamePaddingElement));
+ _contentElement = findFirst(_hostElement, _strDot + _classNameContentElement);
+ _viewportElement = findFirst(_hostElement, _strDot + _classNameViewportElement);
+ _paddingElement = findFirst(_hostElement, _strDot + _classNamePaddingElement);
+ addClass(_targetElement, _classNameHostElement);
+ }
+ if (_nativeScrollbarStyling)
+ addClass(_viewportElement, _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x && _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y ? _classNameViewportNativeScrollbarsOverlaid : _classNameViewportNativeScrollbarsInvisible);
+ if (_isBody)
+ addClass(_htmlElement, _classNameHTMLElement);
+ _sizeObserverElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv('os-resize-observer-host'));
+ _hostElement.prepend(_sizeObserverElement);
+ _sizeObserverElementNative = _sizeObserverElement[0];
+ _hostElementNative = _hostElement[0];
+ _paddingElementNative = _paddingElement[0];
+ _viewportElementNative = _viewportElement[0];
+ _contentElementNative = _contentElement[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ _contentElement.contents()
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap();
+ removeClass(_hostElement, hostElementClassNames);
+ if (_isTextarea) {
+ _targetElement.removeAttr(LEXICON.s);
+ if(_isTextareaHostGenerated)
+ applyAdoptedAttrs();
+ removeClass(_targetElement, hostElementClassNames);
+ remove(_textareaCoverElement);
+ if(_isTextareaHostGenerated) {
+ _targetElement.unwrap();
+ remove(_hostElement);
+ }
+ else {
+ addClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostTextareaElement);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ removeClass(_targetElement, _classNameHostElement);
+ }
+ if (_isBody)
+ removeClass(_htmlElement, _classNameHTMLElement);
+ remove(_sizeObserverElement);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds or removes all wrapper elements interactivity events.
+ * @param destroy Indicates whether the Events shall be added or removed.
+ */
+ function setupStructureEvents(destroy) {
+ var textareaKeyDownRestrictedKeyCodes = [
+ 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, //F1 to F12
+ 33, 34, //page up, page down
+ 37, 38, 39, 40, //left, up, right, down arrows
+ 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 144 //Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Pause, CapsLock, NumLock
+ ];
+ var textareaKeyDownKeyCodesList = [ ];
+ var textareaUpdateIntervalID;
+ var scrollStopDelay = 175;
+ var scrollStopTimeoutId;
+ var strOnOff = destroy ? 'off' : 'on';
+ var updateTextarea;
+ var viewportOnScroll;
+ if(!destroy && _isTextarea) {
+ _textareaEvents = { };
+ updateTextarea = function(doClearInterval) {
+ textareaUpdate();
+ _base.update(_strAuto);
+ if(doClearInterval)
+ clearInterval(textareaUpdateIntervalID);
+ };
+ _textareaEvents[_strScroll] = function(event) {
+ _targetElement[_strScrollLeft](_rtlScrollBehavior.i && _normalizeRTLCache ? 9999999 : 0);
+ _targetElement[_strScrollTop](0);
+ COMPATIBILITY.prvD(event);
+ COMPATIBILITY.stpP(event);
+ return false;
+ };
+ _textareaEvents['drop'] = function() {
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ if(!_destroyed)
+ updateTextarea();
+ }, 50);
+ };
+ _textareaEvents['focus'] = function() {
+ _textareaHasFocus = true;
+ };
+ _textareaEvents['focusout'] = function() {
+ _textareaHasFocus = false;
+ textareaKeyDownKeyCodesList = [ ];
+ updateTextarea(true);
+ };
+ if (_msieVersion > 9 || !_autoUpdateRecommended) {
+ _textareaEvents['input'] = function textareaOnInput() {
+ updateTextarea();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ _textareaEvents[_strKeyDownEvent] = function textareaOnKeyDown(event) {
+ var keyCode = event.keyCode;
+ if (FRAMEWORK.inArray(keyCode, textareaKeyDownRestrictedKeyCodes) > -1)
+ return;
+ if (!textareaKeyDownKeyCodesList.length) {
+ updateTextarea();
+ textareaUpdateIntervalID = setInterval(updateTextarea, 1000 / 60);
+ }
+ if (FRAMEWORK.inArray(keyCode, textareaKeyDownKeyCodesList) === -1)
+ textareaKeyDownKeyCodesList.push(keyCode);
+ };
+ _textareaEvents[_strKeyUpEvent] = function(event) {
+ var keyCode = event.keyCode;
+ var index = FRAMEWORK.inArray(keyCode, textareaKeyDownKeyCodesList);
+ if (FRAMEWORK.inArray(keyCode, textareaKeyDownRestrictedKeyCodes) > -1)
+ return;
+ if (index > -1)
+ textareaKeyDownKeyCodesList.splice(index, 1);
+ if (!textareaKeyDownKeyCodesList.length)
+ updateTextarea(true);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (_isTextarea) {
+ FRAMEWORK.each(_textareaEvents, function(key, value) {
+ _targetElement[strOnOff](key, value);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ _contentElement[strOnOff](_strTransitionEndEvent, function (event) {
+ if (_autoUpdateCache === true)
+ return;
+ event = event.originalEvent || event;
+ if (isSizeAffectingCSSProperty(event.propertyName))
+ update(_strAuto);
+ });
+ }
+ if(!destroy) {
+ viewportOnScroll = function(event) {
+ if (_isSleeping)
+ return;
+ if (scrollStopTimeoutId !== undefined)
+ clearTimeout(scrollStopTimeoutId);
+ else {
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideScroll || _scrollbarsAutoHideMove)
+ refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(true);
+ if (!nativeOverlayScrollbarsAreActive())
+ addClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostScrolling);
+ dispatchCallback("onScrollStart", event);
+ }
+ //if a scrollbars handle gets dragged, the mousemove event is responsible for refreshing the handle offset
+ //because if CSS scroll-snap is used, the handle offset gets only refreshed on every snap point
+ //this looks laggy & clunky, it looks much better if the offset refreshes with the mousemove
+ if(!_scrollbarsHandleAsync) {
+ refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(true);
+ refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(false);
+ }
+ dispatchCallback("onScroll", event);
+ scrollStopTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
+ if(!_destroyed) {
+ //OnScrollStop:
+ clearTimeout(scrollStopTimeoutId);
+ scrollStopTimeoutId = undefined;
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideScroll || _scrollbarsAutoHideMove)
+ refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(false);
+ if (!nativeOverlayScrollbarsAreActive())
+ removeClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostScrolling);
+ dispatchCallback("onScrollStop", event);
+ }
+ }, scrollStopDelay);
+ };
+ if (_supportPassiveEvents)
+ addPassiveEventListener(_viewportElement, _strScroll, viewportOnScroll);
+ else
+ _viewportElement.on(_strScroll, viewportOnScroll);
+ }
+ }
+ //==== Scrollbars ====//
+ /**
+ * Builds or destroys all scrollbar DOM elements (scrollbar, track, handle)
+ * @param destroy Indicates whether the DOM shall be build or destroyed.
+ */
+ function setupScrollbarsDOM(destroy) {
+ if(!destroy) {
+ _scrollbarHorizontalElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv(_classNameScrollbar + _strSpace + _classNameScrollbarHorizontal));
+ _scrollbarHorizontalTrackElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv(_classNameScrollbarTrack));
+ _scrollbarHorizontalHandleElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv(_classNameScrollbarHandle));
+ _scrollbarVerticalElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv(_classNameScrollbar + _strSpace + _classNameScrollbarVertical));
+ _scrollbarVerticalTrackElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv(_classNameScrollbarTrack));
+ _scrollbarVerticalHandleElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv(_classNameScrollbarHandle));
+ _scrollbarHorizontalElement.append(_scrollbarHorizontalTrackElement);
+ _scrollbarHorizontalTrackElement.append(_scrollbarHorizontalHandleElement);
+ _scrollbarVerticalElement.append(_scrollbarVerticalTrackElement);
+ _scrollbarVerticalTrackElement.append(_scrollbarVerticalHandleElement);
+ _paddingElement.after(_scrollbarVerticalElement);
+ _paddingElement.after(_scrollbarHorizontalElement);
+ }
+ else {
+ remove(_scrollbarHorizontalElement);
+ remove(_scrollbarVerticalElement);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initializes all scrollbar interactivity events. (track and handle dragging, clicking, scrolling)
+ * @param isHorizontal True if the target scrollbar is the horizontal scrollbar, false if the target scrollbar is the vertical scrollbar.
+ */
+ function setupScrollbarEvents(isHorizontal) {
+ var scrollbarVars = getScrollbarVars(isHorizontal);
+ var scrollbarVarsInfo = scrollbarVars._info;
+ var insideIFrame = _windowElementNative.top !== _windowElementNative;
+ var xy = scrollbarVars._x_y;
+ var XY = scrollbarVars._X_Y;
+ var scroll = _strScroll + scrollbarVars._Left_Top;
+ var strActive = 'active';
+ var strSnapHandle = 'snapHandle';
+ var scrollDurationFactor = 1;
+ var increaseDecreaseScrollAmountKeyCodes = [ 16, 17 ]; //shift, ctrl
+ var trackTimeout;
+ var mouseDownScroll;
+ var mouseDownOffset;
+ var mouseDownInvertedScale;
+ function getPointerPosition(event) {
+ return _msieVersion && insideIFrame ? event['screen' + XY] : COMPATIBILITY.page(event)[xy]; //use screen coordinates in EDGE & IE because the page values are incorrect in frames.
