#!/bin/bash set -e source /etc/terraform_environment SERVER_ARGS="" UI_DIR="null" HTTP_CLIENT_ADDR="" echo "Installing Consul..." pushd /tmp wget https://dl.bintray.com/mitchellh/consul/0.4.1_linux_amd64.zip -O consul.zip unzip consul.zip >/dev/null chmod +x consul mv consul /usr/local/bin/consul mkdir -p /etc/consul.d mkdir -p /mnt/consul/data mkdir -p /etc/service rm /tmp/consul.zip popd if [[ "${ROLE}" == *consul-server* ]]; then echo "Configure as Consul Server..." SERVER_ARGS="-server -bootstrap-expect=3" else echo "Configure as Consul Client..." fi if [[ "${ROLE}" == *consul-ui* ]]; then echo "Installing Consul UI..." pushd /tmp wget https://dl.bintray.com/mitchellh/consul/0.4.1_web_ui.zip -O consul-ui.zip unzip consul-ui.zip >/dev/null mkdir -p /mnt/consul/ui mv dist/* /mnt/consul/ui/ rm /tmp/consul-ui.zip popd HTTP_CLIENT_ADDR="" UI_DIR="\"/mnt/consul/ui\"" fi # Configuration file echo "Creating configuration..." cat >/etc/consul.d/config.json << EOF { "addresses" : { "http" : "${HTTP_CLIENT_ADDR}" }, "ports" : { "dns" : 53 }, "recursor" : "", "disable_anonymous_signature" : true, "disable_update_check" : true, "data_dir" : "/mnt/consul/data", "ui_dir" : $UI_DIR } EOF chmod 0644 /etc/consul.d/config.json # Setup the join address echo "Configure IPs..." cat >/etc/service/consul-join << EOF export CONSUL_JOIN="" EOF chmod 0644 /etc/service/consul-join # Configure the server echo "Configure server..." cat >/etc/service/consul << EOF export CONSUL_FLAGS="${SERVER_ARGS}" EOF chmod 0644 /etc/service/consul # Add "first start" join service echo "Creating 'join' service..." cat >/etc/init/consul-join.conf <<"EOF" description "Join the consul cluster" start on started consul stop on stopped consul task script if [ -f "/etc/service/consul-join" ]; then . /etc/service/consul-join fi # Keep trying to join until it succeeds set +e while :; do logger -t "consul-join" "Attempting join: ${CONSUL_JOIN}" /usr/local/bin/consul join \ ${CONSUL_JOIN} \ >>/var/log/consul-join.log 2>&1 [ $? -eq 0 ] && break sleep 5 done logger -t "consul-join" "Join success!" end script EOF chmod 0644 /etc/init/consul-join.conf # Add actual service echo "Creating service..." cat >/etc/init/consul.conf <<"EOF" description "Consul agent" start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] respawn script if [ -f "/etc/service/consul" ]; then . /etc/service/consul fi # Make sure to use all our CPUs, because Consul can block a scheduler thread export GOMAXPROCS=`nproc` exec /usr/local/bin/consul agent \ -config-dir="/etc/consul.d" \ ${CONSUL_FLAGS} \ >>/var/log/consul.log 2>&1 end script EOF chmod 0644 /etc/init/consul.conf # Start service echo "Starting service..." initctl start consul