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Updated documentation

Abdullah Almsaeed 9 years ago
4 changed files with 2081 additions and 2014 deletions
  1. 64 37
  2. 39 27
  3. 3 3
  4. 1975 1947

+ 64 - 37

@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
   <div class="box box-solid">
     <div class="box-body layout-top-nav">
       <span class="eg">Top Nav Example</span>
-      <header class="main-header">               
+      <header class="main-header">
         <nav class="navbar navbar-static-top">
           <div class="container-fluid">
             <div class="navbar-header">
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
   <pre class='prettyprint'>
-&LT;header class="main-header">               
+&LT;header class="main-header">
   &LT;nav class="navbar navbar-static-top">
     &LT;div class="container-fluid">
     &LT;div class="navbar-header">
@@ -456,9 +456,42 @@
     &LT;/ul>&LT;!-- /.sidebar-menu -->
   &LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.sidebar -->
-&LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.main-sidebar -->
-  </pre>
+&LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.main-sidebar --></pre>
+  <h3 id="component-control-sidebar">Control Sidebar</h3>
+  <p class="lead">Control sidebar is the right side bar. It can be used for many purposes and is extremely easy
+    to create. The sidebar ships with two different show/hide styles. The first allows the sidebar to
+  slide over the content. The second pushes the content to make space for the sidebar. Either of
+  these methods can be set through the <a href="#adminlte-options">Javascript options</a>.</p>
+  <p class="lead">The following code should be placed within the <code>.wrapper</code> div. I prefer
+  to place it right after the footer.</p>
+  <p class="lead">Dark Sidebar Markup</p>  
+<pre class="prettyprint"><code class="lang-html">&LT;!-- The Right Sidebar -->
+&LT;aside class="control-sidebar control-sidebar-dark">
+  &LT;!-- Content of the sidebar goes here -->
+&LT;!-- The sidebar's background -->
+&LT;!-- This div must placed right after the sidebar for it to work-->
+&LT;div class="control-sidebar-bg">&LT;/div></code></pre>
+  <p class="lead">Light Sidebar Markup</p>  
+<pre class="prettyprint"><code class="lang-html">&LT;!-- The Right Sidebar -->
+&LT;aside class="control-sidebar control-sidebar-light">
+  &LT;!-- Content of the sidebar goes here -->
+&LT;!-- The sidebar's background -->
+&LT;!-- This div must placed right after the sidebar for it to work-->
+&LT;div class="control-sidebar-bg">&LT;/div></code></pre>
+  <p class='lead'>Once you create the sidebar, you will need a toggle button to open/close it.
+  By adding the attribute <code>data-toggle="control-sidebar"</code> to any button, it will
+  automatically act as the toggle button.</p>
+  <p class="lead">Toggle Button Example</p>
+  <button class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="control-sidebar">Toggle Right Sidebar</button><br /><br />
+  <p class="lead">Sidebar Toggle Markup</p>
+  <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="lang-html">&LT;button class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="control-sidebar">Toggle Right Sidebar&LT;/button></code></pre>
   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
   <h3 id="component-info-box">Info Box</h3>
@@ -504,16 +537,14 @@
     </div><!-- /.col -->
   </div><!-- /.row -->
   <p class="lead">Markup</p>
-  <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="html">
-&LT;div class="info-box">
+  <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="lang-html">&LT;div class="info-box">
   &LT;-- Apply any bg-* class to to the icon to color it -->
   &LT;span class="info-box-icon bg-red">&LT;i class="fa fa-star-o">&LT;/i>&LT;/span>
   &LT;div class="info-box-content">
     &LT;span class="info-box-text">Likes&LT;/span>
     &LT;span class="info-box-number">93,139&LT;/span>
   &LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.info-box-content -->
-&LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.info-box -->
+&LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.info-box --></code></pre>
   <h4>Second Type of Info Boxes</h4>
   <div class="row">
@@ -579,8 +610,7 @@
     </div><!-- /.col -->
   </div><!-- /.row -->
   <p class="lead">Markup</p>
-  <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="html">
-&LT;-- Apply any bg-* class to to the info-box to color it -->
+  <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="lang-html">&LT;-- Apply any bg-* class to to the info-box to color it -->
 &LT;div class="info-box bg-red">
   &LT;span class="info-box-icon">&LT;i class="fa fa-comments-o">&LT;/i>&LT;/span>
   &LT;div class="info-box-content">
@@ -594,9 +624,8 @@
       70% Increase in 30 Days
