@@ -144,31 +144,31 @@ const Treeview = (($) => {
const Event = {
- SELECTED: `selected${EVENT_KEY}`,
- EXPANDED: `expanded${EVENT_KEY}`,
- COLLAPSED: `collapsed${EVENT_KEY}`,
+ SELECTED : `selected${EVENT_KEY}`,
+ EXPANDED : `expanded${EVENT_KEY}`,
+ COLLAPSED : `collapsed${EVENT_KEY}`,
const Selector = {
- LI: '.nav-item',
- LINK: '.nav-link',
+ LI : '.nav-item',
+ LINK : '.nav-link',
TREEVIEW_MENU: '.nav-treeview',
- OPEN: '.menu-open',
- DATA_WIDGET: '[data-widget="treeview"]'
+ OPEN : '.menu-open',
+ DATA_WIDGET : '[data-widget="treeview"]'
const ClassName = {
- LI: 'nav-item',
- LINK: 'nav-link',
+ LI : 'nav-item',
+ LINK : 'nav-link',
TREEVIEW_MENU: 'nav-treeview',
- OPEN: 'menu-open'
+ OPEN : 'menu-open'
const Default = {
- trigger: `${Selector.DATA_WIDGET} ${Selector.LINK}`,
+ trigger : `${Selector.DATA_WIDGET} ${Selector.LINK}`,
animationSpeed: 300,
- accordion: true
+ accordion : true
@@ -565,3 +565,180 @@ const ControlSidebar = (($) => {
return ControlSidebar
+const Search = (($) => {
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ * ====================================================
+ */
+ const NAME = 'Search'
+ const DATA_KEY = 'lte.search'
+ const EVENT_KEY = `.${DATA_KEY}`
+ const Event = {
+ }
+ const Selector = {
+ LI : '.nav-item',
+ LINK : '.nav-link',
+ OPEN : '.menu-open',
+ ACTIVE : '.active',
+ TREEVIEW_MENU: '[data-widget="treeview"]',
+ NAV_TREEVIEW : '.nav-treeview',
+ DATA_WIDGET : '[data-widget="search"]'
+ }
+ const ClassName = {
+ LI : 'nav-item',
+ LINK : 'nav-link',
+ NAV_TREEVIEW: 'nav-treeview',
+ OPEN : 'menu-open'
+ }
+ const Default = {
+ target : '',
+ case_sensitive: false
+ }
+ /**
+ * Class Definition
+ * ====================================================
+ */
+ class Search {
+ constructor(element, config) {
+ this._config = config
+ this._element = element
+ this._open_menus = null
+ }
+ // Public
+ init() {
+ if (this._config.target === '') {
+ this._config.target = this._element.closest(Selector.TREEVIEW_MENU)
+ } else {
+ this._config.target = $(this._config.target)
+ }
+ // Set treeview original state
+ this._open_menus = this._config.target.find(Selector.OPEN)
+ // Prevent form submission
+ this._element.parents('form').first().submit(function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ })
+ // Setup search function
+ this._element.keyup(function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ let value = $(event.currentTarget).val()
+ if (!this._config.case_sensitive) {
+ value = value.toLowerCase()
+ }
+ this.search(value)
+ }.bind(this))
+ }
+ search(value) {
+ let _that = this
+ // If the value is back to null
+ if (!value) {
+ // Close all treeviews
+ this._config.target.find(Selector.LI)
+ .css('display', 'block')
+ .find(Selector.NAV_TREEVIEW)
+ .css('display', 'none')
+ // Open the originally opened treeviews
+ this._config.target.find(Selector.OPEN).find(Selector.NAV_TREEVIEW).css('display', 'block')
+ this._open_menus.each(function () {
+ if (!$(this).hasClass(ClassName.OPEN)) {
+ $(this).addClass(Selector.OPEN).css('display', 'block')
+ $(this).children(Selector.NAV_TREEVIEW).css('display', 'block')
+ }
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ // Search through the tree elements
+ this._config.target.find(Selector.LI).each(function () {
+ let text = $(this).children(Selector.LINK).first().text()
+ if (!_that._config.case_sensitive) {
+ text = text.toLowerCase()
+ }
+ if (text.search(value) == -1) {
+ // No results
+ $(this).css('display', 'none')
+ } else { // Found the result
+ // Make the parent LI visible
+ $(this).parents(Selector.LI)
+ .css('display', 'block')
+ // Make the parent nav-treeview visible
+ $(this).parents(Selector.NAV_TREEVIEW)
+ .addClass('menu-open')
+ .css('display', 'block')
+ // Make this element visible
+ $(this).css('display', 'block')
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ // Static
+ static _jQueryInterface(config) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ let data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY)
+ let _config = $.extend({}, Default, $(this).data())
+ if (!data) {
+ data = new Search($(this), _config)
+ $(this).data(DATA_KEY, data)
+ }
+ if (config === 'init') {
+ data[config]()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Data API
+ * ====================================================
+ */
+ $(window).on(Event.LOAD_DATA_API, () => {
+ $(Selector.DATA_WIDGET).each(function () {
+ Search._jQueryInterface.call($(this), 'init')
+ })
+ })
+ /**
+ * jQuery API
+ * ====================================================
+ */
+ $.fn[NAME] = Search._jQueryInterface
+ $.fn[NAME].Constructor = Search
+ $.fn[NAME].noConflict = function () {
+ return Search._jQueryInterface
+ }
+ return Search