@@ -0,0 +1,2516 @@
+ * jsGrid v1.5.3 (http://js-grid.com)
+ * (c) 2016 Artem Tabalin
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/tabalinas/jsgrid/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ */
+(function(window, $, undefined) {
+ var JSGRID = "JSGrid",
+ SORT_ORDER_ASC = "asc",
+ SORT_ORDER_DESC = "desc",
+ PAGES_PLACEHOLDER = "{pages}",
+ EMPTY_HREF = "javascript:void(0);";
+ var getOrApply = function(value, context) {
+ if($.isFunction(value)) {
+ return value.apply(context, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(2));
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ var normalizePromise = function(promise) {
+ var d = $.Deferred();
+ if(promise && promise.then) {
+ promise.then(function() {
+ d.resolve.apply(d, arguments);
+ }, function() {
+ d.reject.apply(d, arguments);
+ });
+ } else {
+ d.resolve(promise);
+ }
+ return d.promise();
+ };
+ var defaultController = {
+ loadData: $.noop,
+ insertItem: $.noop,
+ updateItem: $.noop,
+ deleteItem: $.noop
+ };
+ function Grid(element, config) {
+ var $element = $(element);
+ $element.data(JSGRID_DATA_KEY, this);
+ this._container = $element;
+ this.data = [];
+ this.fields = [];
+ this._editingRow = null;
+ this._sortField = null;
+ this._sortOrder = SORT_ORDER_ASC;
+ this._firstDisplayingPage = 1;
+ this._init(config);
+ this.render();
+ }
+ Grid.prototype = {
+ width: "auto",
+ height: "auto",
+ updateOnResize: true,
+ rowClass: $.noop,
+ rowRenderer: null,
+ rowClick: function(args) {
+ if(this.editing) {
+ this.editItem($(args.event.target).closest("tr"));
+ }
+ },
+ rowDoubleClick: $.noop,
+ noDataContent: "Not found",
+ noDataRowClass: "jsgrid-nodata-row",
+ heading: true,
+ headerRowRenderer: null,
+ headerRowClass: "jsgrid-header-row",
+ headerCellClass: "jsgrid-header-cell",
+ filtering: false,
+ filterRowRenderer: null,
+ filterRowClass: "jsgrid-filter-row",
+ inserting: false,
+ insertRowRenderer: null,
+ insertRowClass: "jsgrid-insert-row",
+ editing: false,
+ editRowRenderer: null,
+ editRowClass: "jsgrid-edit-row",
+ confirmDeleting: true,
+ deleteConfirm: "Are you sure?",
+ selecting: true,
+ selectedRowClass: "jsgrid-selected-row",
+ oddRowClass: "jsgrid-row",
+ evenRowClass: "jsgrid-alt-row",
+ cellClass: "jsgrid-cell",
+ sorting: false,
+ sortableClass: "jsgrid-header-sortable",
+ sortAscClass: "jsgrid-header-sort jsgrid-header-sort-asc",
+ sortDescClass: "jsgrid-header-sort jsgrid-header-sort-desc",
+ paging: false,
+ pagerContainer: null,
+ pageIndex: 1,
+ pageSize: 20,
+ pageButtonCount: 15,
+ pagerFormat: "Pages: {first} {prev} {pages} {next} {last} {pageIndex} of {pageCount}",
+ pagePrevText: "Prev",
+ pageNextText: "Next",
+ pageFirstText: "First",
+ pageLastText: "Last",
+ pageNavigatorNextText: "...",
+ pageNavigatorPrevText: "...",
+ pagerContainerClass: "jsgrid-pager-container",
+ pagerClass: "jsgrid-pager",
+ pagerNavButtonClass: "jsgrid-pager-nav-button",
+ pagerNavButtonInactiveClass: "jsgrid-pager-nav-inactive-button",
+ pageClass: "jsgrid-pager-page",
+ currentPageClass: "jsgrid-pager-current-page",
+ customLoading: false,
+ pageLoading: false,
+ autoload: false,
+ controller: defaultController,
+ loadIndication: true,
+ loadIndicationDelay: 500,
+ loadMessage: "Please, wait...",
+ loadShading: true,
+ invalidMessage: "Invalid data entered!",
+ invalidNotify: function(args) {
+ var messages = $.map(args.errors, function(error) {
+ return error.message || null;
+ });
+ window.alert([this.invalidMessage].concat(messages).join("\n"));
+ },
+ onInit: $.noop,
+ onRefreshing: $.noop,
+ onRefreshed: $.noop,
+ onPageChanged: $.noop,
+ onItemDeleting: $.noop,
+ onItemDeleted: $.noop,
+ onItemInserting: $.noop,
+ onItemInserted: $.noop,
+ onItemEditing: $.noop,
+ onItemUpdating: $.noop,
+ onItemUpdated: $.noop,
+ onItemInvalid: $.noop,
+ onDataLoading: $.noop,
+ onDataLoaded: $.noop,
+ onOptionChanging: $.noop,
+ onOptionChanged: $.noop,
+ onError: $.noop,
+ invalidClass: "jsgrid-invalid",
+ containerClass: "jsgrid",
+ tableClass: "jsgrid-table",
+ gridHeaderClass: "jsgrid-grid-header",
+ gridBodyClass: "jsgrid-grid-body",
+ _init: function(config) {
+ $.extend(this, config);
+ this._initLoadStrategy();
+ this._initController();
+ this._initFields();
+ this._attachWindowLoadResize();
+ this._attachWindowResizeCallback();
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onInit)
+ },
+ loadStrategy: function() {
+ return this.pageLoading
+ ? new jsGrid.loadStrategies.PageLoadingStrategy(this)
+ : new jsGrid.loadStrategies.DirectLoadingStrategy(this);
+ },
+ _initLoadStrategy: function() {
+ this._loadStrategy = getOrApply(this.loadStrategy, this);
+ },
+ _initController: function() {
+ this._controller = $.extend({}, defaultController, getOrApply(this.controller, this));
+ },
+ renderTemplate: function(source, context, config) {
+ args = [];
+ for(var key in config) {
+ args.push(config[key]);
+ }
+ args.unshift(source, context);
+ source = getOrApply.apply(null, args);
+ return (source === undefined || source === null) ? "" : source;
+ },
+ loadIndicator: function(config) {
+ return new jsGrid.LoadIndicator(config);
+ },
+ validation: function(config) {
+ return jsGrid.Validation && new jsGrid.Validation(config);
+ },
+ _initFields: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ self.fields = $.map(self.fields, function(field) {
+ if($.isPlainObject(field)) {
+ var fieldConstructor = (field.type && jsGrid.fields[field.type]) || jsGrid.Field;
+ field = new fieldConstructor(field);
+ }
+ field._grid = self;
+ return field;
+ });
+ },
+ _attachWindowLoadResize: function() {
+ $(window).on("load", $.proxy(this._refreshSize, this));
+ },
+ _attachWindowResizeCallback: function() {
+ if(this.updateOnResize) {
+ $(window).on("resize", $.proxy(this._refreshSize, this));
+ }
+ },
+ _detachWindowResizeCallback: function() {
+ $(window).off("resize", this._refreshSize);
+ },
+ option: function(key, value) {
+ var optionChangingEventArgs,
+ optionChangedEventArgs;
+ if(arguments.length === 1)
+ return this[key];
+ optionChangingEventArgs = {
+ option: key,
+ oldValue: this[key],
+ newValue: value
+ };
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onOptionChanging, optionChangingEventArgs);
+ this._handleOptionChange(optionChangingEventArgs.option, optionChangingEventArgs.newValue);
+ optionChangedEventArgs = {
+ option: optionChangingEventArgs.option,
+ value: optionChangingEventArgs.newValue
+ };
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onOptionChanged, optionChangedEventArgs);
+ },
+ fieldOption: function(field, key, value) {
+ field = this._normalizeField(field);
+ if(arguments.length === 2)
+ return field[key];
+ field[key] = value;
+ this._renderGrid();
+ },
+ _handleOptionChange: function(name, value) {
+ this[name] = value;
+ switch(name) {
+ case "width":
+ case "height":
+ this._refreshSize();
+ break;
+ case "rowClass":
+ case "rowRenderer":
+ case "rowClick":
+ case "rowDoubleClick":
+ case "noDataRowClass":
+ case "noDataContent":
+ case "selecting":
+ case "selectedRowClass":
+ case "oddRowClass":
+ case "evenRowClass":
+ this._refreshContent();
+ break;
+ case "pageButtonCount":
+ case "pagerFormat":
+ case "pagePrevText":