   &LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.info-box-content -->
-&LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.info-box -->
-  <p class="lead">The only thing you need to change to alternate between these style is change the placement of the bg-* class. For the 
+&LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.info-box --></code></pre>
+  <p class="lead">The only thing you need to change to alternate between these style is change the placement of the bg-* class. For the
     first style apply any bg-* class to the icon itself. For the other style, apply the bg-* class to the info-box div.</p>
   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
@@ -621,8 +650,7 @@
       The footer of the box
     </div><!-- box-footer -->
   </div><!-- /.box -->
-  <pre class="prettyprint">
-&LT;div class="box">
+  <pre class="prettyprint">&LT;div class="box">
   &LT;div class="box-header with-border">
     &LT;h3 class="box-title">Default Box Example&LT;/h3>
     &LT;div class="box-tools pull-right">
@@ -703,8 +731,7 @@
       </div><!-- /.box -->
   </div><!-- /.row -->
-  <pre class="prettyprint">
-&LT;div class="box box-default">...&LT;/div>
+  <pre class="prettyprint">&LT;div class="box box-default">...&LT;/div>
 &LT;div class="box box-primary">...&LT;/div>
 &LT;div class="box box-info">...&LT;/div>
 &LT;div class="box box-warning">...&LT;/div>
@@ -934,7 +961,7 @@
       <div class="box box-default">
         <div class="box-header with-border">
           <h3 class="box-title">Tootips on buttons</h3>
-          <div class="box-tools pull-right">                      
+          <div class="box-tools pull-right">
             <button class="btn btn-box-tool" data-widget="collapse" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Collapse"><i class="fa fa-minus"></i></button>
             <button class="btn btn-box-tool" data-widget="remove" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Remove"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button>
           </div><!-- /.box-tools -->
@@ -947,7 +974,7 @@
 &LT;div class="box box-default">
   &LT;div class="box-header with-border">
     &LT;h3 class="box-title">Tooltips on buttons&LT;/h3>
-    &LT;div class="box-tools pull-right">      
+    &LT;div class="box-tools pull-right">
       &LT;button class="btn btn-box-tool" data-widget="collapse" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Collapse">&LT;i class="fa fa-minus">&LT;/i>&LT;/button>
       &LT;button class="btn btn-box-tool" data-widget="remove" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Remove">&LT;i class="fa fa-times">&LT;/i>&LT;/button>
     &LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.box-tools -->
@@ -974,7 +1001,7 @@
           <i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin"></i>
         <!-- end loading -->
-      </div><!-- /.box -->                
+      </div><!-- /.box -->
     </div><!-- /.col -->
     <div class="col-md-6">
@@ -990,11 +1017,11 @@
           <i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin"></i>
         <!-- end loading -->
-      </div><!-- /.box -->                
+      </div><!-- /.box -->
     </div><!-- /.col -->
   </div><!-- /.row -->
   <p class="lead">
-    To simulate a loading state, simply place this code before the <code>.box</code> closing tag.              
+    To simulate a loading state, simply place this code before the <code>.box</code> closing tag.
   <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="html">&LT;div class="overlay">
   &LT;i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin">&LT;/i>
@@ -1042,7 +1069,7 @@
               <div class="direct-chat-text">
                 You better believe it!
               </div><!-- /.direct-chat-text -->
-            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->                    
+            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->
           <!-- Contacts are loaded here -->
@@ -1059,7 +1086,7 @@
                     <span class='contacts-list-msg'>How have you been? I was...</span>
                   </div><!-- /.contacts-list-info -->
-              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->                      
+              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->
             </ul><!-- /.contatcts-list -->
           </div><!-- /.direct-chat-pane -->
         </div><!-- /.box-body -->
@@ -1113,7 +1140,7 @@
               <div class="direct-chat-text">
                 You better believe it!
               </div><!-- /.direct-chat-text -->
-            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->                    
+            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->
           <!-- Contacts are loaded here -->
@@ -1130,7 +1157,7 @@
                     <span class='contacts-list-msg'>How have you been? I was...</span>