+ }
+ function getPreparedScrollbarsOption(name) {
+ return _currentPreparedOptions.scrollbars[name];
+ }
+ function increaseTrackScrollAmount() {
+ scrollDurationFactor = 0.5;
+ }
+ function decreaseTrackScrollAmount() {
+ scrollDurationFactor = 1;
+ }
+ function documentKeyDown(event) {
+ if (FRAMEWORK.inArray(event.keyCode, increaseDecreaseScrollAmountKeyCodes) > -1)
+ increaseTrackScrollAmount();
+ }
+ function documentKeyUp(event) {
+ if (FRAMEWORK.inArray(event.keyCode, increaseDecreaseScrollAmountKeyCodes) > -1)
+ decreaseTrackScrollAmount();
+ }
+ function onMouseTouchDownContinue(event) {
+ var originalEvent = event.originalEvent || event;
+ var isTouchEvent = originalEvent.touches !== undefined;
+ return _isSleeping || _destroyed || nativeOverlayScrollbarsAreActive() || !_scrollbarsDragScrollingCache || (isTouchEvent && !getPreparedScrollbarsOption('touchSupport')) ? false : COMPATIBILITY.mBtn(event) === 1 || isTouchEvent;
+ }
+ function documentDragMove(event) {
+ if(onMouseTouchDownContinue(event)) {
+ var trackLength = scrollbarVarsInfo._trackLength;
+ var handleLength = scrollbarVarsInfo._handleLength;
+ var scrollRange = scrollbarVarsInfo._maxScroll;
+ var scrollRaw = (getPointerPosition(event) - mouseDownOffset) * mouseDownInvertedScale;
+ var scrollDeltaPercent = scrollRaw / (trackLength - handleLength);
+ var scrollDelta = (scrollRange * scrollDeltaPercent);
+ scrollDelta = isFinite(scrollDelta) ? scrollDelta : 0;
+ if (_isRTL && isHorizontal && !_rtlScrollBehavior.i)
+ scrollDelta *= -1;
+ _viewportElement[scroll](MATH.round(mouseDownScroll + scrollDelta));
+ if(_scrollbarsHandleAsync)
+ refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(isHorizontal, mouseDownScroll + scrollDelta);
+ if (!_supportPassiveEvents)
+ COMPATIBILITY.prvD(event);
+ }
+ else
+ documentMouseTouchUp(event);
+ }
+ function documentMouseTouchUp(event) {
+ event = event || event.originalEvent;
+ _documentElement.off(_strMouseTouchMoveEvent, documentDragMove)
+ .off(_strMouseTouchUpEvent, documentMouseTouchUp)
+ .off(_strKeyDownEvent, documentKeyDown)
+ .off(_strKeyUpEvent, documentKeyUp)
+ .off(_strSelectStartEvent, documentOnSelectStart);
+ if(_scrollbarsHandleAsync)
+ refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(isHorizontal, true);
+ _scrollbarsHandleAsync = false;
+ removeClass(_bodyElement, _classNameDragging);
+ removeClass(scrollbarVars._handle, strActive);
+ removeClass(scrollbarVars._track, strActive);
+ removeClass(scrollbarVars._scrollbar, strActive);
+ mouseDownScroll = undefined;
+ mouseDownOffset = undefined;
+ mouseDownInvertedScale = 1;
+ decreaseTrackScrollAmount();
+ if (trackTimeout !== undefined) {
+ _base.scrollStop();
+ clearTimeout(trackTimeout);
+ trackTimeout = undefined;
+ }
+ if(event) {
+ var rect = _hostElementNative.getBoundingClientRect();
+ var mouseInsideHost = event.clientX >= rect.left && event.clientX <= rect.right && event.clientY >= rect.top && event.clientY <= rect.bottom;
+ //if mouse is outside host element
+ if (!mouseInsideHost)
+ hostOnMouseLeave();
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideScroll || _scrollbarsAutoHideMove)
+ refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(false);
+ }
+ }
+ function onHandleMouseTouchDown(event) {
+ mouseDownScroll = _viewportElement[scroll]();
+ mouseDownScroll = isNaN(mouseDownScroll) ? 0 : mouseDownScroll;
+ if (_isRTL && isHorizontal && !_rtlScrollBehavior.n || !_isRTL)
+ mouseDownScroll = mouseDownScroll < 0 ? 0 : mouseDownScroll;
+ mouseDownInvertedScale = getHostElementInvertedScale()[xy];
+ mouseDownOffset = getPointerPosition(event);
+ _scrollbarsHandleAsync = !getPreparedScrollbarsOption(strSnapHandle);
+ addClass(_bodyElement, _classNameDragging);
+ addClass(scrollbarVars._handle, strActive);
+ addClass(scrollbarVars._scrollbar, strActive);
+ _documentElement.on(_strMouseTouchMoveEvent, documentDragMove)
+ .on(_strMouseTouchUpEvent, documentMouseTouchUp)
+ .on(_strSelectStartEvent, documentOnSelectStart);
+ if(_msieVersion || !_documentMixed)
+ COMPATIBILITY.prvD(event);
+ COMPATIBILITY.stpP(event);
+ }
+ scrollbarVars._handle.on(_strMouseTouchDownEvent, function(event) {
+ if (onMouseTouchDownContinue(event))
+ onHandleMouseTouchDown(event);
+ });
+ scrollbarVars._track.on(_strMouseTouchDownEvent, function(event) {
+ if (onMouseTouchDownContinue(event)) {
+ var scrollDistance = MATH.round(_viewportSize[scrollbarVars._w_h]);
+ var trackOffset = scrollbarVars._track.offset()[scrollbarVars._left_top];
+ var ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
+ var instantScroll = event.shiftKey;
+ var instantScrollTransition = instantScroll && ctrlKey;
+ var isFirstIteration = true;
+ var easing = 'linear';
+ var decreaseScroll;
+ var finishedCondition;
+ var scrollActionFinsished = function(transition) {
+ if(_scrollbarsHandleAsync)
+ refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(isHorizontal, transition);
+ };
+ var scrollActionInstantFinished = function() {
+ scrollActionFinsished();
+ onHandleMouseTouchDown(event);
+ };
+ var scrollAction = function () {
+ if(!_destroyed) {
+ var mouseOffset = (mouseDownOffset - trackOffset) * mouseDownInvertedScale;
+ var handleOffset = scrollbarVarsInfo._handleOffset;
+ var trackLength = scrollbarVarsInfo._trackLength;
+ var handleLength = scrollbarVarsInfo._handleLength;
+ var scrollRange = scrollbarVarsInfo._maxScroll;
+ var currScroll = scrollbarVarsInfo._currentScroll;
+ var scrollDuration = 270 * scrollDurationFactor;
+ var timeoutDelay = isFirstIteration ? MATH.max(400, scrollDuration) : scrollDuration;
+ var instantScrollPosition = scrollRange * ((mouseOffset - (handleLength / 2)) / (trackLength - handleLength)); // 100% * positionPercent
+ var rtlIsNormal = _isRTL && isHorizontal && ((!_rtlScrollBehavior.i && !_rtlScrollBehavior.n) || _normalizeRTLCache);
+ var decreaseScrollCondition = rtlIsNormal ? handleOffset < mouseOffset : handleOffset > mouseOffset;
+ var scrollObj = { };
+ var animationObj = {
+ easing : easing,
+ step : function(now) {
+ if(_scrollbarsHandleAsync) {
+ _viewportElement[scroll](now); //https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/4340
+ refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(isHorizontal, now);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ instantScrollPosition = isFinite(instantScrollPosition) ? instantScrollPosition : 0;
+ instantScrollPosition = _isRTL && isHorizontal && !_rtlScrollBehavior.i ? (scrollRange - instantScrollPosition) : instantScrollPosition;
+ //_base.scrollStop();
+ if(instantScroll) {
+ _viewportElement[scroll](instantScrollPosition); //scroll instantly to new position
+ if(instantScrollTransition) {
+ //get the scroll position after instant scroll (in case CSS Snap Points are used) to get the correct snapped scroll position
+ //and the animation stops at the correct point
+ instantScrollPosition = _viewportElement[scroll]();
+ //scroll back to the position before instant scrolling so animation can be performed
+ _viewportElement[scroll](currScroll);
+ instantScrollPosition = rtlIsNormal && _rtlScrollBehavior.i ? (scrollRange - instantScrollPosition) : instantScrollPosition;
+ instantScrollPosition = rtlIsNormal && _rtlScrollBehavior.n ? -instantScrollPosition : instantScrollPosition;
+ scrollObj[xy] = instantScrollPosition;
+ _base.scroll(scrollObj, extendDeep(animationObj, {
+ duration : 130,
+ complete : scrollActionInstantFinished
+ }));
+ }
+ else
+ scrollActionInstantFinished();
+ }
+ else {
+ decreaseScroll = isFirstIteration ? decreaseScrollCondition : decreaseScroll;
+ finishedCondition = rtlIsNormal
+ ? (decreaseScroll ? handleOffset + handleLength >= mouseOffset : handleOffset <= mouseOffset)
+ : (decreaseScroll ? handleOffset <= mouseOffset : handleOffset + handleLength >= mouseOffset);
+ if (finishedCondition) {
+ clearTimeout(trackTimeout);
+ _base.scrollStop();
+ trackTimeout = undefined;
+ scrollActionFinsished(true);
+ }
+ else {
+ trackTimeout = setTimeout(scrollAction, timeoutDelay);
+ scrollObj[xy] = (decreaseScroll ? '-=' : '+=') + scrollDistance;
+ _base.scroll(scrollObj, extendDeep(animationObj, {
+ duration: scrollDuration
+ }));
+ }
+ isFirstIteration = false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if (ctrlKey)
+ increaseTrackScrollAmount();
+ mouseDownInvertedScale = getHostElementInvertedScale()[xy];
+ mouseDownOffset = COMPATIBILITY.page(event)[xy];
+ _scrollbarsHandleAsync = !getPreparedScrollbarsOption(strSnapHandle);
+ addClass(_bodyElement, _classNameDragging);
+ addClass(scrollbarVars._track, strActive);
+ addClass(scrollbarVars._scrollbar, strActive);
+ _documentElement.on(_strMouseTouchUpEvent, documentMouseTouchUp)
+ .on(_strKeyDownEvent, documentKeyDown)
+ .on(_strKeyUpEvent, documentKeyUp)
+ .on(_strSelectStartEvent, documentOnSelectStart);
+ scrollAction();
+ COMPATIBILITY.prvD(event);
+ COMPATIBILITY.stpP(event);
+ }
+ }).on(_strMouseTouchEnter, function() { //make sure both scrollbars will stay visible if one scrollbar is hovered if autoHide is "scroll" or "move".
+ _scrollbarsHandleHovered = true;
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideScroll || _scrollbarsAutoHideMove)
+ refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(true);
+ }).on(_strMouseTouchLeave, function() {
+ _scrollbarsHandleHovered = false;
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideScroll || _scrollbarsAutoHideMove)
+ refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(false);
+ });
+ scrollbarVars._scrollbar.on(_strMouseTouchDownEvent, function(event) {
+ COMPATIBILITY.stpP(event);
+ });
+ if (_supportTransition) {
+ scrollbarVars._scrollbar.on(_strTransitionEndEvent, function(event) {
+ if (event.target !== scrollbarVars._scrollbar[0])
+ return;
+ refreshScrollbarHandleLength(isHorizontal);
+ refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(isHorizontal);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shows or hides the given scrollbar and applied a class name which indicates if the scrollbar is scrollable or not.
+ * @param isHorizontal True if the horizontal scrollbar is the target, false if the vertical scrollbar is the target.
+ * @param shallBeVisible True if the scrollbar shall be shown, false if hidden.
+ * @param canScroll True if the scrollbar is scrollable, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function refreshScrollbarAppearance(isHorizontal, shallBeVisible, canScroll) {
+ var scrollbarClassName = isHorizontal ? _classNameHostScrollbarHorizontalHidden : _classNameHostScrollbarVerticalHidden;
+ var scrollbarElement = isHorizontal ? _scrollbarHorizontalElement : _scrollbarVerticalElement;
+ if (shallBeVisible)
+ removeClass(_hostElement, scrollbarClassName);
+ else
+ addClass(_hostElement, scrollbarClassName);
+ if (canScroll)
+ removeClass(scrollbarElement, _classNameScrollbarUnusable);
+ else
+ addClass(scrollbarElement, _classNameScrollbarUnusable);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Autoshows / autohides both scrollbars with.
+ * @param shallBeVisible True if the scrollbars shall be autoshown (only the case if they are hidden by a autohide), false if the shall be auto hidden.
+ * @param delayfree True if the scrollbars shall be hidden without a delay, false or undefined otherwise.