+ case "pageNextText":
+ case "pageFirstText":
+ case "pageLastText":
+ case "pageNavigatorNextText":
+ case "pageNavigatorPrevText":
+ case "pagerClass":
+ case "pagerNavButtonClass":
+ case "pageClass":
+ case "currentPageClass":
+ case "pagerRenderer":
+ this._refreshPager();
+ break;
+ case "fields":
+ this._initFields();
+ this.render();
+ break;
+ case "data":
+ case "editing":
+ case "heading":
+ case "filtering":
+ case "inserting":
+ case "paging":
+ this.refresh();
+ break;
+ case "loadStrategy":
+ case "pageLoading":
+ this._initLoadStrategy();
+ this.search();
+ break;
+ case "pageIndex":
+ this.openPage(value);
+ break;
+ case "pageSize":
+ this.refresh();
+ this.search();
+ break;
+ case "editRowRenderer":
+ case "editRowClass":
+ this.cancelEdit();
+ break;
+ case "updateOnResize":
+ this._detachWindowResizeCallback();
+ this._attachWindowResizeCallback();
+ break;
+ case "invalidNotify":
+ case "invalidMessage":
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.render();
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ this._detachWindowResizeCallback();
+ this._clear();
+ this._container.removeData(JSGRID_DATA_KEY);
+ },
+ render: function() {
+ this._renderGrid();
+ return this.autoload ? this.loadData() : $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
+ },
+ _renderGrid: function() {
+ this._clear();
+ this._container.addClass(this.containerClass)
+ .css("position", "relative")
+ .append(this._createHeader())
+ .append(this._createBody());
+ this._pagerContainer = this._createPagerContainer();
+ this._loadIndicator = this._createLoadIndicator();
+ this._validation = this._createValidation();
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ _createLoadIndicator: function() {
+ return getOrApply(this.loadIndicator, this, {
+ message: this.loadMessage,
+ shading: this.loadShading,
+ container: this._container
+ });
+ },
+ _createValidation: function() {
+ return getOrApply(this.validation, this);
+ },
+ _clear: function() {
+ this.cancelEdit();
+ clearTimeout(this._loadingTimer);
+ this._pagerContainer && this._pagerContainer.empty();
+ this._container.empty()
+ .css({ position: "", width: "", height: "" });
+ },
+ _createHeader: function() {
+ var $headerRow = this._headerRow = this._createHeaderRow(),
+ $filterRow = this._filterRow = this._createFilterRow(),
+ $insertRow = this._insertRow = this._createInsertRow();
+ var $headerGrid = this._headerGrid = $("<table>").addClass(this.tableClass)
+ .append($headerRow)
+ .append($filterRow)
+ .append($insertRow);
+ var $header = this._header = $("<div>").addClass(this.gridHeaderClass)
+ .addClass(this._scrollBarWidth() ? "jsgrid-header-scrollbar" : "")
+ .append($headerGrid);
+ return $header;
+ },
+ _createBody: function() {
+ var $content = this._content = $("<tbody>");
+ var $bodyGrid = this._bodyGrid = $("<table>").addClass(this.tableClass)
+ .append($content);
+ var $body = this._body = $("<div>").addClass(this.gridBodyClass)
+ .append($bodyGrid)
+ .on("scroll", $.proxy(function(e) {
+ this._header.scrollLeft(e.target.scrollLeft);
+ }, this));
+ return $body;
+ },
+ _createPagerContainer: function() {
+ var pagerContainer = this.pagerContainer || $("<div>").appendTo(this._container);
+ return $(pagerContainer).addClass(this.pagerContainerClass);
+ },
+ _eachField: function(callBack) {
+ var self = this;
+ $.each(this.fields, function(index, field) {
+ if(field.visible) {
+ callBack.call(self, field, index);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _createHeaderRow: function() {
+ if($.isFunction(this.headerRowRenderer))
+ return $(this.renderTemplate(this.headerRowRenderer, this));
+ var $result = $("<tr>").addClass(this.headerRowClass);
+ this._eachField(function(field, index) {
+ var $th = this._prepareCell("<th>", field, "headercss", this.headerCellClass)
+ .append(this.renderTemplate(field.headerTemplate, field))
+ .appendTo($result);
+ if(this.sorting && field.sorting) {
+ $th.addClass(this.sortableClass)
+ .on("click", $.proxy(function() {
+ this.sort(index);
+ }, this));
+ }
+ });
+ return $result;
+ },
+ _prepareCell: function(cell, field, cssprop, cellClass) {
+ return $(cell).css("width", field.width)
+ .addClass(cellClass || this.cellClass)
+ .addClass((cssprop && field[cssprop]) || field.css)
+ .addClass(field.align ? ("jsgrid-align-" + field.align) : "");
+ },
+ _createFilterRow: function() {
+ if($.isFunction(this.filterRowRenderer))
+ return $(this.renderTemplate(this.filterRowRenderer, this));
+ var $result = $("<tr>").addClass(this.filterRowClass);
+ this._eachField(function(field) {
+ this._prepareCell("<td>", field, "filtercss")
+ .append(this.renderTemplate(field.filterTemplate, field))
+ .appendTo($result);
+ });
+ return $result;
+ },
+ _createInsertRow: function() {
+ if($.isFunction(this.insertRowRenderer))
+ return $(this.renderTemplate(this.insertRowRenderer, this));
+ var $result = $("<tr>").addClass(this.insertRowClass);
+ this._eachField(function(field) {
+ this._prepareCell("<td>", field, "insertcss")
+ .append(this.renderTemplate(field.insertTemplate, field))
+ .appendTo($result);
+ });
+ return $result;
+ },
+ _callEventHandler: function(handler, eventParams) {
+ handler.call(this, $.extend(eventParams, {
+ grid: this
+ }));
+ return eventParams;
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ this._resetSorting();
+ this._resetPager();
+ return this._loadStrategy.reset();
+ },
+ _resetPager: function() {
+ this._firstDisplayingPage = 1;
+ this._setPage(1);
+ },
+ _resetSorting: function() {
+ this._sortField = null;
+ this._sortOrder = SORT_ORDER_ASC;
+ this._clearSortingCss();
+ },
+ refresh: function() {
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onRefreshing);
+ this.cancelEdit();
+ this._refreshHeading();
+ this._refreshFiltering();
+ this._refreshInserting();
+ this._refreshContent();
+ this._refreshPager();
+ this._refreshSize();
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onRefreshed);
+ },
+ _refreshHeading: function() {
+ this._headerRow.toggle(this.heading);
+ },
+ _refreshFiltering: function() {
+ this._filterRow.toggle(this.filtering);
+ },
+ _refreshInserting: function() {
+ this._insertRow.toggle(this.inserting);
+ },
+ _refreshContent: function() {
+ var $content = this._content;
+ $content.empty();
+ if(!this.data.length) {
+ $content.append(this._createNoDataRow());
+ return this;
+ }
+ var indexFrom = this._loadStrategy.firstDisplayIndex();
+ var indexTo = this._loadStrategy.lastDisplayIndex();
+ for(var itemIndex = indexFrom; itemIndex < indexTo; itemIndex++) {
+ var item = this.data[itemIndex];
+ $content.append(this._createRow(item, itemIndex));
+ }
+ },
+ _createNoDataRow: function() {
+ var amountOfFields = 0;
+ this._eachField(function() {
+ amountOfFields++;
+ });
+ return $("<tr>").addClass(this.noDataRowClass)
+ .append($("<td>").addClass(this.cellClass).attr("colspan", amountOfFields)
+ .append(this.renderTemplate(this.noDataContent, this)));
+ },
+ _createRow: function(item, itemIndex) {
+ var $result;
+ if($.isFunction(this.rowRenderer)) {
+ $result = this.renderTemplate(this.rowRenderer, this, { item: item, itemIndex: itemIndex });
+ } else {
+ $result = $("<tr>");