                   </div><!-- /.contacts-list-info -->
-              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->                      
+              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->
             </ul><!-- /.contatcts-list -->
           </div><!-- /.direct-chat-pane -->
         </div><!-- /.box-body -->
@@ -1184,7 +1211,7 @@
               <div class="direct-chat-text">
                 You better believe it!
               </div><!-- /.direct-chat-text -->
-            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->                    
+            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->
           <!-- Contacts are loaded here -->
@@ -1201,7 +1228,7 @@
                     <span class='contacts-list-msg'>How have you been? I was...</span>
                   </div><!-- /.contacts-list-info -->
-              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->                      
+              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->
             </ul><!-- /.contatcts-list -->
           </div><!-- /.direct-chat-pane -->
         </div><!-- /.box-body -->
@@ -1255,7 +1282,7 @@
               <div class="direct-chat-text">
                 You better believe it!
               </div><!-- /.direct-chat-text -->
-            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->                    
+            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->
           <!-- Contacts are loaded here -->
@@ -1272,7 +1299,7 @@
                     <span class='contacts-list-msg'>How have you been? I was...</span>
                   </div><!-- /.contacts-list-info -->
-              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->                      
+              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->
             </ul><!-- /.contatcts-list -->
           </div><!-- /.direct-chat-pane -->
         </div><!-- /.box-body -->
@@ -1330,7 +1357,7 @@
         &LT;div class="direct-chat-text">
           You better believe it!
         &LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.direct-chat-text -->
-      &LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->                    
+      &LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->
     &LT;!-- Contacts are loaded here -->
@@ -1347,7 +1374,7 @@
               &LT;span class='contacts-list-msg'>How have you been? I was...&LT;/span>
             &LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.contacts-list-info -->
-        &LT;/li>&LT;!-- End Contact Item -->                      
+        &LT;/li>&LT;!-- End Contact Item -->
       &LT;/ul>&LT;!-- /.contatcts-list -->
     &LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.direct-chat-pane -->
   &LT;/div>&LT;!-- /.box-body -->
@@ -1365,7 +1392,7 @@
   <p>Of course you can use direct chat with a solid box by adding the class <code>solid-box</code> to the box. Here are a couple of examples:</p>
   <!-- Direct Chat With Solid Boxes -->
-  <div class="row">        
+  <div class="row">
     <div class="col-md-6">
       <!-- DIRECT CHAT WARNING -->
       <div class="box box-primary box-solid direct-chat direct-chat-primary">
@@ -1403,7 +1430,7 @@
               <div class="direct-chat-text">
                 You better believe it!
               </div><!-- /.direct-chat-text -->
-            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->                    
+            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->
           <!-- Contacts are loaded here -->
@@ -1420,7 +1447,7 @@
                     <span class='contacts-list-msg'>How have you been? I was...</span>
                   </div><!-- /.contacts-list-info -->
-              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->                      
+              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->
             </ul><!-- /.contatcts-list -->
           </div><!-- /.direct-chat-pane -->
         </div><!-- /.box-body -->
@@ -1474,7 +1501,7 @@
               <div class="direct-chat-text">
                 You better believe it!
               </div><!-- /.direct-chat-text -->
-            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->                    
+            </div><!-- /.direct-chat-msg -->
           <!-- Contacts are loaded here -->
@@ -1491,7 +1518,7 @@
                     <span class='contacts-list-msg'>How have you been? I was...</span>
                   </div><!-- /.contacts-list-info -->
-              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->                      
+              </li><!-- End Contact Item -->
             </ul><!-- /.contatcts-list -->
           </div><!-- /.direct-chat-pane -->
         </div><!-- /.box-body -->