+ */
+ function refreshScrollbarsAutoHide(shallBeVisible, delayfree) {
+ clearTimeout(_scrollbarsAutoHideTimeoutId);
+ if (shallBeVisible) {
+ //if(_hasOverflowCache.x && _hideOverflowCache.xs)
+ removeClass(_scrollbarHorizontalElement, _classNameScrollbarAutoHidden);
+ //if(_hasOverflowCache.y && _hideOverflowCache.ys)
+ removeClass(_scrollbarVerticalElement, _classNameScrollbarAutoHidden);
+ }
+ else {
+ var anyActive;
+ var strActive = 'active';
+ var hide = function () {
+ if (!_scrollbarsHandleHovered && !_destroyed) {
+ anyActive = _scrollbarHorizontalHandleElement.hasClass(strActive) || _scrollbarVerticalHandleElement.hasClass(strActive);
+ if (!anyActive && (_scrollbarsAutoHideScroll || _scrollbarsAutoHideMove || _scrollbarsAutoHideLeave))
+ addClass(_scrollbarHorizontalElement, _classNameScrollbarAutoHidden);
+ if (!anyActive && (_scrollbarsAutoHideScroll || _scrollbarsAutoHideMove || _scrollbarsAutoHideLeave))
+ addClass(_scrollbarVerticalElement, _classNameScrollbarAutoHidden);
+ }
+ };
+ if (_scrollbarsAutoHideDelay > 0 && delayfree !== true)
+ _scrollbarsAutoHideTimeoutId = setTimeout(hide, _scrollbarsAutoHideDelay);
+ else
+ hide();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Refreshes the handle length of the given scrollbar.
+ * @param isHorizontal True if the horizontal scrollbar handle shall be refreshed, false if the vertical one shall be refreshed.
+ */
+ function refreshScrollbarHandleLength(isHorizontal) {
+ var handleCSS = {};
+ var scrollbarVars = getScrollbarVars(isHorizontal);
+ var scrollbarVarsInfo = scrollbarVars._info;
+ var digit = 1000000;
+ //get and apply intended handle length
+ var handleRatio = MATH.min(1, (_hostSizeCache[scrollbarVars._w_h] - (_paddingAbsoluteCache ? (isHorizontal ? _paddingX : _paddingY) : 0)) / _contentScrollSizeCache[scrollbarVars._w_h]);
+ handleCSS[scrollbarVars._width_height] = (MATH.floor(handleRatio * 100 * digit) / digit) + "%"; //the last * digit / digit is for flooring to the 4th digit
+ if (!nativeOverlayScrollbarsAreActive())
+ scrollbarVars._handle.css(handleCSS);
+ //measure the handle length to respect min & max length
+ scrollbarVarsInfo._handleLength = scrollbarVars._handle[0]['offset' + scrollbarVars._Width_Height];
+ scrollbarVarsInfo._handleLengthRatio = handleRatio;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Refreshes the handle offset of the given scrollbar.
+ * @param isHorizontal True if the horizontal scrollbar handle shall be refreshed, false if the vertical one shall be refreshed.
+ * @param scrollOrTransition The scroll position of the given scrollbar axis to which the handle shall be moved or a boolean which indicates whether a transition shall be applied. If undefined or boolean if the current scroll-offset is taken. (if isHorizontal ? scrollLeft : scrollTop)
+ */
+ function refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(isHorizontal, scrollOrTransition) {
+ var transition = type(scrollOrTransition) == TYPES.b;
+ var transitionDuration = 250;
+ var isRTLisHorizontal = _isRTL && isHorizontal;
+ var scrollbarVars = getScrollbarVars(isHorizontal);
+ var scrollbarVarsInfo = scrollbarVars._info;
+ var strTranslateBrace = 'translate(';
+ var strTransform = VENDORS._cssProperty('transform');
+ var strTransition = VENDORS._cssProperty('transition');
+ var nativeScroll = isHorizontal ? _viewportElement[_strScrollLeft]() : _viewportElement[_strScrollTop]();
+ var currentScroll = scrollOrTransition === undefined || transition ? nativeScroll : scrollOrTransition;
+ //measure the handle length to respect min & max length
+ var handleLength = scrollbarVarsInfo._handleLength;
+ var trackLength = scrollbarVars._track[0]['offset' + scrollbarVars._Width_Height];
+ var handleTrackDiff = trackLength - handleLength;
+ var handleCSS = {};
+ var transformOffset;
+ var translateValue;
+ //DONT use the variable '_contentScrollSizeCache[scrollbarVars._w_h]' instead of '_viewportElement[0]['scroll' + scrollbarVars._Width_Height]'
+ // because its a bit behind during the small delay when content size updates
+ //(delay = mutationObserverContentLag, if its 0 then this var could be used)
+ var maxScroll = (_viewportElementNative[_strScroll + scrollbarVars._Width_Height] - _viewportElementNative['client' + scrollbarVars._Width_Height]) * (_rtlScrollBehavior.n && isRTLisHorizontal ? -1 : 1); //* -1 if rtl scroll max is negative
+ var getScrollRatio = function(base) {
+ return isNaN(base / maxScroll) ? 0 : MATH.max(0, MATH.min(1, base / maxScroll));
+ };
+ var getHandleOffset = function(scrollRatio) {
+ var offset = handleTrackDiff * scrollRatio;
+ offset = isNaN(offset) ? 0 : offset;
+ offset = (isRTLisHorizontal && !_rtlScrollBehavior.i) ? (trackLength - handleLength - offset) : offset;
+ offset = MATH.max(0, offset);
+ return offset;
+ };
+ var scrollRatio = getScrollRatio(nativeScroll);
+ var unsnappedScrollRatio = getScrollRatio(currentScroll);
+ var handleOffset = getHandleOffset(unsnappedScrollRatio);
+ var snappedHandleOffset = getHandleOffset(scrollRatio);
+ scrollbarVarsInfo._maxScroll = maxScroll;
+ scrollbarVarsInfo._currentScroll = nativeScroll;
+ scrollbarVarsInfo._currentScrollRatio = scrollRatio;
+ if (_supportTransform) {
+ transformOffset = isRTLisHorizontal ? -(trackLength - handleLength - handleOffset) : handleOffset; //in px
+ //transformOffset = (transformOffset / trackLength * 100) * (trackLength / handleLength); //in %
+ translateValue = isHorizontal ? strTranslateBrace + transformOffset + 'px, 0)' : strTranslateBrace + '0, ' + transformOffset + 'px)';
+ handleCSS[strTransform] = translateValue;
+ //apply or clear up transition
+ if(_supportTransition)
+ handleCSS[strTransition] = transition && MATH.abs(handleOffset - scrollbarVarsInfo._handleOffset) > 1 ? getCSSTransitionString(scrollbarVars._handle) + ', ' + (strTransform + _strSpace + transitionDuration + 'ms') : _strEmpty;
+ }
+ else
+ handleCSS[scrollbarVars._left_top] = handleOffset;
+ //only apply css if offset has changed and overflow exists.
+ if (!nativeOverlayScrollbarsAreActive()) {
+ scrollbarVars._handle.css(handleCSS);
+ //clear up transition
+ if(_supportTransform && _supportTransition && transition) {
+ scrollbarVars._handle.one(_strTransitionEndEvent, function() {
+ if(!_destroyed)
+ scrollbarVars._handle.css(strTransition, _strEmpty);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ scrollbarVarsInfo._handleOffset = handleOffset;
+ scrollbarVarsInfo._snappedHandleOffset = snappedHandleOffset;
+ scrollbarVarsInfo._trackLength = trackLength;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Refreshes the interactivity of the given scrollbar element.
+ * @param isTrack True if the track element is the target, false if the handle element is the target.
+ * @param value True for interactivity false for no interactivity.
+ */
+ function refreshScrollbarsInteractive(isTrack, value) {
+ var action = value ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass';
+ var element1 = isTrack ? _scrollbarHorizontalTrackElement : _scrollbarHorizontalHandleElement;
+ var element2 = isTrack ? _scrollbarVerticalTrackElement : _scrollbarVerticalHandleElement;
+ var className = isTrack ? _classNameScrollbarTrackOff : _classNameScrollbarHandleOff;
+ element1[action](className);
+ element2[action](className);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a object which is used for fast access for specific variables.
+ * @param isHorizontal True if the horizontal scrollbar vars shall be accessed, false if the vertical scrollbar vars shall be accessed.
+ * @returns {{wh: string, WH: string, lt: string, _wh: string, _lt: string, t: *, h: *, c: {}, s: *}}
+ */
+ function getScrollbarVars(isHorizontal) {
+ return {
+ _width_height: isHorizontal ? _strWidth : _strHeight,
+ _Width_Height: isHorizontal ? 'Width' : 'Height',
+ _left_top: isHorizontal ? _strLeft : _strTop,
+ _Left_Top: isHorizontal ? 'Left' : 'Top',
+ _x_y: isHorizontal ? _strX : _strY,
+ _X_Y: isHorizontal ? 'X' : 'Y',
+ _w_h: isHorizontal ? 'w' : 'h',
+ _l_t: isHorizontal ? 'l' : 't',
+ _track: isHorizontal ? _scrollbarHorizontalTrackElement : _scrollbarVerticalTrackElement,
+ _handle: isHorizontal ? _scrollbarHorizontalHandleElement : _scrollbarVerticalHandleElement,
+ _scrollbar: isHorizontal ? _scrollbarHorizontalElement : _scrollbarVerticalElement,
+ _info: isHorizontal ? _scrollHorizontalInfo : _scrollVerticalInfo
+ };
+ }
+ //==== Scrollbar Corner ====//
+ /**
+ * Builds or destroys the scrollbar corner DOM element.
+ * @param destroy Indicates whether the DOM shall be build or destroyed.
+ */
+ function setupScrollbarCornerDOM(destroy) {
+ if(!destroy) {
+ _scrollbarCornerElement = FRAMEWORK(generateDiv(_classNameScrollbarCorner));
+ _hostElement.append(_scrollbarCornerElement);
+ }
+ else {
+ remove(_scrollbarCornerElement);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initializes all scrollbar corner interactivity events.
+ */
+ function setupScrollbarCornerEvents() {
+ var insideIFrame = _windowElementNative.top !== _windowElementNative;
+ var mouseDownPosition = { };
+ var mouseDownSize = { };
+ var mouseDownInvertedScale = { };
+ _resizeOnMouseTouchDown = function(event) {
+ if (onMouseTouchDownContinue(event)) {
+ if (_mutationObserversConnected) {
+ _resizeReconnectMutationObserver = true;
+ disconnectMutationObservers();
+ }
+ mouseDownPosition = getCoordinates(event);
+ mouseDownSize.w = _hostElementNative[LEXICON.oW] - (!_isBorderBox ? _paddingX : 0);
+ mouseDownSize.h = _hostElementNative[LEXICON.oH] - (!_isBorderBox ? _paddingY : 0);
+ mouseDownInvertedScale = getHostElementInvertedScale();
+ _documentElement.on(_strSelectStartEvent, documentOnSelectStart)
+ .on(_strMouseTouchMoveEvent, documentDragMove)
+ .on(_strMouseTouchUpEvent, documentMouseTouchUp);
+ addClass(_bodyElement, _classNameDragging);
+ if (_scrollbarCornerElement.setCapture)
+ _scrollbarCornerElement.setCapture();
+ COMPATIBILITY.prvD(event);
+ COMPATIBILITY.stpP(event);
+ }
+ };
+ function documentDragMove(event) {
+ if (onMouseTouchDownContinue(event)) {
+ var pageOffset = getCoordinates(event);
+ var hostElementCSS = { };
+ if (_resizeHorizontal || _resizeBoth)
+ hostElementCSS[_strWidth] = (mouseDownSize.w + (pageOffset.x - mouseDownPosition.x) * mouseDownInvertedScale.x);
+ if (_resizeVertical || _resizeBoth)
+ hostElementCSS[_strHeight] = (mouseDownSize.h + (pageOffset.y - mouseDownPosition.y) * mouseDownInvertedScale.y);
+ _hostElement.css(hostElementCSS);
+ COMPATIBILITY.stpP(event);
+ }
+ else {
+ documentMouseTouchUp(event);
+ }
+ }
+ function documentMouseTouchUp(event) {
+ var eventIsTrusted = event !== undefined;
+ _documentElement.off(_strSelectStartEvent, documentOnSelectStart)
+ .off(_strMouseTouchMoveEvent, documentDragMove)
+ .off(_strMouseTouchUpEvent, documentMouseTouchUp);
+ removeClass(_bodyElement, _classNameDragging);
+ if (_scrollbarCornerElement.releaseCapture)
+ _scrollbarCornerElement.releaseCapture();
+ if (eventIsTrusted) {
+ if (_resizeReconnectMutationObserver)
+ connectMutationObservers();
+ _base.update(_strAuto);
+ }
+ _resizeReconnectMutationObserver = false;
+ }
+ function onMouseTouchDownContinue(event) {
+ var originalEvent = event.originalEvent || event;
+ var isTouchEvent = originalEvent.touches !== undefined;
+ return _isSleeping || _destroyed ? false : COMPATIBILITY.mBtn(event) === 1 || isTouchEvent;
+ }
+ function getCoordinates(event) {
+ return _msieVersion && insideIFrame ? { x : event.screenX , y : event.screenY } : COMPATIBILITY.page(event);
+ }
+ }
+ //==== Utils ====//
+ /**
+ * Calls the callback with the given name. The Context of this callback is always _base (this).
+ * @param name The name of the target which shall be called.
+ * @param args The args with which the callback shall be called.
+ */
+ function dispatchCallback(name, args) {
+ if(_initialized) {
+ var callback = _currentPreparedOptions.callbacks[name];
+ var extensionOnName = name;
+ var ext;
+ if(extensionOnName.substr(0, 2) === "on")
+ extensionOnName = extensionOnName.substr(2, 1).toLowerCase() + extensionOnName.substr(3);
+ if(type(callback) == TYPES.f)
+ callback.call(_base, args);
+ FRAMEWORK.each(_extensions, function() {
+ ext = this;
+ if(type(ext.on) == TYPES.f)
+ ext.on(extensionOnName, args);
+ });
+ }
+ else if(!_destroyed)
+ _callbacksInitQeueue.push({ n : name, a : args });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the "top, right, bottom, left" properties, with a given prefix, of the given css object.
+ * @param targetCSSObject The css object to which the values shall be applied.
+ * @param prefix The prefix of the "top, right, bottom, left" css properties. (example: 'padding-' is a valid prefix)
+ * @param values A array of values which shall be applied to the "top, right, bottom, left" -properties. The array order is [top, right, bottom, left].
+ * If this argument is undefined the value '' (empty string) will be applied to all properties.
+ */
+ function setTopRightBottomLeft(targetCSSObject, prefix, values) {
+ if (values === undefined)
+ values = [_strEmpty, _strEmpty, _strEmpty, _strEmpty];
+ targetCSSObject[prefix + _strTop] = values[0];
+ targetCSSObject[prefix + _strRight] = values[1];
+ targetCSSObject[prefix + _strBottom] = values[2];
+ targetCSSObject[prefix + _strLeft] = values[3];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the computed CSS transition string from the given element.
+ * @param element The element from which the transition string shall be returned.
+ * @returns {string} The CSS transition string from the given element.
+ */
+ function getCSSTransitionString(element) {
+ var transitionStr = VENDORS._cssProperty('transition');
+ var assembledValue = element.css(transitionStr);
+ if(assembledValue)
+ return assembledValue;
+ var regExpString = '\\s*(' + '([^,(]+(\\(.+?\\))?)+' + ')[\\s,]*';
+ var regExpMain = new RegExp(regExpString);
+ var regExpValidate = new RegExp('^(' + regExpString + ')+$');
+ var properties = 'property duration timing-function delay'.split(' ');
+ var result = [ ];
+ var strResult;
+ var valueArray;
+ var i = 0;
+ var j;
+ var splitCssStyleByComma = function(str) {
+ strResult = [ ];
+ if (!str.match(regExpValidate))
+ return str;
+ while (str.match(regExpMain)) {
+ strResult.push(RegExp.$1);
+ str = str.replace(regExpMain, _strEmpty);
+ }
+ return strResult;
+ };
+ for (; i < properties[LEXICON.l]; i++) {
+ valueArray = splitCssStyleByComma(element.css(transitionStr + '-' + properties[i]));
+ for (j = 0; j < valueArray[LEXICON.l]; j++)
+ result[j] = (result[j] ? result[j] + _strSpace : _strEmpty) + valueArray[j];
+ }
+ return result.join(', ');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the host-elements inverted scale. (invertedScale = 1 / scale)
+ * @returns {{x: number, y: number}} The scale of the host-element.
+ */
+ function getHostElementInvertedScale() {
+ var rect = _paddingElementNative.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return {
+ x : _supportTransform ? 1 / (MATH.round(rect.width) / _paddingElementNative[LEXICON.oW]) : 1,
+ y : _supportTransform ? 1 / (MATH.round(rect.height) / _paddingElementNative[LEXICON.oH]) : 1
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the given object is a HTMLElement.
+ * @param o The object which shall be checked.
+ * @returns {boolean} True the given object is a HTMLElement, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function isHTMLElement(o) {
+ var strOwnerDocument = 'ownerDocument';
+ var strHTMLElement = 'HTMLElement';
+ var wnd = o && o[strOwnerDocument] ? (o[strOwnerDocument].parentWindow || window) : window;
+ return (
+ typeof wnd[strHTMLElement] == TYPES.o ? o instanceof wnd[strHTMLElement] : //DOM2
+ o && typeof o == TYPES.o && o !== null && o.nodeType === 1 && typeof o.nodeName == TYPES.s
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compares 2 arrays and returns the differences between them as a array.
+ * @param a1 The first array which shall be compared.
+ * @param a2 The second array which shall be compared.
+ * @returns {Array} The differences between the two arrays.
+ */
+ function getArrayDifferences(a1, a2) {
+ var a = [ ];
+ var diff = [ ];
+ var i;
+ var k;
+ for (i = 0; i < a1.length; i++)
+ a[a1[i]] = true;
+ for (i = 0; i < a2.length; i++) {
+ if (a[a2[i]])
+ delete a[a2[i]];
+ else
+ a[a2[i]] = true;
+ }
+ for (k in a)
+ diff.push(k);
+ return diff;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns Zero or the number to which the value can be parsed.
+ * @param value The value which shall be parsed.
+ * @param toFloat Indicates whether the number shall be parsed to a float.
+ */
+ function parseToZeroOrNumber(value, toFloat) {
+ var num = toFloat ? parseFloat(value) : parseInt(value, 10);
+ return isNaN(num) ? 0 : num;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets several information of the textarea and returns them as a object or undefined if the browser doesn't support it.
+ * @returns {{cursorRow: Number, cursorCol, rows: Number, cols: number, wRow: number, pos: number, max : number}} or undefined if not supported.
+ */
+ function getTextareaInfo() {
+ //read needed values
+ var textareaCursorPosition = _targetElementNative.selectionStart;
+ if (textareaCursorPosition === undefined)
+ return;
+ var strLength = 'length';
+ var textareaValue = _targetElement.val();
+ var textareaLength = textareaValue[strLength];
+ var textareaRowSplit = textareaValue.split("\n");
+ var textareaLastRow = textareaRowSplit[strLength];
+ var textareaCurrentCursorRowSplit = textareaValue.substr(0, textareaCursorPosition).split("\n");
+ var widestRow = 0;
+ var textareaLastCol = 0;
+ var cursorRow = textareaCurrentCursorRowSplit[strLength];
+ var cursorCol = textareaCurrentCursorRowSplit[textareaCurrentCursorRowSplit[strLength] - 1][strLength];
+ var rowCols;
+ var i;
+ //get widest Row and the last column of the textarea
+ for (i = 0; i < textareaRowSplit[strLength]; i++) {
+ rowCols = textareaRowSplit[i][strLength];
+ if (rowCols > textareaLastCol) {
+ widestRow = i + 1;
+ textareaLastCol = rowCols;
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ _cursorRow: cursorRow, //cursorRow
+ _cursorColumn: cursorCol, //cursorCol
+ _rows: textareaLastRow, //rows
+ _columns: textareaLastCol, //cols
+ _widestRow: widestRow, //wRow
+ _cursorPosition: textareaCursorPosition, //pos
+ _cursorMax: textareaLength //max
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines whether native overlay scrollbars are active.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if native overlay scrollbars are active, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function nativeOverlayScrollbarsAreActive() {
+ return (_ignoreOverlayScrollbarHidingCache && (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x && _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.y));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the element which is used to measure the content size.
+ * @returns {*} TextareaCover if target element is textarea else the ContentElement.
+ */
+ function getContentMeasureElement() {
+ return _isTextarea ? _textareaCoverElement[0] : _contentElementNative;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates a string which represents a HTML div with the given classes or attributes.
+ * @param classesOrAttrs The class of the div as string or a object which represents the attributes of the div. (The class attribute can also be written as "className".)
+ * @param content The content of the div as string.
+ * @returns {string} The concated string which represents a HTML div and its content.
+ */
+ function generateDiv(classesOrAttrs, content) {
+ return '<div ' + (classesOrAttrs ? type(classesOrAttrs) == TYPES.s ?
+ 'class="' + classesOrAttrs + '"' :
+ (function() {
+ var key;
+ var attrs = '';
+ if(FRAMEWORK.isPlainObject(classesOrAttrs)) {
+ for (key in classesOrAttrs)
+ attrs += (key === 'className' ? 'class' : key) + '="' + classesOrAttrs[key] + '" ';
+ }
+ return attrs;
+ })() :
+ _strEmpty) +
+ '>' +
+ (content ? content : _strEmpty) +
+ '</div>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the value of the given property from the given object.
+ * @param obj The object from which the property value shall be got.
+ * @param path The property of which the value shall be got.
+ * @returns {*} Returns the value of the searched property or undefined of the property wasn't found.
+ */
+ function getObjectPropVal(obj, path) {
+ var splits = path.split(_strDot);
+ var i = 0;
+ var val;
+ for(; i < splits.length; i++) {
+ if(!obj.hasOwnProperty(splits[i]))
+ return;
+ val = obj[splits[i]];
+ if(i < splits.length && type(val) == TYPES.o)
+ obj = val;
+ }
+ return val;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the value of the given property from the given object.
+ * @param obj The object from which the property value shall be set.
+ * @param path The property of which the value shall be set.
+ * @param val The value of the property which shall be set.