+ this._renderCells($result, item);
+ }
+ $result.addClass(this._getRowClasses(item, itemIndex))
+ .data(JSGRID_ROW_DATA_KEY, item)
+ .on("click", $.proxy(function(e) {
+ this.rowClick({
+ item: item,
+ itemIndex: itemIndex,
+ event: e
+ });
+ }, this))
+ .on("dblclick", $.proxy(function(e) {
+ this.rowDoubleClick({
+ item: item,
+ itemIndex: itemIndex,
+ event: e
+ });
+ }, this));
+ if(this.selecting) {
+ this._attachRowHover($result);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ },
+ _getRowClasses: function(item, itemIndex) {
+ var classes = [];
+ classes.push(((itemIndex + 1) % 2) ? this.oddRowClass : this.evenRowClass);
+ classes.push(getOrApply(this.rowClass, this, item, itemIndex));
+ return classes.join(" ");
+ },
+ _attachRowHover: function($row) {
+ var selectedRowClass = this.selectedRowClass;
+ $row.hover(function() {
+ $(this).addClass(selectedRowClass);
+ },
+ function() {
+ $(this).removeClass(selectedRowClass);
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ _renderCells: function($row, item) {
+ this._eachField(function(field) {
+ $row.append(this._createCell(item, field));
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ _createCell: function(item, field) {
+ var $result;
+ var fieldValue = this._getItemFieldValue(item, field);
+ var args = { value: fieldValue, item : item };
+ if($.isFunction(field.cellRenderer)) {
+ $result = this.renderTemplate(field.cellRenderer, field, args);
+ } else {
+ $result = $("<td>").append(this.renderTemplate(field.itemTemplate || fieldValue, field, args));
+ }
+ return this._prepareCell($result, field);
+ },
+ _getItemFieldValue: function(item, field) {
+ var props = field.name.split('.');
+ var result = item[props.shift()];
+ while(result && props.length) {
+ result = result[props.shift()];
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ _setItemFieldValue: function(item, field, value) {
+ var props = field.name.split('.');
+ var current = item;
+ var prop = props[0];
+ while(current && props.length) {
+ item = current;
+ prop = props.shift();
+ current = item[prop];
+ }
+ if(!current) {
+ while(props.length) {
+ item = item[prop] = {};
+ prop = props.shift();
+ }
+ }
+ item[prop] = value;
+ },
+ sort: function(field, order) {
+ if($.isPlainObject(field)) {
+ order = field.order;
+ field = field.field;
+ }
+ this._clearSortingCss();
+ this._setSortingParams(field, order);
+ this._setSortingCss();
+ return this._loadStrategy.sort();
+ },
+ _clearSortingCss: function() {
+ this._headerRow.find("th")
+ .removeClass(this.sortAscClass)
+ .removeClass(this.sortDescClass);
+ },
+ _setSortingParams: function(field, order) {
+ field = this._normalizeField(field);
+ order = order || ((this._sortField === field) ? this._reversedSortOrder(this._sortOrder) : SORT_ORDER_ASC);
+ this._sortField = field;
+ this._sortOrder = order;
+ },
+ _normalizeField: function(field) {
+ if($.isNumeric(field)) {
+ return this.fields[field];
+ }
+ if(typeof field === "string") {
+ return $.grep(this.fields, function(f) {
+ return f.name === field;
+ })[0];
+ }
+ return field;
+ },
+ _reversedSortOrder: function(order) {
+ },
+ _setSortingCss: function() {
+ var fieldIndex = this._visibleFieldIndex(this._sortField);
+ this._headerRow.find("th").eq(fieldIndex)
+ .addClass(this._sortOrder === SORT_ORDER_ASC ? this.sortAscClass : this.sortDescClass);
+ },
+ _visibleFieldIndex: function(field) {
+ return $.inArray(field, $.grep(this.fields, function(f) { return f.visible; }));
+ },
+ _sortData: function() {
+ var sortFactor = this._sortFactor(),
+ sortField = this._sortField;
+ if(sortField) {
+ this.data.sort(function(item1, item2) {
+ return sortFactor * sortField.sortingFunc(item1[sortField.name], item2[sortField.name]);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _sortFactor: function() {
+ return this._sortOrder === SORT_ORDER_ASC ? 1 : -1;
+ },
+ _itemsCount: function() {
+ return this._loadStrategy.itemsCount();
+ },
+ _pagesCount: function() {
+ var itemsCount = this._itemsCount(),
+ pageSize = this.pageSize;
+ return Math.floor(itemsCount / pageSize) + (itemsCount % pageSize ? 1 : 0);
+ },
+ _refreshPager: function() {
+ var $pagerContainer = this._pagerContainer;
+ $pagerContainer.empty();
+ if(this.paging) {
+ $pagerContainer.append(this._createPager());
+ }
+ var showPager = this.paging && this._pagesCount() > 1;
+ $pagerContainer.toggle(showPager);
+ },
+ _createPager: function() {
+ var $result;
+ if($.isFunction(this.pagerRenderer)) {
+ $result = $(this.pagerRenderer({
+ pageIndex: this.pageIndex,
+ pageCount: this._pagesCount()
+ }));
+ } else {
+ $result = $("<div>").append(this._createPagerByFormat());
+ }
+ $result.addClass(this.pagerClass);
+ return $result;
+ },
+ _createPagerByFormat: function() {
+ var pageIndex = this.pageIndex,
+ pageCount = this._pagesCount(),
+ itemCount = this._itemsCount(),
+ pagerParts = this.pagerFormat.split(" ");
+ return $.map(pagerParts, $.proxy(function(pagerPart) {
+ var result = pagerPart;
+ if(pagerPart === PAGES_PLACEHOLDER) {
+ result = this._createPages();
+ } else if(pagerPart === FIRST_PAGE_PLACEHOLDER) {
+ result = this._createPagerNavButton(this.pageFirstText, 1, pageIndex > 1);
+ } else if(pagerPart === PREV_PAGE_PLACEHOLDER) {
+ result = this._createPagerNavButton(this.pagePrevText, pageIndex - 1, pageIndex > 1);
+ } else if(pagerPart === NEXT_PAGE_PLACEHOLDER) {
+ result = this._createPagerNavButton(this.pageNextText, pageIndex + 1, pageIndex < pageCount);
+ } else if(pagerPart === LAST_PAGE_PLACEHOLDER) {
+ result = this._createPagerNavButton(this.pageLastText, pageCount, pageIndex < pageCount);
+ } else if(pagerPart === PAGE_INDEX_PLACEHOLDER) {
+ result = pageIndex;
+ } else if(pagerPart === PAGE_COUNT_PLACEHOLDER) {
+ result = pageCount;
+ } else if(pagerPart === ITEM_COUNT_PLACEHOLDER) {
+ result = itemCount;
+ }
+ return $.isArray(result) ? result.concat([" "]) : [result, " "];
+ }, this));
+ },
+ _createPages: function() {
+ var pageCount = this._pagesCount(),
+ pageButtonCount = this.pageButtonCount,
+ firstDisplayingPage = this._firstDisplayingPage,
+ pages = [];
+ if(firstDisplayingPage > 1) {
+ pages.push(this._createPagerPageNavButton(this.pageNavigatorPrevText, this.showPrevPages));
+ }
+ for(var i = 0, pageNumber = firstDisplayingPage; i < pageButtonCount && pageNumber <= pageCount; i++, pageNumber++) {
+ pages.push(pageNumber === this.pageIndex
+ ? this._createPagerCurrentPage()
+ : this._createPagerPage(pageNumber));
+ }
+ if((firstDisplayingPage + pageButtonCount - 1) < pageCount) {
+ pages.push(this._createPagerPageNavButton(this.pageNavigatorNextText, this.showNextPages));
+ }
+ return pages;
+ },
+ _createPagerNavButton: function(text, pageIndex, isActive) {
+ return this._createPagerButton(text, this.pagerNavButtonClass + (isActive ? "" : " " + this.pagerNavButtonInactiveClass),
+ isActive ? function() { this.openPage(pageIndex); } : $.noop);
+ },
+ _createPagerPageNavButton: function(text, handler) {
+ return this._createPagerButton(text, this.pagerNavButtonClass, handler);
+ },
+ _createPagerPage: function(pageIndex) {
+ return this._createPagerButton(pageIndex, this.pageClass, function() {
+ this.openPage(pageIndex);
+ });
+ },
+ _createPagerButton: function(text, css, handler) {
+ var $link = $("<a>").attr("href", EMPTY_HREF)
+ .html(text)
+ .on("click", $.proxy(handler, this));
+ return $("<span>").addClass(css).append($link);
+ },
+ _createPagerCurrentPage: function() {
+ return $("<span>")
+ .addClass(this.pageClass)
+ .addClass(this.currentPageClass)
+ .text(this.pageIndex);
+ },
+ _refreshSize: function() {
+ this._refreshHeight();
+ this._refreshWidth();
+ },
+ _refreshWidth: function() {
+ var width = (this.width === "auto") ? this._getAutoWidth() : this.width;
+ this._container.width(width);
+ },
+ _getAutoWidth: function() {
+ var $headerGrid = this._headerGrid,
+ $header = this._header;
+ $headerGrid.width("auto");
+ var contentWidth = $headerGrid.outerWidth();
+ var borderWidth = $header.outerWidth() - $header.innerWidth();
+ $headerGrid.width("");
+ return contentWidth + borderWidth;
+ },
+ _scrollBarWidth: (function() {
+ var result;
+ return function() {
+ if(result === undefined) {
+ var $ghostContainer = $("<div style='width:50px;height:50px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:-10000px;left:-10000px;'></div>");
+ var $ghostContent = $("<div style='height:100px;'></div>");
+ $ghostContainer.append($ghostContent).appendTo("body");
+ var width = $ghostContent.innerWidth();
+ $ghostContainer.css("overflow-y", "auto");
+ var widthExcludingScrollBar = $ghostContent.innerWidth();
+ $ghostContainer.remove();
+ result = width - widthExcludingScrollBar;
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ })(),
+ _refreshHeight: function() {
+ var container = this._container,
+ pagerContainer = this._pagerContainer,
+ height = this.height,
+ nonBodyHeight;
+ container.height(height);
+ if(height !== "auto") {
+ height = container.height();
+ nonBodyHeight = this._header.outerHeight(true);
+ if(pagerContainer.parents(container).length) {
+ nonBodyHeight += pagerContainer.outerHeight(true);
+ }
+ this._body.outerHeight(height - nonBodyHeight);
+ }
+ },
+ showPrevPages: function() {
+ var firstDisplayingPage = this._firstDisplayingPage,
+ pageButtonCount = this.pageButtonCount;
+ this._firstDisplayingPage = (firstDisplayingPage > pageButtonCount) ? firstDisplayingPage - pageButtonCount : 1;
+ this._refreshPager();
+ },
+ showNextPages: function() {
+ var firstDisplayingPage = this._firstDisplayingPage,
+ pageButtonCount = this.pageButtonCount,
+ pageCount = this._pagesCount();
+ this._firstDisplayingPage = (firstDisplayingPage + 2 * pageButtonCount > pageCount)
+ ? pageCount - pageButtonCount + 1
+ : firstDisplayingPage + pageButtonCount;
+ this._refreshPager();
+ },
+ openPage: function(pageIndex) {
+ if(pageIndex < 1 || pageIndex > this._pagesCount())
+ return;
+ this._setPage(pageIndex);
+ this._loadStrategy.openPage(pageIndex);
+ },
+ _setPage: function(pageIndex) {
+ var firstDisplayingPage = this._firstDisplayingPage,
+ pageButtonCount = this.pageButtonCount;
+ this.pageIndex = pageIndex;
+ if(pageIndex < firstDisplayingPage) {
+ this._firstDisplayingPage = pageIndex;
+ }
+ if(pageIndex > firstDisplayingPage + pageButtonCount - 1) {
+ this._firstDisplayingPage = pageIndex - pageButtonCount + 1;
+ }
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onPageChanged, {
+ pageIndex: pageIndex
+ });
+ },
+ _controllerCall: function(method, param, isCanceled, doneCallback) {
+ if(isCanceled)
+ return $.Deferred().reject().promise();
+ this._showLoading();
+ var controller = this._controller;
+ if(!controller || !controller[method]) {
+ throw Error("controller has no method '" + method + "'");
+ }
+ return normalizePromise(controller[method](param))
+ .done($.proxy(doneCallback, this))
+ .fail($.proxy(this._errorHandler, this))
+ .always($.proxy(this._hideLoading, this));
+ },
+ _errorHandler: function() {
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onError, {
+ args: $.makeArray(arguments)
+ });
+ },
+ _showLoading: function() {
+ if(!this.loadIndication)
+ return;
+ clearTimeout(this._loadingTimer);
+ this._loadingTimer = setTimeout($.proxy(function() {
+ this._loadIndicator.show();
+ }, this), this.loadIndicationDelay);
+ },
+ _hideLoading: function() {
+ if(!this.loadIndication)
+ return;
+ clearTimeout(this._loadingTimer);
+ this._loadIndicator.hide();
+ },
+ search: function(filter) {
+ this._resetSorting();
+ this._resetPager();
+ return this.loadData(filter);
+ },
+ loadData: function(filter) {
+ filter = filter || (this.filtering ? this.getFilter() : {});
+ $.extend(filter, this._loadStrategy.loadParams(), this._sortingParams());
+ var args = this._callEventHandler(this.onDataLoading, {
+ filter: filter
+ });
+ return this._controllerCall("loadData", filter, args.cancel, function(loadedData) {
+ if(!loadedData)
+ return;
+ this._loadStrategy.finishLoad(loadedData);
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onDataLoaded, {
+ data: loadedData
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ getFilter: function() {
+ var result = {};
+ this._eachField(function(field) {
+ if(field.filtering) {
+ this._setItemFieldValue(result, field, field.filterValue());
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+ },
+ _sortingParams: function() {
+ if(this.sorting && this._sortField) {
+ return {
+ sortField: this._sortField.name,
+ sortOrder: this._sortOrder
+ };
+ }
+ return {};
+ },
+ getSorting: function() {
+ var sortingParams = this._sortingParams();
+ return {
+ field: sortingParams.sortField,
+ order: sortingParams.sortOrder
+ };
+ },
+ clearFilter: function() {
+ var $filterRow = this._createFilterRow();
+ this._filterRow.replaceWith($filterRow);
+ this._filterRow = $filterRow;
+ return this.search();
+ },
+ insertItem: function(item) {
+ var insertingItem = item || this._getValidatedInsertItem();
+ if(!insertingItem)
+ return $.Deferred().reject().promise();
+ var args = this._callEventHandler(this.onItemInserting, {
+ item: insertingItem
+ });
+ return this._controllerCall("insertItem", insertingItem, args.cancel, function(insertedItem) {
+ insertedItem = insertedItem || insertingItem;
+ this._loadStrategy.finishInsert(insertedItem);
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onItemInserted, {
+ item: insertedItem
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ _getValidatedInsertItem: function() {
+ var item = this._getInsertItem();
+ return this._validateItem(item, this._insertRow) ? item : null;
+ },
+ _getInsertItem: function() {
+ var result = {};
+ this._eachField(function(field) {
+ if(field.inserting) {
+ this._setItemFieldValue(result, field, field.insertValue());
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+ },
+ _validateItem: function(item, $row) {
+ var validationErrors = [];
+ var args = {
+ item: item,
+ itemIndex: this._rowIndex($row),
+ row: $row
+ };
+ this._eachField(function(field) {
+ if(!field.validate ||
+ ($row === this._insertRow && !field.inserting) ||
+ ($row === this._getEditRow() && !field.editing))
+ return;
+ var fieldValue = this._getItemFieldValue(item, field);
+ var errors = this._validation.validate($.extend({
+ value: fieldValue,
+ rules: field.validate
+ }, args));
+ this._setCellValidity($row.children().eq(this._visibleFieldIndex(field)), errors);
+ if(!errors.length)