+ 39 - 27

@@ -65,10 +65,11 @@
             <li><a href="#layout"><i class='fa fa-circle-o'></i> Layout</a></li>
             <li><a href="#adminlte-options"><i class='fa fa-circle-o'></i> Javascript Options</a></li>
             <li class='treeview' id='scrollspy-components'>
-              <a href="#components"><i class='fa fa-circle-o'></i> Components</a>
+              <a href="javascript::;"><i class='fa fa-circle-o'></i> Components</a>
               <ul class='nav treeview-menu'>
                 <li><a href='#component-main-header'>Main Header</a></li>
                 <li><a href='#component-sidebar'>Sidebar</a></li>
+                <li><a href='#component-control-sidebar'>Control Sidebar</a></li>
                 <li><a href='#component-info-box'>Info Box</a></li>                
                 <li><a href='#component-box'>Boxes</a></li>
                 <li><a href='#component-direct-chat'>Direct Chat</a></li>
@@ -102,55 +103,55 @@
         <!-- Main content -->
         <div class="content body">
-include "introduction.html"
+          include "introduction.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "download.html"
+          include "download.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "dependencies.html"
+          include "dependencies.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "advice.html"
+          include "advice.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "layout.html"
+          include "layout.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "adminlte-options.html"
+          include "adminlte-options.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "components.html"
+          include "components.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "plugins.html"
+          include "plugins.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "browsers.html"
+          include "browsers.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "upgrade.html"
+          include "upgrade.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "implementations.html"
+          include "implementations.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "faq.html"
+          include "faq.html"
-<!-- ============================================================= -->
+          <!-- ============================================================= -->
-include "license.html"
+          include "license.html"
         </div><!-- /.content -->
       </div><!-- /.content-wrapper -->
@@ -162,6 +163,17 @@ include "license.html"
         <strong>Copyright &copy; 2014-2015 <a href="">Almsaeed Studio</a>.</strong> All rights reserved.
+      <!-- Control Sidebar -->
+      <aside class="control-sidebar control-sidebar-dark">
+        <!-- Create the tabs -->
+        <div class="pad">
+          This is an example of the control sidebar.
+        </div>
+      </aside><!-- /.control-sidebar -->
+      <!-- Add the sidebar's background. This div must be placed
+           immediately after the control sidebar -->
+      <div class='control-sidebar-bg'></div>
     </div><!-- ./wrapper -->
     <!-- jQuery 2.1.3 -->
@@ -169,7 +181,7 @@ include "license.html"
     <!-- Bootstrap 3.3.2 JS -->
     <script src="../bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     <!-- FastClick -->
-    <script src='../plugins/fastclick/fastclick.min.js'></script>
+    <script src='../plugins/fastclick/fastclick.min.js'></script>    
     <!-- AdminLTE App -->
     <script src="../dist/js/app.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     <!-- SlimScroll 1.3.0 -->

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Documentation specific JS script
+ * Documentation JS script
 $(function () {
   var slideToTop = $("<div />");
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ $(function () {
       scrollTop: 0
     }, 500);
-  $(".sidebar-menu li a").click(function () {
+  $(".sidebar-menu li:not(.treeview) a").click(function () {
     var $this = $(this);
-    var target = $this.attr("href");
+    var target = $this.attr("href");    
     if (typeof target === 'string') {
         scrollTop: ($(target).offset().top) + "px"

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1975 - 1947

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff