@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Announcements:
**- AdminLTE discussion and review:** available now on the [main Almsaeed Studio page](http://almsaeedstudio.com/#comments "Comments Sections").
**- AdminLTE discussion and review:** available now on the [main Almsaeed Studio page](http://almsaeedstudio.com/#comments "Comments Sections").
+**- [Documentation](http://almsaeedstudio.com/guide)**: a quick start and installation guide have been created in our website Almsaeed Studio.
**AdminLTE** -- is a fully responsive admin template. Based on **Bootstrap 3** framework. Highly customizable and easy to use. Fits many screen resolutions from small mobile devices to large desktops. Check out the live preview now and see for yourself.
**AdminLTE** -- is a fully responsive admin template. Based on **Bootstrap 3** framework. Highly customizable and easy to use. Fits many screen resolutions from small mobile devices to large desktops. Check out the live preview now and see for yourself.
**Live Preview: http://almsaeedstudio.com/preview/**
**Live Preview: http://almsaeedstudio.com/preview/**