+ return;
+ validationErrors.push.apply(validationErrors,
+ $.map(errors, function(message) {
+ return { field: field, message: message };
+ }));
+ });
+ if(!validationErrors.length)
+ return true;
+ var invalidArgs = $.extend({
+ errors: validationErrors
+ }, args);
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onItemInvalid, invalidArgs);
+ this.invalidNotify(invalidArgs);
+ return false;
+ },
+ _setCellValidity: function($cell, errors) {
+ $cell
+ .toggleClass(this.invalidClass, !!errors.length)
+ .attr("title", errors.join("\n"));
+ },
+ clearInsert: function() {
+ var insertRow = this._createInsertRow();
+ this._insertRow.replaceWith(insertRow);
+ this._insertRow = insertRow;
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ editItem: function(item) {
+ var $row = this.rowByItem(item);
+ if($row.length) {
+ this._editRow($row);
+ }
+ },
+ rowByItem: function(item) {
+ if(item.jquery || item.nodeType)
+ return $(item);
+ return this._content.find("tr").filter(function() {
+ return $.data(this, JSGRID_ROW_DATA_KEY) === item;
+ });
+ },
+ _editRow: function($row) {
+ if(!this.editing)
+ return;
+ var item = $row.data(JSGRID_ROW_DATA_KEY);
+ var args = this._callEventHandler(this.onItemEditing, {
+ row: $row,
+ item: item,
+ itemIndex: this._itemIndex(item)
+ });
+ if(args.cancel)
+ return;
+ if(this._editingRow) {
+ this.cancelEdit();
+ }
+ var $editRow = this._createEditRow(item);
+ this._editingRow = $row;
+ $row.hide();
+ $editRow.insertBefore($row);
+ $row.data(JSGRID_EDIT_ROW_DATA_KEY, $editRow);
+ },
+ _createEditRow: function(item) {
+ if($.isFunction(this.editRowRenderer)) {
+ return $(this.renderTemplate(this.editRowRenderer, this, { item: item, itemIndex: this._itemIndex(item) }));
+ }
+ var $result = $("<tr>").addClass(this.editRowClass);
+ this._eachField(function(field) {
+ var fieldValue = this._getItemFieldValue(item, field);
+ this._prepareCell("<td>", field, "editcss")
+ .append(this.renderTemplate(field.editTemplate || "", field, { value: fieldValue, item: item }))
+ .appendTo($result);
+ });
+ return $result;
+ },
+ updateItem: function(item, editedItem) {
+ if(arguments.length === 1) {
+ editedItem = item;
+ }
+ var $row = item ? this.rowByItem(item) : this._editingRow;
+ editedItem = editedItem || this._getValidatedEditedItem();
+ if(!editedItem)
+ return;
+ return this._updateRow($row, editedItem);
+ },
+ _getValidatedEditedItem: function() {
+ var item = this._getEditedItem();
+ return this._validateItem(item, this._getEditRow()) ? item : null;
+ },
+ _updateRow: function($updatingRow, editedItem) {
+ var updatingItem = $updatingRow.data(JSGRID_ROW_DATA_KEY),
+ updatingItemIndex = this._itemIndex(updatingItem),
+ updatedItem = $.extend(true, {}, updatingItem, editedItem);
+ var args = this._callEventHandler(this.onItemUpdating, {
+ row: $updatingRow,
+ item: updatedItem,
+ itemIndex: updatingItemIndex,
+ previousItem: updatingItem
+ });
+ return this._controllerCall("updateItem", updatedItem, args.cancel, function(loadedUpdatedItem) {
+ var previousItem = $.extend(true, {}, updatingItem);
+ updatedItem = loadedUpdatedItem || $.extend(true, updatingItem, editedItem);
+ var $updatedRow = this._finishUpdate($updatingRow, updatedItem, updatingItemIndex);
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onItemUpdated, {
+ row: $updatedRow,
+ item: updatedItem,
+ itemIndex: updatingItemIndex,
+ previousItem: previousItem
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ _rowIndex: function(row) {
+ return this._content.children().index($(row));
+ },
+ _itemIndex: function(item) {
+ return $.inArray(item, this.data);
+ },
+ _finishUpdate: function($updatingRow, updatedItem, updatedItemIndex) {
+ this.cancelEdit();
+ this.data[updatedItemIndex] = updatedItem;
+ var $updatedRow = this._createRow(updatedItem, updatedItemIndex);
+ $updatingRow.replaceWith($updatedRow);
+ return $updatedRow;
+ },
+ _getEditedItem: function() {
+ var result = {};
+ this._eachField(function(field) {
+ if(field.editing) {
+ this._setItemFieldValue(result, field, field.editValue());
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+ },
+ cancelEdit: function() {
+ if(!this._editingRow)
+ return;
+ this._getEditRow().remove();
+ this._editingRow.show();
+ this._editingRow = null;
+ },
+ _getEditRow: function() {
+ return this._editingRow && this._editingRow.data(JSGRID_EDIT_ROW_DATA_KEY);
+ },
+ deleteItem: function(item) {
+ var $row = this.rowByItem(item);
+ if(!$row.length)
+ return;
+ if(this.confirmDeleting && !window.confirm(getOrApply(this.deleteConfirm, this, $row.data(JSGRID_ROW_DATA_KEY))))
+ return;
+ return this._deleteRow($row);
+ },
+ _deleteRow: function($row) {
+ var deletingItem = $row.data(JSGRID_ROW_DATA_KEY),
+ deletingItemIndex = this._itemIndex(deletingItem);
+ var args = this._callEventHandler(this.onItemDeleting, {
+ row: $row,
+ item: deletingItem,
+ itemIndex: deletingItemIndex
+ });
+ return this._controllerCall("deleteItem", deletingItem, args.cancel, function() {
+ this._loadStrategy.finishDelete(deletingItem, deletingItemIndex);
+ this._callEventHandler(this.onItemDeleted, {
+ row: $row,
+ item: deletingItem,
+ itemIndex: deletingItemIndex
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.jsGrid = function(config) {
+ var args = $.makeArray(arguments),
+ methodArgs = args.slice(1),
+ result = this;
+ this.each(function() {
+ var $element = $(this),
+ instance = $element.data(JSGRID_DATA_KEY),
+ methodResult;
+ if(instance) {
+ if(typeof config === "string") {
+ methodResult = instance[config].apply(instance, methodArgs);
+ if(methodResult !== undefined && methodResult !== instance) {
+ result = methodResult;
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ instance._detachWindowResizeCallback();
+ instance._init(config);
+ instance.render();
+ }
+ } else {
+ new Grid($element, config);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+ };
+ var fields = {};
+ var setDefaults = function(config) {
+ var componentPrototype;
+ if($.isPlainObject(config)) {
+ componentPrototype = Grid.prototype;
+ } else {
+ componentPrototype = fields[config].prototype;
+ config = arguments[1] || {};
+ }
+ $.extend(componentPrototype, config);
+ };
+ var locales = {};
+ var locale = function(lang) {
+ var localeConfig = $.isPlainObject(lang) ? lang : locales[lang];
+ if(!localeConfig)
+ throw Error("unknown locale " + lang);
+ setLocale(jsGrid, localeConfig);
+ };
+ var setLocale = function(obj, localeConfig) {
+ $.each(localeConfig, function(field, value) {
+ if($.isPlainObject(value)) {
+ setLocale(obj[field] || obj[field[0].toUpperCase() + field.slice(1)], value);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(obj.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
+ obj[field] = value;
+ } else {
+ obj.prototype[field] = value;
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ window.jsGrid = {
+ Grid: Grid,
+ fields: fields,
+ setDefaults: setDefaults,
+ locales: locales,
+ locale: locale,
+ version: '1.5.3'
+ };
+}(window, jQuery));
+(function(jsGrid, $, undefined) {
+ function LoadIndicator(config) {
+ this._init(config);
+ }
+ LoadIndicator.prototype = {
+ container: "body",
+ message: "Loading...",