+ */
+ function setObjectPropVal(obj, path, val) {
+ var splits = path.split(_strDot);
+ var splitsLength = splits.length;
+ var i = 0;
+ var extendObj = { };
+ var extendObjRoot = extendObj;
+ for(; i < splitsLength; i++)
+ extendObj = extendObj[splits[i]] = i + 1 < splitsLength ? { } : val;
+ FRAMEWORK.extend(obj, extendObjRoot, true);
+ }
+ //==== Utils Cache ====//
+ /**
+ * Compares two values and returns the result of the comparison as a boolean.
+ * @param current The first value which shall be compared.
+ * @param cache The second value which shall be compared.
+ * @param force If true the returned value is always true.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if both variables aren't equal or some of them is undefined or when the force parameter is true, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function checkCacheSingle(current, cache, force) {
+ if (force === true)
+ return force;
+ if (cache === undefined)
+ return true;
+ else if (current !== cache)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compares two objects with two properties and returns the result of the comparison as a boolean.
+ * @param current The first object which shall be compared.
+ * @param cache The second object which shall be compared.
+ * @param prop1 The name of the first property of the objects which shall be compared.
+ * @param prop2 The name of the second property of the objects which shall be compared.
+ * @param force If true the returned value is always true.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if both variables aren't equal or some of them is undefined or when the force parameter is true, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function checkCacheDouble(current, cache, prop1, prop2, force) {
+ if (force === true)
+ return force;
+ if (prop2 === undefined && force === undefined) {
+ if (prop1 === true)
+ return prop1;
+ else
+ prop1 = undefined;
+ }
+ prop1 = prop1 === undefined ? 'w' : prop1;
+ prop2 = prop2 === undefined ? 'h' : prop2;
+ if (cache === undefined)
+ return true;
+ else if (current[prop1] !== cache[prop1] || current[prop2] !== cache[prop2])
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compares two objects which have four properties and returns the result of the comparison as a boolean.
+ * @param current The first object with four properties.
+ * @param cache The second object with four properties.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if both objects aren't equal or some of them is undefined, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function checkCacheTRBL(current, cache) {
+ if (cache === undefined)
+ return true;
+ else if (current.t !== cache.t ||
+ current.r !== cache.r ||
+ current.b !== cache.b ||
+ current.l !== cache.l)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //==== Shortcuts ====//
+ /**
+ * jQuery type method shortcut.
+ */
+ function type(obj) {
+ return COMPATIBILITY.type(obj);
+ }
+ /**
+ * jQuery extend method shortcut with a appended "true" as first argument.
+ */
+ function extendDeep() {
+ return FRAMEWORK.extend.apply(this, [ true ].concat([].slice.call(arguments)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * jQuery addClass method shortcut.
+ */
+ function addClass(el, classes) {
+ return _frameworkProto.addClass.call(el, classes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * jQuery removeClass method shortcut.
+ */
+ function removeClass(el, classes) {
+ return _frameworkProto.removeClass.call(el, classes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * jQuery remove method shortcut.
+ */
+ function remove(el) {
+ return _frameworkProto.remove.call(el);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds the first child element with the given selector of the given element.
+ * @param el The root element from which the selector shall be valid.
+ * @param selector The selector of the searched element.
+ * @returns {*} The first element which is a child of the given element and matches the givens selector.
+ */
+ function findFirst(el, selector) {
+ return _frameworkProto.find.call(el, selector).eq(0);
+ }
+ //==== API ====//
+ /**
+ * Puts the instance to sleep. It wont respond to any changes in the DOM and won't update. Scrollbar Interactivity is also disabled as well as the resize handle.
+ * This behavior can be reset by calling the update method.
+ */
+ _base.sleep = function () {
+ _isSleeping = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the plugin and DOM to the current options.
+ * This method should only be called if a update is 100% required.
+ * @param force True if every property shall be updated and the cache shall be ignored.
+ * !INTERNAL USAGE! : force can be a string "auto", "auto+" or "zoom" too
+ * if this is the case then before a real update the content size and host element attributes gets checked, and if they changed only then the update method will be called.
+ */
+ _base.update = function (force) {
+ var attrsChanged;
+ var contentSizeC;
+ var isString = type(force) == TYPES.s;
+ var imgElementSelector = 'img';
+ var imgElementLoadEvent = 'load';
+ var isPlus = isString && force.slice(-1) == '+';
+ if(isString) {
+ if (force.indexOf(_strAuto) === 0) {
+ attrsChanged = meaningfulAttrsChanged();
+ contentSizeC = updateAutoContentSizeChanged();
+ if (attrsChanged || contentSizeC || isPlus)
+ update(false, contentSizeC, false, isPlus);
+ }
+ else if (force === 'zoom')
+ update(true, true);
+ }
+ else {
+ force = _isSleeping || force;
+ _isSleeping = false;
+ update(false, false, force, true);
+ }
+ if(!_isTextarea) {
+ _contentElement.find(imgElementSelector).each(function(i, el) {
+ var index = COMPATIBILITY.inA(el, _imgs);
+ if (index === -1)
+ FRAMEWORK(el).off(imgElementLoadEvent, imgOnLoad).on(imgElementLoadEvent, imgOnLoad);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Gets or sets the current options. The update method will be called automatically if new options were set.
+ * @param newOptions If new options are given, then the new options will be set, if new options aren't given (undefined or a not a plain object) then the current options will be returned.
+ * @param value If new options is a property path string, then this value will be used to set the option to which the property path string leads.
+ * @returns {*}
+ */
+ _base.options = function (newOptions, value) {
+ //return current options if newOptions are undefined or empty
+ if (FRAMEWORK.isEmptyObject(newOptions) || !FRAMEWORK.isPlainObject(newOptions)) {
+ if (type(newOptions) == TYPES.s) {
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ var option = { };
+ setObjectPropVal(option, newOptions, value);
+ setOptions(option);
+ update();
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ return getObjectPropVal(_currentOptions, newOptions);
+ }
+ else
+ return _currentOptions;
+ }
+ setOptions(newOptions);
+ var isSleepingTmp = _isSleeping || false;
+ _isSleeping = false;
+ update();
+ _isSleeping = isSleepingTmp;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Restore the DOM, disconnects all observers, remove all resize observers and destroy all methods.
+ */
+ _base.destroy = function () {
+ _destroyed = true;
+ //remove this instance from auto update loop
+ autoUpdateLoop.remove(_base);
+ //disconnect all mutation observers
+ disconnectMutationObservers();
+ //remove all resize observers
+ removeResizeObserver(_sizeObserverElement);
+ if (_sizeAutoObserverAdded)
+ removeResizeObserver(_sizeAutoObserverElement);
+ //remove all extensions
+ for(var extName in _extensions)
+ _base.removeExt(extName);
+ //remove all events from host element
+ setupHostMouseTouchEvents(true);
+ //remove all events from structure
+ setupStructureEvents(true);
+ //remove all helper / detection elements
+ if (_contentGlueElement)
+ remove(_contentGlueElement);
+ if (_contentArrangeElement)
+ remove(_contentArrangeElement);
+ if (_sizeAutoObserverAdded)
+ remove(_sizeAutoObserverElement);
+ //remove all generated DOM
+ setupScrollbarsDOM(true);
+ setupScrollbarCornerDOM(true);
+ setupStructureDOM(true);
+ //remove all generated image load events
+ for(var i = 0; i < _imgs[LEXICON.l]; i++)
+ FRAMEWORK(_imgs[i]).off('load', imgOnLoad);
+ _imgs = undefined;
+ //remove this instance from the instances list
+ INSTANCES(pluginTargetElement, 0);
+ dispatchCallback("onDestroyed");
+ //remove all properties and methods
+ for (var property in _base)
+ delete _base[property];
+ _base = undefined;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Scrolls to a given position or element.
+ * @param coordinates
+ * 1. Can be "coordinates" which looks like:
+ * { x : ?, y : ? } OR Object with x and y properties
+ * { left : ?, top : ? } OR Object with left and top properties
+ * { l : ?, t : ? } OR Object with l and t properties
+ * [ ?, ? ] OR Array where the first two element are the coordinates (first is x, second is y)
+ * ? A single value which stays for both axis
+ * A value can be a number, a string or a calculation.
+ *
+ * Operators:
+ * [NONE] The current scroll will be overwritten by the value.
+ * '+=' The value will be added to the current scroll offset
+ * '-=' The value will be subtracted from the current scroll offset
+ * '*=' The current scroll wil be multiplicated by the value.
+ * '/=' The current scroll wil be divided by the value.
+ *
+ * Units:
+ * [NONE] The value is the final scroll amount. final = (value * 1)
+ * 'px' Same as none
+ * '%' The value is dependent on the current scroll value. final = ((currentScrollValue / 100) * value)
+ * 'vw' The value is multiplicated by the viewport width. final = (value * viewportWidth)
+ * 'vh' The value is multiplicated by the viewport height. final = (value * viewportHeight)
+ *
+ * example final values:
+ * 200, '200px', '50%', '1vw', '1vh', '+=200', '/=1vw', '*=2px', '-=5vh', '+=33%', '+= 50% - 2px', '-= 1vw - 50%'
+ *
+ * 2. Can be a HTML or jQuery element:
+ * The final scroll offset is the offset (without margin) of the given HTML / jQuery element.
+ *
+ * 3. Can be a object with a HTML or jQuery element with additional settings:
+ * {
+ * el : [HTMLElement, jQuery element], MUST be specified, else this object isn't valid.
+ * scroll : [string, array, object], Default value is 'always'.
+ * block : [string, array, object], Default value is 'begin'.
+ * margin : [number, boolean, array, object] Default value is false.
+ * }
+ *
+ * Possible scroll settings are:
+ * 'always' Scrolls always.
+ * 'ifneeded' Scrolls only if the element isnt fully in view.
+ * 'never' Scrolls never.
+ *
+ * Possible block settings are:
+ * 'begin' Both axis shall be docked to the "begin" edge. - The element will be docked to the top and left edge of the viewport.
+ * 'end' Both axis shall be docked to the "end" edge. - The element will be docked to the bottom and right edge of the viewport. (If direction is RTL to the bottom and left edge.)
+ * 'center' Both axis shall be docked to "center". - The element will be centered in the viewport.
+ * 'nearest' The element will be docked to the nearest edge(s).
+ *
+ * Possible margin settings are: -- The actual margin of the element wont be affect, this option affects only the final scroll offset.
+ * [BOOLEAN] If true the css margin of the element will be used, if false no margin will be used.
+ * [NUMBER] The margin will be used for all edges.
+ *
+ * @param duration The duration of the scroll animation, OR a jQuery animation configuration object.
+ * @param easing The animation easing.
+ * @param complete The animation complete callback.
