12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849 |
- variable "ubuntu_releases" {
- default = {
- trusty = "trusty-14.04"
- xenial = "xenial-16.04"
- yakkety = "yakkety-16.10"
- }
- }
- variable "os_release" {
- type = "string"
- description = "Ubuntu Release"
- default = "xenial"
- }
- variable "instance_type" {
- type = "string"
- description = "EC2 Instance Type"
- default = "t2.micro"
- }
- variable "instance_name" {
- type = "string"
- description = "Name to be give to this instance"
- }
- data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" {
- most_recent = true
- filter {
- name = "name"
- values = ["ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-${lookup(var.ubuntu_releases, var.os_release)}-amd64-server-*"]
- }
- filter {
- name = "virtualization-type"
- values = ["hvm"]
- }
- owners = ["099720109477"] # Canonical
- }
- variable "subnet_id" {
- type = "string"
- }
- variable "public_key_path" {
- type = "string"
- description = "Local Path to the Pub Key to put on server"
- }
- variable "secgroup" {}