+ shading: true,
+ zIndex: 1000,
+ shaderClass: "jsgrid-load-shader",
+ loadPanelClass: "jsgrid-load-panel",
+ _init: function(config) {
+ $.extend(true, this, config);
+ this._initContainer();
+ this._initShader();
+ this._initLoadPanel();
+ },
+ _initContainer: function() {
+ this._container = $(this.container);
+ },
+ _initShader: function() {
+ if(!this.shading)
+ return;
+ this._shader = $("<div>").addClass(this.shaderClass)
+ .hide()
+ .css({
+ position: "absolute",
+ top: 0,
+ right: 0,
+ bottom: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ zIndex: this.zIndex
+ })
+ .appendTo(this._container);
+ },
+ _initLoadPanel: function() {
+ this._loadPanel = $("<div>").addClass(this.loadPanelClass)
+ .text(this.message)
+ .hide()
+ .css({
+ position: "absolute",
+ top: "50%",
+ left: "50%",
+ zIndex: this.zIndex
+ })
+ .appendTo(this._container);
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ var $loadPanel = this._loadPanel.show();
+ var actualWidth = $loadPanel.outerWidth();
+ var actualHeight = $loadPanel.outerHeight();
+ $loadPanel.css({
+ marginTop: -actualHeight / 2,
+ marginLeft: -actualWidth / 2
+ });
+ this._shader.show();
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ this._loadPanel.hide();
+ this._shader.hide();
+ }
+ };
+ jsGrid.LoadIndicator = LoadIndicator;
+}(jsGrid, jQuery));
+(function(jsGrid, $, undefined) {
+ function DirectLoadingStrategy(grid) {
+ this._grid = grid;
+ }
+ DirectLoadingStrategy.prototype = {
+ firstDisplayIndex: function() {
+ var grid = this._grid;
+ return grid.option("paging") ? (grid.option("pageIndex") - 1) * grid.option("pageSize") : 0;
+ },
+ lastDisplayIndex: function() {
+ var grid = this._grid;
+ var itemsCount = grid.option("data").length;
+ return grid.option("paging")
+ ? Math.min(grid.option("pageIndex") * grid.option("pageSize"), itemsCount)
+ : itemsCount;
+ },
+ itemsCount: function() {
+ return this._grid.option("data").length;
+ },
+ openPage: function(index) {
+ this._grid.refresh();
+ },
+ loadParams: function() {
+ return {};
+ },
+ sort: function() {
+ this._grid._sortData();
+ this._grid.refresh();
+ return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ this._grid.refresh();
+ return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
+ },
+ finishLoad: function(loadedData) {
+ this._grid.option("data", loadedData);
+ },
+ finishInsert: function(insertedItem) {
+ var grid = this._grid;
+ grid.option("data").push(insertedItem);
+ grid.refresh();
+ },
+ finishDelete: function(deletedItem, deletedItemIndex) {
+ var grid = this._grid;
+ grid.option("data").splice(deletedItemIndex, 1);
+ grid.reset();
+ }
+ };
+ function PageLoadingStrategy(grid) {
+ this._grid = grid;
+ this._itemsCount = 0;
+ }
+ PageLoadingStrategy.prototype = {
+ firstDisplayIndex: function() {
+ return 0;
+ },
+ lastDisplayIndex: function() {
+ return this._grid.option("data").length;
+ },
+ itemsCount: function() {
+ return this._itemsCount;
+ },
+ openPage: function(index) {
+ this._grid.loadData();
+ },
+ loadParams: function() {
+ var grid = this._grid;
+ return {
+ pageIndex: grid.option("pageIndex"),
+ pageSize: grid.option("pageSize")
+ };
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ return this._grid.loadData();
+ },
+ sort: function() {
+ return this._grid.loadData();
+ },
+ finishLoad: function(loadedData) {
+ this._itemsCount = loadedData.itemsCount;
+ this._grid.option("data", loadedData.data);
+ },
+ finishInsert: function(insertedItem) {
+ this._grid.search();
+ },
+ finishDelete: function(deletedItem, deletedItemIndex) {
+ this._grid.search();
+ }
+ };
+ jsGrid.loadStrategies = {
+ DirectLoadingStrategy: DirectLoadingStrategy,
+ PageLoadingStrategy: PageLoadingStrategy
+ };
+}(jsGrid, jQuery));
+(function(jsGrid, $, undefined) {
+ var isDefined = function(val) {
+ return typeof(val) !== "undefined" && val !== null;
+ };
+ var sortStrategies = {
+ string: function(str1, str2) {
+ if(!isDefined(str1) && !isDefined(str2))
+ return 0;
+ if(!isDefined(str1))
+ return -1;
+ if(!isDefined(str2))
+ return 1;
+ return ("" + str1).localeCompare("" + str2);
+ },
+ number: function(n1, n2) {
+ return n1 - n2;
+ },
+ date: function(dt1, dt2) {
+ return dt1 - dt2;
+ },
+ numberAsString: function(n1, n2) {
+ return parseFloat(n1) - parseFloat(n2);
+ }
+ };
+ jsGrid.sortStrategies = sortStrategies;
+}(jsGrid, jQuery));
+(function(jsGrid, $, undefined) {
+ function Validation(config) {
+ this._init(config);
+ }
+ Validation.prototype = {
+ _init: function(config) {
+ $.extend(true, this, config);
+ },
+ validate: function(args) {
+ var errors = [];
+ $.each(this._normalizeRules(args.rules), function(_, rule) {
+ if(rule.validator(args.value, args.item, rule.param))
+ return;
+ var errorMessage = $.isFunction(rule.message) ? rule.message(args.value, args.item) : rule.message;
+ errors.push(errorMessage);
+ });
+ return errors;
+ },
+ _normalizeRules: function(rules) {
+ if(!$.isArray(rules))
+ rules = [rules];
+ return $.map(rules, $.proxy(function(rule) {
+ return this._normalizeRule(rule);
+ }, this));
+ },
+ _normalizeRule: function(rule) {
+ if(typeof rule === "string")
+ rule = { validator: rule };
+ if($.isFunction(rule))
+ rule = { validator: rule };
+ if($.isPlainObject(rule))
+ rule = $.extend({}, rule);
+ else
+ throw Error("wrong validation config specified");
+ if($.isFunction(rule.validator))
+ return rule;
+ return this._applyNamedValidator(rule, rule.validator);
+ },
+ _applyNamedValidator: function(rule, validatorName) {
+ delete rule.validator;
+ var validator = validators[validatorName];
+ if(!validator)
+ throw Error("unknown validator \"" + validatorName + "\"");
+ if($.isFunction(validator)) {
+ validator = { validator: validator };
+ }
+ return $.extend({}, validator, rule);
+ }
+ };
+ jsGrid.Validation = Validation;
+ var validators = {
+ required: {
+ message: "Field is required",
+ validator: function(value) {
+ return value !== undefined && value !== null && value !== "";
+ }
+ },
+ rangeLength: {
+ message: "Field value length is out of the defined range",
+ validator: function(value, _, param) {
+ return value.length >= param[0] && value.length <= param[1];
+ }
+ },
+ minLength: {
+ message: "Field value is too short",
+ validator: function(value, _, param) {
+ return value.length >= param;
+ }
+ },
+ maxLength: {
+ message: "Field value is too long",
+ validator: function(value, _, param) {
+ return value.length <= param;
+ }
+ },
+ pattern: {
+ message: "Field value is not matching the defined pattern",
+ validator: function(value, _, param) {
+ if(typeof param === "string") {
+ param = new RegExp("^(?:" + param + ")$");
+ }
+ return param.test(value);
+ }
+ },
+ range: {
+ message: "Field value is out of the defined range",
+ validator: function(value, _, param) {
+ return value >= param[0] && value <= param[1];
+ }
+ },
+ min: {
+ message: "Field value is too small",
+ validator: function(value, _, param) {
+ return value >= param;
+ }
+ },
+ max: {
+ message: "Field value is too large",
+ validator: function(value, _, param) {
+ return value <= param;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ jsGrid.validators = validators;
+}(jsGrid, jQuery));