+ * @returns {{
+ * position: {x: number, y: number},
+ * ratio: {x: number, y: number},
+ * max: {x: number, y: number},
+ * handleOffset: {x: number, y: number},
+ * handleLength: {x: number, y: number},
+ * handleLengthRatio: {x: number, y: number}, t
+ * rackLength: {x: number, y: number},
+ * isRTL: boolean,
+ * isRTLNormalized: boolean
+ * }}
+ */
+ _base.scroll = function (coordinates, duration, easing, complete) {
+ if (arguments.length === 0 || coordinates === undefined) {
+ var infoX = _scrollHorizontalInfo;
+ var infoY = _scrollVerticalInfo;
+ var normalizeInvert = _normalizeRTLCache && _isRTL && _rtlScrollBehavior.i;
+ var normalizeNegate = _normalizeRTLCache && _isRTL && _rtlScrollBehavior.n;
+ var scrollX = infoX._currentScroll;
+ var scrollXRatio = infoX._currentScrollRatio;
+ var maxScrollX = infoX._maxScroll;
+ scrollXRatio = normalizeInvert ? 1 - scrollXRatio : scrollXRatio;
+ scrollX = normalizeInvert ? maxScrollX - scrollX : scrollX;
+ scrollX *= normalizeNegate ? -1 : 1;
+ maxScrollX *= normalizeNegate ? -1 : 1;
+ return {
+ position : {
+ x : scrollX,
+ y : infoY._currentScroll
+ },
+ ratio : {
+ x : scrollXRatio,
+ y : infoY._currentScrollRatio
+ },
+ max : {
+ x : maxScrollX,
+ y : infoY._maxScroll
+ },
+ handleOffset : {
+ x : infoX._handleOffset,
+ y : infoY._handleOffset
+ },
+ handleLength : {
+ x : infoX._handleLength,
+ y : infoY._handleLength
+ },
+ handleLengthRatio : {
+ x : infoX._handleLengthRatio,
+ y : infoY._handleLengthRatio
+ },
+ trackLength : {
+ x : infoX._trackLength,
+ y : infoY._trackLength
+ },
+ snappedHandleOffset : {
+ x : infoX._snappedHandleOffset,
+ y : infoY._snappedHandleOffset
+ },
+ isRTL: _isRTL,
+ isRTLNormalized: _normalizeRTLCache
+ };
+ }
+ var normalizeRTL = _normalizeRTLCache;
+ var coordinatesXAxisProps = [_strX, _strLeft, 'l'];
+ var coordinatesYAxisProps = [_strY, _strTop, 't'];
+ var coordinatesOperators = ['+=', '-=', '*=', '/='];
+ var durationIsObject = type(duration) == TYPES.o;
+ var completeCallback = durationIsObject ? duration.complete : complete;
+ var i;
+ var finalScroll = { };
+ var specialEasing = {};
+ var doScrollLeft;
+ var doScrollTop;
+ var animationOptions;
+ var strEnd = 'end';
+ var strBegin = 'begin';
+ var strCenter = 'center';
+ var strNearest = 'nearest';
+ var strAlways = 'always';
+ var strNever = 'never';
+ var strIfNeeded = 'ifneeded';
+ var strLength = LEXICON.l;
+ var settingsAxis;
+ var settingsScroll;
+ var settingsBlock;
+ var settingsMargin;
+ var finalElement;
+ var elementObjSettingsAxisValues = [_strX, _strY, 'xy', 'yx'];
+ var elementObjSettingsBlockValues = [strBegin, strEnd, strCenter, strNearest];
+ var elementObjSettingsScrollValues = [strAlways, strNever, strIfNeeded];
+ var coordinatesIsElementObj = coordinates.hasOwnProperty('el');
+ var possibleElement = coordinatesIsElementObj ? coordinates.el : coordinates;
+ var possibleElementIsJQuery = possibleElement instanceof FRAMEWORK || JQUERY ? possibleElement instanceof JQUERY : false;
+ var possibleElementIsHTMLElement = possibleElementIsJQuery ? false : isHTMLElement(possibleElement);
+ var proxyCompleteCallback = type(completeCallback) != TYPES.f ? undefined : function() {
+ if(doScrollLeft)
+ refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(true);
+ if(doScrollTop)
+ refreshScrollbarHandleOffset(false);
+ completeCallback();
+ };
+ var checkSettingsStringValue = function (currValue, allowedValues) {
+ for (i = 0; i < allowedValues[strLength]; i++) {
+ if (currValue === allowedValues[i])
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ var getRawScroll = function (isX, coordinates) {
+ var coordinateProps = isX ? coordinatesXAxisProps : coordinatesYAxisProps;
+ coordinates = type(coordinates) == TYPES.s || type(coordinates) == TYPES.n ? [ coordinates, coordinates ] : coordinates;
+ if (type(coordinates) == TYPES.a)
+ return isX ? coordinates[0] : coordinates[1];
+ else if (type(coordinates) == TYPES.o) {
+ //decides RTL normalization "hack" with .n
+ //normalizeRTL = type(coordinates.n) == TYPES.b ? coordinates.n : normalizeRTL;
+ for (i = 0; i < coordinateProps[strLength]; i++)
+ if (coordinateProps[i] in coordinates)
+ return coordinates[coordinateProps[i]];
+ }
+ };
+ var getFinalScroll = function (isX, rawScroll) {
+ var isString = type(rawScroll) == TYPES.s;
+ if(isString)
+ _base.update(_strAuto + '+');
+ var operator;
+ var amount;
+ var scrollInfo = isX ? _scrollHorizontalInfo : _scrollVerticalInfo;
+ var currScroll = scrollInfo._currentScroll;
+ var maxScroll = scrollInfo._maxScroll;
+ var mult = ' * ';
+ var finalValue;
+ var isRTLisX = _isRTL && isX;
+ var normalizeShortcuts = isRTLisX && _rtlScrollBehavior.n && !normalizeRTL;
+ var strReplace = 'replace';
+ var evalFunc = eval;
+ var possibleOperator;
+ if (isString) {
+ //check operator
+ if (rawScroll[strLength] > 2) {
+ possibleOperator = rawScroll.substr(0, 2);
+ if(FRAMEWORK.inArray(possibleOperator, coordinatesOperators) > -1)
+ operator = possibleOperator;
+ }
+ //calculate units and shortcuts
+ rawScroll = operator ? rawScroll.substr(2) : rawScroll;
+ rawScroll = rawScroll
+ [strReplace](/min/g, 0) //'min' = 0%
+ [strReplace](/</g, 0) //'<' = 0%
+ [strReplace](/max/g, (normalizeShortcuts ? '-' : _strEmpty) + _strHundredPercent) //'max' = 100%
+ [strReplace](/>/g, (normalizeShortcuts ? '-' : _strEmpty) + _strHundredPercent) //'>' = 100%
+ [strReplace](/px/g, _strEmpty)
+ [strReplace](/%/g, mult + (maxScroll * (isRTLisX && _rtlScrollBehavior.n ? -1 : 1) / 100.0))
+ [strReplace](/vw/g, mult + _viewportSize.w)
+ [strReplace](/vh/g, mult + _viewportSize.h);
+ amount = parseToZeroOrNumber(isNaN(rawScroll) ? parseToZeroOrNumber(evalFunc(rawScroll), true).toFixed() : rawScroll);
+ }
+ else {
+ amount = rawScroll;
+ }
+ if (amount !== undefined && !isNaN(amount) && type(amount) == TYPES.n) {
+ var normalizeIsRTLisX = normalizeRTL && isRTLisX;
+ var operatorCurrScroll = currScroll * (normalizeIsRTLisX && _rtlScrollBehavior.n ? -1 : 1);
+ var invert = normalizeIsRTLisX && _rtlScrollBehavior.i;
+ var negate = normalizeIsRTLisX && _rtlScrollBehavior.n;
+ operatorCurrScroll = invert ? (maxScroll - operatorCurrScroll) : operatorCurrScroll;
+ switch (operator) {
+ case '+=':
+ finalValue = operatorCurrScroll + amount;
+ break;
+ case '-=':
+ finalValue = operatorCurrScroll - amount;
+ break;
+ case '*=':
+ finalValue = operatorCurrScroll * amount;
+ break;
+ case '/=':
+ finalValue = operatorCurrScroll / amount;
+ break;
+ default:
+ finalValue = amount;
+ break;
+ }
+ finalValue = invert ? maxScroll - finalValue : finalValue;
+ finalValue *= negate ? -1 : 1;
+ finalValue = isRTLisX && _rtlScrollBehavior.n ? MATH.min(0, MATH.max(maxScroll, finalValue)) : MATH.max(0, MATH.min(maxScroll, finalValue));
+ }
+ return finalValue === currScroll ? undefined : finalValue;
+ };
+ var getPerAxisValue = function (value, valueInternalType, defaultValue, allowedValues) {
+ var resultDefault = [ defaultValue, defaultValue ];
+ var valueType = type(value);
+ var valueArrLength;
+ var valueArrItem;
+ //value can be [ string, or array of two strings ]
+ if (valueType == valueInternalType) {
+ value = [value, value];
+ }
+ else if (valueType == TYPES.a) {
+ valueArrLength = value[strLength];
+ if (valueArrLength > 2 || valueArrLength < 1)
+ value = resultDefault;
+ else {
+ if (valueArrLength === 1)
+ value[1] = defaultValue;
+ for (i = 0; i < valueArrLength; i++) {
+ valueArrItem = value[i];
+ if (type(valueArrItem) != valueInternalType || !checkSettingsStringValue(valueArrItem, allowedValues)) {
+ value = resultDefault;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (valueType == TYPES.o)
+ value = [ value[_strX]|| defaultValue, value[_strY] || defaultValue];
+ else
+ value = resultDefault;
+ return { x : value[0], y : value[1] };
+ };
+ var generateMargin = function (marginTopRightBottomLeftArray) {
+ var result = [ ];
+ var currValue;
+ var currValueType;
+ var valueDirections = [ _strTop, _strRight, _strBottom, _strLeft ];
+ for(i = 0; i < marginTopRightBottomLeftArray[strLength]; i++) {
+ if(i === valueDirections[strLength])
+ break;
+ currValue = marginTopRightBottomLeftArray[i];
+ currValueType = type(currValue);
+ if(currValueType == TYPES.b)
+ result.push(currValue ? parseToZeroOrNumber(finalElement.css(_strMarginMinus + valueDirections[i])) : 0);
+ else
+ result.push(currValueType == TYPES.n ? currValue : 0);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ if (possibleElementIsJQuery || possibleElementIsHTMLElement) {
+ //get settings
+ var margin = coordinatesIsElementObj ? coordinates.margin : 0;
+ var axis = coordinatesIsElementObj ? coordinates.axis : 0;
+ var scroll = coordinatesIsElementObj ? coordinates.scroll : 0;
+ var block = coordinatesIsElementObj ? coordinates.block : 0;
+ var marginDefault = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
+ var marginType = type(margin);
+ var marginLength;
+ finalElement = possibleElementIsJQuery ? possibleElement : FRAMEWORK(possibleElement);
+ if (finalElement[strLength] === 0)
+ return;
+ _base.update(_strAuto + '+');
+ //margin can be [ boolean, number, array of 2, array of 4, object ]
+ if (marginType == TYPES.n || marginType == TYPES.b)
+ margin = generateMargin([margin, margin, margin, margin]);
+ else if (marginType == TYPES.a) {
+ marginLength = margin[strLength];
+ if(marginLength === 2)
+ margin = generateMargin([margin[0], margin[1], margin[0], margin[1]]);
+ else if(marginLength >= 4)
+ margin = generateMargin(margin);
+ else
+ margin = marginDefault;
+ }
+ else if (marginType == TYPES.o)
+ margin = generateMargin([margin[_strTop], margin[_strRight], margin[_strBottom], margin[_strLeft]]);
+ else
+ margin = marginDefault;
+ //block = type(block) === TYPES.b ? block ? [ strNearest, strBegin ] : [ strNearest, strEnd ] : block;
+ settingsAxis = checkSettingsStringValue(axis, elementObjSettingsAxisValues) ? axis : 'xy';
+ settingsScroll = getPerAxisValue(scroll, TYPES.s, strAlways, elementObjSettingsScrollValues);
+ settingsBlock = getPerAxisValue(block, TYPES.s, strBegin, elementObjSettingsBlockValues);
+ settingsMargin = margin;
+ var viewportScroll = {
+ l: _scrollHorizontalInfo._currentScroll,
+ t: _scrollVerticalInfo._currentScroll
+ };
+ // use padding element instead of viewport element because padding element has never padding, margin or position applied.