+(function(jsGrid, $, undefined) {
+ function Field(config) {
+ $.extend(true, this, config);
+ this.sortingFunc = this._getSortingFunc();
+ }
+ Field.prototype = {
+ name: "",
+ title: null,
+ css: "",
+ align: "",
+ width: 100,
+ visible: true,
+ filtering: true,
+ inserting: true,
+ editing: true,
+ sorting: true,
+ sorter: "string", // name of SortStrategy or function to compare elements
+ headerTemplate: function() {
+ return (this.title === undefined || this.title === null) ? this.name : this.title;
+ },
+ itemTemplate: function(value, item) {
+ return value;
+ },
+ filterTemplate: function() {
+ return "";
+ },
+ insertTemplate: function() {
+ return "";
+ },
+ editTemplate: function(value, item) {
+ this._value = value;
+ return this.itemTemplate(value, item);
+ },
+ filterValue: function() {
+ return "";
+ },
+ insertValue: function() {
+ return "";
+ },
+ editValue: function() {
+ return this._value;
+ },
+ _getSortingFunc: function() {
+ var sorter = this.sorter;
+ if($.isFunction(sorter)) {
+ return sorter;
+ }
+ if(typeof sorter === "string") {
+ return jsGrid.sortStrategies[sorter];
+ }
+ throw Error("wrong sorter for the field \"" + this.name + "\"!");
+ }
+ };
+ jsGrid.Field = Field;
+}(jsGrid, jQuery));
+(function(jsGrid, $, undefined) {
+ var Field = jsGrid.Field;
+ function TextField(config) {
+ Field.call(this, config);
+ }
+ TextField.prototype = new Field({
+ autosearch: true,
+ readOnly: false,
+ filterTemplate: function() {
+ if(!this.filtering)
+ return "";
+ var grid = this._grid,
+ $result = this.filterControl = this._createTextBox();
+ if(this.autosearch) {
+ $result.on("keypress", function(e) {
+ if(e.which === 13) {
+ grid.search();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return $result;
+ },
+ insertTemplate: function() {
+ if(!this.inserting)
+ return "";
+ return this.insertControl = this._createTextBox();
+ },
+ editTemplate: function(value) {
+ if(!this.editing)
+ return this.itemTemplate.apply(this, arguments);
+ var $result = this.editControl = this._createTextBox();
+ $result.val(value);
+ return $result;
+ },
+ filterValue: function() {
+ return this.filterControl.val();
+ },
+ insertValue: function() {
+ return this.insertControl.val();
+ },
+ editValue: function() {
+ return this.editControl.val();
+ },
+ _createTextBox: function() {
+ return $("<input>").attr("type", "text")
+ .prop("readonly", !!this.readOnly);
+ }
+ });
+ jsGrid.fields.text = jsGrid.TextField = TextField;
+}(jsGrid, jQuery));
+(function(jsGrid, $, undefined) {
+ var TextField = jsGrid.TextField;
+ function NumberField(config) {
+ TextField.call(this, config);
+ }
+ NumberField.prototype = new TextField({
+ sorter: "number",
+ align: "right",
+ readOnly: false,
+ filterValue: function() {
+ return this.filterControl.val()
+ ? parseInt(this.filterControl.val() || 0, 10)
+ : undefined;
+ },
+ insertValue: function() {
+ return this.insertControl.val()
+ ? parseInt(this.insertControl.val() || 0, 10)
+ : undefined;
+ },
+ editValue: function() {
+ return this.editControl.val()
+ ? parseInt(this.editControl.val() || 0, 10)
+ : undefined;
+ },
+ _createTextBox: function() {
+ return $("<input>").attr("type", "number")
+ .prop("readonly", !!this.readOnly);
+ }
+ });
+ jsGrid.fields.number = jsGrid.NumberField = NumberField;
+}(jsGrid, jQuery));
+(function(jsGrid, $, undefined) {
+ var TextField = jsGrid.TextField;
+ function TextAreaField(config) {
+ TextField.call(this, config);
+ }
+ TextAreaField.prototype = new TextField({
+ insertTemplate: function() {
+ if(!this.inserting)
+ return "";
+ return this.insertControl = this._createTextArea();
+ },
+ editTemplate: function(value) {
+ if(!this.editing)
+ return this.itemTemplate.apply(this, arguments);
+ var $result = this.editControl = this._createTextArea();
+ $result.val(value);
+ return $result;
+ },
+ _createTextArea: function() {
+ return $("<textarea>").prop("readonly", !!this.readOnly);
+ }
+ });
+ jsGrid.fields.textarea = jsGrid.TextAreaField = TextAreaField;
+}(jsGrid, jQuery));
+(function(jsGrid, $, undefined) {
+ var NumberField = jsGrid.NumberField;
+ var numberValueType = "number";
+ var stringValueType = "string";
+ function SelectField(config) {
+ this.items = [];
+ this.selectedIndex = -1;
+ this.valueField = "";
+ this.textField = "";
+ if(config.valueField && config.items.length) {
+ var firstItemValue = config.items[0][config.valueField];
+ this.valueType = (typeof firstItemValue) === numberValueType ? numberValueType : stringValueType;
+ }
+ this.sorter = this.valueType;
+ NumberField.call(this, config);
+ }
+ SelectField.prototype = new NumberField({
+ align: "center",
+ valueType: numberValueType,
+ itemTemplate: function(value) {
+ var items = this.items,
+ valueField = this.valueField,
+ textField = this.textField,
+ resultItem;
+ if(valueField) {
+ resultItem = $.grep(items, function(item, index) {
+ return item[valueField] === value;
+ })[0] || {};
+ }
+ else {
+ resultItem = items[value];
+ }
+ var result = (textField ? resultItem[textField] : resultItem);
+ return (result === undefined || result === null) ? "" : result;
+ },
+ filterTemplate: function() {
+ if(!this.filtering)
+ return "";
+ var grid = this._grid,
+ $result = this.filterControl = this._createSelect();
+ if(this.autosearch) {
+ $result.on("change", function(e) {
+ grid.search();
+ });
+ }
+ return $result;
+ },
+ insertTemplate: function() {
+ if(!this.inserting)
+ return "";
+ return this.insertControl = this._createSelect();
+ },
+ editTemplate: function(value) {
+ if(!this.editing)
+ return this.itemTemplate.apply(this, arguments);
+ var $result = this.editControl = this._createSelect();
+ (value !== undefined) && $result.val(value);
+ return $result;
+ },
+ filterValue: function() {
+ var val = this.filterControl.val();
+ return this.valueType === numberValueType ? parseInt(val || 0, 10) : val;
+ },
+ insertValue: function() {
+ var val = this.insertControl.val();
+ return this.valueType === numberValueType ? parseInt(val || 0, 10) : val;
+ },
+ editValue: function() {
+ var val = this.editControl.val();
+ return this.valueType === numberValueType ? parseInt(val || 0, 10) : val;
+ },
+ _createSelect: function() {
+ var $result = $("<select>"),
+ valueField = this.valueField,
+ textField = this.textField,
+ selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex;
+ $.each(this.items, function(index, item) {
+ var value = valueField ? item[valueField] : index,
+ text = textField ? item[textField] : item;
+ var $option = $("<option>")
+ .attr("value", value)
+ .text(text)
+ .appendTo($result);
+ $option.prop("selected", (selectedIndex === index));
+ });
+ $result.prop("disabled", !!this.readOnly);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ });
+ jsGrid.fields.select = jsGrid.SelectField = SelectField;
+}(jsGrid, jQuery));
+(function(jsGrid, $, undefined) {
+ var Field = jsGrid.Field;
+ function CheckboxField(config) {
+ Field.call(this, config);
+ }
+ CheckboxField.prototype = new Field({
+ sorter: "number",
+ align: "center",
+ autosearch: true,
+ itemTemplate: function(value) {
+ return this._createCheckbox().prop({
+ checked: value,
+ disabled: true
+ });
+ },
+ filterTemplate: function() {
+ if(!this.filtering)
+ return "";
+ var grid = this._grid,
+ $result = this.filterControl = this._createCheckbox();
+ $result.prop({
+ readOnly: true,
+ indeterminate: true
+ });
+ $result.on("click", function() {
+ var $cb = $(this);
+ if($cb.prop("readOnly")) {
+ $cb.prop({
+ checked: false,
+ readOnly: false
+ });
+ }
+ else if(!$cb.prop("checked")) {
+ $cb.prop({
+ readOnly: true,
+ indeterminate: true
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ if(this.autosearch) {
+ $result.on("click", function() {
+ grid.search();
+ });
+ }
+ return $result;
+ },
+ insertTemplate: function() {
+ if(!this.inserting)
+ return "";
+ return this.insertControl = this._createCheckbox();
+ },
+ editTemplate: function(value) {
+ if(!this.editing)
+ return this.itemTemplate.apply(this, arguments);
+ var $result = this.editControl = this._createCheckbox();
+ $result.prop("checked", value);
+ return $result;
+ },
+ filterValue: function() {
+ return this.filterControl.get(0).indeterminate
+ ? undefined
+ : this.filterControl.is(":checked");
+ },
+ insertValue: function() {
+ return this.insertControl.is(":checked");
+ },
+ editValue: function() {
+ return this.editControl.is(":checked");
+ },
+ _createCheckbox: function() {
+ return $("<input>").attr("type", "checkbox");
+ }
+ });
+ jsGrid.fields.checkbox = jsGrid.CheckboxField = CheckboxField;
+}(jsGrid, jQuery));
+(function(jsGrid, $, undefined) {
+ var Field = jsGrid.Field;
+ function ControlField(config) {
+ Field.call(this, config);
+ this._configInitialized = false;
+ }
+ ControlField.prototype = new Field({
+ css: "jsgrid-control-field",
+ align: "center",
+ width: 50,
+ filtering: false,
+ inserting: false,
+ editing: false,
+ sorting: false,
+ buttonClass: "jsgrid-button",
+ modeButtonClass: "jsgrid-mode-button",
+ modeOnButtonClass: "jsgrid-mode-on-button",
+ searchModeButtonClass: "jsgrid-search-mode-button",
+ insertModeButtonClass: "jsgrid-insert-mode-button",
+ editButtonClass: "jsgrid-edit-button",
+ deleteButtonClass: "jsgrid-delete-button",
+ searchButtonClass: "jsgrid-search-button",
+ clearFilterButtonClass: "jsgrid-clear-filter-button",
+ insertButtonClass: "jsgrid-insert-button",
+ updateButtonClass: "jsgrid-update-button",
+ cancelEditButtonClass: "jsgrid-cancel-edit-button",
+ searchModeButtonTooltip: "Switch to searching",
+ insertModeButtonTooltip: "Switch to inserting",
+ editButtonTooltip: "Edit",
+ deleteButtonTooltip: "Delete",
+ searchButtonTooltip: "Search",
+ clearFilterButtonTooltip: "Clear filter",
+ insertButtonTooltip: "Insert",
+ updateButtonTooltip: "Update",
+ cancelEditButtonTooltip: "Cancel edit",
+ editButton: true,
+ deleteButton: true,
+ clearFilterButton: true,
+ modeSwitchButton: true,
+ _initConfig: function() {
+ this._hasFiltering = this._grid.filtering;
+ this._hasInserting = this._grid.inserting;
+ if(this._hasInserting && this.modeSwitchButton) {
+ this._grid.inserting = false;
+ }
+ this._configInitialized = true;
+ },
+ headerTemplate: function() {
+ if(!this._configInitialized) {
+ this._initConfig();
+ }
+ var hasFiltering = this._hasFiltering;
+ var hasInserting = this._hasInserting;
+ if(!this.modeSwitchButton || (!hasFiltering && !hasInserting))
+ return "";
+ if(hasFiltering && !hasInserting)
+ return this._createFilterSwitchButton();
+ if(hasInserting && !hasFiltering)
+ return this._createInsertSwitchButton();
+ return this._createModeSwitchButton();
+ },
+ itemTemplate: function(value, item) {
+ var $result = $([]);
+ if(this.editButton) {
+ $result = $result.add(this._createEditButton(item));
+ }
+ if(this.deleteButton) {
+ $result = $result.add(this._createDeleteButton(item));
+ }
+ return $result;
+ },
+ filterTemplate: function() {
+ var $result = this._createSearchButton();
+ return this.clearFilterButton ? $result.add(this._createClearFilterButton()) : $result;
+ },
+ insertTemplate: function() {
+ return this._createInsertButton();
+ },
+ editTemplate: function() {
+ return this._createUpdateButton().add(this._createCancelEditButton());
+ },
+ _createFilterSwitchButton: function() {
+ return this._createOnOffSwitchButton("filtering", this.searchModeButtonClass, true);
+ },
+ _createInsertSwitchButton: function() {
+ return this._createOnOffSwitchButton("inserting", this.insertModeButtonClass, false);
+ },
+ _createOnOffSwitchButton: function(option, cssClass, isOnInitially) {
+ var isOn = isOnInitially;
+ var updateButtonState = $.proxy(function() {
+ $button.toggleClass(this.modeOnButtonClass, isOn);
+ }, this);
+ var $button = this._createGridButton(this.modeButtonClass + " " + cssClass, "", function(grid) {
+ isOn = !isOn;
+ grid.option(option, isOn);
+ updateButtonState();
+ });
+ updateButtonState();
+ return $button;
+ },
+ _createModeSwitchButton: function() {
+ var isInserting = false;
+ var updateButtonState = $.proxy(function() {
+ $button.attr("title", isInserting ? this.searchModeButtonTooltip : this.insertModeButtonTooltip)
+ .toggleClass(this.insertModeButtonClass, !isInserting)
+ .toggleClass(this.searchModeButtonClass, isInserting);
+ }, this);
+ var $button = this._createGridButton(this.modeButtonClass, "", function(grid) {
+ isInserting = !isInserting;
+ grid.option("inserting", isInserting);
+ grid.option("filtering", !isInserting);
+ updateButtonState();
+ });
+ updateButtonState();
+ return $button;
+ },
+ _createEditButton: function(item) {
+ return this._createGridButton(this.editButtonClass, this.editButtonTooltip, function(grid, e) {
+ grid.editItem(item);
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ },
+ _createDeleteButton: function(item) {
+ return this._createGridButton(this.deleteButtonClass, this.deleteButtonTooltip, function(grid, e) {
+ grid.deleteItem(item);
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ },
+ _createSearchButton: function() {
+ return this._createGridButton(this.searchButtonClass, this.searchButtonTooltip, function(grid) {
+ grid.search();
+ });
+ },
+ _createClearFilterButton: function() {
+ return this._createGridButton(this.clearFilterButtonClass, this.clearFilterButtonTooltip, function(grid) {
+ grid.clearFilter();
+ });
+ },
+ _createInsertButton: function() {
+ return this._createGridButton(this.insertButtonClass, this.insertButtonTooltip, function(grid) {
+ grid.insertItem().done(function() {
+ grid.clearInsert();
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ _createUpdateButton: function() {
+ return this._createGridButton(this.updateButtonClass, this.updateButtonTooltip, function(grid, e) {
+ grid.updateItem();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ },
+ _createCancelEditButton: function() {
+ return this._createGridButton(this.cancelEditButtonClass, this.cancelEditButtonTooltip, function(grid, e) {
+ grid.cancelEdit();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ },
+ _createGridButton: function(cls, tooltip, clickHandler) {
+ var grid = this._grid;
+ return $("<input>").addClass(this.buttonClass)
+ .addClass(cls)
+ .attr({
+ type: "button",
+ title: tooltip
+ })
+ .on("click", function(e) {
+ clickHandler(grid, e);
+ });
+ },
+ editValue: function() {
+ return "";
+ }
+ });
+ jsGrid.fields.control = jsGrid.ControlField = ControlField;
+}(jsGrid, jQuery));