+ var viewportOffset = _paddingElement.offset();
+ //get coordinates
+ var elementOffset = finalElement.offset();
+ var doNotScroll = {
+ x : settingsScroll.x == strNever || settingsAxis == _strY,
+ y : settingsScroll.y == strNever || settingsAxis == _strX
+ };
+ elementOffset[_strTop] -= settingsMargin[0];
+ elementOffset[_strLeft] -= settingsMargin[3];
+ var elementScrollCoordinates = {
+ x: MATH.round(elementOffset[_strLeft] - viewportOffset[_strLeft] + viewportScroll.l),
+ y: MATH.round(elementOffset[_strTop] - viewportOffset[_strTop] + viewportScroll.t)
+ };
+ if (_isRTL) {
+ if (!_rtlScrollBehavior.n && !_rtlScrollBehavior.i)
+ elementScrollCoordinates.x = MATH.round(viewportOffset[_strLeft] - elementOffset[_strLeft] + viewportScroll.l);
+ if (_rtlScrollBehavior.n && normalizeRTL)
+ elementScrollCoordinates.x *= -1;
+ if (_rtlScrollBehavior.i && normalizeRTL)
+ elementScrollCoordinates.x = MATH.round(viewportOffset[_strLeft] - elementOffset[_strLeft] + (_scrollHorizontalInfo._maxScroll - viewportScroll.l));
+ }
+ //measuring is required
+ if (settingsBlock.x != strBegin || settingsBlock.y != strBegin || settingsScroll.x == strIfNeeded || settingsScroll.y == strIfNeeded || _isRTL) {
+ var measuringElm = finalElement[0];
+ var rawElementSize = _supportTransform ? measuringElm.getBoundingClientRect() : {
+ width : measuringElm[LEXICON.oW],
+ height : measuringElm[LEXICON.oH]
+ };
+ var elementSize = {
+ w: rawElementSize[_strWidth] + settingsMargin[3] + settingsMargin[1],
+ h: rawElementSize[_strHeight] + settingsMargin[0] + settingsMargin[2]
+ };
+ var finalizeBlock = function(isX) {
+ var vars = getScrollbarVars(isX);
+ var wh = vars._w_h;
+ var lt = vars._left_top;
+ var xy = vars._x_y;
+ var blockIsEnd = settingsBlock[xy] == (isX ? _isRTL ? strBegin : strEnd : strEnd);
+ var blockIsCenter = settingsBlock[xy] == strCenter;
+ var blockIsNearest = settingsBlock[xy] == strNearest;
+ var scrollNever = settingsScroll[xy] == strNever;
+ var scrollIfNeeded = settingsScroll[xy] == strIfNeeded;
+ var vpSize = _viewportSize[wh];
+ var vpOffset = viewportOffset[lt];
+ var elSize = elementSize[wh];
+ var elOffset = elementOffset[lt];
+ var divide = blockIsCenter ? 2 : 1;
+ var elementCenterOffset = elOffset + (elSize / 2);
+ var viewportCenterOffset = vpOffset + (vpSize / 2);
+ var isInView =
+ elSize <= vpSize
+ && elOffset >= vpOffset
+ && elOffset + elSize <= vpOffset + vpSize;
+ if(scrollNever)
+ doNotScroll[xy] = true;
+ else if(!doNotScroll[xy]) {
+ if (blockIsNearest || scrollIfNeeded) {
+ doNotScroll[xy] = scrollIfNeeded ? isInView : false;
+ blockIsEnd = elSize < vpSize ? elementCenterOffset > viewportCenterOffset : elementCenterOffset < viewportCenterOffset;
+ }
+ elementScrollCoordinates[xy] -= blockIsEnd || blockIsCenter ? ((vpSize / divide) - (elSize / divide)) * (isX && _isRTL && normalizeRTL ? -1 : 1) : 0;
+ }
+ };
+ finalizeBlock(true);
+ finalizeBlock(false);
+ }
+ if (doNotScroll.y)
+ delete elementScrollCoordinates.y;
+ if (doNotScroll.x)
+ delete elementScrollCoordinates.x;
+ coordinates = elementScrollCoordinates;
+ }
+ finalScroll[_strScrollLeft] = getFinalScroll(true, getRawScroll(true, coordinates));
+ finalScroll[_strScrollTop] = getFinalScroll(false, getRawScroll(false, coordinates));
+ doScrollLeft = finalScroll[_strScrollLeft] !== undefined;
+ doScrollTop = finalScroll[_strScrollTop] !== undefined;
+ if ((doScrollLeft || doScrollTop) && (duration > 0 || durationIsObject)) {
+ if (durationIsObject) {
+ duration.complete = proxyCompleteCallback;
+ _viewportElement.animate(finalScroll, duration);
+ }
+ else {
+ animationOptions = {
+ duration: duration,
+ complete: proxyCompleteCallback
+ };
+ if (type(easing) == TYPES.a || FRAMEWORK.isPlainObject(easing)) {
+ specialEasing[_strScrollLeft] = easing[0] || easing.x;
+ specialEasing[_strScrollTop] = easing[1] || easing.y;
+ animationOptions.specialEasing = specialEasing;
+ }
+ else {
+ animationOptions.easing = easing;
+ }
+ _viewportElement.animate(finalScroll, animationOptions);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (doScrollLeft)
+ _viewportElement[_strScrollLeft](finalScroll[_strScrollLeft]);
+ if (doScrollTop)
+ _viewportElement[_strScrollTop](finalScroll[_strScrollTop]);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Stops all scroll animations.
+ * @returns {*} The current OverlayScrollbars instance (for chaining).
+ */
+ _base.scrollStop = function (param1, param2, param3) {
+ _viewportElement.stop(param1, param2, param3);
+ return _base;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns all relevant elements.
+ * @param elementName The name of the element which shall be returned.
+ * @returns {{target: *, host: *, padding: *, viewport: *, content: *, scrollbarHorizontal: {scrollbar: *, track: *, handle: *}, scrollbarVertical: {scrollbar: *, track: *, handle: *}, scrollbarCorner: *} | *}
+ */
+ _base.getElements = function (elementName) {
+ var obj = {
+ target: _targetElementNative,
+ host: _hostElementNative,
+ padding: _paddingElementNative,
+ viewport: _viewportElementNative,
+ content: _contentElementNative,
+ scrollbarHorizontal: {
+ scrollbar: _scrollbarHorizontalElement[0],
+ track: _scrollbarHorizontalTrackElement[0],
+ handle: _scrollbarHorizontalHandleElement[0]
+ },
+ scrollbarVertical: {
+ scrollbar: _scrollbarVerticalElement[0],
+ track: _scrollbarVerticalTrackElement[0],
+ handle: _scrollbarVerticalHandleElement[0]
+ },
+ scrollbarCorner: _scrollbarCornerElement[0]
+ };
+ return type(elementName) == TYPES.s ? getObjectPropVal(obj, elementName) : obj;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns a object which describes the current state of this instance.
+ * @param stateProperty A specific property from the state object which shall be returned.
+ * @returns {{widthAuto, heightAuto, overflowAmount, hideOverflow, hasOverflow, contentScrollSize, viewportSize, hostSize, autoUpdate} | *}
+ */
+ _base.getState = function (stateProperty) {
+ var prepare = function (obj) {
+ if (!FRAMEWORK.isPlainObject(obj))
+ return obj;
+ var extended = extendDeep({}, obj);
+ var changePropertyName = function (from, to) {
+ if (extended.hasOwnProperty(from)) {
+ extended[to] = extended[from];
+ delete extended[from];
+ }
+ };
+ changePropertyName('w', _strWidth); //change w to width
+ changePropertyName('h', _strHeight); //change h to height
+ delete extended.c; //delete c (the 'changed' prop)
+ return extended;
+ };
+ var obj = {
+ sleeping: prepare(_isSleeping) || false,
+ autoUpdate: prepare(!_mutationObserversConnected),
+ widthAuto: prepare(_widthAutoCache),
+ heightAuto: prepare(_heightAutoCache),
+ padding: prepare(_cssPaddingCache),
+ overflowAmount: prepare(_overflowAmountCache),
+ hideOverflow: prepare(_hideOverflowCache),
+ hasOverflow: prepare(_hasOverflowCache),
+ contentScrollSize: prepare(_contentScrollSizeCache),
+ viewportSize: prepare(_viewportSize),
+ hostSize: prepare(_hostSizeCache),
+ documentMixed : prepare(_documentMixed)
+ };
+ return type(stateProperty) == TYPES.s ? getObjectPropVal(obj, stateProperty) : obj;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets all or specific extension instance.
+ * @param extName The name of the extension from which the instance shall be got.
+ * @returns {{}} The instance of the extension with the given name or undefined if the instance couldn't be found.
+ */
+ _base.ext = function(extName) {
+ var result;
+ var privateMethods = _extensionsPrivateMethods.split(' ');
+ var i = 0;
+ if(type(extName) == TYPES.s) {
+ if(_extensions.hasOwnProperty(extName)) {
+ result = extendDeep({}, _extensions[extName]);
+ for (; i < privateMethods.length; i++)
+ delete result[privateMethods[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ result = { };
+ for(i in _extensions)
+ result[i] = extendDeep({ }, _base.ext(i));
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds a extension to this instance.
+ * @param extName The name of the extension which shall be added.
+ * @param extensionOptions The extension options which shall be used.
+ * @returns {{}} The instance of the added extension or undefined if the extension couldn't be added properly.
+ */
+ _base.addExt = function(extName, extensionOptions) {
+ var registeredExtensionObj = window[PLUGINNAME].extension(extName);
+ var instance;
+ var instanceAdded;
+ var instanceContract;
+ var contractResult;
+ var contractFulfilled = true;
+ if(registeredExtensionObj) {
+ if(!_extensions.hasOwnProperty(extName)) {
+ instance = registeredExtensionObj.extensionFactory.call(_base,
+ extendDeep({ }, registeredExtensionObj.defaultOptions),
+ if (instance) {
+ instanceContract = instance.contract;
+ if (type(instanceContract) == TYPES.f) {
+ contractResult = instanceContract(window);
+ contractFulfilled = type(contractResult) == TYPES.b ? contractResult : contractFulfilled;
+ }
+ if(contractFulfilled) {
+ _extensions[extName] = instance;
+ instanceAdded = instance.added;
+ if(type(instanceAdded) == TYPES.f)
+ instanceAdded(extensionOptions);
+ return _base.ext(extName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return _base.ext(extName);
+ }
+ else
+ console.warn("A extension with the name \"" + extName + "\" isn't registered.");
+ };
+ /**
+ * Removes a extension from this instance.
+ * @param extName The name of the extension which shall be removed.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the extension was removed, false otherwise e.g. if the extension wasn't added before.
+ */
+ _base.removeExt = function(extName) {
+ var instance = _extensions[extName];
+ var instanceRemoved;
+ if(instance) {
+ delete _extensions[extName];
+ instanceRemoved = instance.removed;
+ if(type(instanceRemoved) == TYPES.f)
+ instanceRemoved();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Constructs the plugin.
+ * @param targetElement The element to which the plugin shall be applied.
+ * @param options The initial options of the plugin.
+ * @param extensions The extension(s) which shall be added right after the initialization.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the plugin was successfully initialized, false otherwise.
+ */
+ function construct(targetElement, options, extensions) {
+ _defaultOptions = globals.defaultOptions;
+ _nativeScrollbarStyling = globals.nativeScrollbarStyling;
+ _nativeScrollbarSize = extendDeep({}, globals.nativeScrollbarSize);
+ _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid = extendDeep({}, globals.nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid);
+ _overlayScrollbarDummySize = extendDeep({}, globals.overlayScrollbarDummySize);
+ _rtlScrollBehavior = extendDeep({}, globals.rtlScrollBehavior);
+ //parse & set options but don't update
+ setOptions(extendDeep({ }, _defaultOptions, _pluginsOptions._validate(options, _pluginsOptions._template, true)));
+ //check if the plugin hasn't to be initialized
+ if (_nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x && _nativeScrollbarIsOverlaid.x && !_currentPreparedOptions.nativeScrollbarsOverlaid.initialize) {
+ dispatchCallback("onInitializationWithdrawn");
+ return false;
+ }
+ _cssCalc = globals.cssCalc;
+ _msieVersion = globals.msie;
+ _autoUpdateRecommended = globals.autoUpdateRecommended;
+ _supportTransition = globals.supportTransition;
+ _supportTransform = globals.supportTransform;
+ _supportPassiveEvents = globals.supportPassiveEvents;
+ _supportResizeObserver = globals.supportResizeObserver;
+ _supportMutationObserver = globals.supportMutationObserver;
+ _restrictedMeasuring = globals.restrictedMeasuring;
+ _documentElement = FRAMEWORK(targetElement.ownerDocument);
+ _documentElementNative = _documentElement[0];
+ _windowElement = FRAMEWORK(_documentElementNative.defaultView || _documentElementNative.parentWindow);
+ _windowElementNative = _windowElement[0];
+ _htmlElement = findFirst(_documentElement, 'html');
+ _bodyElement = findFirst(_htmlElement, 'body');
+ _targetElement = FRAMEWORK(targetElement);
+ _targetElementNative = _targetElement[0];
+ _isTextarea = _targetElement.is('textarea');
+ _isBody = _targetElement.is('body');
+ _documentMixed = _documentElementNative !== document;
+ var initBodyScroll;
+ if (_isBody) {
+ initBodyScroll = {};
+ initBodyScroll.l = MATH.max(_targetElement[_strScrollLeft](), _htmlElement[_strScrollLeft](), _windowElement[_strScrollLeft]());
+ initBodyScroll.t = MATH.max(_targetElement[_strScrollTop](), _htmlElement[_strScrollTop](), _windowElement[_strScrollTop]());
+ }
+ //build OverlayScrollbars DOM and Events
+ setupStructureDOM();
+ setupStructureEvents();
+ //build Scrollbars DOM and Events
+ setupScrollbarsDOM();
+ setupScrollbarEvents(true);
+ setupScrollbarEvents(false);
+ //build Scrollbar Corner DOM and Events
+ setupScrollbarCornerDOM();
+ setupScrollbarCornerEvents();
+ //create mutation observers
+ createMutationObservers();
+ if(_isBody) {
+ //apply the body scroll to handle it right in the update method
+ _viewportElement[_strScrollLeft](initBodyScroll.l)[_strScrollTop](initBodyScroll.t);
+ //set the focus on the viewport element so you dont have to click on the page to use keyboard keys (up / down / space) for scrolling
+ if(document.activeElement == targetElement && _viewportElementNative.focus) {
+ //set a tabindex to make the viewportElement focusable
+ _viewportElement.attr('tabindex', '-1');
+ _viewportElementNative.focus();
+ /* the tabindex has to be removed due to;
+ * If you set the tabindex attribute on an <div>, then its child content cannot be scrolled with the arrow keys unless you set tabindex on the content, too
+ * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/tabindex
+ */
+ _viewportElement.one(_strMouseTouchDownEvent, function() {
+ _viewportElement.removeAttr('tabindex');
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //build resize observer for the host element
+ addResizeObserver(_sizeObserverElement, hostOnResized);
+ //update for the first time
+ hostOnResized(); //initialize cache for host size
+ _base.update(_strAuto); //initialize cache for content
+ //the plugin is initialized now!
+ _initialized = true;
+ dispatchCallback("onInitialized");
+ //call all callbacks which would fire before the initialized was complete
+ FRAMEWORK.each(_callbacksInitQeueue, function(index, value) { dispatchCallback(value.n, value.a); });
+ _callbacksInitQeueue = [ ];
+ //add extensions
+ if(type(extensions) == TYPES.s)
+ extensions = [ extensions ];
+ if(COMPATIBILITY.isA(extensions))
+ FRAMEWORK.each(extensions, function (index, value) {_base.addExt(value); });
+ else if(FRAMEWORK.isPlainObject(extensions))
+ FRAMEWORK.each(extensions, function (key, value) { _base.addExt(key, value); });
+ //add the transition class for transitions AFTER the first update & AFTER the applied extensions (for preventing unwanted transitions)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ if (_supportTransition && !_destroyed)
+ addClass(_hostElement, _classNameHostTransition);
+ }, 333);
+ return _initialized;
+ }
+ if (construct(pluginTargetElement, options, extensions)) {
+ INSTANCES(pluginTargetElement, _base);
+ return _base;
+ }
+ _base = undefined;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initializes a new OverlayScrollbarsInstance object or changes options if already initialized or returns the current instance.
+ * @param pluginTargetElements The elements to which the Plugin shall be initialized.
+ * @param options The custom options with which the plugin shall be initialized.
+ * @param extensions The extension(s) which shall be added right after initialization.
+ * @returns {*}
+ */
+ window[PLUGINNAME] = function(pluginTargetElements, options, extensions) {
+ if(arguments[LEXICON.l] === 0)
+ return this;
+ var arr = [ ];
+ var optsIsPlainObj = FRAMEWORK.isPlainObject(options);
+ var inst;
+ var result;
+ //pluginTargetElements is null or undefined
+ if(!pluginTargetElements)
+ return optsIsPlainObj || !options ? result : arr;
+ /*
+ pluginTargetElements will be converted to:
+ 1. A jQueryElement Array
+ 2. A HTMLElement Array
+ 3. A Array with a single HTML Element
+ so pluginTargetElements is always a array.
+ */
+ pluginTargetElements = pluginTargetElements[LEXICON.l] != undefined ? pluginTargetElements : [ pluginTargetElements[0] || pluginTargetElements ];
+ initOverlayScrollbarsStatics();
+ if(pluginTargetElements[LEXICON.l] > 0) {
+ if(optsIsPlainObj) {
+ FRAMEWORK.each(pluginTargetElements, function (i, v) {
+ inst = v;
+ if(inst !== undefined)
+ arr.push(OverlayScrollbarsInstance(inst, options, extensions, _pluginsGlobals, _pluginsAutoUpdateLoop));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ FRAMEWORK.each(pluginTargetElements, function(i, v) {
+ inst = INSTANCES(v);
+ if((options === '!' && inst instanceof window[PLUGINNAME]) || (COMPATIBILITY.type(options) == TYPES.f && options(v, inst)))
+ arr.push(inst);
+ else if(options === undefined)
+ arr.push(inst);
+ });
+ }
+ result = arr[LEXICON.l] === 1 ? arr[0] : arr;
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns a object which contains global information about the plugin and each instance of it.
+ * The returned object is just a copy, that means that changes to the returned object won't have any effect to the original object.
+ */
+ window[PLUGINNAME].globals = function () {
+ initOverlayScrollbarsStatics();
+ var globals = FRAMEWORK.extend(true, { }, _pluginsGlobals);
+ delete globals['msie'];
+ return globals;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets or Sets the default options for each new plugin initialization.
+ * @param newDefaultOptions The object with which the default options shall be extended.
+ */
+ window[PLUGINNAME].defaultOptions = function(newDefaultOptions) {
+ initOverlayScrollbarsStatics();
+ var currDefaultOptions = _pluginsGlobals.defaultOptions;
+ if(newDefaultOptions === undefined)
+ return FRAMEWORK.extend(true, { }, currDefaultOptions);
+ //set the new default options
+ _pluginsGlobals.defaultOptions = FRAMEWORK.extend(true, { }, currDefaultOptions , _pluginsOptions._validate(newDefaultOptions, _pluginsOptions._template, true));
+ };
+ /**
+ * Registers, Unregisters or returns a extension.
+ * Register: Pass the name and the extension. (defaultOptions is optional)
+ * Unregister: Pass the name and anything except a function as extension parameter.
+ * Get extension: Pass the name of the extension which shall be got.
+ * Get all extensions: Pass no arguments.
+ * @param extensionName The name of the extension which shall be registered, unregistered or returned.
+ * @param extension A function which generates the instance of the extension or anything other to remove a already registered extension.
+ * @param defaultOptions The default options which shall be used for the registered extension.
+ */
+ window[PLUGINNAME].extension = function(extensionName, extension, defaultOptions) {
+ var extNameTypeString = COMPATIBILITY.type(extensionName) == TYPES.s;
+ var argLen = arguments[LEXICON.l];
+ var i = 0;
+ if(argLen < 1 || !extNameTypeString) {
+ //return a copy of all extension objects
+ return FRAMEWORK.extend(true, { length : _pluginsExtensions[LEXICON.l] }, _pluginsExtensions);
+ }
+ else if(extNameTypeString) {
+ if(COMPATIBILITY.type(extension) == TYPES.f) {
+ //register extension
+ _pluginsExtensions.push({
+ name : extensionName,
+ extensionFactory : extension,
+ defaultOptions : defaultOptions
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ for(; i < _pluginsExtensions[LEXICON.l]; i++) {
+ if (_pluginsExtensions[i].name === extensionName) {
+ if(argLen > 1)
+ _pluginsExtensions.splice(i, 1); //remove extension
+ else
+ return FRAMEWORK.extend(true, { }, _pluginsExtensions[i]); //return extension with the given name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return window[PLUGINNAME];
+ })();
+ if(JQUERY && JQUERY.fn) {
+ /**
+ * The jQuery initialization interface.
+ * @param options The initial options for the construction of the plugin. To initialize the plugin, this option has to be a object! If it isn't a object, the instance(s) are returned and the plugin wont be initialized.
+ * @param extensions The extension(s) which shall be added right after initialization.
+ * @returns {*} After initialization it returns the jQuery element array, else it returns the instance(s) of the elements which are selected.
+ */
+ JQUERY.fn.overlayScrollbars = function (options, extensions) {
+ var _elements = this;
+ if(JQUERY.isPlainObject(options)) {
+ JQUERY.each(_elements, function() { PLUGIN(this, options, extensions); });
+ return _elements;
+ }
+ else
+ return PLUGIN(_elements, options);
+ };
+ }
+ return PLUGIN;
+ }